dermdoc said:So what should they have to do? What punishment is sufficient in your eyes?Dies Irae said:
Freeze, I am just focusing on your claim that nowhere in the Bible do Jesus or his disciples demand repentance before healing someone.
You said this in response to someone claiming forgiveness and healing could only come after repentance. Why wouldn't that be the case?
This seems to be a theme amongst some "progressive Christians" who misinterpret certain Bible passages to fit a preconceived view.
I mentioned it earlier, healing is often painful. Hospice is painless. We should be working towards healing people and dragging them and their crosses back to Christ, and not making the comfortable in spiritual death.
And thanks for the projection and kind of ad hom.
I was not talking about salvation when I talked about physical healings.
That is why I said we were talking past each other. Sorry for any confusion.
Grow a little bit thicker skin, doc; we are all adults here. Why would physical healings be different than spiritual healings? Are you claiming that Christ would randomly heal those (despite mentioning them being healed by their faith) of their physical ailments but demand repentance for spiritual healing?
We know that what is fatal is not what comes from without but from within, so in that context how does your claim make sense?
In the Catholic Church we believe in the timeout, to try and impress upon the person the gravity of what they've actually done. This divorce care seems the exact opposite; they don't care if you've remarried (even though what God has joined no man should separate), it all seems very progressive "I'm okay; you're okay, you've done nothing wrong make sure to bring your $50 per session"