Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,489,966 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 6 days ago by aggiehawg
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benchmark said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

This idiot is completely delusional
Sadly, in 28 weeks this wingnut may be Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence .... and Nancy Poloisi may be Speaker of the House.

Let that sink in.
Schiff is an idiot as are his voters. His lies are about to be exposed. And his voters will go ballistic in twitter war.

Sad. We have come to that?
Ellis Wyatt
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The time has come for Adam Schiff to be tarred and feathered and run out of town.

In the 1800s, he would have already been challenged to a duel.
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The above is an interesting thread that explores the relationship between GCHQ and the Russian collusion investigation with references including a book which has been written on the subject. This thread was composed before the Nunes revelation yesterday/today about there being no formal intel report in the EC. There is one document briefly referenced from the Washington Post which is paywalled to me (link in the threadreader to Adam Entous); I found several images elsewhere depicting the important parts below:

From the above, it appears that Brennan composed a document about the Russians interfering in the election and communicating with Trump officials based upon info passed to him via Hannigan & GCHQ, but it appears that it was not a formal intel report. What info was in this report we don't know, but I would assume that this report was used to brief the Gang of Eight Members. Perhaps info from this report was circulating in the FBI at the time of the decision to launch a formal investigation, but it seems doubtful this actual report by Brennan was cited/included in the EC.
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I know I can't be the only person who has thought this and I admit I have no idea but I wouldn't be surprised if DWShultz's password at the DNC is the same password Awan knew that she used in Congress. Of course, we have to take for granted from Crowdstrike (3rd party DNC owned vendor) that the Russians hacked the DNC because the FBI didn't do a proper investigation. I'm sure the hardware is long gone and bleached and sledge hammered into oblivion by now.

I have doubt it was the Ruskies that hacked the DNC. There is so much lying and cheating and duplicity in the Democratic Party I can't believe anything they assert. Saying it was the Russians fit so well with the plot they were running to spy on and frame Trump. We know the DNC was paying for the phoney dossier.
They got hacked and exposed and embarrassed. ... so spin it on to their Russians and trump oppo research lies.

Something stinks bigly in this DWShultz, DNC, Awan, House Democrat story. Will we ever get any answers?

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The longer we go without answers, the more the odds go down that we get them. There's not that much time left. Hurry guys!
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If there was a legal violation involved vis a vis hiding information from the FEC, and P.C. was in on it, then they are not shielded by any kind of attorney client relationship either. Mueller should be raiding their offices shortly, right?
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FTAG 2000
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drcrinum said:

The above is an interesting thread that explores the relationship between GCHQ and the Russian collusion investigation with references including a book which has been written on the subject. This thread was composed before the Nunes revelation yesterday/today about there being no formal intel report in the EC. There is one document briefly referenced from the Washington Post which is paywalled to me (link in the threadreader to Adam Entous); I found several images elsewhere depicting the important parts below:

From the above, it appears that Brennan composed a document about the Russians interfering in the election and communicating with Trump officials based upon info passed to him via Hannigan & GCHQ, but it appears that it was not a formal intel report. What info was in this report we don't know, but I would assume that this report was used to brief the Gang of Eight Members. Perhaps info from this report was circulating in the FBI at the time of the decision to launch a formal investigation, but it seems doubtful this actual report by Brennan was cited/included in the EC.

So after three years of giving Trump a cavity search, the CIA all of a sudden now produces a document that proves collusion, but even more amazingly Putin spells out the goal to defeat Hillary in black and white?

Get that garbage out of here.
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Now that Nunes is outing the Obama administration for starting the investigation on nothing, Brennan manufactures new evidense that no one has seen before nearly three years later? Now that the governments key piece of evidense in gaining a title 1 FISA warrant has fallen apart they try to pull this. The FISA application better reference this new evidense or at least allude to it.

It's amazing at the extent they will go to. If Obama comes out claiming any truth about this, it's time to go for the jugular, and stop handling TAO with kid gloves. Screw him and his legacy as the first black president. I'm still waiting on the no knock raid at Perkins Coie's offices.

And enough with this recusal BS Jeff Sessions. You recuse yourself because you were an endorser of the POTUS in the campaign, when Mueller has Aaron Zebley who was the lawyer for Justin Cooper, the IT staffer who set up Clinton's private email server & is who destroyed Clinton's old Blackberries with a hammer. and Jeannie Rhee represented ex-Obama flunky Ben Rhodes, the Clinton Foundation in a 2015 racketeering case, and Hillary Clinton herself in a lawsuit seeking access to her private emails. How much more conflict do you need than that? These two are STILL on the Mueller team. Not to mention the laundry list of members that have been kicked off of the team once their nonsense was exposed to the public. Had their BS not been exposed to the public they would have never been dismissed.
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Code 7 10-42
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OIG report? Let's roll dammit!
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So how realistic is it that the house goes to the Dems and the HISC investigation goes to Adam Schiff's majority where it gets shut down immediately ? Or is the OIG report and DOJ now where this moves to and the HISC investigation is no longer of vital importance?

Not to mention all the possibilities of impeachment and further covering up of corruption.
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HeardAboutPerio said:

So how realistic is it that the house goes to the Dems and the HISC investigation goes to Adam Schiff's majority where it gets shut down immediately ? Or is the OIG report and DOJ now where this moves to and the HISC investigation is no longer of vital importance?

Not to mention all the possibilities of impeachment and further covering up of corruption.
Very real possibility of a D majority in both or either House and/or Senate. House and Senate committees are on the clock. However, most criminal referrals will come from OIG and not Congress ... and GJ's will likely be in place before mid-terms. My money is on DOJ keeping it all in-house and without a 2nd special counsel.
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Not worried about the senate, in fact I'll be surprised if the Red team doesn't wind up with a filibuster proof majority. Some blue seats are in real danger.

The House is a different story, there's danger there, but not impossible as some may think and I don't think it will be miraculous if the Red team holds the house. If the Red Team can hold the house, it'll be game on with the larger Senate margin
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Code 7 10-42
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friscodick said:

I don't ask for much but please oh please let Comey get perp walked into a squad car and for good measure, hit his dome as he's getting put into the vehicle.

Is that really too much to ask?

Someone reads texags...
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ccatag said:

I know I can't be the only person who has thought this and I admit I have no idea but I wouldn't be surprised if DWShultz's password at the DNC is the same password Awan knew that she used in Congress. Of course, we have to take for granted from Crowdstrike (3rd party DNC owned vendor) that the Russians hacked the DNC because the FBI didn't do a proper investigation. I'm sure the hardware is long gone and bleached and sledge hammered into oblivion by now.

I have doubt it was the Ruskies that hacked the DNC. There is so much lying and cheating and duplicity in the Democratic Party I can't believe anything they assert. Saying it was the Russians fit so well with the plot they were running to spy on and frame Trump. We know the DNC was paying for the phoney dossier.
They got hacked and exposed and embarrassed. ... so spin it on to their Russians and trump oppo research lies.

Something stinks bigly in this DWShultz, DNC, Awan, House Democrat story. Will we ever get any answers?

Quoting myself here

This is still on my mind.

Isn't there a separate Congressional IG investigating the Awan mess? I think I also am re-callling that the Capitol police were investigation Wasserman's laptop (not sure about that?).
Who would the Congressional IG boss be? Would that fall under Sessions and the Department of Justice? Has there be any word on how that Congressional IG investigation is going?

Thanks and I'll hang-up and listen.
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ccatag said:

ccatag said:

I know I can't be the only person who has thought this and I admit I have no idea but I wouldn't be surprised if DWShultz's password at the DNC is the same password Awan knew that she used in Congress. Of course, we have to take for granted from Crowdstrike (3rd party DNC owned vendor) that the Russians hacked the DNC because the FBI didn't do a proper investigation. I'm sure the hardware is long gone and bleached and sledge hammered into oblivion by now.

I have doubt it was the Ruskies that hacked the DNC. There is so much lying and cheating and duplicity in the Democratic Party I can't believe anything they assert. Saying it was the Russians fit so well with the plot they were running to spy on and frame Trump. We know the DNC was paying for the phoney dossier.
They got hacked and exposed and embarrassed. ... so spin it on to their Russians and trump oppo research lies.

Something stinks bigly in this DWShultz, DNC, Awan, House Democrat story. Will we ever get any answers?

Quoting myself here

This is still on my mind.

Isn't there a separate Congressional IG investigating the Awan mess? I think I also am re-callling that the Capitol police were investigation Wasserman's laptop (not sure about that?).
Who would the Congressional IG boss be? Would that fall under Sessions and the Department of Justice? Has there be any word on how that Congressional IG investigation is going?

Thanks and I'll hang-up and listen.
The House has their own IG, the IG Chief that this would have happened under Theresa Grafenstine resigned in February, the Deputy Mike Ptasienski was promoted to Chief and is currently not doing anything that anyone has heard. George Webb stays all over this, if there was some sort of investigation ongoing I's bet he'd know.
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Code 7 10-42
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2. If you don't mind, let me simplify what happened. THIS is what Obama & Clinton wanted to avoid when framing Trump - evaluation of their BS story via official FBI & DOJ protocols :

3. The reasons are simple. First, they knew 'Trump-Russia' was a total LIE. Second, the internal evaluation process would have killed the sorry, for the nonsense it was.

They were certain Clinton would win, but even so, it was too much of a risk to run it thru official channels.

4. The challenge : how do we give this lie legitimacy?

Answer: we create the IMPRESSION that it had 'high level', international attention. Without following internal rules.


Very interesting thread by the former Imperator Rex, an attorney. Explains the significance of Nunes' revelation that the EC did not contain any intelligence reports...yet it was a counterintelligence investigation...FBI internal guideline protocols were ignored.
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I believe Priestap was opposed to the Russia collusion scam investigation, but was overruled by Comey, McCabe, etc.

I wonder what Priestap told the OIG......
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AG 2000' said:

drcrinum said:

The above is an interesting thread that explores the relationship between GCHQ and the Russian collusion investigation with references including a book which has been written on the subject. This thread was composed before the Nunes revelation yesterday/today about there being no formal intel report in the EC. There is one document briefly referenced from the Washington Post which is paywalled to me (link in the threadreader to Adam Entous); I found several images elsewhere depicting the important parts below:

From the above, it appears that Brennan composed a document about the Russians interfering in the election and communicating with Trump officials based upon info passed to him via Hannigan & GCHQ, but it appears that it was not a formal intel report. What info was in this report we don't know, but I would assume that this report was used to brief the Gang of Eight Members. Perhaps info from this report was circulating in the FBI at the time of the decision to launch a formal investigation, but it seems doubtful this actual report by Brennan was cited/included in the EC.

So after three years of giving Trump a cavity search, the CIA all of a sudden now produces a document that proves collusion, but even more amazingly Putin spells out the goal to defeat Hillary in black and white?

Get that garbage out of here.
Brennan is in deep doo doo
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NYT article written by the one and only Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS, wants Mueller to go down that road. Mockingbird tactics to pressure this BS is really getting out of hand. The is EXACTLY what Fusion GPS does, slimy bunch of *******s that they are.


Put aside Russian collusion for a moment. Press pause on possible presidential obstruction of justice. Forget Stormy Daniels. The most significant recent development involving the president may be that the special counsel, Robert Mueller, has subpoenaed Trump Organization business records as part of his inquiry into Russian interference in the presidential election.

Those documents and records recently seized by the F.B.I. from the president's personal lawyer Michael Cohen might answer a question raised by the president's critics: Have certain real estate investors used Trump-branded properties to launder the proceeds of criminal activity around the world?

We pored over Donald Trump's business records for well over a year, at least those records you can get without a badge or a subpoena. We also hired a former British intelligence official, Christopher Steele, to look into Mr. Trump's possible ties to Russia. In that 2015-2016 investigation, sponsored first by a Republican client and then by Democrats, we found strong indications that companies affiliated with Mr. Trump, then a presidential candidate, might have been entangled in foreign corruption.


A string of bankruptcies in the 1990s and 2000s may have left Mr. Trump's companies largely unable to tap traditional sources of financing. That could have forced him to look elsewhere for financing and partners at a time when money was pouring out of the former Soviet Union.

Indeed, from New York to Florida, Panama to Azerbaijan, we found that Trump projects have relied heavily on foreign cash including from wealthy individuals from Russia and elsewhere with questionable, and even criminal, backgrounds. We saw money traveling through offshore shell companies, entities often used to obscure ownership. Many news organizations have since dug deeply into the Trump Organization's projects and come away with similar findings.

This reporting has not uncovered conclusive evidence that the Trump Organization or its principals knowingly abetted criminal activity. And it's not reasonable to expect the company to keep track of every condo buyer in a Trump-branded building. But Mr. Trump's company routinely teamed up with individuals whose backgrounds should have raised red flags.
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This is another detailed article delving into the importance of the PADAG call which played a pivotal role in McCabe's lying contest as specified in the OIG Report on McCabe. PADAG = Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General. In this call the PADAG allegedly pressured McCabe to close down the FBI's investigation into the Clinton Foundation. In an earlier post on Page 281 of our thread, I referenced a tweet and article about this call where the PADAG was identified as Sally Yates -- that was incorrect. The PADAG under Obama at that time was Matthew Axelrod...Sally Yates was Axelrod's immediate boss.
Long Live Sully
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Axelrod? Axelrod? I have heard that name before.... Hmmmmm
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Code 7 10-42
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Any ideas on what this means?
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Any ideas on what this means?
Could be just the simple matter of the usual scheduling conflict, that happens frequently. He's still on the hook and dancing under Mueller's marionette strings.

OTOH, subsequent revelations of how Mueller's prosecutorial tactics smack of overreach and possible use of evidence that is inadmissible, might have his attorneys reexamining certain facets of his case.

Might be nothing.
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This bunch of Marxist radicals spent 8 years dividing the country and the entire country is basically at war with each other. Family members no longer talk, people have ended lifelong friendships, we fight all day long on social media, even divorces have occurred over this and it's all because of a lie. It's all one big lie these traitors fabricated to continue the division since that crash test dummy lost to Trump. They propped up granny even when her head was bouncing off the pavement and she's thrown in the getaway van like a side of beef. But these traitors need to burn.
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Code 7 10-42
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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But yet the FBI used him to initiate the counterintelligence investigation on Trump Campaign - Russian collusion.
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drcrinum said:

But yet the FBI used him to initiate the counterintelligence investigation on Trump Campaign - Russian collusion.

This is the reason Brennan has now manufactured this new evidense because they new this was unraveling and the had to do something. Problem is this FISA warrant on Carter Page, dossier is junk and now this is dying perhaps, it's really going to be hard to justify that Title 1 surveillance without anything even as flimsy as it was.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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Priestap needs to be placed in the witness protection program, although the OIG records all of its contrast to the FBI.
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