Shooting in Las Vegas

883,726 Views | 4892 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by BMX Bandit
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Blahhead said:

Bobcat06 said:

tsuag10 said:

Sheriff was very adamant when he said (paraphrasing) ".....Think about it, look at everything he had with him. He probably couldn't have done it by himself. You guys know that...."
If there is something fishy going on here, they won't let him say that type of thing again. Right?

1. The sheriff admits that Paddock had outside help
2. Shots were fired at the jet fuel tanks at the airport
3. The guns Paddock had were in sufficient for starting a jet fuel explosion at close distance, much less 2000 yards
4. Paddock was an experienced pilot and would have known that jet fuel works different than gasoline
5. Paddock had 50 lbs of explosives in his car that could have set off jet fuel
6. Given the amount of effort and planning put into this, expecting a Hollywoodesque explosion by shooting then from far away seems like a major oversight
7. Eyewitness reports and videos claim that there was a second shooter near the airport

Was a second shooter stationed at the airport aiming at the jet fuel with high caliber incendiary bullets to set off a chain reaction of underground jet fuel lines at the airport exploding and as a result funnel concert goers away from the airport towards Mandalay Bay?

If so, doing that would attract all first responders to the airport and give Paddock a window to escape while LVPD was sidetracked. Instead, since the second shooter was not able to set off an explosion, it threw off all of Paddock's plans and Paddock offed himself once he realized he had no escape plan.

You might be right. Watch this video and listen to the early shots heard in this video:

To me it seems most logical that he was in the bedroom window (furthest left looking at Mandalay Bay), shooting at the tanks. When he shot at them 5 or 6 times and they didnt blow. The pause was him walking back to his other position and waiting for the song to start before opening fire on the crowd. I guess he figured he would give that a shot and after putting a few rounds in decided that people might start dispersing if they heard anything else.
Urban Ag
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dmart90 said:

LOL! Mythbusters did an episode on James Bond stuff and busted the "I'll shoot a tank and watch it explode" myth years ago.
Am I the only one that set out to disprove this nonsense, as a 12 year old?
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So he lived in Mesquite TX & Mesquite NV ?
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Urban Ag said:

dmart90 said:

LOL! Mythbusters did an episode on James Bond stuff and busted the "I'll shoot a tank and watch it explode" myth years ago.
Am I the only one that set out to disprove this nonsense, as a 12 year old?

I was almost killed from a bonfire that was soaked with jet fuel and lit with a flaming arrow. It exploded with enough force to blow windows out of buildings a block away.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Was a second shooter stationed at the airport aiming at the jet fuel with high caliber incendiary bullets to set off a chain reaction of underground jet fuel lines at the airport exploding and as a result funnel concert goers away from the airport towards Mandalay Bay?
No. It might seem like a bullet will cause jet fuel to explode because in the movies it always does, but in reality, even incendiary rounds will not cause to to explode unless the tanks only had mostly fuel vapor and oxygen inside. A full or nearly full tank will not go boom since the fuel-air mixture isn't enough for a detonation. As for those specific tanks, they are probably independent of the underground fuel tanks as they look to be for the corporate jet facility.

As for the second shooter, was it the same one on the 4th floor next to a strobe light?
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Urban Ag said:

dmart90 said:

LOL! Mythbusters did an episode on James Bond stuff and busted the "I'll shoot a tank and watch it explode" myth years ago.
Am I the only one that set out to disprove this nonsense, as a 12 year old?
One of the most disappointing days of my youth.
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VaultingChemist said:

Urban Ag said:

dmart90 said:

LOL! Mythbusters did an episode on James Bond stuff and busted the "I'll shoot a tank and watch it explode" myth years ago.
Am I the only one that set out to disprove this nonsense, as a 12 year old?

I was almost killed from a bonfire that was soaked with jet fuel and lit with a flaming arrow. It exploded with enough force to blow windows out of buildings a block away.
Learning lessons the hard way is very Old Army!
The greatest argument ever made against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter.
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Here is an article out this morning with many more details about his life....

Still strange for a postal worker to have made enough to buy up apartment buildings and condos. And he told everyone he made his income gambling. Still really fishy.
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Here is my take:

If it was something straightforward, it would have already been disclosed or leaked.
Straightforward like:
-Bernie Bro
-White Supremacist
-Some other anti Government type

Face it. Trump is most certainly being kept in the loop. If it was something he could make hay out of, he would have tweeted about it already. And if he didn't there are too many people involved in the investigation for there not to be a leak.

So that leaves something that is probably muddied or very complex. Like:
-He has some associates that are shady and they are tracking them down.
-Added to that the guy is not completely logical, Even Trump has stated something about him being demented so some things they are finding are dead ends or don't make sense.
Urban Ag
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ValleyRatAg said:

Urban Ag said:

dmart90 said:

LOL! Mythbusters did an episode on James Bond stuff and busted the "I'll shoot a tank and watch it explode" myth years ago.
Am I the only one that set out to disprove this nonsense, as a 12 year old?
One of the most disappointing days of my youth.

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If there were more than 1 guy involved, then it would have been easy to tell by the audio. You would have overlapping bursts, that start and end at different times, wouldn't have had the long pauses between bursts, etc.
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The government has access to his tax returns. They already know if his money came off the books.
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Olag00 said:

apparently the police have reviewed the video footage of gunman and they do have the motive and they are being told it is politically motivated. This is all unconfirmed and they are withholding the footage due to investigative leads.

Fox news

The two most likely motives:

1. politics
2. terrorism

The fact that he targeted a C&W concert, #1 is most likely imo.
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aTmAg said:

If there were more than 1 guy involved, then it would have been easy to tell by the audio. You would have overlapping bursts, that start and end at different times, wouldn't have had the long pauses between bursts, etc.
Now stop it with all that logic stuff!
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aTmAg said:

If there were more than 1 guy involved, then it would have been easy to tell by the audio. You would have overlapping bursts, that start and end at different times, wouldn't have had the long pauses between bursts, etc.
They never said 2 shooters. They said someone helped and this was when they were talking about him collecting all of his weapons, ammo, and then moving it to the hotel.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Texaggie7nine said:

So he lived in Mesquite TX & Mesquite NV ?

I've been waiting for one of our tinfoil hat wearers to say this is proof he was in a witness protection program and they used cities with the same name to make it easy for him to remember.
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Visual of why jet fuel won't burn like gasoline. Skip to 1:30.

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guard that was shot in the leg, was unarmed when he tried to enter the room.
Urban Ag
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aTmAg said:

If there were more than 1 guy involved, then it would have been easy to tell by the audio. You would have overlapping bursts, that start and end at different times, wouldn't have had the long pauses between bursts, etc.
Ok so gun nerd sleuthing here.

In the pics of the room there is clearly a Daniel Defense DDM5 with a decent scope mounted. This is chambered in 308/7.62x51. Substantially longer range weapon than the 5.56 AR platforms that are seen in the room in other photos.

Another photo clearly shows a Daniel Defense M4 (not sure which model) with an EO Tech holographic site, a Surefire 100 round magazine, and a SlideFire stock.

The first round of shots fired are semi-auto. No question. And they sound like 308 to me but I certainly could be wrong. Notice that crowd and those on stage do essentially nothing when these shots ring out. The second round of shots is the rapid burst, clearly from one of the weapons with the Slidefire bump stocks, and sounds like 5.56mm. At this point the the singer hauls ass off stage (good choice) and the crowd starts to panic.

If there is any truth to him trying to shoot at the fuel tanks at McCarron, my guess is he fired on them first with the DDM5 in 308, scoped out rifle. No effect. Switched to the 5.56mm AR (hence the pause) and fired on the crowd with the rapid fire bump stock set up.

As for a second shooter or accomplice. Who knows. No opinion.
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Reporting now says he also booked a room at a hotel adjacent to Lollapalooza.
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We're told Paddock specifically requested both rooms be a 'view room' which only face Grant Park, where the concert was being held. .
Ellis Wyatt
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bmks270 said:

Reporting now says he also booked a room at a hotel adjacent to Lollapalooza.
Well, he obviously couldn't shoot anyone there because Chicago's gun laws are so restrictive.
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It was like he nearly took 3 different runs at it, and finally mustered up the will to actually do it on the last night of this one.
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Interesting quote from the Sheriff:


Sheriff Joe Lombardo of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department on Wednesday referred to the gunman, Stephen Paddock, as "disturbed," but said that much of the past 10 years of his life was a mystery. "What we know is Stephen Paddock is a man who spent decades acquiring weapons and ammo and living a secret life, much of which will never be fully understood," he said.

"Don't you think the concealment of his history, of his life, was well-thought-out?" the sheriff asked. "It's incumbent upon us as professionals to dig that up."
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DannyDuberstein said:

It was like he nearly took 3 different runs at it, and finally mustered up the will to actually do it on the last night of this one.

I think this report says he didn't show up.... maybe it was too much trouble to get all of the guns to Chicago?

Also, Was his girlfriend sent away each time? I think that could be an indicator of his intentions with the hotel bookings.
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Squadron7 said:

The government has access to his tax returns. They already know if his money came off the books.
Assuming the are competent.

Hollywood has given the public a false impression that the FBI and the rest are filled with these smart super dedicated individuals trying to do the right thing.

They are filled with the same type of people found at every single company/group/club/whatever in this nation, people that are smart, dumb, moral, lazy, weak, corrupt, dedicated, and filled with apathy.

This is from the Oval office, down to your local city janitors. They are just filled with normal people, and they are not special.

The problem with the Feds, State, and even local governments, unlike companies, is they rarely cull the weak links. They often times, get more responsibility and more power.
Urban Ag
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Maybe he booked all these different hotel rooms/venues just to muck everything up and make things more convoluted.
Ellis Wyatt
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DannyDuberstein said:

It was like he nearly took 3 different runs at it, and finally mustered up the will to actually do it on the last night of this one.
Maybe it was mustering up the will. Maybe he was just going to use the other events as planning for this particular event.
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DannyDuberstein said:

It was like he nearly took 3 different runs at it, and finally mustered up the will to actually do it on the last night of this one.
Or the previous ones were just for observation/recon. It would be extremely risky to move that many guns and ammo over and over.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Sounds reasonable.

Definitely different rates of fire.

I can't tell if it is different calibers from the reports in the videos, but it would make some sense.

I figured on of the guns jammed, he dumps it over, picks up something else and opens up.
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Insane to me that we're still operating with (to my knowledge) 6 public photos total:

1. Eyes closed taking a shot
2. DMV picture
3-4. Two photos at least 25 years old provided by brother
5. In the background of photos in Philippines 2013
6. Sitting around the couches at bar

I heard someone comment on the news the other day that if he were in the CIA or something along those lines there'd be more information available about him because it'd be fishy to have as small of a footprint that this guy did. We're 100+ hours from the attack and news stations are actively using a DMV picture.. That's wild to me. I know exactly zero people pictured online less than 3 times.

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TXAG14 said:

Visual of why jet fuel won't burn like gasoline. Skip to 1:30.
I love that we've got jet fuel burning as part of this conspiracy, too.
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It's been reported that he lived in mesquite nv and tx since day 1.
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