Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,786,805 Views | 49468 Replies | Last: 7 days ago by Ulysses90
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hawk1689 said:

I didn't ask for anybody to prove anything. I asked if there was proof that the information in the Steele dossier was false. So far, I have not seen definitive evidence of that presented.

I think you are a murderer, a cheater, and a thief.

Prove you're not or your life and career are ruined.

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hawk1689 said:

I didn't ask for anybody to prove anything. I asked if there was proof that the information in the Steele dossier was false. So far, I have not seen definitive evidence of that presented.
You asked for confirmation that it is fake. You are asking for someone, maybe not us, to prove a negative to you.

You also don't believe the sources that tell you the fbi director and deputy director have said it was not verified, even though the source of the fbi director part is the fbi director himself. He literally testified under oath to that.

On top of that, you don't care even if the fbi has verified it or not. You think it is perfectly OK for the fbi of one party's president to spy on the opposing party's presidential candidate based on an unverified document funded by the candidate in the current president's party.

Since you're new here, respond to the following scenario for me:

Kamala Harris wins the 2020 Democrat nomination

Donald trump pays Erik prince to write a dossier on kamala Harris

Christopher Wray and Jeff sessions use that dossier to get a fisa warrant on kamala Harris's campaign.

The only corroboration of the dossier is that fox news wrote an article about one of the 32 claims. With the source of the article being Erik prince, himself.

Is that a "procedural infraction?"

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Whoever said "politics is a dirty business"...well, Hillary, Obama, and leaders in the DOJ/FBI/CIA all collectively said "hold my beer."

Maybe that will help the poster understand.
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friscodick said:

Whoever said "politics is a dirty business"...well, Hillary, Obama, and leaders in the DOJ/FBI/CIA all collectively said "hold my beer."

Maybe that will help the poster understand.
Don't forget that Ted Kennedy literally tried to hire the Ruskies to go after Ronald Reagan, this is nothing new. And it dates back way before even then
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Code 7 10-42
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Face palm. Why argue with a dip***** Everyone knows the dossier was unverified and made up, and that our justice system says we're innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof lies with Mueller to prove that any of it is true. The ridiculous thing is that we're forced to pay for this circus of an investigation based on something that isn't real. You know deep down Mueller has got to be thinking this is such a waste of his time.
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chach said:

Face palm. Why argue with a dip***** Everyone knows the dossier was unverified and made up, and that our justice system says we're innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof lies with Mueller to prove that any of it is true. The ridiculous thing is that we're forced to pay for this circus of an investigation based on something that isn't real. You know deep down Mueller has got to be thinking this is such a waste of his time.
My take on Mueller and why he is even involved to begin with revolves around Uranium One and deep dark secrets involved with that. Mueller was the head of the FBI during that entire ordeal and all the acts of treason that are wrapped up in it. We now know that there was an active investigation going on involving bribery of officials, for selling away our national security to our arch enemy. Mueller and company looked the other way, and the sale went down. Barry's administration kept a lid on it, with Holder/Lynch in place, but they needed another election cycle in power to let it fully blow over and two cycles would ensure it buried. But the came Donald Trump and all those involved in the selling out of our country in not only Uranium One but the Iran Nuclear deal. Both of those treasonous acts are devastating to our national security. Mueller is neck deep in the whole deal as are many others on both sides of the isle. His participation as special counsel isn't about election manipulation or collusion, it's about survival mode of the DC establishment because they know an outsider can blow the lid off of everything they've spent decades building up.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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"There's money to be made in the building of an empire, but even more money to be made in its destruction".
-- Rhett Butler, Gone With The Wind
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So.. occurred to me this morning, do we really think this FISA abuse was a one time thing? Have we looked at the 2012 election to see if any of Romney's campaign related staff might've had a FISA warrant issued on them?
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ScottH_01 said:

So.. occurred to me this morning, do we really think this FISA abuse was a one time thing? Have we looked at the 2012 election to see if any of Romney's campaign related staff might've had a FISA warrant issued on them?

It's is my opinion that this went on for a long time. The biggest red flag for me was Roberts and Obamacare decision. I think he was blackmailed in some form and Obama was very confident. I'm sure if we looked hard at decisions made by senators or reps we could find things.

Look no further than 2014 and this huff post article about Feinstein. If she was upset about it you know it was bad.
FTAG 2000
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ScottH_01 said:

So.. occurred to me this morning, do we really think this FISA abuse was a one time thing? Have we looked at the 2012 election to see if any of Romney's campaign related staff might've had a FISA warrant issued on them?

and John Roberts leading up to the Obamacare vote
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Manafort made his approach to Team Trump in Jan/Feb 2016 & was appointed on 29 March. Papadopoulos made his approach at the same time, joining in mid-March. What else happened at that time?

9. The DNC/Clinton team was engaged with Fusion GPS, via Perkins Coie. The official line is that this started in 'early March' and that Fusion approached Perkins. That sounds like BS to me.

10. When the truth emerges, I think we will see that Fusion GPS & the DNC/Clinton team were collaborating much earlier than that, possibly in late 2015. We will see. Either way, Manafort, Papadopoulos & Fusion GPS all enter the scene AT THE SAME TIME.

A new thread with some thoughts by Rex. I've posted an interesting segment above.

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Cepe said:

ScottH_01 said:

So.. occurred to me this morning, do we really think this FISA abuse was a one time thing? Have we looked at the 2012 election to see if any of Romney's campaign related staff might've had a FISA warrant issued on them?

It's is my opinion that this went on for a long time. The biggest red flag for me was Roberts and Obamacare decision. I think he was blackmailed in some form and Obama was very confident. I'm sure if we looked hard at decisions made by senators or reps we could find things.

Look no further than 2014 and this huff post article about Feinstein. If she was upset about it you know it was bad.

Brennan was director of CIA starting in March of 2013 and that lines up perfectly using the NSA to spy and provide surveillance to Obama and his cronies. To me Brennan and Clapper are the turning points when it became fully politicized and weaponized.
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I like this part:


IMO if liberals think Mueller is their friend, they're in for a very rude shock.

23. When the truth emerges, it will explain the indictment of Papadopoulos, Gates & Manafort. Also, the disappearance of Tony Podesta.

And that NOTHING improper ever happened between Trump, his team and the Putin regime. The story was a Clinton/DNC lie from the start.

24. An ill wind is blowing, for sure. Straight toward the Clinton & Obama camps. And it is getting stronger by the day.

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Tailgate88 said:

I like this part:


IMO if liberals think Mueller is their friend, they're in for a very rude shock.

23. When the truth emerges, it will explain the indictment of Papadopoulos, Gates & Manafort. Also, the disappearance of Tony Podesta.

And that NOTHING improper ever happened between Trump, his team and the Putin regime. The story was a Clinton/DNC lie from the start.

24. An ill wind is blowing, for sure. Straight toward the Clinton & Obama camps. And it is getting stronger by the day.

It will be absolutely delicious to watch the media feverishly spin negatively towards Mueller if this does indeed occur. They have been team Mueller for well over a year now and the sudden reversal would give everyone severe whiplash. The hospital bills will be enormous.
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Tailgate88 said:

I like this part:


IMO if liberals think Mueller is their friend, they're in for a very rude shock.

23. When the truth emerges, it will explain the indictment of Papadopoulos, Gates & Manafort. Also, the disappearance of Tony Podesta.

And that NOTHING improper ever happened between Trump, his team and the Putin regime. The story was a Clinton/DNC lie from the start.

24. An ill wind is blowing, for sure. Straight toward the Clinton & Obama camps. And it is getting stronger by the day.

I cannot wait for every single liberal's head to pop when this comes out.

It wont be messy because there's nothing inside those heads of theirs.

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Thank you for linking to articles that actually attack the substance of the dossier. This is all that I was wanting before some of you started trying goad me into an argument that I wasn't making. I still haven't seen what I would refer to as "debunking" of the dossier but certainly more information that leads me to the position that I've maintained all along...the evidence favors the right.
End Of Message
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It favors truth. When this all shakes out, heads on both sides will roll.

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chach said:

Face palm. Why argue with a dip***** Everyone knows the dossier was unverified and made up, and that our justice system says we're innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof lies with Mueller to prove that any of it is true. The ridiculous thing is that we're forced to pay for this circus of an investigation based on something that isn't real. You know deep down Mueller has got to be thinking this is such a waste of his time.
Are you Trump's lawyer? I only care about the truth. I don't hold my opinion to an innocent until proven guilty standard. I'm more of a preponderance of the evidence kind of guy for that.
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Well the beauty of our legal system is, you don't have to debunk anything, they have to prove it is true. People confuse how the system works. Libs screaming accusations mean squat without proof. It's innocent before proven guilty not the other way around. But that's how the liberal mindset works. They always want something debunked or proven false. Sorry Libs that's not how it works. You make accusations you better have proof to go along with it.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Well the beauty of our legal system is, you don't have to debunk anything, they have to prove it is true. People confuse how the system works. Libs screaming accusations mean squat without proof. It's innocent before proven guilty not the other way around. But that's how the liberal mindset works. They always want something debunked or proven false. Sorry Libs that's not how it works. You make accusations you better have proof to go along with it.
What I don't get is when Liberals say that since someone did not address or deny something, it is true.
One day at a time.
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An interesting article at TCTH. Seems in the last days of the Obama Admin, Brennan, Clapper & Comey put together a threat analysis report (linked above - The "Russian Malicious Cyber Activity Joint Analysis Report") that was likely designed to provide narrative and cover for the Russian hacking/Trump-Russian Collusion Scheme. The very day this report was released was when Obama held a classified Intel Briefing in early January 2017, which was immediately followed by the infamous secret meeting referenced in the Susan Rice belated e-mail to herself. Nunes & the HPSIC are now investigating the classified footnotes behind this threat analysis document. Admiral Rogers & other relevant agencies refused to sign off on it:


The Defense Intelligence Agency, Homeland Security, State Department's intelligence bureau and other agencies with relevant expertise on Russia were excluded, in violation of normal rules for drafting such assessments. And in another departure from custom, the report is missing any dissenting views or an annex with evaluations of the conclusions from outside reviewers.

Ellis Wyatt
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hawk1689 said:

chach said:

Face palm. Why argue with a dip***** Everyone knows the dossier was unverified and made up, and that our justice system says we're innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof lies with Mueller to prove that any of it is true. The ridiculous thing is that we're forced to pay for this circus of an investigation based on something that isn't real. You know deep down Mueller has got to be thinking this is such a waste of his time.
Are you Trump's lawyer? I only care about the truth. I don't hold my opinion to an innocent until proven guilty standard. I'm more of a preponderance of the evidence kind of guy for that.

Take the obtuse act somewhere else. Your story has become tiresome.
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hawk1689 said:

chach said:

Face palm. Why argue with a dip***** Everyone knows the dossier was unverified and made up, and that our justice system says we're innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof lies with Mueller to prove that any of it is true. The ridiculous thing is that we're forced to pay for this circus of an investigation based on something that isn't real. You know deep down Mueller has got to be thinking this is such a waste of his time.
Are you Trump's lawyer? I only care about the truth. I don't hold my opinion to an innocent until proven guilty standard. I'm more of a preponderance of the evidence kind of guy for that.

Preponderance is for lawsuits. Not for potential criminal trials.
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Ellis Wyatt said:

hawk1689 said:

chach said:

O Face palm. Why argue with a dip***** Everyone knows the dossier was unverified and made up, and that our justice system says we're innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof lies with Mueller to prove that any of it is true. The ridiculous thing is that we're forced to pay for this circus of an investigation based on something that isn't real. You know deep down Mueller has got to be thinking this is such a waste of his time.
Are you Trump's lawyer? I only care about the truth. I don't hold my opinion to an innocent until proven guilty standard. I'm more of a preponderance of the evidence kind of guy for that.

Take the obtuse act somewhere else. Your story has become tiresome.
He is only here to try and disrupt this successful thread. He will leave in a few days and a different one will come over. Best to just not respond to him. There are plenty of other threads they can argue on.
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Interesting tidbits about Perkins Coie. Robert Bauer, a partner in Perkins Coie, was Obama's personal attorney & represented Obama's Election Campaign in 2008, going on to become White House Legal Counsel following the election. He later returned to the Practice where he represented the DNC and Obama's second election. As you can see from the chart, Perkins Coie is heavily invested in Democrat/leftist-leaning organizations. Some of Perkins Coie other clients include: John Kerry, Chris Dodd, Robert Menendez, Diane Feinstein, Facebook, Al Franken, Claire McCaskill, Robert Casey, Google, Mary Landieu, Richard Blumenthal and Harry Reid.

Marc Elias, of Fusion GPS fame, is the Chair of Perkins Coie's Political Law Group.
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The dossier has been out for a year and half or so and not one piece has been proven to be true even with a massive "Get Trump" act going on.

That tells me everything I need to know about this so-called dossier.

Anyone saying "Well, it hasn't proven to NOT be true" is a troll IMO.
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Well the beauty of our legal system is, you don't have to debunk anything, they have to prove it is true. People confuse how the system works. Libs screaming accusations mean squat without proof. It's innocent before proven guilty not the other way around. But that's how the liberal mindset works. They always want something debunked or proven false. Sorry Libs that's not how it works. You make accusations you better have proof to go along with it.

You are 100% right. However the progressive libs are trying to change the rule of the game. And it is wicked to the core. they know that you can bark out an lie and a false accusation and it goes out like fire and then come back an dissue a retraction and bury it somewhere and the fire is running and it doesw not put it out.

Scripture says the tongue is a fire, It is also why one of the primary commandments is not baring false witness. or lying about someone. It is very wicked. God will judge it big time.

The leadership of the left knows this is a lie, they don't care, is serves their purpose. And the media cannot be held to account for doing it, at least not here. Yet they will be held to account for it after this life whether they believe it or not.
"only one thing is important!"
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So you don't think iternet forums are the proper place for open discourse?
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hawk1689 said:

So you don't think iternet forums are the proper place for open discourse?
Guilty until proven innocent is not open discourse. It is insanity.

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hawk1689 said:

So you don't think iternet forums are the proper place for open discourse?
Not what you're know it...or sadly, too dumb to recognize it.
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hawk1689 said:

So you don't think iternet forums are the proper place for open discourse?
Innocent until proven guilty is usually not discussed a lot because very few people disagree with it.
One day at a time.
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Interesting tidbits about Perkins Coie. Robert Bauer, a partner in Perkins Coie, was Obama's personal attorney & represented Obama's Election Campaign in 2008, going on to become White House Legal Counsel following the election. He later returned to the Practice where he represented the DNC and Obama's second election. As you can see from the chart, Perkins Coie is heavily invested in Democrat/leftist-leaning organizations. Some of Perkins Coie other clients include: John Kerry, Chris Dodd, Robert Menendez, Diane Feinstein, Facebook, Al Franken, Claire McCaskill, Robert Casey, Google, Mary Landieu, Richard Blumenthal and Harry Reid.

Marc Elias, of Fusion GPS fame, is the Chair of Perkins Coie's Political Law Group.
He was also advising both the DNC and the Hillary for America campaign on election laws, particularly campaign finance laws. During the primaries. That coordination of effort at a time when the DNC was cash-strapped, yet Hillary had a war chest.

As Donna Brazile sets forth in her book, Hillary had the money and was providing $$$$ to the DNC using various entities (mostly likely supervised by Elias). Because she controlled the purse strings, she controlled the DNC...and thus their superdelegates. And Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has the lawyer standing there telling her it was all legal.

Article about Brazile's book.
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Robert S. Mueller III was then a partner of WilmerHale in its Washington office, so that's him. This would have been a formal consultation visit, so there should be records at the office for this. Suspicious for dealing with Hillary's e-mail server. Compromised!

Katica is a specialist at examining government records. She has made some major discoveries.
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Great points,
Liberals have long been lying about their intentions but the big change in the last decade is their lying about facts. Look no further vthan Harry Reid lying about Mitt Romney's taxes and later saying he felt good about doing it and would do it again because he lost. That in a nutshell is what most Democrats and MSM believe today.

I don't know how the country survives that. For sure it is not the old Republicans strategy of letting Dems control the narrative.
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Has been trolling various sports forums on TA for years, look at the posting history, is consistently injecting obtuse comments to stir up crap. Hangs out in the Zoo mostly and jumps between threads until he gets a frenzy going and then bails. Two weeks ago decides to start trolling the POL forum after almost 14 years on TA and never posting in POL. Guess this is the new playground.
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