Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,493,513 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 10 days ago by aggiehawg
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McCabe tried his sacrificial lamb routine and it blew up in his face, sure some idiot lib elites threw $500k in his defense account just so he can fight Trump, but he knows his number is up. He can't rely on Comey for cover, Comey threw Presteip under the bus in front of congress, so he knows Comey is out for Comey. McCabe isn't getting book deal offers. So he's laying low and avoiding any press.

Not going unnoticed is the fact you haven't seen Page and Strzok give one interview. Not even one. The press is camped outside their homes and snaps a few photos when they emerge from hiding. They know their gooses are cooked and better cooperate 100% if they want to avoid serious time. The Ohr's no telling what is up with them. If you've noticed with all this free time none of these actors have traveled abroad, if they had, it would be headlines. I'm guessing they've been told by investigators stay put and may have even had to surrender their passports if they've been before a judge or have sealed indictments pending.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Somebody will squeal. Examples are going to be made of those who have blackened the FBI and DOJ. Those who were around Obama will have to make some tough decisions to save their skin. The Uranium One deal is going to take down Mueller.

Getting rid of Trump does not make any of this go away.

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coyote68 said:

Somebody will squeal. Examples are going to be made of those who have blackened the FBI and DOJ. Those who were around Obama will have to make some tough decisions to save their skin. The Uranium One deal is going to take down Mueller.

Getting rid of Trump does not make any of this go away.

Yep, when the lights get bright most of the bad asses become save asses, and they scatter. You get them babbling so much you have to nearly slap the shiit out of them to get them to shut up. And once one turns they start dropping like flies. Every now and then you get some hard cases that dummy up and just take the wrap. But come sentencing time a few of them crack and get ready to make a deal.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
BMX Bandit
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If you think mueller is going to be indicted or "taken down" I've got some real estate in near Flagstaff with a great view of the pacific I want to talk to you about
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Thread by Stealth Jeff @drawandstrike


Huber started leading a team of fed. prosecutors to investigate the DOJ/FBI corruption around July of last year. That's 8 months nothing leaked until Sessions decided to show his cards.

DOJ IG Horowitz's investigation surfaced in December. No leaks until he was ready. Outside prosecutor Huber & his team working in concert with Horowitz surfaces now in late March. THAT didn't leak either.

Understand what your looking at here and what it means:

Sessions and his team are in COMPLETE CONTROL of the rollout of these investigations and of the evidence they've found. The plotters have got to be terrified at this point. Their media allies are useless.

Mueller's team leaks like a sieve. Dems in Congress leak anything that's handed to them. REpublicans too. Just look at the last year of the times leakers rushed a hot smoking Trump/Russia collusion gun out the door to their media allies, only to have it blow up in their hands.

Meanwhile Horowitz and Huber have been leading professional teams of federal prosecutors in investigations of all the corruption inside the DOJ and not a ******* thing leaked until Sessions and his team were ready to put the cards on the table.

None of the talking heads on TV had a clue these investigations were underway. Sessions didn't call any press conference, didn't introduce Horowitz or Huber to the media, didn't discuss their teams, didn't give regular updates....



You think Jeff Sessions watches TV and cares what Sean, Sara, Lou, Laura, Ann or whoever is blathering about tonight or how they blathered for the last year that he needs to be fired for not doing his job?


He has been doing his job. He's just not doing it the way Sean, Tom, Laura, Lou or EmmyLou Who or whoever you're watching on TV tonight THINKS he should be doing it.
The 'experts' TV who know exactly how Jeff Sessions shouldn've been doing his job for the past year don't know what the hell they've been talking about.

If you haven't figured this out yet, that's your problem.


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Hey, did you ever clarify what people other than TexAgs was looking at this thread?
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This is way bigger than McCabe and the two texting love birds. Other names are going to be shocking is my prediction.
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No clue what you are talking about
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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coyote68 said:

The Uranium One deal is going to take down Mueller.

Yeah, that uranium one deal is gonna blow up any day now.
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Mueller Owes It to Prosecutors Nationwide, and to His Own Cases, to Uphold Justice Department Standards

The latest from Andrew McCarthy. He is very critical of Mueller's modus operandi. Mueller indicted Gates & Manafort for $100 million in bank fraud, and then shortly thereafter he allows Gates to plead guilty to minor charges. McCarthy believes that is not the way the manual says to operate. Obtain a guilty plea for the main charges, obtain cooperation against other defendants and then later ask the court for leniency. By dumbing done the charges for a guilty plea, it makes it appear that there is not a good case against the main charges, and the latter is reflected in how the main charges against other defendants are perceived.

I personally think Mueller indicts people to place them in financial peril, obligating them to consume their financial resources defending themselves, and in doing so, Mueller obtains guilty pleas to minor offenses. It's extortion to obtain guilty pleas for minor offenses, when the main charges filed/looming in the background are weakly supported by evidence.
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Mueller is being paid healthy fees to continue. He will make the flavor last.
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bobbranco said:

Mueller is being paid healthy fees to continue. He will make the flavor last.

Leave $3.5 million job at Wilmer Hale
Take $210,000 job at Justice Department
Healthy Fees

Who was Mueller giving speeches to pre-appointment? Follow the money and you will see who is paying him now.
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Regardless of my take on Mueller's appointment, if Richard Gates committed $100 million in financial fraud, I want to see him commensurately punished for it. If Paul Manafort committed these same egregious crimes, I want to see Mueller effectively prosecute him. This should involve the main cooperating witness, Gates, pleading guilty to the most serious readily provable charge against both himself and Manafort.

That is what would have been required, at a minimum, in the U.S. attorney's office where I worked. More likely, an SDNY prosecutor would have insisted that Gates plead guilty to all of the offenses that he and Manafort were indicted for committing jointly. This prudent practice was the standard during my years in the office, and I am pleased to say that it continued in the years after I left. (See, e.g., Byron York's recent Washington Examiner column in which he quotes former SDNY U.S. attorney Preet Bharara: "When we had evidence against somebody and wanted them to flip, we made them plead guilty to every bad act that they had ever done, especially if we were later going to be alleging other people had engaged in that activity as well.")
That is what has been so puzzling to me about how Mueller has been proceeding. He's not getting any bang for his buck in the guilty pleas he has accepted thus far as they haven't furthered the cases of the bigger investigation.

Bankrupting people for the hell of it and just because he can and not advancing other cases is not only an abuse of his discretion but approaching malfeasance. (Mike Nifong in the Duke la crosse case, for example.) It is also undermining his own credibility and the credibility of the investigation.

Mueller could very well be further sidelined by the upcoming IG report and actions taken by Huber. Point being that their investigations and results by comparison to his anemic results will reflect poorly on him.
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I believe justice will be served.

Icebergs are very strange. All you see is the tip, but under the right circumstances they will turn over and all that could not be seen is now visible for all to see.

In regards to your land offer, you are a fraud. Mueller is a fraud. An old, but very wise Comanche once told me 2 frauds don't make it right.
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coyote68 said:

I believe justice will be served.

Icebergs are very strange. All you see is the tip, but under the right circumstances they will turn over and all that could not be seen is now visible for all to see.

In regards to your land offer, you are a fraud. Mueller is a fraud. An old, but very wise Comanche once told me 2 frauds don't make it right.
McCabe and Comey, two of Mueller's prized witnesses, have apparently contradicted each other over the Lisa Page leak to Devlin Barrett at the WSJ.

Case of battling memos between McCabe and Comey but McCabe says he has emails to support his contentions.


McCabe has maintained that he had authority to allow FBI officials to share information with The Wall Street Journal for a story in October 2016 regarding the Clinton Foundation, but his statements are reportedly at odds with testimony Comey gave that was included in the Office of Professional Responsibility report before McCabe's ouster.

Since his firing, McCabe has claimed the disclosure was by the book and that his move to share the information was "not a secret" from Comey and other higher-ups at the bureau, saying it was within his authority as the No. 2 FBI official to share the info.

But Comey told the Justice Department's inspector general that he did not remember McCabe mentioning that he authorized officials to share details of the bureau's probe into the Clinton Foundation with the press, sources told CNN.

One source said the apparent discrepancy between McCabe's post-firing statements and the report, which is currently only available to members of Congress, is likely the result of a miscommunication between McCabe and Comey, and nothing more.

A lawyer representing McCabe told CNN that his client's recollection of the events were much clearer than Comey's, and that he had emails showing that McCabe made Comey aware of his ongoing interactions with the reporter.

Why is this important? Because Comey testified under oath that he had never authorized anyone at the FBI to leak about pending investigations. Perjury.
BMX Bandit
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I'm a fraud becaise i don't buy into your baseless fantasy? Ok
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Justice is not a fantasy.
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aggiehawg said:

coyote68 said:

I believe justice will be served.

Icebergs are very strange. All you see is the tip, but under the right circumstances they will turn over and all that could not be seen is now visible for all to see.

In regards to your land offer, you are a fraud. Mueller is a fraud. An old, but very wise Comanche once told me 2 frauds don't make it right.
McCabe and Comey, two of Mueller's prized witnesses, have apparently contradicted each other over the Lisa Page leak to Devlin Barrett at the WSJ.

Case of battling memos between McCabe and Comey but McCabe says he has emails to support his contentions.


McCabe has maintained that he had authority to allow FBI officials to share information with The Wall Street Journal for a story in October 2016 regarding the Clinton Foundation, but his statements are reportedly at odds with testimony Comey gave that was included in the Office of Professional Responsibility report before McCabe's ouster.

Since his firing, McCabe has claimed the disclosure was by the book and that his move to share the information was "not a secret" from Comey and other higher-ups at the bureau, saying it was within his authority as the No. 2 FBI official to share the info.

But Comey told the Justice Department's inspector general that he did not remember McCabe mentioning that he authorized officials to share details of the bureau's probe into the Clinton Foundation with the press, sources told CNN.

One source said the apparent discrepancy between McCabe's post-firing statements and the report, which is currently only available to members of Congress, is likely the result of a miscommunication between McCabe and Comey, and nothing more.

A lawyer representing McCabe told CNN that his client's recollection of the events were much clearer than Comey's, and that he had emails showing that McCabe made Comey aware of his ongoing interactions with the reporter.

Why is this important? Because Comey testified under oath that he had never authorized anyone at the FBI to leak about pending investigations. Perjury.

I'm sure Comey will claim it wasn't his intention - intent to lie to Congress, should McCabe produce documentation proving Comey knew about the leaks. At most it was just extreme carelessness on his part.
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BMX Bandit said:

If you think mueller is going to be indicted or "taken down" I've got some real estate in near Flagstaff with a great view of the pacific I want to talk to you about
Ask that check out this thread rather than re-keying it here for a perspective. Have changed mind- --Mueller probably does need to be fired after the IG report if he keeps at unrelated investigation activity, in the Lavrenti Beria model.
BMX Bandit
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Whether Mueller needs to be fired is a completely different question as to whether Mueller is going to be indicted, don't you think?

Coyote has been claiming for months that Mueller is going to be arrested.
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aggiehawg said:

Why is this important? Because Comey testified under oath that he had never authorized anyone at the FBI to leak about pending investigations. Perjury.
Or Comey was asked the wrong question.

If McCabe had standing authorization, Comey could somewhat technically say he never specifically authorized McCabe's leak. Obviously a lack of candor but maybe not perjury.
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I'm sure Comey will claim it wasn't his intention - intent to lie to Congress, should McCabe produce documentation proving Comey knew about the leaks. At most it was just extreme carelessness on his part.
I hope that Comey gets indicted just as his book tour kicks off.
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BMX Bandit said:

Whether Mueller needs to be fired is a completely different question as to whether Mueller is going to be indicted, don't you think?

Coyote has been claiming for months that Mueller is going to be arrested.
Yes it is a different question. What I was getting at is, "No, the system isn't going to snare him -- and so yes, you do need to boot him, before they create some `find-the-crime-all-have-violated kind of nonsenses'. Things are sufficiently partisan that the fallout will be safer that way than giving actual legal pretext. As on the other thread, you are not supposed to investigate a person seeking a crime, you are supposed to investigate a crime seeking a culprit.
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Yes it is a different question. What I was getting at is, "No, the system isn't going to snare him -- and so yes, you do need to boot him, before they create some `find-the-crime-all-have-violated kind of nonsenses'. Things are sufficiently partisan that the fallout will be safer that way than giving actual legal pretext. As on the other thread, you are not supposed to investigate a person seeking a crime, you are supposed to investigate a crime seeking a culprit.
And that may be the very thing that trips up Mueller. How he conducted the investigation. Remember our FBI love birds worked for him for a few months. Mueller has thus far been successful in withholding their texts during that time period but Horowitz still has them.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

No clue what you are talking about
Sorry, you just stated awhile back this thread was getting eyes outside of the TexAgs circle was curious if you ever clarified or found out who
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I agree with Titan: Trump should fire Mueller or have Rosenstien give him a deadline of a few months to wrap up.

I just don't think it matters politically at this point.
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Mueller is going to milk this as long as he can. Outside of the political implications and trying to find something to down Trump, I think another perspective here that needs to be noted is that this dude is building his wealth and taking that taxpayer paycheck, same with his staff. They're getting rich off of this and why would they willingly throw that away?
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garc said:

I agree with Titan: Trump should fire Mueller or have Rosenstien give him a deadline of a few months to wrap up.

I just don't think it matters politically at this point.
If the Flynn plea deal gets thrown out and/or Manafort's case gets dismissed either in whole or in part, I think that's pretty much it for Mueller.
BMX Bandit
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I think it helps trump to have him there. Easy enemy to rally against. And that's why I think Trump ultimately hasn't shut it down
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I think I made a joke once because a tweet came out on a very subject we had been discussing a couple of days prior maybe, but not sure I ever made a serious statement that anyone was reading TA posts

This? It was a joke
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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aggiehawg said:

garc said:

I agree with Titan: Trump should fire Mueller or have Rosenstien give him a deadline of a few months to wrap up.

I just don't think it matters politically at this point.
If the Flynn plea deal gets thrown out and/or Manafort's case gets dismissed either in whole or in part, I think that's pretty much it for Mueller.

And Flynn is the more likely to get nuked?

Manafort is arguing some sort of jurisdictional angle, with the AG not having the investigative authority, right?

Odds on either happening?
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garc said:

aggiehawg said:

garc said:

I agree with Titan: Trump should fire Mueller or have Rosenstien give him a deadline of a few months to wrap up.

I just don't think it matters politically at this point.
If the Flynn plea deal gets thrown out and/or Manafort's case gets dismissed either in whole or in part, I think that's pretty much it for Mueller.

And Flynn is the more likely to get nuked?

Manafort is arguing some sort of jurisdictional angle, with the AG not having the investigative authority, right?

Odds on either happening?
If the IG has evidence of doctored 302's on Flynn I say he walks, if he doesn't he'll be pardoned

Manafort is likely a stretch, he's dirty
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

I think I made a joke once because a tweet came out on a very subject we had been discussing a couple of days prior maybe, but not sure I ever made a serious statement that anyone was reading TA posts

This? It was a joke
Ah my bad lol. I took it seriously because I do think this thread is pretty crazy and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it's getting eyes elsewhere.
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aggiehawg said:

garc said:

I agree with Titan: Trump should fire Mueller or have Rosenstien give him a deadline of a few months to wrap up.

I just don't think it matters politically at this point.
If the Flynn plea deal gets thrown out and/or Manafort's case gets dismissed either in whole or in part, I think that's pretty much it for Mueller.
Mueller isn't going to stop even with that. Dudes oooking into decades old business dealings with Trump. Stuffed his nose into manaforts lobbying in Ukraine totally unrelated to trump. I wish I had a job where my boss told me to do whatever the hell I want and get paid a **** ton of money. There will be no conclusion to this investigation unless mueller is fired or trump doesn't get re-elected. Now, if a republican wins the office then mueller keeps going. It only ends if a democrat becomes president or he gets fired
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garc said:

aggiehawg said:

garc said:

I agree with Titan: Trump should fire Mueller or have Rosenstien give him a deadline of a few months to wrap up.

I just don't think it matters politically at this point.
If the Flynn plea deal gets thrown out and/or Manafort's case gets dismissed either in whole or in part, I think that's pretty much it for Mueller.

And Flynn is the more likely to get nuked?

Manafort is arguing some sort of jurisdictional angle, with the AG not having the investigative authority, right?

Odds on either happening?
Flynn:60-40 on being thrown out. If the 302's were modified, 100% Judge Sullivan ain't fooling around and is actively looking for prosecutorial misconduct.

Manafort: 50-50. I think some charges get tossed because of Statute of Limitations issues (Mueller went back to 2005 in the search warrant, which in and of itself is not problematical except for probable cause.) The jurisdictional issues are more legal hair-splitting and hard to predict which argument wins the day. Depends on the judge but is looking fairly good at the moment. Mueller has pissed that judge off already, too.
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