hawk1689 said:
I didn't ask for anybody to prove anything. I asked if there was proof that the information in the Steele dossier was false. So far, I have not seen definitive evidence of that presented.
You asked for confirmation that it is fake. You are asking for someone, maybe not us, to prove a negative to you.

You also don't believe the sources that tell you the fbi director and deputy director have said it was not verified, even though the source of the fbi director part is the fbi director himself. He literally testified under oath to that.
On top of that, you don't care even if the fbi has verified it or not. You think it is perfectly OK for the fbi of one party's president to spy on the opposing party's presidential candidate based on an unverified document funded by the candidate in the current president's party.
Since you're new here, respond to the following scenario for me:
Kamala Harris wins the 2020 Democrat nomination
Donald trump pays Erik prince to write a dossier on kamala Harris
Christopher Wray and Jeff sessions use that dossier to get a fisa warrant on kamala Harris's campaign.
The only corroboration of the dossier is that fox news wrote an article about one of the 32 claims. With the source of the article being Erik prince, himself.
Is that a "procedural infraction?"