AgLiving06 said:
PabloSerna said:
You are certainly entitled to your opinion about me. However, your understanding of the Roman Catholic Church regarding its well documented positions on inter-religious dialogue is way off and evident in your summation.
Which is a modern invention as I've already said, hence you relied on post Vatican 2 justifications.
That Rome did a 180 isn't a problem. It's a good thing.
But pretending that Rome always believed what it believes now is just a lie.
To your first statement; the significance of Vatican II is stated most clearly in this document,
Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World - Gaudium et Spes - You will likely not even glance at it, however, your dismissal of Vatican II as some "modern invention" is childish.
To your second statement, that the church did a 180. I have tried to point out through scripture in particular Paul's sermon in Athens at the Aeropagus (Acts 17:16-34) and other documents that are more specific in particular,
Nostra Aetate which is the conciliar statement promulgated by the Bishops at Vatican II- all acknowledge that God's work, Signs of the Times, are evident of his presence in the world, "a ray of that Truth which enlightens all men." At the same time,
this is not saying all religions are equal. THAT is the heresy of indifference. Not exactly a 180.
To your last statement, it is clear that "Rome" has always and still believes that in it lies the fullness of truth when it comes to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Again, this makes sense when you read Paul's opening remarks to the Athenians. So, I would say your last point again -is off base.