Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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I think Mueller's and Weissman's hats are Pitch Black. There is legal war going on, a blood feud between Trump's team of smart tough Republicans Grassley, Nunez, Goodlatte, Jordan and many others against the Mueller- Clinton- Obama- Democrat- Deep State- Swamp- Hole In The Wall Gang ! Based on Trump's history, it will probably be a fight to the death !
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You're not wrong.

I was like GCP last summer. I too was hopeful and optimistic that Mueller would conduct himself in a professional manner. After all, we were told by prominent Republicans that Mueller was the epitome of a professional. Not many people knew he was besties with the nut case Comey.

However, as you said one time before, Mueller is being both very aggressive and very political. That's not a sign of someone being objective and professional. That's a sign of someone given marching orders.

This has been a witch hunt from the very start (with the blessing of the Senate GOP, which is comprised mostly of NeverTrumpers who protect the Old Guard).

On the bright side, Mueller is coming up on one year into his investigation and even liberals admit that he hasn't found ANY evidence of Russia collusion (although, ironically, Mueller STILL has the support of GOP establishment shrills like Little Marco and Trey Gowdy).

So let the clown show continue and Mueller continue to disgrace himself. All he is doing now is indicting Russian trolls. What a tool. Lol
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VaultingChemist said:

Put yourself in Mueller's shoes.

If you are being hired to investigate Russian collusion by Trump and his associates, do you hire all Democratic attorneys to help you. You have to know that any indictments against Trump and his administration will be viewed as a political witch hunt. Are you willing to risk ripping the country apart, worse than it already is?

However, if you are being informed that there are numerous felonies committed by Obama, Hillary, and their associates, wouldn't it be perceived more fairly if Democratic lawyers indicted other Democrats? If the evidence can convince biased attorneys, then it should convince the American people.

Or it could be that Mueller is all about CYA for himself and his friends on the 7th floor. If he is doing that, what did he meet with Trump for? Is Rosenstein a white hat or a black hat? Rosenstein must have known about the FISA abuse, the unmasking, and the leaking when he hired Mueller.

You are thinking too logically.

It really gets down to "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

The D.C. Establishment was not about to let some loudmouth New York Populist come in and ruin their gravy train...not without a fight anyway.

They all thought Hillary would win. This investigation was a back up plan to remove Trump once he shockingly (to them) won.

Make no mistake. GOP Senators like Rubio, McCain, Cornyn, McConnell, Graham, Collins, Corker, Murkowski and Flake (and maybe a few others like Shelby and Burr) ALL wanted to see Mueller nail Trump, and they are all disappointed that it looks more and more like Trump will serve his full term.
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oysterbayAG said:

I think Mueller's and Weissman's hats are Pitch Black. There is legal war going on, a blood feud between Trump's team of smart tough Republicans Grassley, Nunez, Goodlatte, Jordan and many others against the Mueller- Clinton- Obama- Democrat- Deep State- Swamp- Hole In The Wall Gang ! Based on Trump's history, it will probably be a fight to the death !

You got the picture.

Grassley joining the fight against the DC cartel (with the assistance of Lindsey Graham none-the-less), as well as Ryan agreeing to release the Nunes memo, has to be troubling many in the GOP establishment.

I suspect that is what McConnell was so worked up about when he was frantically talking to President Trump just before the State of the Union Address (I.E. he was trying to talk him out of releasing the Nunes memo).

This is a definite bare knuckles brawl.
Larry S Ross
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2018 elections become more and more important. Middle of the road gop E will turn on Trump. Even those liking his policies if base even looks like they are moving away from him. IG report better be the real deal. Hoping it will be.
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Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page

..."Former and current DOJ and FBI leadership have confirmed to the committee that unverified information from the Steele dossier comprised an essential part of the FISA applications related to Carter Page," Nunes wrote Thursday.

Nunes listed five criminal statues that were possibly violated, including conspiracy, obstruction of justice, contempt of court. It also cites statues that make it a crime to willfully deprive a person of a right protected by the Constitution and another preventing unauthorized electronic surveillance.

In the letter, Nunes asks Sessions whether these protocols requiring verified information have changed, and if not, what steps the DOJ or FBI taken to hold officials behind the Page application accountable.
The letter is carbon copied to FBI Director Christopher Wray and DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

You can read the letter here:

Nunes is after Sessions now concerning FISA abuse. I think it's just politics to help set up a public dialogue on the investigation into FISA abuse that Sessions has already announced.

(Edit: I am too software illiterate to know how to post these scribd. documents.)
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Interesting letter from Nunes.
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Hopefully this will become Obama's Waterloo !
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According to MSNBC, Mueller is about to indict people for "hacking" the DNC.

Of course, they think this means Trump is going down.
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Rapier108 said:

According to MSNBC, Mueller is about to indict people for "hacking" the DNC.

Of course, they think this means Trump is going down.
That should be really interesting since the FBI/DOJ never had their hands on the servers in question to forensically examine them to determine who did what.

MSNBC is talking out their collective asses....

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drcrinum said:


Nunes: FBI may have violated criminal statutes in FISA application to spy on Trump adviser Carter Page

..."Former and current DOJ and FBI leadership have confirmed to the committee that unverified information from the Steele dossier comprised an essential part of the FISA applications related to Carter Page," Nunes wrote Thursday.

Nunes listed five criminal statues that were possibly violated, including conspiracy, obstruction of justice, contempt of court. It also cites statues that make it a crime to willfully deprive a person of a right protected by the Constitution and another preventing unauthorized electronic surveillance.

In the letter, Nunes asks Sessions whether these protocols requiring verified information have changed, and if not, what steps the DOJ or FBI taken to hold officials behind the Page application accountable.
The letter is carbon copied to FBI Director Christopher Wray and DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

You can read the letter here:

Nunes is after Sessions now concerning FISA abuse. I think it's just politics to help set up a public dialogue on the investigation into FISA abuse that Sessions has already announced.

(Edit: I am too software illiterate to know how to post these scribd. documents.)

Nunes knows much more than we do. And he can't say what he knows exactly. But he and Grassley are playing this roll-out exactly how they need to do and stay within the law. Pressure to appoint a second Special Counsel is building.

One that investigates the FISA abuse by Comey and gang. Comey stated under oath he leaked manufactured "evidence" to the press to get Mueller appointed. Take out Comey as any sort of credible source and the already shaky ground beneath Mueller's feet, get shakier.

Comey is the key to discrediting Mueller. An honest Special Counsel would be going after his bestie for lying to him, yet he has refused to do so. An honest Special Counsel would have referred Comey to the DOJ for prosecution for multiple instances of perjury before Congress, yet he has refused to do so. (And Sessions/Rosenstein better have a grand jury convened and taking Comey's perjury issues into consideration right now.)

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Mark Levin was on Hannity tonight reading from a brief sent by the Landmark Legal Foundation to the FISA Court last April (above link for the video). The brief brought up how the Court had been abused...and Judge Collyer sent a reply which he read...saying there were no issues of this nature before the Court (when the warrant renewal actually was). Levin was very upset and smelled a rat. He believes that the judges on the court should have initiated action when they learned that the FBI/DOJ had misled the court for political purposes. This is worth watching. Unfortunately Hannity interrupted him near the end but he was still able to make his points.

If you wish to hear a full reading of the brief, it's available on Levin's podcast from last April.

By the way, Levin now has a one hour program on FoxNews on Sunday Evening at 9pm. Started last Sunday with a one hour interview/discussion with Professor Walter Williams and dominated the time slot on cable tv.
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drcrinum said:

Mark Levin was on Hannity tonight reading from a brief sent by the Landmark Legal Foundation to the FISA Court last April (above link for the video). The brief brought up how the Court had been abused...and Judge Collyer sent a reply which he read...saying there were no issues of this nature before the Court (when the warrant renewal actually was). Levin was very upset and smelled a rat. He believes that the judges on the court should have initiated action when they learned that the FBI/DOJ had misled the court for political purposes. This is worth watching. Unfortunately Hannity interrupted him near the end but he was still able to make his points.

If you wish to hear a full reading of the brief, it's available on Levin's podcast from last April.

By the way, Levin now has a one hour program on FoxNews on Sunday Evening at 9pm. Started last Sunday with a one hour interview/discussion with Professor Walter Williams and dominated the time slot on cable tv.

Uhmm, that's cool and all, but FISCs don't accept or acknowledge amicus briefs. Ex parte proceedings only.

In short, FISA courts are the grand-jury-indict-a ham-sandwich version of a "court" in our system.
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While listening to Levin I fully expected him to allege that the FISA Court itself is dirty. Is this an angle not previously suspected?
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aggiehawg said:

VaultingChemist said:

Put yourself in Mueller's shoes.

If you are being hired to investigate Russian collusion by Trump and his associates, do you hire all Democratic attorneys to help you. You have to know that any indictments against Trump and his administration will be viewed as a political witch hunt. Are you willing to risk ripping the country apart, worse than it already is?

However, if you are being informed that there are numerous felonies committed by Obama, Hillary, and their associates, wouldn't it be perceived more fairly if Democratic lawyers indicted other Democrats? If the evidence can convince biased attorneys, then it should convince the American people.

Or it could be that Mueller is all about CYA for himself and his friends on the 7th floor. If he is doing that, what did he meet with Trump for? Is Rosenstein a white hat or a black hat? Rosenstein must have known about the FISA abuse, the unmasking, and the leaking when he hired Mueller.

I have put myself in Mueller's shoes (doubt he wears pumps, however.) Dem lawyers taking a pay cut to be on Mueller's team would bail at the first inkling that any Obama official was a target. Their livelihood depends on currying favor with one side of the political dynamic inside the Beltway and it ain't the law and order side.

Conversely, they might be unusually willing to help bury or distract investigations into their allies and friends.
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Rapier108 said:

According to MSNBC, Mueller is about to indict people for "hacking" the DNC.

Of course, they think this means Trump is going down.

This should be interesting
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Code 7 10-42
DifferenceMaker Ag
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Rapier108 said:

According to MSNBC, Mueller is about to indict people for "hacking" the DNC.

Of course, they think this means Trump is going down.

Interesting excerpt from an editorial in Washington Times that was written by James A. Lyons, Jr., a retired U.S. Navy admiral, was commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations.


Another aspect that needs to be uncovered is the FBI's "denial" that its cyber experts who share space with the D.C. Metro police department at Cleveland Avenue in the District, assisted in accessing data on Mr. Rich's laptop. Not likely. Data on the laptop revealed that Mr. Rich downloaded thousands of DNC emails and was in touch with Wikileaks. The file with evidence of what was on Mr. Rich's laptop sits with the FBI in a co-shared space with the D.C. police department. According to Ed Butowsky, an acquaintance of the family, in his discussions with Joel and Mary Rich, they confirmed that their son transmitted the DNC emails to Wikileaks.

Since then, the DNC hired a "spokesperson," Brad Burman, a known hatchet man to basically cut off any further communications with Mr. Rich's parents. Interestingly, it is well known in the intelligence circles that Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron Rich, downloaded the DNC emails and was paid by Wikileaks for that information.
ETA link:
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Bet this never gets replied to

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So I haven't been keeping up for the last few weeks. All the libs on my Facebook feed have been full of glee over Mueller being close (Hope Hicks stuff seems to be a big part of it) to something.

Are they full of **** like usual? I'm getting so tired of all the "Trump is a Russian agent" garbage I see every day. You guys keep up with it so has anything changed?
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At this point, this is what I think Mueller & Weissman are up to. They know the IG Report is coming down the pike, so, in order to blunt the bad news for the Obama Gang and give the MSM talking points, these two dishonest prosecutors will hurry up " grand-jury-indictments-of -ham-sandwiches " This Blood Feud with Trump is going to end up like the last 15 minutes of " Saving Private Ryan "
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oysterbayAG said:

At this point, this is what I think Mueller & Weissman are up to. They know the IG Report is coming down the pike, so, in order to blunt the bad news for the Obama Gang and give the MSM talking points, these two dishonest prosecutors will hurry up " grand-jury-indictments-of -ham-sandwiches " This Blood Feud with Trump is going to end up like the last 15 minutes of " Saving Private Ryan "
I'm thinking it's more along the Jake Spoon last scene.

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Interestingly, it is well known in the intelligence circles that Seth Rich and his brother, Aaron Rich, downloaded the DNC emails and was paid by Wikileaks for that information.
OK, this is the first I've heard about his brother also downloading the DNC e-mails and I closely followed the Seth Rich for quite a while (watched way too many George Webb videos).

The only thing I recall about the brother was how weird he acted during the one televised interview with the family (and the Disney fetish they apparently have). He appeared to be high or trying not to crack up while his parents sadly recounted what they knew.

I also vaguely recall the FBI glock and how it was never recovered...but remember folks, we are never to question the FBI or cast aspersions.

In more important news, Trump misspelled a word in his tweet this morning (smh).
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Connecting Deripaska, Podesta, and the Clintons with the aluminum tariffs:

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Spin Machine Overdrive New York Times Attempts To Provide Cover for McCabe Motive Outlined in Pending IG Report

The referenced NYTs article:®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

A leaky narrative about leaks to the NYTs about McCabe who is going to be outed by the OIG for unauthorized leaks to the media. If you have been following this thread, you know the story...otherwise a good read at TCTH. Just of the story: NYTs softening the blow coming for McCabe but claiming the leaks were not good for Hillary, so Trump should not be crowing about the negative fallout.
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Slightly OT here but I was wondering yesterday why Preet Bharara, head of DOJ's powerful SDNY, didn't proceed on his own when the emails were discovered? Hillary's Chappaqua house, where the server was located, was in his area. He certainly had jurisdiction over the Weiner lap-top as within his district.

Did Lynch tell him to stand down? Or was he a Clinton crony and wanted no part of the hot potato?

In any event, I'd wager his name came up a couple of times in the communications Horowitz has amassed.
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A lengthy letter from Senator Johnson, Senate Homeland Security Committee, to Rosenstein concerning the Hillary e-mail investigation. Contains a number of text messages that we have never seen involving people other than Strzok & Page. The major issue outlined in the letter is the lengthy period from late September to late October 2016, virtually a month, wherein the FBI apparently did absolutely nothing to investigate the newly discovered e-mails on Wiener's laptop...the Committee wants details on why nothing was done and a number of questions are posed. (We know why...punting until after the election, knowing Hillary would win and then everything could be swept under the rug.)

It's an interesting read concerning the text messages and who was involved.
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Ellis Wyatt
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The noose is tightening.
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Wonder how many other texts are out there and between who?
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An interview with Andrew McCarthy on the Steele dossier as used in the FISA warrant application (21 minutes).
"Unverified information from unverified sources with unverified capacity to obtain the information."
It more than hearsay...we don't even know if the sources existed.
Also it's a major issue that the FBI did not inform the Court that Steele had lied concerning speaking to the media, as Steele was the source for the Yahoo News article by Isikoff.
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drcrinum said:

An interview with Andrew McCarthy on the Steele dossier as used in the FISA warrant application (21 minutes).
"Unverified information from unverified sources with unverified capacity to obtain the information."
It more than hearsay...we don't even know if the sources existed.
Also it's a major issue that the FBI did not inform the Court that Steele had lied concerning speaking to the media, as Steele was the source for the Yahoo News article by Isikoff.

Yeah but like....uhhh, Steele was trusted and stuff (libs all nod their heads approvingly).
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And that is the laughable part of the entire argument from Schiff, the fact that this document was anywhere near ANY court much less the FISC to get a warrant of any kind. They try to rationalize it saying they had other evidense, is completely irrelevant. They literally took that garbage before a judge is just mind boggling.
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Guess I was somewhat prescient on the Preet Bharara score.

So to recap. Strzok tells Page on September 28, 2016 that SDNY (Preet) has the emails from Weiner's lap top and that a team is going from DC to NYC the next day "to review" them.

However, they apparently didn't have a search warrant to "review" them until October 30th, 2016? How does that work?
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aggiehawg said:

Guess I was somewhat prescient on the Preet Bharara score.

So to recap. Strzok tells Page on September 28, 2016 that SDNY (Preet) has the emails from Weiner's lap top and that a team is going from DC to NYC the next day "to review" them.

However, they apparently didn't have a search warrant to "review" them until October 30th, 2016? How does that work?
Seriously sandbagged that entire deal. They never intended to do anything but NYPD wasn't going to just lay around and say nothing. Once they knew if they didn't act they would be exposed, they jumped on the warrant and hurried through the emails if they even really looked at them, we still don't know that for sure, they just said they were duplicated, they could be anything, namely the 30K that were deleted.
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