Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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...To tell Trump he was not under investigation was misleading. Just like Susan Rice's email was misleading. The plan forged by top Obama political and law-enforcement officials was to pursue an investigation of President Trump without sharing the full details of the investigation. They made a plan: Give Trump just a sliver of what the probe is about, tell him he is not under investigation, and keep investigating him under the guise of investigating Page, Manafort, and the Steele dossier.

It is getting close to two years with no apparent evidence of an actionable Trump--Russia conspiracy. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to ask: Is President Trump under investigation for collusion with the Kremlin? If not, shouldn't he and the country be told that?

And since counterintelligence investigations are conducted to inform the president -- the constitutional officer responsible for national security against foreign threats -- it is worth asking: What was the difference between what the FBI told the FISA court about the TrumpRussia investigation and what they told the president of the United States about it?

This is an excellent read from Andrew McCarthy. It ties together: Obama's Intel Meeting of January 5, 2017, Susan Rice's belated e-mail describing the subsequent small group meeting immediately following the latter (some of which was classified and withheld from our view), Comey's meeting with Trump the next day (January 6), and the Comey Memos. The puzzle pieces fit perfectly together. It was a plot.
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Leftist progressives dismiss anything that doesn't conform their beliefs and feelings. It's very difficult to get them to admit when they are flat out wrong. They prefer to live an optimistic selective delusion.

This is how NPR, CNN, etc can go right on the same mantra despite the contrary evidence.
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This last point is very significant: it was a counterintelligence investigation, and as such the president should have been acurately and adequately briefed on the threat and the true nature of the investigation. To fail to do so was at best a dereliction of duty and at worse a treasonous act as part of a criminal conspiracy.
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This is the part of this whole saga that angers me the most and has somewhat scared me of the very real possibilities that could result from when this shakes out. We've always had politicians that have broken the law for personal gain. We've always had bureaucrats that have sought to cover their ass. What's new is that we have an established press that appears to be in league with the perpetrators. The free press is the first line of defense against tyranny. Several of our major media outlets appear to have been compromised. It makes me wonder if the conspiracy theories that say this goes beyond the DNC have merit?
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drcrinum said:


...To tell Trump he was not under investigation was misleading. Just like Susan Rice's email was misleading. The plan forged by top Obama political and law-enforcement officials was to pursue an investigation of President Trump without sharing the full details of the investigation. They made a plan: Give Trump just a sliver of what the probe is about, tell him he is not under investigation, and keep investigating him under the guise of investigating Page, Manafort, and the Steele dossier.

It is getting close to two years with no apparent evidence of an actionable Trump--Russia conspiracy. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to ask: Is President Trump under investigation for collusion with the Kremlin? If not, shouldn't he and the country be told that?

And since counterintelligence investigations are conducted to inform the president -- the constitutional officer responsible for national security against foreign threats -- it is worth asking: What was the difference between what the FBI told the FISA court about the TrumpRussia investigation and what they told the president of the United States about it?

This is an excellent read from Andrew McCarthy. It ties together: Obama's Intel Meeting of January 5, 2017, Susan Rice's belated e-mail describing the subsequent small group meeting immediately following the latter (some of which was classified and withheld from our view), Comey's meeting with Trump the next day (January 6), and the Comey Memos. The puzzle pieces fit perfectly together. It was a plot.

Based on these most recent revelations (and the snowball rolling downhill seems to be picking up speed), I think this must now be the biggest political scandal in history.

Thank God Trump won. Drain the swamp!
sam callahan
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Hawk's thoughts are in line with mine.

If this level of corruption and illegal activity can be glossed over, what can't?

Pravda used to be a bit of hyperbole. It's not any longer.
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Not only are they in league they may be actually in charge. Look at the lawyers, lobbyist, politicans and federal workers and media. They all know each other and many are related by birth or marriage. There is little to no lines between any of these groups. And that is how conspiracies and corruption are born.
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Adam Ag 98 said:

I've tried to follow this all but it all bleeds together (not in a good for memory way).

I believe that the accusation that he leaked classified memos, of his own writing, has been stated here and elsewhere since near the beginning of this topic. He admitted from the beginning in his congressional testimony that he leaked the info. He tried to hide behind saying they were basically his "dear diary" notes and nothing official - the problem being he can't have a diary about his work while working and it not be official.

The majority of the info on this topic, therefore this forum, is from non-MSM outlets.

The info that 'justifies' saying Comey leaked classified info is just now starting to get published in the MSM, but it is info that has been available for a while.

His book tour is just now shining a light, that he probably shouldn't have encouraged, on what others have been saying for a long time.

Don't turn on the lights if you aren't willing to see the rats in the corner. In this case, the rats just might be all of the nefarious things the non-MSM media has discussed from page 5 or so.
Rats in the corner? Open the other eye, dude. There are rats underneath the cabinet kick, roaches scurrying on the floor AND walls (they do not herd well), australian funnel web spiders in the ceiling corners, and an African Bee infestation behind the walls. A few rats in the corner are the least of our worries.

Think of Holowitz as Thor, he got a b-i-i-i-i-g hammer and he fixin t' throw it. The swamp is very restless, many of the Heads of Depts have reviewed the report (as they do get a chance to read it...not change it) and they know what's coming. And they can't do anything but wait, scream and throw everything they can fit in their hands at Trump, if only to feed the MSM narrative and distract the hive-minded sheep.

I heard one TV personality say there were so many lawsuits going on that it was hard to keep up. Heck, if any part of the sealed hugely anomalous 24,000+ indictments are directly or indirectly related to the findings in the IG report, the courts will be stuffed with perps. Perhaps that's another reason the Dems have delayed the review/approval of Trump nominees for judgeships...

If they can drag this stuff out beyond mid-terms, or failing that, 2020, well then they can throw it all out, "in the interest of peace and domestic tranquility".

"You are being watched..."
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Former Attorney General

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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^^^^ For those who won't take the time to watch this, the jist of it is, according to a former Attorney General, Comey's memos were classified the moment he wrote them. And they weren't his memos, they were the property of the government. Further, if they were his "personal reflections" on a classified situation, as Comey has claimed, they are nonetheless CLASSIFIED personal reflections.

He broke the law leaking them, period. There is no question of "whether they were classified at the time".
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Won't Comey be shocked to learn that no one else cares if he had intent to break the law or not?
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This is great TV

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Ellis Wyatt
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RoscoePColtrane said:

sam callahan said:

Your guess is spot on.

NPR's line this morning was that the House Republicans have to be regretting pushing for the release of the Comey memos because all they did was support Comey.
Defund those *******s.
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That Dem rep is a lying POS.
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hawk1689 said:

This is the part of this whole saga that angers me the most and has somewhat scared me of the very real possibilities that could result from when this shakes out. We've always had politicians that have broken the law for personal gain. We've always had bureaucrats that have sought to cover their ass. What's new is that we have an established press that appears to be in league with the perpetrators. The free press is the first line of defense against tyranny. Several of our major media outlets appear to have been compromised. It makes me wonder if the conspiracy theories that say this goes beyond the DNC have merit?

This, together with the admin agencies, was the reason that it was sooooo important Hillary not get elected.
PatentMike, J.D.
BS Biochem
MS Molecular Virology

Ellis Wyatt
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garc said:

That Dem rep is a lying POS.
You repeated yourself.

Dims today are either blithering idiots or willfully participating in corruption and anti-American behavior. Those are the only options. And that includes anyone who casts a vote for a dim above the local level.
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Cepe said:

I think Comey's "memos" were actually a product of someone telling him to make notes so he could write a book one day.

That's why they have a lot of scene setting and such silliness.

He knew he was going to get to cash out with his behind the scenes story.

Problem is he jumped the gun by leaking them spitefully for being fired and building them up as something more than they were.

I guess it did get Mueller rolling but they all look like fools at this point IMO.
The Q stuff aside, it was always a very suspicious story that Comey gave for writing the memos. He first reveled their existence in testimony in early June 2017. He has since repeated that his distrust for Trump was so high that he knew Trump would lie about the content of their conversations and he needed a near to "contemporaneous" recording of what was said to bolster both his memory (called" memory refreshed" in legal parlance) and his credibility. To me, that implied he was planning on being a witness against Trump.

As a cover for this extraordinary admission came the story of Comey being "prodigious note-taker" yet he confessed he never took notes of his meetings with other momentous people (which he would have if the intent all along was to write a book someday.) His note taking was directed only at Trump.

The January 6, 2017 Trump Tower meeting was both an ambush and a provocation. A manipulation designed to provoke what the plotters were sure to provoke Trump into some outlandish acts. This wasn't some petty staffers removing "W" keys from typewriters like the Clintonistas, no this was an in-your-face statement that the swamp was going to take Trump down.
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garc said:

That Dem rep is a lying POS.

No kidding. His smug attitude is unbearable and like a lot of residents here. (Bongino would have been banned in that confrontation.)

But, that's how you play goalie.
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It is called a conspiracy, a conspiracy to commit treason.

I am just a regular American who loves my country and my family. I want out leaders to be held to the same level of justice that I am held to. If I get caught speeding, I have to pay the fine. If I get caught speeding too many times , I lose my license. If I get caught with classified documents on my home computer, I expect to go to jail. Everyone should be treated equally under the law. Trump, Hilary, Comey, Obama, you do the crime, you do the time.
sam callahan
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That's a lovely sentiment. Naive, bit lovely.

Reality is that you live in a country much closer to USSR corruption, nepotism and strong arming that you are to the ideals you hold.

That isn't really even in question.

The real question is how long has it been this way?
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That's a lovely sentiment. Naive, bit lovely.

Reality is that you live in a country much closer to USSR corruption, nepotism and strong arming that you are to the ideals you hold.

And you are being too cynical. If we were like the USSR, Hillary wouldn't have lost.
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If you read the Andrew McCarthy article, the above tweet identifies the individual who disagreed with Comey in the section near the end of the article -- where Comey discusses his decision to inform Trump that 'he was not under investigation'. In reality, Trump really was under investigation. The FBI counterintel investigative file designated the 'Trump Campaign' as the focus of collusion with Russia...and just who was the 'central figure' of the Trump Campaign? Mickey Mouse? Comey is a POS snake.
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Trump's tweets often contain factual info rather the rhetoric. He tweeted the above yesterday. Below is a thread that discusses its potential meaning.

Comey wrote 7 memos of which 4 were classified; 2 'secret' & 2 'confidential'. Comey was the OCA for each memo (OCA = Original Classification Authority). Once info is deemed classified, there is a process which must be followed if such classification is to be altered, either declassified or upgraded/downgraded.
At least 2 of the memos Comey leaked were classified; he knew they were classified...and he intentionally leaked them hoping to have a Special Counsel appointed. In other words, he intentionally leaked classified material. Even by his own convoluted reasoning which he applied to HRC & her classified emails, Comey is guilty by his own standards. But he accomplished his intention with the aid of a second co-conspirator, his buddy/friend who leaked contents of the memos = 18 U.S. Code 2384 - Seditious conspiracy
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One member of the FBI leadership team, a "he", with understanding of the full scope of the counterintelligence operation, disagreed with Director Comey making an obtuse, disingenuous and highly misleading statement to President Trump that he was not under an FBI counterintelligence investigation.

Obviously there was a counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign, and by extension presidential candidate Donald Trump. However, as noted in the Susan Rice email describing the content of the January 5th, 2017, White House meeting -- the intent of the outgoing administration was to keep president-elect Trump under investigation, yet not allow him to know he was under investigation. Hence the briefing on only the most "salacious and unverified content of the dossier".

The goal of the "insurance policy" was to frame the target. Therefore the target must be played by the officials doing the framing.

However, one official within the leadership of the FBI thought it was wrong to be disingenuous with discussions and briefing for an incoming President. That one senior FBI official was a "he".

Now who do you think that "he" was?

This same "he":

More from TCTH on Priestap.
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'Did Comey Collude With Mueller?' Judicial Watch Sues DOJ For Comey-Mueller Communications

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Friday it filed a lawsuit against the Justice Department for communications on James Comey and Robert Mueller.

Tom Fitton wants to know, "Did Comey collude with Mueller as a vendetta against Trump?"

Via Judicial Watch:
Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Justice Department for all records of communications relating to former FBI Director James Comey's providing memoranda of his conversations with President Trump to Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00932)).

The suit was filed after the FBI informed Judicial Watch that it would neither "confirm nor deny" the existence of the materials for an August 4, 2017, FOIA request seeking:
All records of communications between former FBI Director James Comey and Special Counsel Robert Mueller, or members of SC Mueller's investigative committee, relating to the return of memoranda of conversations, memoranda to the file or notes regarding same generated by Comey following conversations with government officials during his tenure as FBI Director.

On January 19, 2018, the FBI provided Judicial Watch a "Glomar" response, stating that it could, "neither confirm nor deny that the specific items you seek exist or do not exist as mere acknowledgment of these items would require the FBI to confirm or refute these assumptions," which it claims could possibly interfere with law enforcement proceedings.

Comey's involvement with the special counsel was first revealed on June 8, 2017, when the former FBI director testified to the Senate Intelligence Committee that he leaked memos of his conversations with President Trump "because (he) thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel."

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton had this to say about Comey's communication with the special counsel:
"Did Comey improperly funnel his dishonest memos and collude with the Mueller special counsel operation as part of a vendetta against President Trump? Why is the DOJ still protecting James Comey and the out-of-control Mueller operation?"

Judicial Watch ought to include communications between Comey & Rosenstein in the suit as well. I think it's a threesome.

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4.5 minutes of diGenova vs Dershowitz: conspiracy vs no conspiracy; start at 5:00.
No contest IMO.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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drcrinum said:

This is an excellent read from Andrew McCarthy. It ties together: Obama's Intel Meeting of January 5, 2017, Susan Rice's belated e-mail describing the subsequent small group meeting immediately following the latter (some of which was classified and withheld from our view), Comey's meeting with Trump the next day (January 6), and the Comey Memos. The puzzle pieces fit perfectly together. It was a plot.
Agree. This may be McCarthy's best ever. Highly recommended.
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I hope Nunes immediately subpoenas DOJ to get all correspondence among Rosenstein, Comey and Mueller. I would think the IG, Horowitz has it all !
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I believe and hope Horowitz will be our best hope of drilling down to the facts and exposing the bad actors in all this.

IMO, there are too many competing efforts trying to get information. I think it waters down the overall investigation. Is it possible that DOJ is cherry picking who gets what?
Maybe the different factions working together might speed up the process?
Reservoir Dog
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sam callahan said:

That's a lovely sentiment. Naive, bit lovely.

Reality is that you live in a country much closer to USSR corruption, nepotism and strong arming that you are to the ideals you hold.

That isn't really even in question.

The real question is how long has it been this way?

I've said it many times on this board, but the reason we are to this point is $$$.

When the winner of the presidential election gets to control and/or influence the spending $4 to $5 TRILLION dollars annually, this is just a small indication of what peoples and parties are capable of.
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We are at this point because one party desires to abolish the Constitution and rule of law and have a 1 party political system. They are willing to lie, cheat, steal and do whatever it takes to accomplish their goal.

It is not about money, it is about absolute political control.
Reservoir Dog
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I completely agree with you coyote, but it takes a lot of money and media to create the necessary propaganda to make that happen.
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Added to my vocabulary, I will now say micturate instead of "peeing on."
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