Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,490,782 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 7 days ago by aggiehawg
Garrelli 5000
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Either end of the political spectrum is crazy to believe anything he says at this point.
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but what was really telling was the THREE truncated fibers that were installed as well. That's what would be feeding the war room at the White House. A single dedicate fiber would suffice any home or business and provide a gigabit of bandwidth easy. He set that house up for something abnormally strange.

This is a nitpicky post, so I'll just comment and move on

Coming from telecom/IT, These statements technically may be correct, however I would find it very strange that anyone would install new duplex single strand circuits. Optics are out there to support BIDI but it is not common and a lot of times those optics are not supported with major networking hardware so then you have to use some form of module to convert to either Ethernet or standard tx/rx fiber circuit.....

End of thread derail
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This is an important clue hidden in the OIG Report on McCabe. It may explain several things.

From pages 6-7 of:
(I may have a copy & paste problem)


4. The Attorney General Expresses Strong Concerns to McCabe and other FBI Officials about Leaks, and McCabe Discusses Recusing Himself from CF Investigation (October 26)

McCabe told the OIG that during the October 2016 time frame, it was his"perception that there was a lot of information coming out of likely the [FBI's] NewYork Field Office" that was ending up in the news. McCabe told the OIG that he"had some heated back-and-forths" with the New York Assistant Director in Charge ("NY-ADIC") over the issue of media leaks.

On October 26, 2016, McCabe and NY-ADIC participated in what McCabe described as "a hastily convened conference call with the Attorney General who delivered the same message to us" about leaks, with specific focus being on leaks regarding the high-profile investigation by FBI's New York Field Office into the death of Eric Garner. McCabe told us that he "never heard her use more forceful language." NY-ADIC confirmed that the participants got "ripped by the AG on leaks."

According to NY-ADIC's testimony and an e-mail he sent to himself on October 31, McCabe indicated to NY-ADIC and a then-FBI Executive Assistant Director ("EAD") in a conversation after Attorney General Lynch disconnected from the call that McCabe was recusing himself from the CF Investigation. According to NY-ADIC's e-mail, McCabe told them "he may make a more formal decision at a later time." NY-ADIC stated during his OIG interview: "I think [McCabe] couched it as like, hey, this is not final . . . I don't know, I think he says he still has to talk about it." NY-ADICstated that he clarified with McCabe that unless McCabe told him otherwise, NY-ADIC would begin reporting to EAD on the CF Investigation.

McCabe, however, told the OIG that he did not recall such a conversation. He said, "I suppose it's possible that I may have referred to the concept if that was being discussed generally at the time. But I would not have said to [NY-ADIC], like, I'm thinking about recusing."

Here is a thread that goes into events/details regarding "the death of Eric Garner".

Especially read the details about what Erik Prince revealed in Parts 11-12 in this thread, and then you can put the thread in overall perspective. Absolute cover-up of the Wiener laptop contents & why.

If what Erik Prince revealed was true about the contents on the Wiener laptop and that the laptop had been hacked by multiple foreign entities -- and with the call/threat from Loretta Lynch about Eric Garner essentially confirming that what Prince said was true -- then the international (Russian) bad guys had a real motive for wanting HRC to win the election: she would have been subjected to unbelievable international blackmail.

And if the true purpose of Mueller's Investigation is to cover-up the DOJ/FBI criminality in the Russian Collusion scheming, then the above is an explanation for Mueller's recent interest in Erik Prince's meeting involving UAE officials in the Seychelles & setting up a Russian 'back-channel'.
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If you carefully analyze Trump's Tweets about the ongoing investigations, in his mind, he may be building a case to eventually pardon everyone, if necessary for his survival, based on the crystal clear evidence that we have two unfair systems of justice. Any American with basic common sense can see it !
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drcrinum said:

Stormy's lawyer is under investigation but has a get out of jail card because he can help nail Trump?
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Preet is in private practice now.
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Does it appear that the SDNY and DOJ are using overt threats to get their way?
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VaultingChemist said:

Does it appear that the SDNY and DOJ are using overt threats to get their way?
Seems it's the modus operandi...including Mueller.
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drcrinum said:

VaultingChemist said:

Does it appear that the SDNY and DOJ are using overt threats to get their way?
Seems it's the modus operandi...including Mueller.

Need to find out more on the Berman recusal.
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pacecar02 said:


but what was really telling was the THREE truncated fibers that were installed as well. That's what would be feeding the war room at the White House. A single dedicate fiber would suffice any home or business and provide a gigabit of bandwidth easy. He set that house up for something abnormally strange.

This is a nitpicky post, so I'll just comment and move on

Coming from telecom/IT, These statements technically may be correct, however I would find it very strange that anyone would install new duplex single strand circuits. Optics are out there to support BIDI but it is not common and a lot of times those optics are not supported with major networking hardware so then you have to use some form of module to convert to either Ethernet or standard tx/rx fiber circuit.....

End of thread derail

IT exec post derail... he may be buying pipes from 3 different providers to so that he always has service. Again overkill
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Because if the interviews were recorded, one couldn't go back and alter/edit the 302s.
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If what Erik Prince revealed was true about the contents on the Wiener laptop and that the laptop had been hacked by multiple foreign entities -- and with the call/threat from Loretta Lynch about Eric Garner essentially confirming that what Prince said was true -- then the international (Russian) bad guys had a real motive for wanting HRC to win the election: she would have been subjected to unbelievable international blackmail.


Does it appear that the SDNY and DOJ are using overt threats to get their way?

Amazing how close to a banana republic we are...
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On October 26, 2016, McCabe and NY-ADIC participated in what McCabe described as "a hastily convened conference call with the Attorney General who delivered the same message to us" about leaks, with specific focus being on leaks regarding the high-profile investigation by FBI's New York Field Office into the death of Eric Garner. McCabe told us that he "never heard her use more forceful language." NY-ADIC confirmed that the participants got "ripped by the AG on leaks."
Something just occurred to me. Why wasn't Comey on that call? Why McCabe?

Did Comey really not know about the Hillary emails being found on Weiner's lap top? Thus Lynch and McCabe did a run around to keep the subject from coming up with the NY Field Office with Comey on the call?

Seems to me Comey would have fired McCabe the moment he found out about the Weiner lap top stuff being withheld from him. Is that the origin of some animosity between them?
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SIde Bar

You brought up "Recount" yesterday and I just rewatched it, I actually really liked that movie. And in the scene you sample of when Baker asked the Assistant to call Stone, in the next scene Warren Christopher was concerned about the Jesse Jackson people getting out of line and Ron Klain said call Donna Brazile to one of his assistants, and have her take care of her protesters. Just thought that was funny that she was the oppositions version of Stone.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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drcrinum said:

Because if the interviews were recorded, one couldn't go back and alter/edit the 302s.

Obama turned the FBI into FIB.

And we STILL have people that think Obama was a good President.

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stetson said:


If what Erik Prince revealed was true about the contents on the Wiener laptop and that the laptop had been hacked by multiple foreign entities -- and with the call/threat from Loretta Lynch about Eric Garner essentially confirming that what Prince said was true -- then the international (Russian) bad guys had a real motive for wanting HRC to win the election: she would have been subjected to unbelievable international blackmail.


Does it appear that the SDNY and DOJ are using overt threats to get their way?

Amazing how close to a banana republic we are...

And you can thank liberals and their Bushee friends for that.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

SIde Bar

You brought up "Recount" yesterday and I just rewatched it, I actually really liked that movie. And in the scene you sample of when Baker asked the Assistant to call Stone, in the next scene Warren Christopher was concerned about the Jesse Jackson people getting out of line and Ron Klain said call Donna Brazile to one of his assistants, and have her take care of her protesters. Just thought that was funny that she was the oppositions version of Stone.
My favorite line was when Spacey tells the Dennis Leary character, "And I don't know if I even like Al Gore!"
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Here's and interesting exchange

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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The left is amazing with their love for protests

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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I think Preet wasn't in that actual loop on the Garner case. That was a turf battle between the EDNY and the Civil Rights DOJ office in DC.

But it does confirm the timing of those phone calls. Why Comey wasn't involved is still a mystery.
Garrelli 5000
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The irony of the left claiming a leader thinks he's above the law....
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Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch, 5 minute interview: "Leakin' Comey & Lyin' McCabe"
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aggiehawg said:


On October 26, 2016, McCabe and NY-ADIC participated in what McCabe described as "a hastily convened conference call with the Attorney General who delivered the same message to us" about leaks, with specific focus being on leaks regarding the high-profile investigation by FBI's New York Field Office into the death of Eric Garner. McCabe told us that he "never heard her use more forceful language." NY-ADIC confirmed that the participants got "ripped by the AG on leaks."
Something just occurred to me. Why wasn't Comey on that call? Why McCabe?

Did Comey really not know about the Hillary emails being found on Weiner's lap top? Thus Lynch and McCabe did a run around to keep the subject from coming up with the NY Field Office with Comey on the call?

Seems to me Comey would have fired McCabe the moment he found out about the Weiner lap top stuff being withheld from him. Is that the origin of some animosity between them?
Here is an article explaining how Comey was kept in the dark.

Insurance Policy

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Here is an article explaining how Comey was kept in the dark.
LOL. You edited before my post hit.
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FBI agents in New York expected Strzok through McCabe and then-FBI Director James Comey would seek a warrant so that the evidence found by FBI agents in Manhattan could be reviewed to potentially re-opend the Clinton email probe.

But FBI agents in New York heard nothing for 15 days about any warrant which would have to be filed through the U.S. District Court in the southern district on New York because the FBI's Manhattan office had physical control of the Weiner laptop in evidence, which was used in Weiner's teen sexting case. The FBI had the laptop but Washington D.C. brass at FBI HQ had to file for a warrant to be able to legally use the emails of Hillary and Huma as evidence.
But again, nothing happened for 15 days after McCabe and Strzok were briefed by FBI agents in New York.
Well, almost nothing.
Hours after the FBI found classified Hillary Clinton emails on Weiner's laptop, the wife of the FBI agent running the high-profile probe was promoted to a powerful position in the Securities and Exchange Commission, FBI sources said.


Strzok's wife Melissa Hodgman was promoted to deputy director of SEC's Enforcement Division literally hours after Strzok and McCabe were briefed about the Clinton emails found on Weiner's computer.

Again, McCabe and Strzok were briefed about the emails on Oct. 12th. Hodgman was promoted at the SEC on Oct. 14th.
So McCabe's wife got over $700,000 in campaign funds and Strzok's wife got a promotion. How convenient.
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The FBI had the laptop but Washington D.C. brass at FBI HQ had to file for a warrant to be able to legally use the emails of Hillary and Huma as evidence.
This is where I get confused. Why couldn't SDNY get the warrant? Why did Preet wait on DC? Was he instructed to stand down? If so by whom?
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aggiehawg said:


The FBI had the laptop but Washington D.C. brass at FBI HQ had to file for a warrant to be able to legally use the emails of Hillary and Huma as evidence.
This is where I get confused. Why couldn't SDNY get the warrant? Why did Preet wait on DC? Was he instructed to stand down? If so by whom?
Former SDNY attorney and current boss Loretta Lynch you can bet on it.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Former SDNY attorney and current boss Loretta Lynch you can bet on it.
Ol' Loretty was EDNY.
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aggiehawg said:


Former SDNY attorney and current boss Loretta Lynch you can bet on it.
Ol' Loretty was EDNY.
I stand corrected
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

aggiehawg said:


Former SDNY attorney and current boss Loretta Lynch you can bet on it.
Ol' Loretty was EDNY.
I stand corrected
Doesn't mean she didn't order Preet to stand down. More likely is that Preet didn't want to touch that hot potato with a ten foot pole and suggested that his discretion was the better part of valor and she agreed. Not a Profiles in Courage approach.
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Here is a thread which reviews the 35 page OIG Report on McCabe. Much easier than reading the actual report because this thread fills in all the names missing in the OIG Report. This is very informative. You should also read the thread by Tracybeanz near the top of this page (271) because it is referenced several times.
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Preet responds again

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Pure Aggie
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INSURANCE POLICY: FBI's McCabe and Strzok Concealed Damaging Hillary Clinton Evidence For Weeks Just Before the Election

wtf r those bumps above and below her lying lips.....

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drcrinum said:

Here is a thread which reviews the 35 page OIG Report on McCabe. Much easier than reading the actual report because this thread fills in all the names missing in the OIG Report. This is very informative. You should also read the thread by Tracybeanz near the top of this page (271) because it is referenced several times.


73. Note: mccabes lawyer is all over twitter claiming he's a victim, threatening defamation suits against @realDonaldTrump who isn't even involved; note the gofundme for AM references need for $s for CRIMINAL representation- it's clear they know his indictment is imminent.
I hope "imminent" is what I think it is...
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