Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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Is this normal?
BMX Bandit
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It sure I follow. When mueller wanted the interview, this guy was not in the line of succession.

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ccatag said:

drcrinum said:

Nunes has given a deadline. Give us the unredacted EC (origination document initiating investigation of Trump Russia collusion) by tomorrow night or we will initiate contempt and impeach actions against Wray/Rosenstein.

I wish Laura Ingraham would allow her guests to speak. She constantly cuts off, interjects, interrupts. Allow them to answer a question, Laura.
Have Mark Cuban give her some pointers on different gender communications.
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backintexas2013 said:


Is this normal?
You mean the blank subpoenas? Yes. By this time the prosecution has given a witness list to the defense, so they know who will likely be called. The precise timing for each witness on a multiday trial is up to the prosecution and they will need specificity as to which time on which day each witness is subpoenaed to appear.
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This is big news IMO. Remember Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Flynn's spook buddy on the NSC? After Flynn was fired, ECW was the one who tipped off Nunes about the illegal surveillance being conducted by the FBI/DOJ. McMaster later fired him although Trump was upset about it. Well....Heeee's back! Read the above threadreader for a refresher and ECW's new position -- the latter not what you would expect.
I suspect this means that Trump has continued to have direct or indirect contact with Flynn, and that ECW is going to play a significant role in the ongoing/upcoming investigations.

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RoscoePColtrane said:

Appears I was correct, Robert Khuzami was the US Attorney that approved the no knock warrant on Cohen. When Geoffrey Berman, recused himself it fell to his deputy. Khuzami is the deputy under Berman and he is an Obama holdover.

Well a little digging into this guy reveals a LOT. Robert Khuzami made the big bucks as Deutsche Bank's general counsel for the Americas during the subprime securitization orgy, which Deutsche's American arm helped unleash with toxic instruments that would crush the economy and millions of homeowners and workers.

Then in 2008 hope and change was elected amidst a financial crisis that threatened a second Great Depression yada yada yada

Khuzami became the Obama SEC's chief of enforcement. If you really wanted truth and justice and all that from your SEC, you probably wouldn't go for someone who "worked with lawyers (at Deutsche Bank) who advised on the CDOs issued by the German bank and how details about them should be disclosed to investors," as The Wall Street Journal noted three years ago.

Now On Sept 27, 2011, the SEC Inspector General released a report revealing that this anonymous whistleblower attorney at the SEC had sent a letter to the Inspector General, blowing the whistle on the former SEC Director of Enforcement, Robert Khuzami. The whistleblower was complaining about Khuzami's handling of charges that Citigroup executives had intentionally misled public investors about its exposure to subprime mortgages, understating the amount by $37 billion in the fall of 2007. According to the Inspector General's report, the whistleblower alleged that:


"just before the staff's recommendation was presented to the Commission, Enforcement Director Robert Khuzami had a 'secret conversation' with his 'good friend' and former colleague, a prominent defense counsel representing Citigroup, during which Khuzami agreed to drop the contested fraud charges against the second individual. The complaint further alleged that the Enforcement staff were 'forced to drop the fraud charges that were part of the settlement with the other individual,' and that both individuals were also represented by Khuzami's friends and former colleagues, creating the appearance that Khuzami's decision was 'made as a special favor to them and perhaps to protect a Wall Street firm for political reasons.' "

You know the results of Khuzami's tenure at the SEC? A splashy half-billion-dollar deal with Goldman Sachs, a bunch of "neither admits nor denies the charges" settlements, banks sued for fraud with no bankers sued for fraud, and embarrassingly low settlements with the likes of Citigroup and Bank of America for slam-dunk frauds. Oh, and who could forget: soliciting promises from banks to "not break a specific law again", even though they'd already promised the SEC repeatedly not to break that law again in previous settlements.

This guy is neck deep corrupt, and as deep state as deep state gets. I still curious to find out about this recusal, what brought it on and what was the basis for it.
As Q says, there is a war going on, a hidden war, with pieces being moved into place and taken off the board.
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BMX Bandit said:

It sure I follow. When mueller wanted the interview, this guy was not in the line of succession.

Okay. I'm stupid and have no clue. Have a nice day.
PatentMike, J.D.
BS Biochem
MS Molecular Virology

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drcrinum said:

This is big news IMO. Remember Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Flynn's spook buddy on the NSC? After Flynn was fired, ECW was the one who tipped off Nunes about the illegal surveillance being conducted by the FBI/DOJ. McMaster later fired him although Trump was upset about it. Well....Heeee's back! Read the above threadreader for a refresher and ECW's new position -- the latter not what you would expect.
I suspect this means that Trump has continued to have direct or indirect contact with Flynn, and that ECW is going to play a significant role in the ongoing/upcoming investigations.

Great thread.

Also from within:
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Rand Paul: Anti-Trump FBI Officials Strzok and Page Still Have Security Clearances
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ECW is probably a member of the Q group.
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Still find it puzzling that a member of the Gang of Eight that holds the absolute highest of security clearances, still has to have any redactions even in a SCIF viewing in the DOJ SCIF at Main Justice.


Nunes said Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein allowed him and House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) to view the key document related to the FBI's Russia probe one day after he threatened to hold FBI Director Chris Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in contempt and initiate impeachment proceedings against them if they did not comply with the request for the unredacted document.

"During the meeting, we were finally given access to a version of the [Electronic Communication] that contained the information necessary to advance the Committee's ongoing investigation of the Department of Justice and FBI," Nunes said in a statement.

"Although the subpoenas issued by this Committee in August 2017 remain in effect, I'd like to thank Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein for his cooperation today," he added.

According to a Justice Department official, the remaining redactions in the document are "narrowly tailored to protect the name of a foreign country and the name of a foreign agent." Specifics have been replaced with identifiers like "foreign official" and "foreign government," the official said.

"These words must remain redacted after determining that revealing the words could harm the national security of the American people by undermining the trust we have with this foreign nation," the official continued, adding that they appear "only a limited number of times, and do no obstruct the underlying meaning of the document."
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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Code 7 10-42
Long Live Sully
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RoscoePColtrane said:


Nunes said Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein allowed him and House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) to view the key document related to the FBI's Russia probe one day after he threatened to hold FBI Director Chris Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in contempt and initiate impeachment proceedings against them if they did not comply with the request for the unredacted document.

"During the meeting, we were finally given access to a version of the [Electronic Communication] that contained the information necessary to advance the Committee's ongoing investigation of the Department of Justice and FBI," Nunes said in a statement.

"Although the subpoenas issued by this Committee in August 2017 remain in effect, I'd like to thank Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein for his cooperation today," he added.

According to a Justice Department official, the remaining redactions in the document are "narrowly tailored to protect the name of a foreign country and the name of a foreign agent." Specifics have been replaced with identifiers like "foreign official" and "foreign government," the official said.

"These words must remain redacted after determining that revealing the words could harm the national security of the American people by undermining the trust we have with this foreign nation," the official continued, adding that they appear "only a limited number of times, and do no obstruct the underlying meaning of the document."

I am sure pencil neck will leak this out chop chop.
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This was a controlled SCIF viewing with only four people in there. Nunes, Gowdy, Schiff and Himes, I bet you will not see any leak from there, because the US Marshals will be perp walking anyone that does.
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Code 7 10-42
Long Live Sully
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This is the part I read that guarantees it will be leaked.


The Justice Department has provided all members of the House Intelligence Committee with access to a two-page document that the FBI used to initiate its original counterintelligence probe into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia, an official confirmed to The Hill on Wednesday.
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I was going to say the same thing! Does the DOJ think they are more super secret than anyone else?
More super secret than the President perhaps???

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Cow Hop Ag said:

This is the part I read that guarantees it will be leaked.


The Justice Department has provided all members of the House Intelligence Committee with access to a two-page document that the FBI used to initiate its original counterintelligence probe into the Trump campaign's ties to Russia, an official confirmed to The Hill on Wednesday.

Yeah I think that is misreported, there are several different reports talking about who actually went over to Main Justice to view the documents and Nunes himself said in an interview that him and Gowdy went over along with Schiff and Himes.

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Cow Hop Ag said:

RoscoePColtrane said:


According to a Justice Department official, the remaining redactions in the document are "narrowly tailored to protect the name of a foreign country and the name of a foreign agent."

Any guesses on foreign country and agent? My money is on United Kingdom and maybe Steele.
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MadDog73 said:

Cow Hop Ag said:

RoscoePColtrane said:


According to a Justice Department official, the remaining redactions in the document are "narrowly tailored to protect the name of a foreign country and the name of a foreign agent."

Any guesses on foreign country and agent? My money is on United Kingdom and maybe Steele.
It was Papadopoulos and Austrailia
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MadDog73 said:

Cow Hop Ag said:

RoscoePColtrane said:


According to a Justice Department official, the remaining redactions in the document are "narrowly tailored to protect the name of a foreign country and the name of a foreign agent."

Any guesses on foreign country and agent? My money is on United Kingdom and maybe Steele.
His name is so public, and attached to the Dossier, doubtful. He's a former agent not current, he's a propaganda hound for Fusion GPS now.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Long Live Sully
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yeah.. another day that ends in Y
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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drcrinum said:


Rosenstein is a freakin weasel who is begging to get fired.

So far he has:
- signed off on a FISA warrant to wiretap Trump (knowing it was based on a phony dossier).
- begged Nunes not to make his memo public
- signed off on Mueller raiding the home of President Trump's private attorney
- dragged his feet on releasing documents to the point that he had to be threatened with contempt of Congress

In the civilian world, he would be gone by now and would probably be facing allegations that he should lose his law license.
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RoscoePColtrane said:


The DOJ has become a flat out joke.
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Cow Hop Ag said:

RoscoePColtrane said:


According to a Justice Department official, the remaining redactions in the document are "narrowly tailored to protect the name of a foreign country and the name of a foreign agent." Specifics have been replaced with identifiers like "foreign official" and "foreign government," the official said.

"These words must remain redacted after determining that revealing the words could harm the national security of the American people by undermining the trust we have with this foreign nation," the official continued, adding that they appear "only a limited number of times, and do no obstruct the underlying meaning of the document."

(The original document for the Paine tweet is: )

The identity of the foreign agent & country is just so difficult to figure out (sarcasm!).


The New York Times reported in December that Papadopoulos's bragging had launched the investigation. A declassified memo released in February by the House Intelligence Committee confirmed the information about Papadopoulos was largely the reason the FBI opened the investigation.

And we know that the Australian Ambassador to the UK, Alexander Downer, had the conversation with Papadopoulos where he mentioned that the Russians had thousands of Hillary's e-mails; and that after the DNC e-mails were published by Wikileaks, Downer sent a cable to the home office in Australia relating the conversation. The Australian home office then alerted the FBI. So what's the big deal about outing Downer & Australia? Is it because Downer arranged a huge donation ($25 million) to the Clinton Foundation back in 2006?.Is it because Downer has ties to Hakluyt, the British security/intelligence company started by former MI6 figures?
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A former American intelligence official who came under intense scrutiny during a stint at the White House last year is returning to government as the national security adviser to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, according to a person familiar with the decision.

The official, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, will play an important role at the Justice Department, advising Mr. Sessions on counterintelligence and counterterrorism....

An article about ECW now working for Sessions, from the NYTs no less. I suspect the latter is just ringing the alarm bell to make certain that HRC, Obama & surrogates are aware than one of Flynn's right-hand men is now working directly with Sessions.

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drcrinum said:

Cow Hop Ag said:

RoscoePColtrane said:


According to a Justice Department official, the remaining redactions in the document are "narrowly tailored to protect the name of a foreign country and the name of a foreign agent." Specifics have been replaced with identifiers like "foreign official" and "foreign government," the official said.

"These words must remain redacted after determining that revealing the words could harm the national security of the American people by undermining the trust we have with this foreign nation," the official continued, adding that they appear "only a limited number of times, and do no obstruct the underlying meaning of the document."

(The original document for the Paine tweet is: )

The identity of the foreign agent & country is just so difficult to figure out (sarcasm!).


The New York Times reported in December that Papadopoulos's bragging had launched the investigation. A declassified memo released in February by the House Intelligence Committee confirmed the information about Papadopoulos was largely the reason the FBI opened the investigation.

And we know that the Australian Ambassador to the UK, Alexander Downer, had the conversation with Papadopoulos where he mentioned that the Russians had thousands of Hillary's e-mails; and that after the DNC e-mails were published by Wikileaks, Downer sent a cable to the home office in Australia relating the conversation. The Australian home office then alerted the FBI. So what's the big deal about outing Downer & Australia? Is it because Downer arranged a huge donation ($25 million) to the Clinton Foundation back in 2006?.Is it because Downer has ties to Hakluyt, the British security/intelligence company started by former MI6 figures?

There may be one little fly in the ointment I overlooked. Surely Strzok met with Downer in London on his August 2-3, 2016 visit from the below text message reference to the oldest Embassy -- it makes sense with the Papadopoulos reverence in the EC document -- and there is a reference to unauthorized disclosure (to protect identities) for national security interests in this tweet chain,

but Strzok conducted multiple interviews,

We don't know who else besides Downer, and the fact that Downer & Australia had been leaked to the news media long ago, perhaps there is someone else & country being protected. Suppose Strzok met with GCHQ, including Robert Hannigan while in London, and GCHQ & Hannigan were mentioned in the EC document...that would be explosive. (Also note the large redacted section in the upper text message chain -- why?)
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Let's simplify this. Trump needs to stop playing around with the Deep State. He needs to sell a building and set aside 100 million and hire the best Constitional Lawyer Team available and sue the Justice Department, State Department and several Intellegence Agencies for Conspiracy Against the United States & Treason to overturn a Presidential Election . Make it a fight to the death. F'em
Bird Poo
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oysterbayAG said:

Let's simplify this. Trump needs to stop playing around with the Deep State. He needs to sell a building and set aside 100 million and hire the best Constitional Lawyer Team available and sue the Justice Department, State Department and several Intellegence Agencies for Conspiracy Against the United States & Treason to overturn a Presidential Election . Make it a fight to the death. F'em

Don't go after agencies. Go after individuals.
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We don't know who else besides Downer, and the fact that Downer & Australia had been leaked to the news media long ago, perhaps there is someone else & country being protected. Suppose Strzok met with GCHQ, including Robert Hannigan while in London, and GCHQ & Hannigan were mentioned in the EC document...that would be explosive.
Explosive? Nah. May is just getting her knickers in a twist over the Skripal stuff.

Page (Lisa) wouldn't be excited unless Strzik was meeting with someone big.

My guess is Hannigan.
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drcrinum said:

This is big news IMO. Remember Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Flynn's spook buddy on the NSC? After Flynn was fired, ECW was the one who tipped off Nunes about the illegal surveillance being conducted by the FBI/DOJ. McMaster later fired him although Trump was upset about it. Well....Heeee's back! Read the above threadreader for a refresher and ECW's new position -- the latter not what you would expect.
I suspect this means that Trump has continued to have direct or indirect contact with Flynn, and that ECW is going to play a significant role in the ongoing/upcoming investigations.

Well, that didn't work.

I'm probably giving this too much weight, but it wins sessions a little more time for me.
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Mockingbird in play here I think. Some of this reporting is amazing that any editor would approve it.

The F.B.I. agents who raided the office and hotel of President Trump's lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, were seeking details on his relationship with the Trump campaign and his efforts to suppress negative information about Mr. Trump, according to three people briefed on the matter.

Prosecutors are interested in whether Mr. Cohen, who had no official role in the 2016 campaign, coordinated with it to quash the release of anything detrimental to it and whether that violated campaign finance laws a new front in the investigation into Mr. Cohen.

The warrant executed Monday by the agents was striking in its breadth, according to those people. It demanded documents related to the "Access Hollywood" tape in which Mr. Trump was heard making vulgar comments about women, and to other materials related to secret agreements Mr. Cohen made with women in exchange for them not speaking publicly about sexual encounters with Mr. Trump.

The warrant also covered emails and other documents that could reveal Mr. Cohen's private communications with Mr. Trump during a tense period in the presidential campaign when Mr. Trump confronted the possibility of embarrassing details of his extramarital affairs. And it delved deeply into Mr. Cohen's past, including documents about Mr. Cohen's personal and business finances, including his work as a New York taxi fleet manager.

The additional details the agents were seeking came a day after it was revealed that the authorities sought documents from Mr. Cohen related to payments made to two women who claim they had affairs with Mr. Trump, Karen McDougal and Stephanie Clifford, the pornographic film star known as Stormy Daniels, as well as information on the role of the publisher of The National Enquirer in silencing the women.

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump's Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen; Trump Calls It 'Disgraceful' APRIL 9, 2018
The investigation is being run by Robert S. Khuzami, whose boss, Geoffrey S. Berman, the interim United States attorney in Manhattan, has recused himself. Mr. Khuzami is a veteran federal prosecutor who spoke at the 2004 Republican National Convention in support of President George W. Bush and later led the enforcement division of the Securities and Exchange Commission during the Obama administration.

Though the raids on Mr. Cohen's office and hotel room were overseen by Mr. Khuzami, people close to Mr. Trump and Mr. Cohen regard the investigation as a surreptitious attempt by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, to pry into Mr. Trump's personal life by using other prosecutors as his proxy in focusing on a lawyer who has represented him for more than a decade.

Asked for comment on Wednesday, Stephen Ryan, a lawyer for Mr. Cohen, referred to his earlier description of the raids as "completely inappropriate and unnecessary." He has described the raids as an overreach by prosecutors into the privileged communications between Mr. Cohen and his client, Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump, furious about the raids, has cooled on the idea of sitting for an interview with Mr. Mueller and is considering a more adversarial approach to the special counsel's investigation.

Since Mr. Mueller was appointed last May, Mr. Trump had taken a largely nonconfrontational approach to the investigation, providing tens of thousands of pages of emails, notes, memos and other documents as part of an effort to show he has nothing to hide and to hasten the end of the investigation.

As recently as December, Mr. Trump said he believed Mr. Mueller would treat him fairly. And Mr. Trump has repeatedly said in public and in private that he wanted to sit with Mr. Mueller for an interview. After the search warrant, Mr. Trump now is convinced that his initial belief that Mr. Mueller is simply out to destroy his presidency was correct.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, criticized Mr. Mueller's investigation on Wednesday for going beyond its mandate to look into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and into the ties between Mr. Trump's campaign and Russia.

"The president certainly has been clear that he has very deep concern about the direction that the special counsel and other investigations have taken," Ms. Sanders said in response to a question about a report that Mr. Trump came close to firing Mr. Mueller in December. "This investigation started off as Russian collusion, of which there was none."

It is not clear what role, if any, Mr. Cohen played regarding the "Access Hollywood" tape, which was made public a month before the election on one of the more memorable days of the campaign. On that day, Oct. 7, the Obama administration called out Russia for meddling in the election and the first batch of emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign were released.

But Mr. Cohen has acknowledged paying $130,000 to Ms. Clifford, who said she had a sexual encounter with Mr. Trump and signed a nondisclosure agreement promising not to discuss the matter. Mr. Cohen has insisted there was no relationship, but that he sought to keep a damaging story from emerging regardless.

Mr. Cohen also had a long relationship with David J. Pecker, the publisher of The National Enquirer, who is also friends with Mr. Trump and who engaged in the practice of "catch and kill" with negative stories, meaning women who made accusations of sexual relationships with the candidate received payments or contracts with the magazine.

Mr. Cohen had no formal role on the campaign, and Mr. Trump and his top campaign aides sought to limit his involvement. Still, Mr. Cohen was able to fill certain political voids that no one else seemed able to, such as forming a so-called diversity coalition of African-American, Hispanic and Muslim supporters, and he also raised money for the campaign and later for Mr. Trump's inaugural committee.

Perhaps equally significant for Mr. Trump was Mr. Cohen's presence on television, particularly after the "Access Hollywood" tape, when the candidate had few defenders.

"I have never heard Mr. Trump say anything even remotely close to the statements that I heard," Mr. Cohen said about the tape in one appearance on CNN. "When I first heard that there was a tape that was going to be coming out, I said it's got to be fake because and I spend thousands of hours with Mr. Trump a year. And I can tell you I have never heard him say anything, anything even close to that."
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Code 7 10-42
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Katherine Herridge reporting the EC was written by Peter Strzok
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Katherine Herridge reporting the EC was written by Peter Strzok

Ok. If true what are the dates of his text about the meeting with McCabe and the insurance policy?
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backintexas2013 said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

Katherine Herridge reporting the EC was written by Peter Strzok

Ok. If true what are the dates of his text about the meeting with McCabe and the insurance policy?
Aug. 15, 2016

Strzok: I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy's office -- that there's no way he gets elected -- but I'm afraid we can't take that risk. It's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40...
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
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