Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,492,744 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 9 days ago by aggiehawg
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oysterbayAG said:

I think it is looking more and more like this is going to be Obama's Waterloo !

Joseph diGenova was predicting that there will be some indictments this year.

He seemed pretty adamant on Clapper, Brennan and McCabe. Actually, he said McCabe is going down for sure.
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Lot Y Tailgate said:

SeattleAgJr said:

I guess we now know the "Y" stands for "yellow", as in coward.
If I was a coward I wouldn't be posting in this thread and I would just be slinging personal attacks instead of shredding arguments.
The only thing you have "shredded" in this thread and most others you post on, is your own dignity. IF YOU EVER HAD ANY. We know you have no scruples or integrity......
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Cepe said:

I read this thread faithfully and I swear I can't keep it all straight. Lots of moving parts and people with dirty hands.

"Not a smidgen of corruption"

- Barrack Hussein Obama
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Cepe said:

I read this thread faithfully and I swear I can't keep it all straight. Lots of moving parts and people with dirty hands.
Here's a nice summary of the Awan Brothers portion of this

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Funky Winkerbean
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Cepe said:

I read this thread faithfully and I swear I can't keep it all straight. Lots of moving parts and people with dirty hands.
Here's a nice summary of the Awan Brothers portion of this

That video is equally interesting as well as disturbing. Assuming his positions are factual, I have a few questions:

He references that the Capitol Hill police are working on the case. Is their a case number that references the investigation?

If it is a crime of the magnitude he suggests, why isn't being handled by a large federal agency, and who would make the call to turn it over to the appropriate agency?
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Troutslime said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

Cepe said:

I read this thread faithfully and I swear I can't keep it all straight. Lots of moving parts and people with dirty hands.
Here's a nice summary of the Awan Brothers portion of this

That video is equally interesting as well as disturbing. Assuming his positions are factual, I have a few questions:

He references that the Capitol Hill police are working on the case. Is their a case number that references the investigation?

If it is a crime of the magnitude he suggests, why isn't being handled by a large federal agency, and who would make the call to turn it over to the appropriate agency?
I've yet to come across a case that JW has been the watchdog on that wasn't anything but factual. They deal strictly in documentation and very little if any theory. They keep the FOIA offices in full time mode, they follow up with lawsuits and force compliance.

As far as a case number, I have no clue, being the Capital Hill PD is pretty much an in house agency, that is played pretty close to the vest. To date all that the Awan's have been charged with is bank fraud. But there have been reports (by multiple outlets) that there is much more going on behind the scenes. As crazy as George Webb can be sometimes, if you want to know anything about the Awans George outed this thing two years ago prior to the DNC and Wasserman-Schultz emails being exposed. Most blew Webb off, thinking it was another one of his wild investigations, but he nailed this thing early, and now this is all coming to a head.

WaPo story

Wasserman Schultz literally threatened the Capitol Hill PD Chief on camera in a session that was suppose to be about hiring diversity, and diversity compliance.

A laptop that Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has frantically fought to keep prosecutors from examining may have been planted for police to find by her since-indicted staffer, Imran Awan, along with a letter to the U.S. Attorney. Capitol Police found the laptop after midnight April 6, 2017, in a tiny room that formerly served as a phone booth in the Rayburn House Office Building, Along with the laptop was a Pakistani ID card, copies of Awan's driver's license and congressional ID badge, and letters to the U.S. attorney. Police also found notes in a composition notebook marked "attorney-client privilege." Would love to know what was in that. The OIG has an investigation ongoing with this as well. The left tries to keep all the narrative pointed at Trump, when there are wildfires burning all over DC involving their own crap.

The laptop had the username "RepDWS," even though the Florida Democrat and former Democratic National Committee chairman previously said it was Awan's computer and that she had never even seen it.

Wasserman Schultz's laptop was left in an old phone booth in the Rayburn building like this one. / Photo: DCNF Rosiak
Wasserman Schultz's laptop was left in an old phone booth in the Rayburn building like this one. / Photo: DCNF

Awan was banned Feb. 2, 2017, from the congressional computer network because he is a suspect in a cybersecurity investigation, but he still had access to House facilities because Wasserman Schultz continued to employ him.

The laptop was found on the second floor of the Rayburn building a place Awan would have had no reason to go because Wasserman Schultz's office is in the Longworth building and the other members who employed him had fired him.

Wasserman Schultz used a televised May 18, 2017 congressional hearing on the Capitol Police budget to threaten "consequences" if Chief Matthew Verderosa did not give her the laptop. "If a member loses equipment," it should be given back, she said.

Verderosa told her the laptop couldn't be returned because it was tied to a criminal suspect. Wasserman Schultz reiterated that, while Awan was a suspect, the computer should be returned because it is "a member's if the member is not under investigation."

She changed her story two months later, claiming it was Awan's laptop bought with taxpayer funds from her office and she had never seen it. She said she only sought to protect Awan's rights. "This was not my laptop," she said August 3. "I have never seen that laptop. I don't know what's on the laptop."

Awan, his wife, Hina Alvi, and two of his Pakistani-born brothers are at the center of a joint FBI-Capitol Police cybersecurity criminal investigation of their IT work for dozens of Democratic House members.

Awan was arrested by the FBI at Dulles International Airport July 25, 2017, while trying to board a flight to his native Pakistan and then indicted on four counts of bank fraud in connection with his wire transfer of nearly $300,000 to Pakistan. The bank fraud charges are tangential to the cybersecurity probe.

The circumstances of the laptop's appearance described in the police report suggest Wasserman Schultz was trying to keep the police from reviewing a laptop that Awan himself may have wanted them to find. The former phone booth room where police found the items is small, and there was no obvious reason to enter it.

The police report reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation says:

On 4/6/2017 at 0021 hours, with the building closed to the public, AOC [Architect of the Capitol] informed USCP [U.S. Capitol Police] Rayburn offices of an unattended bag in the phone booth on the 2nd floor. The officer received the open-contents visible bag and prepared a found property report.

While reviewing the inventory of the bag contents, the officer found
#1 a Pakistani ID card with the name Mohommed Ashraf Awan
#2 a copynot originalof a driver's license with name Imran Awan
#3 a copy (front and back) of his congressional ID
#4 an Apple laptop with the homescreen initials 'RepDWS'
#5 composition notebooks with notes handwritten saying 'attorney client privilege' and possibly discussing case details below
#6 loose letters addressed to US Attorney of DC discussing the apparent owner of the bag being investigated.
Approximately 3-4 months ago officer was requested by SAA [Sergeant at Arms] as police presence of 4 individuals being interviewed, including the bag owner. It is unknown to the officer whether he is still employed.

Here's a kicker. Wasserman Schultz's brother, Steve Wasserman, is a lawyer in the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. Don't know if he's on this case but he tweeted about it a few times, but I know there is concern he's covering for her.

Here's an archive to all the publicly available documents that I can find. All these are FOIA finds.

Awan FOIA Docs

This Awan thing is going to turn out to be huge IMHO. The Dems are trying to kill this thing but it's spinning out of control, and it's people like JW and George Webb that have doggedly stayed after it for a couple of years.

If you recall Comey acknowledged that the FBI failed to get access to Democratic National Committee servers and the smartphone of Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman allegedly hacked by Russia in the 2016. The took the garbage that Crowdstrike ginned up. The DNC and the DNCC refused them access and lame duck comey instead of getting a warrant and taking the servers, he just went along with the CrowdStrike garbage.

Fast forward to this Awan Scandal, once again involving the same servers that were "hacked" now the FBI post the Comey era, decided they better get their hands on these servers since there was hard evidense these Pakistani IT guys had ghosted these drives and had been accessing them from Islamabad Pakistan remotely. Awan allegedly routed data from numerous House Democrats to a secret server. Capital Hill PD grew suspicious and requested a copy of the server and were stonewalled, but they were provided with an elaborate falsified image designed to hide the massive violations. The falsified image is what ultimately triggered the Awans ban from the House network Feb. 2nd 2017. The secret server was connected to the House Democratic Caucus, an organization chaired by then-Rep. Xavier Becerra. (Yep the same guy that has been suing Trump for anything he does as the California AG. Jan. 24, 2017, Becerra vacated his congressional seat to become California's attorney general.) Now he claims that "He wanted to wipe his server, and when it was brought to his attention it was under investigation. turned over a backup. The lightbulb went on when they deliberately turned over a fake server. The OIG reported that they considered the false image they received to be interference in a criminal investigation. When confronted for the original server Becerra claims it was STOLEN! But now it's been discovered the the data was also backed up to Dropbox in huge quantities. I understand the OIG has a copy of that backup as well.

Man I can ramble all day on this, there is a bunch of stuff out there now, but this thing is going to be a real ordeal once it's opened up. I think the Awans are singing like canaries personally. There is just such a tangled web of crap it's hard to soak it all up at once, you have to really dig and read documents and piece it together. I think eventually this scandal is going to turn out to tie in a bunch of this other stuff. I think this hole hacking story is BS, I think Seth Rich's death ties into this. The Awans were selling government secrets and had dirt on every Dem on the hill and were working it to the hilt.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Totally agree with you Roscoe, back then I was watching Webb's videos almost daily and if what he says is anywhere close to being true it's a scandal on par with the illegal surveillance (possibly greater if Seth Rich's death ties into it as GW speculates).

Of course crickets from the media as per usual.
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A lot of Clinton Foundation members......
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I don't know anything about steganography or how complicated it is, but apparently Awan was doing it as well as Weiner. Above youtube video was interesting for me.
Bird Poo
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The second Great Awakening is almost upon us.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Very interesting.

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As time goes by, I think the top people in the Obama Administration and the Clinton Campaign, including Obama, are sleeping a little less each night, knowing that the top people in the FBI that have been demoted, know everything ( also Bill Priestap ) and are still singing like Tony Bennett.
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Q thread and this thread look to be on converging paths again.
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VaultingChemist said:

A lot of Clinton Foundation members......
This news greatly effects a player in our scheme, Oleg Deripaska, who has 'connections' with the dossier and is also Manafort's former buddy:


...All assets subject to U.S. jurisdiction of the designated individuals and entities, and of any other entities blocked by operation of law as a result of their ownership by a sanctioned party, are frozen, and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from dealings with them. Additionally, non-U.S. persons could face sanctions for knowingly facilitating significant transactions for or on behalf of the individuals or entities blocked today....

Oleg Deripaska is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13661 for having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, a senior official of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as pursuant to E.O. 13662 for operating in the energy sector of the Russian Federation economy. Deripaska has said that he does not separate himself from the Russian state. He has also acknowledged possessing a Russian diplomatic passport, and claims to have represented the Russian government in other countries. Deripaska has been investigated for money laundering, and has been accused of threatening the lives of business rivals, illegally wiretapping a government official, and taking part in extortion and racketeering. There are also allegations that Deripaska bribed a government official, ordered the murder of a businessman, and had links to a Russian organized crime group....

B-Finance Ltd., based in the British Virgin Islands, is being designated for being owned or controlled by, directly or indirectly, Oleg Deripaska.
Basic Element Limited is being designated for being owned or controlled by, directly or indirectly, Oleg Deripaska. Basic Element Limited is based in Jersey and is the private investment and management company for Deripaska's various business interests.
EN+ Group is being designated for being owned or controlled by, directly or indirectly, Oleg Deripaska, B-Finance Ltd., and Basic Element Limited. EN+ Group is located in Jersey and is a leading international vertically integrated aluminum and power producer.
EuroSibEnergo is being designated for being owned or controlled by, directly or indirectly, Oleg Deripaska and EN+ Group. EuroSibEnergo is one of the largest independent power companies in Russia, operating power plants across Russia and producing around nine percent of Russia's total electricity....

GAZ Group is being designated for being owned or controlled by, directly or indirectly, Oleg Deripaska and Russian Machines. GAZ Group is Russia's leading manufacturer of commercial vehicles.
Agroholding Kuban, located in Russia, is being designated for being owned or controlled by, directly or indirectly, Oleg Deripaska and Basic Element Limited....

I guess Manfort appreciates this news. Deripaska's civil suit against him now becomes non-existent.
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hbtheduce said:

I'm confused:

Papa was on the Trump campaign starting in like April right? How does that predate a August interview with the FBI?
It doesn't. Papadopoulus as a plant in the Trump campaign doesn't jive with the timing.

Also, subsequent reports say the "George" Strzok met with wasn't Papadopoulus. Someone else.
Flying Crowbar
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Why does the civil suit go away? Too much has transpired for me to keep up.
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Senor Cardgage said:

Why does the civil suit go away? Too much has transpired for me to keep up.
Don't even know the status of that case but generally speaking when a party can no longer come to the states to appear, the case eventually gets dropped for lack of prosecution. (Term of art, that applies to dormant civil lawsuits. Not criminal in anyway.)
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Senor Cardgage said:

Why does the civil suit go away? Too much has transpired for me to keep up.
Deripaska filed a civil suit against Manafort in January 2018 in New York; pertains to an old business deal with Manafort that went south;i.e., millions of dollars disappeared. Well, now all of Deripaska's US financial assets are frozen, and everyone is basically prohibited from dealing with him, not to mention Aggiehawg's does he even enter the US?
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I don't know what to think of this. As everyone knows, George Webb is a little strange. Anyway, he claims there are 'relationships' between Deripaska & McCabe going back over several decades, but he doesn't cite specifics in this youtube.
Flying Crowbar
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Thanks for the explanation, dr.

I truly appreciate all you've contributed to this thread. Like was said earlier, same goes for Roscoe and The Grand Ol' Dame.
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I tend to be skeptical of things not supported by data and that are unlikely or implausible. I think it's foolhardy to jump at tenuous and thinly supported possibilities to the detriment of ignoring the much more obvious and supportable. These conspiracy theories are entertaining but not likely to amount to anything.

There is plenty of hard data to examine and trace to things that likely happen.
Ellis Wyatt
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MouthBQ98 said:

I tend to be skeptical of things not supported by data and that are unlikely or implausible. I think it's foolhardy to jump at tenuous and thinly supported possibilities to the detriment of ignoring the much more obvious and supportable. These conspiracy theories are entertaining but not likely to amount to anything.
Some of the conspiracy theories have to be true, though. There is too much smoke here. Not that it means any big fish will be brought to justice. The swamp looks out for itself too much for that to happen.
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MouthBQ98 said:

I tend to be skeptical of things not supported by data and that are unlikely or implausible. I think it's foolhardy to jump at tenuous and thinly supported possibilities to the detriment of ignoring the much more obvious and supportable. These conspiracy theories are entertaining but not likely to amount to anything.

There is plenty of hard data to examine and trace to things that likely happen.
Well said. The provable facts are bizarre enough. No need to reach here.

We'll have plenty to chew on when the OIG report comes out. Hopefully some indictments will be unsealed.

But on to another subject. The ABC News report about Nader/Erik Prince/Seychelles meeting. References that the pedophile Nader has been granted limited immunity by Mueller.


Well-connected Lebanese-American businessman George Nader, a key witness given limited immunity by Mueller, has been interviewed seven times by prosecutors on a wide range of subjects. He told investigators that he set up a meeting in the Seychelles between Prince and Russian sovereign wealth fund CEO Kirill Dmitriev, mere days before Trump was inaugurated, sources familiar with the investigation said this week.

First I've heard that Mueller is handing out immunity deals. That's concerning to me. Who else has he given immunity to?
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aggiehawg said:

MouthBQ98 said:

I tend to be skeptical of things not supported by data and that are unlikely or implausible. I think it's foolhardy to jump at tenuous and thinly supported possibilities to the detriment of ignoring the much more obvious and supportable. These conspiracy theories are entertaining but not likely to amount to anything.

There is plenty of hard data to examine and trace to things that likely happen.
Well said. The provable facts are bizarre enough. No need to reach here.

We'll have plenty to chew on when the OIG report comes out. Hopefully some indictments will be unsealed.

But on to another subject. The ABC News report about Nader/Erik Prince/Seychelles meeting. References that the pedophile Nader has been granted limited immunity by Mueller.


Well-connected Lebanese-American businessman George Nader, a key witness given limited immunity by Mueller, has been interviewed seven times by prosecutors on a wide range of subjects. He told investigators that he set up a meeting in the Seychelles between Prince and Russian sovereign wealth fund CEO Kirill Dmitriev, mere days before Trump was inaugurated, sources familiar with the investigation said this week.

First I've heard that Mueller is handing out immunity deals. That's concerning to me. Who else has he given immunity to?
That pedophile used to work for Prince, yet Prince forgot to mention his name when asked who was at the Seychelles meeting. Weird?
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More search warrants against Manafort?


Special counsel Robert Mueller's prosecutors obtained seven search warrants last month against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, court filings on Thursday show.

The search warrants applied to properties, a storage unit, bank accounts, email addresses, and other devices, according to the court documents.

Manafort has been charged on multiple counts, including bank fraud and making false statements to investigators. He has pleaded not guilty to indictments in both Virginia and D.C. federal courts.


There was a legal kerfluffle about a storage unit already. If it's the same one, getting a new warrant after it has already been searched is ineffective to remove the 4th Amendment issue. Have to assume this warrant if for a different storage unit. (Or Mueller has lost his grip on reality.)

ETA: All redacted.Here's the Exhibit Hard to tell if these are old or brand new.
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I still don't see the concern with the meeting but we will see. The WP completely screwed the story up and got the Dems so turned on only to have to correct their "error". I am sure it was an honest mistake.
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backintexas2013 said:

I still don't see the concern with the meeting but we will see. The WP completely screwed the story up and got the Dems so turned on only to have to correct their "error". I am sure it was an honest mistake.
Frankly, I could care less whether Prince got his ass in a perjury crack. Has nothing to do with Trump and the campaign.
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More on the Manafort search warrants: LINK


The new filing by Mueller's team also confirms accounts that investigators obtained a warrant to search a storage locker belonging to Manafort, apparently somewhere in northern Virginia.

All the warrants listed by prosecutors Thursday remain under seal and off limits to the public, but new details in the latest filing indicate that the storage unit search took place in late May or early June, about two months before the FBI conducted an early morning raid on Manafort's Alexandria, Va. condo.

Manafort's lawyers have suggested some mystery surrounding the search of the storage locker. They say an FBI agent appears to have gotten into the locker before the search the a federal magistrate in Virginia ordered.

Some press accounts have said investigators obtained a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant to conduct a search of a storage locker belonging to Manafort at some point last year. It's possible they used that authority to enter the locker and then decided to obtain a criminal warrant to delve into whatever Manafort had inside..

ETA: None of that is making sense to me. FISA warrants are counter-intel, not to be used to gather criminal evidence. Massive FISA abuse if Mueller did that, in my view.
Ellis Wyatt
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backintexas2013 said:

I still don't see the concern with the meeting but we will see. The WP completely screwed the story up and got the Dems so turned on only to have to correct their "error". I am sure it was an honest mistake.

And amazingly, the error was immediatley pointed out here. Of course, it furthered their BS narrative.
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aggiehawg said:

More search warrants against Manafort?


Special counsel Robert Mueller's prosecutors obtained seven search warrants last month against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, court filings on Thursday show.

The search warrants applied to properties, a storage unit, bank accounts, email addresses, and other devices, according to the court documents.

Manafort has been charged on multiple counts, including bank fraud and making false statements to investigators. He has pleaded not guilty to indictments in both Virginia and D.C. federal courts.


There was a legal kerfluffle about a storage unit already. If it's the same one, getting a new warrant after it has already been searched is ineffective to remove the 4th Amendment issue. Have to assume this warrant if for a different storage unit. (Or Mueller has lost his grip on reality.)

ETA: All redacted.Here's the Exhibit Hard to tell if these are old or brand new.
All of this redaction business. I just cannot imagine the courts permitting these non-transparency issues to continue. How can a defendant's legal team protect their client?
Ellis Wyatt
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It underscores what a cesspool our federal government has become. These agencies truly believe they answer to no one. For 8 years, that was true. Will it change?
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All of this redaction business. I just cannot imagine the courts permitting these non-transparency issues to continue. How can a defendant's legal team protect their client?
Hard to do so with Mueller playing hide the sausage. They get to see some of it if the judge agrees. Might have been the entire rationale for filing a civil suit along with raising the jurisdiction question within the criminal cases as well. More discovery if the judge allows it.

But with the serpentine manner Mueller has been conducting the investigation and the various pleadings are curious to say the least.

The FISA stuff is quite concerning, if remotely accurate.
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So is this a sign that the tide is turning? Ex-CIA chief in Moscow calling out Brennan and Yahoo of all sources is running with it as a lead story!:
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A detailed analysis of S&P texts regarding the Strzok London trip. McIntyre, whom I greatly admire, doesn't think Strzok met with Papadopoulos; he thinks 'George' refers to George Toscas of DOJ. Worth a read.

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