Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,490,450 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 7 days ago by aggiehawg
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If the Republicans have any balls left, they will make the upcoming midterms a referendum on Comey vs. Trump.

And the OIG report vs. the dems.

This will be fun to watch.
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coyote68 said:

If the Republicans have any balls left, they will make the upcoming midterms a referendum on Comey vs. Trump.

And the OIG report vs. the dems.

This will be fun to watch.
And if they have any sense they will stick to reducing government footprint, making Tax cuts permanent, showcasing the booming economy, and fixing immigration. Because working class people don't give a **** about Comey or the OIG report. The Democrats are demonising themselves without any help, let them commit political suicide with their identity politics and zero message.
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You are the man.

Working class people do have a great disdain for crooked cops. Universal. White, black, brown, red, polka dotted....


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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Yeah because the Dems want some kind of Star Chamber to be formally and permanently ensconced.

McConnell said, "No."
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aggiehawg said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

Yeah because the Dems want some kind of Star Chamber to be formally and permanently ensconced.

McConnell said, "No."
They wanted to protect Rosenstein too, it was ridiculous what Warner was proposing
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Code 7 10-42
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"Because working class people don't give a **** about Comey or the OIG report."

???? They're the only ones that give a ***** More than anything, I want to see these pieces of **** burn. ALL of them. If we didn't already have a front row seat, I'd pay a cover equal to my tax cut to watch it all go up in flames.

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chach said:

"Because working class people don't give a **** about Comey or the OIG report."

???? They're the only ones that give a ***** More than anything, I want to see these pieces of **** burn. ALL of them. If we didn't already have a front row seat, I'd pay a cover equal to my tax cut to watch it all go up in flames.

Okay how many of those that want to see them burn are going to vote Democrat in the midterms?

We are talking about maintaining the house and winning enough Senate seats to overcome the Never Trumper blockade in the Senate. Tht means swinging the undecided and maybes, not the rabid bunch wearing the MAGA hats and their NRA T-shirts..... But you campaign any way you want
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Code 7 10-42
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40 GOPers in the House have quit. Holding the House would be a miracle at this point.
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aggiehawg said:

40 GOPers in the House have quit. Holding the House would be a miracle at this point.
Couple of points: As of the last election, the Pubs have done a MUCH better job in the last 25 years of getting younger replacements ready through the huge State gains they made during the Obama years, and secondly, Trump's accomplishments continue to amaze me, starting with his election, when I was certain each endeavour would fail.

I'm not saying you're not correct, I'm just saying I get surprised regularly by things that involve Trump!
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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There are a lot of moving parts in the Trump Machine. You never know !
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aggiehawg said:

40 GOPers in the House have quit. Holding the House would be a miracle at this point.

What ever happened to that congressional issue of pay-offs using tax payers money to settle harassment settlements? I recall reading that a good many Republicans were getting out to avoid having to run with that issue on their resume while Democrats were pretty much staying put. The article claimed that this topic and issue would see the light of day later in the year before the election and hit a good many democrats that are running for election and didn't get out.
Does that ring a bell with anyone else? Or is this just wishful thinking?
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Good question. I don't know but I suspect that the number of unexpected resignation of House members plays a factor.

Horiwitz isn't the IG over the House, he's DOJ.

But, is there another IG investigation going on in the House?
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A lot of the resignations, outside of the usual turnover, seem to be either due to the secret harassment fund payouts, or people who hate Trump.
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If they are leaving because of Trump they are bigger cowards than we already thought.
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I'm not bothered by the retirements from the House. Good riddance to most of them. As long as the GOP stays away from unelectable idiots like that Moore guy in Alabama and puts up young replacements who have already won statewide office and therefore have some name recognition, I think it won't be a bloodbath like some fear and others hope for.

Will the Dems pick up some seats? Almost certainly. But good luck to the Dems running in red districts campaigning on tax increases, impeachment, gun control and Speaker Pelosi.

The GOP statehouses should be fertile ground to reload the House.
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Some things are still the same.
marble rye
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Rapier108 said:

A lot of the resignations, outside of the usual turnover, seem to be either due to the secret harassment fund payouts, or people who hate Trump.

Seriously?! No way are they leaving bc of Trump. No one just gives up that power. They are being forced out. Swamp being drained. 18500K sealed indictments, hmm?
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marble rye said:

Rapier108 said:

A lot of the resignations, outside of the usual turnover, seem to be either due to the secret harassment fund payouts, or people who hate Trump.

Seriously?! No way are they leaving bc of Trump. No one just gives up that power. They are being forced out. Swamp being drained. 18500K sealed indictments, hmm?
Not prepared to go there yet. Don't think the indictments are against R House members. Most just don't want to be in the Minority Party under Pelosi again.
marble rye
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I think both sides will see charges, honestly.

The swamp is the swamp.
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Mueller's Botched Counterintelligence Efforts

....As most people understand, Russia -- successor to the USSR, child of the KGB, plaything of Vladimir Putin -- has continued to execute covert operations against America. Mueller's inability to understand this threat perhaps exacerbated the problem....

Interesting read on Mueller. Seems his comprehension of "counterintelligence" was notably deficient regarding Russia during his tenure -- for instance: Russian funding of environmental groups (anti-fracking) & support for the Occupy Wall Street movement occurred under Mueller and were not recognized let alone investigated. Snowden occurred under his tenure as well.
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aggiehawg said:

Good question. I don't know but I suspect that the number of unexpected resignation of House members plays a factor.

Horiwitz isn't the IG over the House, he's DOJ.

But, is there another IG investigation going on in the House?
Even the House IG Theresa Grafenstine resigned, and they just appointed her Deputy Mike Ptasienski.

Some recent testimony on the Awan delima
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Code 7 10-42
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Louie Gohmert really loves Mueller

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Code 7 10-42
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Does Rod Rosenstein's Comey Memo Response Indicate Possible Criminal Review?

...Yesterday, in response to congressional committee demand by Chairman Goodlatte (Judiciary), Chairman Nunes (Intel) and Chairman Gowdy (Oversight), for the memos written by James Comey, some of which were leaked to media, Asst. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has asked for additional time for DOJ review.

According to Gregg Re:

"Department officials are consulting with the relevant parties one or more of the memos may relate to an ongoing investigation, may contain classified information, and may report confidential Presidential communications, so we have a legal duty to evaluate the consequences of providing access to them," he wrote. (link)
There is some speculation Rosenstein's notation of memos relating "to an ongoing investigation" would indicate James Comey's legal risk might be: (1) part of the discussion; and (2) part of the criminal evidence in the larger review by John Huber....

Nah! Comey will never be charged with criminal behavior...just like Hillary. He's above the law.
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several excerpts:

...19. Here is the fascinating exchange:
Sam Donaldson:
"We know what the Bill Clinton WH tactics are.
I mean, they've been almost open about it.
Attack the press & perhaps w/good reason...

20. "..Attack the independent counsel, perhaps for some good reason, & stonewall on the central issue, which is the president of the United States Bill Clinton. And if he has nothing to hide, why is he hiding?"

George Stephanopolous' Answer Is SHOCKING...

21. Stephanopoulos: "I agree with that. And there's a different, long-term strategy, which I think wld b far more explosive. WH allies are already starting to whisper abt what I'll call the Ellen Rometsch strategy. . . .

...32. Everyone on the right has one nagging question:
"How & Why Do The Clinton's Get Away With (fill-in-the-blank)?"
It Is All Abt The Politicization Of FBI; CIA; NSA; AG & others Charged w/Protect&Enforce Laws & NOBODY is ABOVE IT.

Unless You Got Dirt.

33. Dirt, given to you by your friends at various government agencies. We now have PROOF that Hillary has an ally in James Comey; Loretta Lynch; Rod Rosenstein and the guy who said he loved her...George Stephanopolous.
These allegiances began all the way back to Monica Lewinsky.

34. They used dirt on any1 trying to expose BClinton...and it worked.
So just fast-forward to today and change the names.

They attck @realDonaldTrump w/ "dirt" using allies at FBI, CIA, and the Media w/ "Stormy" Allegations.

& whn THAT dsn't wrk they ATTACK ANY1 Assoc 2POTUS...

It's called the "the Ellen Rometsch strategy": Leak classified/confidential info/dirt to the MSM to destroy your opponent/opposition. Classic Clinton modus operandi. Still actively being deployed in Washington, DC. Historically revealed by George Stephanopolous.
Worth a read.
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Toughen up, Republican buttercups. I think the Dems are shooting their wad too soon on this and summer is a long dull political season where you can spend a lot of money and effort for little gain. What frustrates me is low lazy Conservatives are in building a good campaign and selecting good candidates at lower levels when they have good opportunity and plenty to show once in power. They let the progressive media browbeat them into apathy so easily. No fight.
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Indictments are going throw cold water on the lib plan.

There is very little support for Mueller from real people. The MSM is fake news like their mother Pravda. A majority of the people are not fooled by the dems.
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Dershowitz feels Sessions should unrecuse himself on the Cohen matter.


Dershowitz said, "Sometimes you should un-recuse yourself, and I think Attorney General Sessions should un-recuse himself when it comes to the New York investigation because it's not part of the Russia investigation. He's not a witness or a potential subject there. He's the attorney general of the United States. He ought to be in charge of supervising the New York investigation, not Rosenstein."


Dershowitz replied, "[Jeff Sessions] wouldn't try to stop [the New York investigation]. He'd play the same role, presumably, that [Deputy Attorney General Rod] Rosenstein is playing. He'd be one to sign off on the search warrant. He'd be the one to be supervising the U.S. attorney as the Attorney General of the United States always does. It's just that he would replace Rosenstein. Rosenstein isn't stopping the investigation. Presumably neither would [Sessions], but he'd be the one in charge. There's no reason why he should be recused from the New York investigation, unless the New York investigation is really just an extension of Mueller's investigation, in which case that raises other problems."

The Cohen matter has been troubling to lawyers on a variety of fronts, particularly the question of why Rosenstein signed off on the Cohen raid and not Sessions. The SDNY prosecutors have argued that their case stems from Cohen's business dealings completely separate from anything Mueller is investigating, yet a referral came from him thus bringing Rosenstein into the loop and excluding Sessions.

My spidey senses are alerted and I am more and more convinced that Mueller has Cohen's communications under a Title I FISA warrant on Cohen.

ETA: And I think that is what Dershowitz is alluding to in the bolded sentence.
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It's been reported from several sources that they were surveilling Cohen beginning back in july 2016, what likely began on a two hop from Page may have well evolved into what you describe.
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Wouldn't have expected anything less than the Obama's cabal.
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marble rye said:

Rapier108 said:

A lot of the resignations, outside of the usual turnover, seem to be either due to the secret harassment fund payouts, or people who hate Trump.

Seriously?! No way are they leaving bc of Trump. No one just gives up that power. They are being forced out. Swamp being drained. 18500K sealed indictments, hmm?
My thoughts are that Trump and the "Drain the swampers" approached both sides with a ultimatum; "Get out now and let someone else run in your place through the primary process, or get the primary nomination and you will be personally torched in the General"...

Many GOP decided to get out and let someone else fill the void through the primary process - a good an healthy thing, IMO.

Many DEM think this is a bluff and claimed incumbency, but there will be a "reveal" that will take many down in the General, letting the other side moonwalk to the win...

Basically, I see that the more GOPers that resigned before the primary was a good & healthy cull. The incumbents who decided to battle it out are the ones who may take a fall in the General.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

It's been reported from several sources that they were surveilling Cohen beginning back in july 2016, what likely began on a two hop from Page may have well evolved into what you describe.
Well if Cohen was being surveilled in July 2016 it was likely being done by the Brits at Obama's request. Maybe Cohen was the subject of the attempts to get FISA warrants that were rejected in June or July 2016, reportedly.

But think about it. The SDNY had solid enough evidence to convince a judge to sign off on multiple warrants on Cohen, including a covert one that was aimed at his email accounts. Did that information stem from a FISA warrant? And what was in that referral from Mueller?

Using information obtained by a FISA warrant on an American citizen for a criminal prosecution is just flat out wrong.

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"Due to the possible involvement of Deputy AG Rosenstein in signing an app for continued surveillance on Carter Page, Rosenstein should be recused from any examination of FISA abuse. Neither U.S. Attorney Huber nor a special counsel (if appointed) should report to Rosenstein."
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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About DAMN time Mr. Magoo did something worthwhile.
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numetalbizkitaggie said:

About DAMN time Mr. Magoo did something worthwhile.
I'll believe it IF Mr. Magoo actually does it.
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