Yes, Horowitz of course couldn't find documentary evidence of intent. Did basically nothing.
AG Bill Barr has to keep feeding the purveyors of investigative hope-pr0n as a method to keep the pitchforks at bay, while simultaneously trying to figure out how to do nothing of substance so he can preserve the institutions. Remember, the DC system operates on an entirely different legal principle when it comes to internal investigations within the bubble.
As a result we get AG Barr saying "if John Durham can find evidence of criminal conduct"; where "criminal" in DC is defined around a DC-exclusive legal theory of "intent" that doesn't apply anywhere else in the country. [examples: see Hillary Clinton; or see IG Horowitz saying he couldn't find intent.]
If John Q Public violated a law, the FBI would break down our door in a no-knock raid and use the violation as leverage to get us to break. The FBI would not sit around debating whether John intended to violate the law; they'd deal with that aspect after the raid and the pressure on us to fork over $250,000 in a legal effort to defend ourselves. [example: see Roger Stone]
But in the DC-tier of justice, where administrating the law is subject to the internal rules that don't apply outside the bubble, everything must be filtered through "intent". When intent is transparently obvious, the DC legal theory moves to the second filter where collateral damage to the institutions must be weighted. [example: see James Wolfe]
AG Bill Barr has no intention on prosecuting any former individual or entity, regardless of their political hierarchy and/or level of participation, in the matrix of the coup effort against Candidate/President Trump. unless the DC-exclusive legal hurdles are met.