Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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Prosperdick said:

It's hard for me to rank how badly I want some of these slimeballs to get indicted and in the interest of reality I'll remove Hillary and Obummer but my list looks something like this:

1. Schiff - Would love to see him go down for some pedo stuff but at the same time it means some unfortunate kid(s) not only got molested but got molested by THAT GUY, talk about a double whammy

2. Comey - I'm convinced he's one of the main players who started this entire mess (at least the last 2.5 years)

3. Brennan - Do I need to say more

4. Strozk - Again, no comment necessary

5. Clapper - Poster boy for what can go wrong with weaponizing the alphabet agencies

Unfortunately I doubt I'll get to see any of them perp walked but I boy can dream can't he.

Brennan is 1a, Comey 1b, McCabe 1c and Weissman 1d.
"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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akm91 said:

Prosperdick said:

It's hard for me to rank how badly I want some of these slimeballs to get indicted and in the interest of reality I'll remove Hillary and Obummer but my list looks something like this:

1. Schiff - Would love to see him go down for some pedo stuff but at the same time it means some unfortunate kid(s) not only got molested but got molested by THAT GUY, talk about a double whammy

2. Comey - I'm convinced he's one of the main players who started this entire mess (at least the last 2.5 years)

3. Brennan - Do I need to say more

4. Strozk - Again, no comment necessary

5. Clapper - Poster boy for what can go wrong with weaponizing the alphabet agencies

Unfortunately I doubt I'll get to see any of them perp walked but I boy can dream can't he.

Brennan is 1a, Comey 1b, McCabe 1c and Weissman 1d.

How could I forget Weissman, my bad. As for McCabe, he just seems like a dweeb to me, and honestly kinda forgot about him since the main players keep spewing every once in a while, but he seems to keep his trap shut.
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Clintons are gonna take him out.
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Posted on "another thread".

Notice the date signed.

Declassified 22 years early.


B. (U) General protections. Any IC element that obtains access to raw SIGINT under these Procedures will:

3. (U) Political process in the United States. Not engage in any intelligence activity authorized by these Procedures, including disseminations to the White House, for the purpose of affecting the political process in the United States. The IC element will comply with the guidance applicable to NSA regarding the application of this prohibition. Questions about whether a particular activity falls within this
prohibition will be resolved in consultation with the element's legal counsel and the General Counsel of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) (and the DoD's Office of the General Counsel in the case of a DoD IC element).
Can I go to sleep Looch?
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and who signed it.....

Lynch and Clapper, right after Trump was elected.
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Watch starting 2:10!
Dis gonna be good.
Mostly Peaceful
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Has anyone asked diGenova what happened to that Comey report he said would be out months ago? I know the left has no problem marching out those who have been discredited time and time again as long as they support their narrative. I hope Joe is right, but his thoughts hold the same amount of value to me as anything I'd hear on ABC, NBC, CNN, etc.
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fasthorses05 said:

BTW, surely Mike Rogers is going to be involved in this Durham stuff somehow. Not in a bad way, but for information purposes. I forgot the name of the FISA judge who stated that (paraphrasing here) "80% of the unmaskings were illegal". Just because she's a FISA judge, she's not above a Durham subpoena for evidence, is she? I think her name is Rosemary Collyer.

Incidentally, folks often talk about hero this, and hero that, but Mke Rogers appears to fit the bill for a Republic saving hero. Time will tell.
I completely agree. I think Rogers is the the guy that may come out as the ultimate hero in all of this.
FTAG 2000
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Secolobo said:

Posted on "another thread".

Notice the date signed.

Declassified 22 years early.


B. (U) General protections. Any IC element that obtains access to raw SIGINT under these Procedures will:

3. (U) Political process in the United States. Not engage in any intelligence activity authorized by these Procedures, including disseminations to the White House, for the purpose of affecting the political process in the United States. The IC element will comply with the guidance applicable to NSA regarding the application of this prohibition. Questions about whether a particular activity falls within this
prohibition will be resolved in consultation with the element's legal counsel and the General Counsel of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) (and the DoD's Office of the General Counsel in the case of a DoD IC element).

Reads like they made it easier to disseminate raw intel throughout the intelligence community (into the hands of deep staters), also reads like it's saying they can't share politically related info with the White House.

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They changed this rule after doing it themselves for several years hoping to impede the new administrstion's ability to gather information from the intel community on anything the intel community could "rationalize" could be politicized. I.e. it gave the intel community license to hide things from the president and his cabinet and staff.
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portuguese breakfast said:

Has anyone asked diGenova what happened to that Comey report he said would be out months ago? I know the left has no problem marching out those who have been discredited time and time again as long as they support their narrative. I hope Joe is right, but his thoughts hold the same amount of value to me as anything I'd hear on ABC, NBC, CNN, etc.
There has been recent leaks from it, including the Comey had a mole in the WH
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Interesting thoughts. . .


Soon after the special counsel's office opened in 2017, some aides noticed that Robert S. Mueller III kept noticeably shorter hours than he had as F.B.I. director, when he showed up at the bureau daily at 6 a.m. and often worked nights.
He seemed to cede substantial responsibility to his top deputies, including Aaron Zebley, who managed day-to-day operations and often reported on the investigation's progress up the chain in the Justice Department. As negotiations with President Trump's lawyers about interviewing him dragged on, for example, Mr. Mueller took part less and less, according to people familiar with how the office worked
The calendars of one of the team's top prosecutors, Andrew Weissmann, suggest that he met infrequently with Mr. Mueller apart from a daily 5 p.m. staff meeting, which typically lasted 45 minutes.
Instead, the calendars cite Mr. Zebley's initials 111 times, often next to "team leader" meetings, suggesting he may have led them.
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Cepe said:

Interesting thoughts. . .


Soon after the special counsel's office opened in 2017, some aides noticed that Robert S. Mueller III kept noticeably shorter hours than he had as F.B.I. director, when he showed up at the bureau daily at 6 a.m. and often worked nights.
He seemed to cede substantial responsibility to his top deputies, including Aaron Zebley, who managed day-to-day operations and often reported on the investigation's progress up the chain in the Justice Department. As negotiations with President Trump's lawyers about interviewing him dragged on, for example, Mr. Mueller took part less and less, according to people familiar with how the office worked
The calendars of one of the team's top prosecutors, Andrew Weissmann, suggest that he met infrequently with Mr. Mueller apart from a daily 5 p.m. staff meeting, which typically lasted 45 minutes.
Instead, the calendars cite Mr. Zebley's initials 111 times, often next to "team leader" meetings, suggesting he may have led them.

Interesting connection from Zebley to our favorite law-breaker. No possible conflict of interest here:


Remember, Zebley previously represented the IT aide who set up Hillary Clinton's email server. If it had been previously reported that he was the de facto head of the probe, you think POTUS might have noticed? Instead, not a peep.
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Cepe said:

Interesting thoughts. . .


Soon after the special counsel's office opened in 2017, some aides noticed that Robert S. Mueller III kept noticeably shorter hours than he had as F.B.I. director, when he showed up at the bureau daily at 6 a.m. and often worked nights.
He seemed to cede substantial responsibility to his top deputies, including Aaron Zebley, who managed day-to-day operations and often reported on the investigation's progress up the chain in the Justice Department. As negotiations with President Trump's lawyers about interviewing him dragged on, for example, Mr. Mueller took part less and less, according to people familiar with how the office worked
The calendars of one of the team's top prosecutors, Andrew Weissmann, suggest that he met infrequently with Mr. Mueller apart from a daily 5 p.m. staff meeting, which typically lasted 45 minutes.
Instead, the calendars cite Mr. Zebley's initials 111 times, often next to "team leader" meetings, suggesting he may have led them.

How much of the $40 million went to Mueller? How much did we pay the special prosecutor to NOT FRICKING KNOW WHO FUSION GPS IS?
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Graham told reporters on Capitol Hill that the GOP-controlled Senate would continue efforts alongside Attorney General William Barr to investigate whether the probe into the Trump campaign was begun improperly.

"Yeah, I talked to him last night, we talked aboutI told him I'll try to find out how all this mess started, and went so long," Graham said, apparently referring to President Trump.

"It's clear to me that Bob Mueller was pretty much a figurehead of the investigation," Graham added. "We'll dig in and find what happened."
Via Hot Air

About time.
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Newly unsealed court records confirm that Felix Sater, a former business associate of President Donald Trump, was an invaluable FBI source who used his ties to the criminal underworld to rat out New York's organized crime families and gather intelligence on al Qaida and arms dealers in Afghanistan.

But the trove of documents, made public this week after a years-long legal effort by media organizations, shed no new light on the part of the Russian-born businessman's past that is probably of the most interest to House Democrats investigating the president.

They don't get into his work with Trump on real estate projects in New York City and elsewhere in the years before he ran for president, and don't deal with the time period when Sater was pushing for a deal to build a Trump Tower project in Moscow.

U.S. District Judge Leo Glasser, who ordered the records released, ruled that some documents should remain secret, but assured the public that those materials contain "not a jot or tittle that mentions the president in relation to Sater."

A Soviet migr who befriended Trump in the 2000s, Sater served jail time for slashing a man with a broken cocktail glass in 1991 and was convicted of racketeering in 1998 for his role in a $40 million pump-and-dump stock fraud.

That conviction was kept under seal for years as Sater provided intelligence to the FBI on a Who's Who of criminal organizations.

Meanwhile, he reinvented himself as a real estate developer, working with a company that partnered with Trump on a hotel condominium project in Manhattan's SoHo neighborhood and repeatedly trying to work out a deal for a Trump-branded property in Russia.

Sater's name appears dozens of times in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference. He had multiple exchanges with Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, as he pushed a Moscow project during the 2016 presidential campaign......

Ho-hum. Another nothingburger.
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With the number of spies and intel-related people around Trump for the last twenty years, it is even more amazing that law enforcement has never been able to lay a finger on him for anything other than administrative fines relating to his construction and his casino business.

I mean it is beginning to look like Trump couldn't swing a dead cat around without hitting an intel source for American or foreign intel services. It's like he's Bruce Wayne by day and Batman by night or something.
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aggiehawg said:

With the number of spies and intel-related people around Trump for the last twenty years, it is even more amazing that law enforcement has never been able to lay a finger on him for anything other than administrative fines relating to his construction and his casino business.

I mean it is beginning to look like Trump couldn't swing a dead cat around without hitting an intel source for American or foreign intel services. It's like he's Bruce Wayne by day and Batman by night or something.

Lots of International business = meets / knows lots of important people in business and Govts (think permits, ExIm, shipping, etc.) In which OUR Fed agencies have lots of interest...
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SeMgCo87 said:

aggiehawg said:

With the number of spies and intel-related people around Trump for the last twenty years, it is even more amazing that law enforcement has never been able to lay a finger on him for anything other than administrative fines relating to his construction and his casino business.

I mean it is beginning to look like Trump couldn't swing a dead cat around without hitting an intel source for American or foreign intel services. It's like he's Bruce Wayne by day and Batman by night or something.

Lots of International business = meets / knows lots of important people in business and Govts (think permits, ExIm, shipping, etc.) In which OUR Fed agencies have lots of interest...
My Dad was a big oil exec in the 70s. Met with the Saudis, Israelis, Shah of Iran, even Qaddafi. (That was a hell of a story.) He was also in South America a lot back then. Pinochet, etc.

Shudder to think what would have happened to him in this environment for just doing his job.
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#spygate #coup #FVEY #FBI #sedition #seditiousconspiracy #FISAabuse #declass Josef Misfud's lawyer came out the eve of #dirtycop #mueller** testifying & said in an OFFICIAL statement that 1) he was a US INTELLIGENCE ASSET not russian, & 2) that he was SPECIFICALLY ORDERED BY FBI to target George Popadopoulos.**

Misfud is seeking immunity, & is talking, revealing all to US Attorney Durham, who is tasked with investigating #spygate

The above is on 'Telegram', something I know nothing about. We do know that Mifsud has been interviewed by both Horowitz & Durham. If Mifsud, while acting as an intel operative, did lie to Team Mueller, then it makes sense that he would be seeking an immunity deal.
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It was apparent to me too that Mueller wasn't all there during the hearing. Very suspicious for dementia symptoms. I'll wager he is already under medical care. Anyway, the above read asks the obvious questions. When was his condition obvious to others around him? Rosenstein & his deputy in particular.
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Was Mueller appointed after an investigation was launched into the Steele Dossier? Is this why he didn't investigate it, that he couldn't interfere with an ongoing investigation?
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Prosperdick said:

{It's hard for me to rank how badly I want some of these slimeballs to get indicted and in the interest of reality I'll remove Hillary and Obummer but my list looks something like this:

1. Schiff - Would love to see him go down for some pedo stuff but at the same time it means some unfortunate kid(s) not only got molested but got molested by THAT GUY, talk about a double whammy

2. Comey - I'm convinced he's one of the main players who started this entire mess (at least the last 2.5 years)

3. Brennan - Do I need to say more

4. Strozk - Again, no comment necessary

5. Clapper - Poster boy for what can go wrong with weaponizing the alphabet agencies

Unfortunately I doubt I'll get to see any of them perp walked but I boy can dream can't he.

If this was a godfather movie, these stooge ass pawn characters wouldnt even have names.
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drcrinum said:

It was apparent to me too that Mueller wasn't all there during the hearing. Very suspicious for dementia symptoms. I'll wager he is already under medical care. Anyway, the above read asks the obvious questions. When was his condition obvious to others around him? Rosenstein & his deputy in particular.

The problem with this theory is that Wednesday's hearing fiasco wouldn't have happened. Surely Naddler/Pelosi/Schiff would have been informed that Mueller would not withstand GOP inquiry in his condition.

I did not watch Wednesday's hearings and have only seen clips, obviously selected for impact. But what I have seen is devastating for Mueller, his team, his report, and anything that the anti-Trumpers think they can glean from it to initiate impeachment proceedings. Surely the leftist brain trust behind the investigation would have seen that coming. Why would they spend 2.5 years investigating and then allow it to be burned to the ground in 2.5 hours?
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Because they still believe in the media's ability to do its job. They think that over the next two weeks to a month, the sound bites to their liking will be played and framed in the light they want, while the clips they don't like will be forgotten.

It will be used as confirmation, not the smoking gun. Like this, "And remember, Robert Mueller conformed all this in his testimony."
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Because Mueller is a republican and is disposable. That's why he was "chosen". They had to have a Repub head the investigation or there would be no credibility.
Can I go to sleep Looch?
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"The Day #TheResistance's Dream Died."
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Secolobo said:

Because Mueller is an republican and is disposable. That's why he was "chosen". They had to have a Repub head the investigation or there would be no credibility.

So they let him go to the Hill and destroy any remaining credibility the report had?

Pelosi came out the following morning with "August is about the Issues", instructed her party to drop the topic except when campaigning back in their districts, and refused to answer questions about impeachment. That hearing was the final nail in the impeachment coffin.

Sure, some jack wad on CNN or MSNBC will talk about it and perhaps "the squad", but it ain't coming from House Democrats with any authority.
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It's all they had....he was used for U1 and used for this.
Can I go to sleep Looch?
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The recordings in question pertain to conversations between government sources and Papadopoulos, which were memorialized in transcripts. One source told Fox News that Barr and Durham are reviewing why the material was left out of applications to surveil another former Trump campaign aide, Carter Page.

"I think it's the smoking gun," the source said.

Looks there is documentation out there that exculpatory information was excluded in the FISA application.

Papadopolous transcripts
"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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Wildcat said:

drcrinum said:

It was apparent to me too that Mueller wasn't all there during the hearing. Very suspicious for dementia symptoms. I'll wager he is already under medical care. Anyway, the above read asks the obvious questions. When was his condition obvious to others around him? Rosenstein & his deputy in particular.

The problem with this theory is that Wednesday's hearing fiasco wouldn't have happened. Surely Naddler/Pelosi/Schiff would have been informed that Mueller would not withstand GOP inquiry in his condition.

I did not watch Wednesday's hearings and have only seen clips, obviously selected for impact. But what I have seen is devastating for Mueller, his team, his report, and anything that the anti-Trumpers think they can glean from it to initiate impeachment proceedings. Surely the leftist brain trust behind the investigation would have seen that coming. Why would they spend 2.5 years investigating and then allow it to be burned to the ground in 2.5 hours?
I think it was a combination of him truly being a figurehead/not knowing the subject matter of his report as well as a tactic to stall, kill time, etc. That combination of factors came across terribly and made him look extremely incompetent.
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Here's the dilemma for Dems that want to push forward using the Mueller report for impeachment: at some point the Horowitz info will drop and the Durham investigation will potentially result in some indictments which will show the Mueller report to be the witch hunt Trump claims it is. Do Dems really want that to happen in the middle of them holding up the Mueller report as gospel for impeachment after Mueller's performance this week? They will look like even bigger fools.

While their policy is bad for America, Pelosi's desire to pivot towards it is the smart play for them.
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