Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,489,175 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 6 days ago by aggiehawg
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in Baier's interview he said he had hard copies in his safe at work and at his home.....which I find strange if he also planned to use the dear diary excuse

If they were truly private why would you have left copies at the Bureau, likely because you friggin knew they belonged to the Bureau

Comey is a word salad mess, different logic flow for everything
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sam callahan said:

Are we sure Comey wrote his memos on his work computer?
No, he is proven liar, so his testimony to that fact may be a lie, I guess
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drcrinum said:

aggiehawg said:

Rosey and Katy Ruemmler? (Now Susan Rice's attorney, IIRC.)

So in effect, Cartwright was promised a pardon if he pled to the minor charge so the Iran Deal could go through?
Note someone else: Rod Rosenstein led the prosecution.
That's "Rosey." Someone else started calling him Rosey and I have started doing that as well instead of typing his full name all of the time.
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Safe at Home said:

So why were Comey leaks illegal? Did he leak memos that have since been officially classified?

He was the FBI director having a conversation with POTUS. They were classified when he wrote them.
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Had forgotten this little tid bit. Comey's brother, Peter is a real estate lawyer for DLA Piper, a firm that does Clinton Foundation's taxes and is one of the largest Clinton donors. Or and Jim Comey holds the mortgage on Peter's house.


Relevance? What is the dispute between McCabe and Comey about? Whether there was an authorized leak to the media about an investigation into.........................the Clinton Foundation and reportedly revealing that DOJ was trying to interfere in it by pressuring McCabe to shut it down.

Jim Comey had to be as far as he could get away from that decision and thus McCabe became the heat sink. I might actually believe McCabe on that score because of that conflict alone.
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This is the best timeline and sequence of events I've seen yet, from Imperator Rex. He does an excellent job of laying it all out, as an epic rebuttal to some liberal troll using the "R's paid for the dossier talking point":

1. LOL! You are so far behind the curve. Like, mid 2017. Let me get you up to speed, champ.

2. One more time : after the GOPe oppo research gig on Trump died, Fusion GPS was hired by the DNC and Clinton campaign, to create a dossier backing up the Trump-Russia lie.

3. The effort was funded by (at least) the Clinton Campaign, Obama for America and a group of wealthy billionaires (via @DianneFeinstein ).

4. To conceal the origin and funding, they used Perkins Coie, a law firm, to launder instructions and payment. Hillary Clinton denied knowing who had created the dossier (ie she lied), before finally admitting her involvement in late 2017.

5. The dossier, a series of memos, was written by either Christopher Steele and/or US based members of the scheme (eg Nellie Ohr, Glenn Simpson's wife, others).

6. Alongside the dossier, Clinton proxies and allies placed plants (eg Papadopoulos, Manafort & Gates) within Team Trump to set up meetings with Russians. These included Sergei Millian, Mifsud & Tony Podesta.

7. The dossier was legitimized and fed to the FBI / DOJ, using Clinton-friendly diplomatic channels (State Department - Winer), Congress crooks (McCain & Reid, via Brennan) , GCHQ (UK) contacts and also Australian diplomats (Downer). This avoided scrutiny by law enforcement.

8. The corrupt team at the FBI/DOJ (working with Clinton and Obama) was fully aware of the dossier well before then, however. They used the 'muh Russia' hysteria to open a counter-intel investigation of Trump, with no vetted intelligence.

9. They used the dossier as part of a FISA 1 application to spy on Team Trump, in Oct 2016. Or more accurately, to retroactively justify illegal spying they'd been conducting, since 2015.

10. The whole time, paid media slaves of Obama & Clinton (still to be named), spread fake news about Trump-Russia (and finally the dossier) far and wide, knowing it to be false.

11. Obama illegally deployed his entire corrupt administration to spy on & target Team Trump. He worked with Clinton to do this, communicating with her via pseudonyms, on Gmail.

12. The aim was to rig the election & in the event of a Trump win, to destroy an elected POTUS, by targeting his appointments (eg @GenFlynn & AG Sessions AND laying the ground for a Special Counsel, with eventual impeachment of POTUS Trump the goal.

13. Yes, it is the greatest crime and illegal abuse of power seen in American history. The fatal weakness in the scheme was the certainty among the conspirators that Clinton would win & that they'd be rewarded.

14. Instead, many are looking at long jail sentences for extremely serious crimes.

Possibly including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, IMO.

Got it? A tip for you, buddy.

15. You really shouldn't try and argue with experts, who are up to date with this stuff. Outside the comfort of your liberal echo chamber, lazy thinking tends to get destroyed very fast, as replies to your ignorant tweets prove.

16. And as my thread does, too.

You're welcome.


The end.
Ellis Wyatt
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This is the best timeline and sequence of events I've seen yet, from Imperator Rex. He does an excellent job of laying it all out, as an epic rebuttal to some liberal troll using the "R's paid for the dossier talking point":
People still shoveling the "Rs paid for the dossier" bull**** are no better than the liars and miscreants who still come here and claim the dossier hasn't been disproven. They have no regard for truth and no regard for America.
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aggiehawg said:

sam callahan said:

Are we sure Comey wrote his memos on his work computer?
That is what Comey says. On his FBI laptop, in his FBI car, minutes after leaving a meeting with Trump. Or in his FBI office on his FBI computer emailing FBI upper team management seconds after getting off of his FBI phone with President Trump.

Any questions?

Yes. Were the conversations Comey had with the POTUS privileged and the resulting memos made by Comey be classified?
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coyote68 said:

aggiehawg said:

sam callahan said:

Are we sure Comey wrote his memos on his work computer?
That is what Comey says. On his FBI laptop, in his FBI car, minutes after leaving a meeting with Trump. Or in his FBI office on his FBI computer emailing FBI upper team management seconds after getting off of his FBI phone with President Trump.

Any questions?

Yes. Were the conversations Comey had with the POTUS privileged and the resulting memos made by Comey be classified?
They should be. The assertion of Executive Privilege is the President's. That's why all cabinet level and other high political appointees demur on giving any details on conversations with POTUS unless authorized to.

What there were discussing was a portion of an Intelligence Community Assessment, or ICA. Those are always classified at first. Now those can be released later if heavily redacted.
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Hawg, et al, have you guys who are attorneys and investigators EVER seen such an incestuous relationship, or are all criminal investigations like this?

I realize the scope can't be compared, but this is the damndest thing I've ever seen.

After Roscoe gets his just rewards for writing the gold-standard book about the greatest scandal in American history, "The Coltrane Ultimatum", I'm going to be able to say "I knew you when"!

Oh, BTW, assuming we find out who the 7-8 silicon valley backers are (other than Soros---that's a given), can we find out their names, and could they be culpable in a willful criminal enterprise?
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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It appears to me that the only legal way to remove an elected POTUS is by the provisions provided for in the Constitution. Anyone else working to remove or overthrow any President by using false evidence or testimony could possibly be facing some very serious charges and consequences.

Political opposition research before an election is expected. After the election and inauguration, I would think it would be very dangerous for private citizens to work using untruthful evidence to cause the removal of a POTUS. Our Constitution gives that responsibility to the Congress and the Congress only.

Our Constitution is under attack.

God bless America!!!

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Agree, "the greatest scandal in American history".

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Hawg, et al, have you guys who are attorneys and investigators EVER seen such an incestuous relationship, or are all criminal investigations like this?
Well, in small towns where there are not many attorneys, conflicts happen often. Same in law enforcement where brothers might be the sheriff and presiding judge. That sort of thing.

In a law firm rich environment such as DC and Manhattan however it should be less common. Because of mega law firms with 100+ lawyers and mobility of lawyers between not only firms but also in and out of government service, they just seem to create more conflicts of interests than would normally occur by coincidence.

Throw in that our federal judiciary is of quite a poor quality and these things are allowed.
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Oh, BTW, assuming we find out who the 7-8 silicon valley backers are (other than Soros---that's a given), can we find out their names, and could they be culpable in a willful criminal enterprise?
Likely hiding behind a law firm and Jones is just the front man POC. ETA: Point of Contact.
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Ahawg and other legal eagles, the sheer volume of shenanigans and participants is starting to get ridiculous in scope. When it's all said and done, what do y'all think the aftermath will be? Not what you want it to be or what it should be, but what will be? I just can't see big names like Comey or Clinton going down. I don't have a lot of faith. The rule of law appears to have several definitions.
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Rockdoc said:

Ahawg and other legal eagles, the sheer volume of shenanigans and participants is starting to get ridiculous in scope. When it's all said and done, what do y'all think the aftermath will be? Not what you want it to be or what it should be, but what will be? I just can't see big names like Comey or Clinton going down. I don't have a lot of faith. The rule of law appears to have several definitions.
Hell if I know. The rule books have been thrown out of the window everywhere.

Ask me again after the IG report comes out and I have had time to digest it.
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Roscoe? A little help? Bottom of page 1712 on the tigerdroppings Q thread.
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I'm not a legal eagle

There will be legal consequences, but there is no way to know how aggressive the DOJ is going to get. There may be a desire within the FBI and DOJ to gain the respect of the American people and really get nasty. I think the mid-term elections will set the course.

There are political consequences . Again, the upcoming election is going to determine those. Peloton is telling the libs to stop talking about impeachment. Rudy G just didn't happen to show up last week. There are others who are trying get Mueller shutdown. On the other hand, Rush was fired up Friday. If the dems don't take the elections, watch out. Trump is going to pack the courts with his picks.

Why did the libs keep pursuing Trump's removal? There is something out there that is driving all this.
Ellis Wyatt
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They have become like children. They are never going to peacefully or passively surrender power again.
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I agree with that. It is like 2 year olds playing politics.

How far are they willing to go?
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Another name concerning the dossier has dropped, Pablo Miller, former MI6 agent who worked with Steele (Russia & Estonia) and is a current employee of Orbis Business Intelligence (Steele's business). He has connections to the Russian spy/UK double agent Sergei Skripal who was recently poisoned.

Here is an interesting write-up about Miller & I've posted an excerpt:


Steele was an MI6 undercover agent in Moscow around the time when Skripal was recruited and handed over Russian secrets to the MI6. He also ran the MI6 Russia desk so anything about Skripal will have passed through him. It is very likely that they personally knew each other. Pablo Miller, who worked for Steele's private company, lived in the same town as Skripal and they seem to have been friends since Miller had recruited him. Miller or someone else attempted to cover up the connection to Steele by editing his LinkedIn entry.

Here are some question:
  • Did Skripal help Steele to make up the "dossier" about Trump?
  • Were Skripal's old connections used to contact other people in Russia to ask about Trump dirt?
  • Did Skripal threaten to talk about this?
If there is a connection between the dossier and Skripal, which seems very likely to me, then there are a number of people and organizations with potential motives to kill him. Lots of shady folks and officials on both sides of the Atlantic were involved in creating and running the anti-Trump/anti-Russia campaign. There are several investigations and some very dirty laundry might one day come to light. Removing Skripal while putting the blame on Russia looks like a convenient way to get rid of a potential witness.
Update: Steele's company issued a weak denial of Skripal's involvement in the dossier:

Sources close to Orbis, the business intelligence firm run by former MI6 agent Christopher Steele, who was behind a dossier of compromising allegations against Donald Trump, said Mr Skripal did not contribute to the file. But they could not say whether Mr Skripal was involved in different investigations into the US President for other interested parties.

Just absolutely amazing how deep this rabbit hole is.

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I don't subscribe to PACER but take a look at the pleadings described on the docket HERE.

The case was removed from Judge Tanya Chutkan and assigned to Judge Rudy Contreras, Strzok's bestie.

I know George Webb Sweigert is a conspiracy guy but the allegations he made to a phishing attack on Bernie's donation site and diverting them to accounts controlled by DWS and Awan?? Is this just a bunch of hooey?
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A couple of the most rancid things I've seen was Billie Sol Estes which the public only knows the crust of because LBJ was so burned by the entire deal it was covered up nearly entirely. Another was a little East Texas Town called Coldspring, That little town had a corrupt Sheriff's department run by a man named Humpy Parker who was the head of a real shakedown operation and drug trafficking racket. His son was his Chief Deputy and he was a real piece of work. Both ended up in prison, but these two things combined are a microdot up against this entire mess. This has to be the worst thing I've ever seen, read about, or heard of, even in a fictional movie.

That movie with Gene Hackman and Will Smith "Enemy of the State" touches the edges of what is going on here, but nothing of this magnitude. Watergate is shoplifting in comparison to this mess.
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Code 7 10-42
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GWS is a strange bird, following him is a lot like trying to follow the Q thing. But he's been all over these Awon Brothers for a while.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

GWS is a strange bird, following him is a lot like trying to follow the Q thing. But he's been all over these Awon Brothers for a while.
But have ever heard about this lawsuit before now?
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I heard about it about five months ago and wasn't sure what to make of it, you know how it is with Webb. But what I understand was Awan engineered some kind of a sophisticated email phishing attack against Bernie Sanders supporters nationwide using a scheme that substituted a similar URL for the donation processing company ActBlue. Don't ask me to fully explain the ins and outs of that, because I'm clueless. My son tried to explain it to me, to no avail. It was something simple that just added one letter to the URL and what they thought they were donating to Bernie was actually depositing the money into DWS and Awan accounts It was like the difference in ActBlue and ActBlues or something similar. But the suit was filed against Podesta
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Think that is why Awan's case keeps getting bumped back? I am very suspicious of how his criminal case is being approached. Could go either way. He is cooperating and dishing the dirt or the Dem judges are slow-playing his case until after the mid-terms.
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aggiehawg said:

Think that is why Awan's case keeps getting bumped back? I am very suspicious of how his criminal case is being approached. Could go either way. He is cooperating and dishing the dirt or the Dem judges are slow-playing his case until after the mid-terms.

I suspect the latter, he has to have a ton of dirt they don't want coming out until after the mids.
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aggiehawg said:

Think that is why Awan's case keeps getting bumped back? I am very suspicious of how his criminal case is being approached. Could go either way. He is cooperating and dishing the dirt or the Dem judges are slow-playing his case until after the mid-terms.
It's either that or the Awan's have so much dirt on the left, and likely the right, that they are radioactive and have to remain quarantined from any media. If they had that much free access to the Dem network on Capitol Hill, you can likely bet your backside that they found a way in the backdoor if the Republicans too. It's still amazing that these guys were allowed anywhere near anything on capital hill. But the way they have been kept under wraps is close to unprecedented. It's like they've been scooped up to some black ops site or Gtmo or something.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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Code 7 10-42
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It's either that or the Awan's have so much dirt on the left, and likely the right, that they are radioactive and have to remain quarantined from any media. If they had that much free access to the Dem network on Capitol Hill, you can likely bet your backside that they found a way in the backdoor if the Republicans too.

Haven't seen anywhere that there was hack of the GOP House system but then again the number of sudden "retirements" indicates you may be correct in your presumption.

What a clusterf***!!
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You know, sometimes there's just no other word that substitutes.

Cluster**** is perfect!
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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Buzzfeed is now pushing a story that Trump Jr. and Emin Agalarov stayed in touch throughout the transition. Of course is was Buzzfeed that we know was working with Fusion GPS and the Clinton machine to get the Dossier out in the public. This smells like this is the doing of Daniel Jones' bunch trying to keep the Russian narrative on life support. This story came out right after the House Committee released their report that exposed the former Feinstein staffer and his funding group.

Buzzfeed references a "Minority Views Report" put out by Schiff and Company that I never knew existed until now. The report is dated a month ago but it was never announced that I heard of.

Has anyone seen this report before now or even knew of it's existence? This things stinks to high heaven. I don't think it was released until yesterday, yet it's dated a month ago and has zero redactions in it, all claims to be unclassified. Something very fishy about this.

From the Buzzfeed article:

A direct line of communication between the Kremlin-connected Agalarov family and the Trump family was open during the transition after President Donald Trump's presidential election, BuzzFeed News has learned.
The "first of a series" of text messages was sent between Emin Agalarov and Donald Trump Jr. two days after the 2016 election, a source familiar with the communications told BuzzFeed News.

The communications continued through at least mid-December 2016, according to information made public Friday.

It is not clear how many messages were sent, whether Trump Jr. sent any of them, or how many were sent by either party although BuzzFeed News confirmed that multiple messages were sent.

Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee revealed one of the text messages, from Dec. 13, 2016, in their "minority views" report on Friday one of several new pieces of information that suggest that the Trumps' relationship with the Agalarovs was much closer than the president and his family have said.

Here's the Buzzfeed article.

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Code 7 10-42
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The Majority also made no effort to engage the Special Counsel about interviewing central witnesses in this probe: Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, and George Nader. To ensure a credible investigation, particularly on the issues of collusion, financial leverage and money laundering, and obstruction of justice, the Committee must interview these individuals.

All but Manafort have entered into cooperation agreements with the Special Counsel, and the Committee should have engaged with his office to determine when interviews could proceed without impairing his work. Sure, like Mueller gives a crap and would tell anyone that.

The Minority made a motion to do so at the time the Majority sought adoption of its report, but the Majority voted against pursuing interviews of these key witnesses. The transcript of the March 22, 2018 Committee business meeting is incorporated in Chapter VI. The Majority's refusal to seek testimony from George Papadopoulos exemplifies its efforts to impair the investigation. He couldn't testify, you puke.

Without interviewing Papadopoulos and seeking relevant records to determine whom on the campaign he would have reported this overture to and assess whether any follow-up occurred, the Committee was unable to examine the precise facts regarding Russia's approach to Papadopoulos, during which they informed him they possessed stolen Clinton-related emails and, crucially, previewed their later dissemination of this information.Oh good grief! Papadop was soooo far down on the Trump hierarchy that his emails were ignored and not acted upon.

Only weeks later, the President's son, Donald Trump, Jr., would take a meeting in Trump Tower with other Russian emissaries offering dirt on Clinton. This yawning gap in the investigative record, and many others, fundamentally undermines the credibility of the Majority's findings.
The press did largely ignore that...for good reason.
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Yeah this report is a joke. It has no real evidense in it, so no reason to classify any of it. References a pile of Tweets by POTUS and public news articles for reference, Geez what a pile of crap this is.

This thing is written to keep the left minions engaged on the Russia narrative and lay smoke down for the IG report that is going to smash them in the face in a couple of weeks.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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