No one is reveling in their pride and sin, stop it. Let's have a genuine discussion even if we cannot agree. Ok?
PabloSerna said:
No one is reveling in their pride and sin, stop it. Let's have a genuine discussion even if we cannot agree. Ok?
No, we probably can't have a genuine discussion if you cannot even agree that the LGBTQ community wanting to have the Church affirm their lifestyle; combined with "Pride Month" isn't "reveling in their pride and sin" then I'm not sure there is much to discuss.PabloSerna said:
No one is reveling in their pride and sin, stop it. Let's have a genuine discussion even if we cannot agree. Ok?
Akin to claiming to be a "Black Klansman" or a "Jewish Nazi".The Banned said:
"I am a GAY Catholic. I am a LESBIAN Catholic. I am a TRANS Catholic".
Is it fair to say that your position is that it is theoretically possible for the doctrine that all homosexual acts are inherently disordered, aka evil, could develop such that not all homosexual acts are inherently evil?PabloSerna said:
From the Catechism of the Catholic Church 2357:
"Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex."
>> The key word here has to be "experience" - what does that mean? That this experience can change? Agree that it can be exclusive or predominate. In any case, it is a real thing.
"It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures."
>> This sentence would seem to point out that it is not a new condition, it has been a part of human history for a long time. The "variety of forms" would leave open some questions, what forms are we talking about?
"Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained."
>> This is a key part of the puzzle. We don't know some things and science may help with this understanding. I would argue that it may in fact contribute to an evolution of the doctrine.
"Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."
>> For me, this is the key sentence that is the lynchpin of this doctrine. It is important to point out that this is not dogma. Dogma is revealed truth by God that the Church guards (Immaculate Conception of Mary, the Trinity, etc.). As is already established, doctrine can evolve. The doctrine of purgatory has evolved for example. So this sentence is right that tradition (teaching) has always said that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered. Just as important, Sacred Scripture has "presented" such as acts as morally corrupt, basically in the same realm as murder. This sentence is placing the origin of the current doctrine on scripture and tradition - very Catholic.
"They are contrary to the natural law."
>> Precisely because the natural law is looking at this condition through a heterosexual lens for the procreation of humans. Any act between a man and a woman that is closed to the gift of life (condoms, pulling out, anal sex, etc.) is right there as well. However, I would argue that two persons of the same sex are not attempting to procreate- it is an intimate form of affection.
"They close the sexual act to the gift of life."
>> This is because the conjugal act between a man and a woman are directed to procreation and the gift of life given by God. This is strictly a heterosexual understanding and is the basis for Pope Paul VI 1968 encyclical (Humanae Vitae). This was written as a response to the question of birth control.
"They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity."
>> Again, this is placing the sex act in the realm of procreation. The genitals between man and woman are complementary and are directed to the procreative dimension and gift of life by God. There is another dimension - the unitive. Paul VI writes in Humanae Vitae that these are two sides of the same coin, "unitive and procreative." Not to be separated or the conjugal act becomes a selfish act, closed to the gift of life. Again, this doctrine is through a heterosexual lens. I posit that if they (homosexuals) could procreate they would. I also posit that they do experience the unitive dimension.
"Under no circumstances can they be approved."
>> If this were dogma, then it is settled. As in, Mary was conceived without sin and it has been settled for all ages. However, I have checked, and this is doctrine. This doctrine as I have argued is based on tradition and tradition's interpretation of scripture. Not to mention that homosexual persons since the beginning have been cast out from the predominate heterosexual sphere. The same tradition held that the good news was just for the Jews until it wasn't.
In the past, we didn't know many homosexual persons, and they went through great lengths to hide their sexuality, even marrying people of the opposite sex. Now that a human rights movement has made it somewhat easier (not always) to come out of the closet it is not as rare to find people who are gay. I have mentioned before, in my line of work (I design houses and remodels) I have clients who have been together a long time and want what my heterosexual clients want as well - a nice home.
Maybe it was because I had family that I already knew was gay growing up and my grandmother always said - "Mijo,do not judge!" I didn't think much of it. As time went on, I have been doing this since the 90's, I have had several gay clients and it struck me that they were no different than my straight clients.
As my faith journey went along, I did what any Domincan will do - I asked questions. I want to know. can I trust my senses that tell me they really love each other, I can see it. These are not "serial adulterers or polygamists" as you claim. I don't know where this goes, but I do know people who want very much to worship God, receive the sacraments, and stand before God and man in a self-giving, loving, and chaste relationship.
I struggle to see what is wrong with that?
PabloSerna said:
As my faith journey went along, I did what any Domincan will do - I asked questions. I want to know. can I trust my senses that tell me they really love each other, I can see it. These are not "serial adulterers or polygamists" as you claim. I don't know where this goes, but I do know people who want very much to worship God, receive the sacraments, and stand before God and man in a self-giving, loving, and chaste relationship.
I struggle to see what is wrong with that?
PabloSerna said:
You have perfectly understood my position in regards to the love between a man and a woman. Now what about the love between two men or two women?
ETA: It can not rise to the level of marriage because of what is written in Genesis. So this leads me to believe it must be something else.
Agree.PabloSerna said:
Zobel, you are a Godsend to many of us! I mean that in a most respectful way.
Will ponder your insight.
Law361 said:
1. Strickland being there usurps Gomez' authority.
2. Obedience has limits IF you don't believe in the power of the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus to Peter, his successors, and the Church. Otherwise, you don't have a problem with Francis. You've got a problem with management upstairs.
PabloSerna said:
You keep thinking that LGBTQ+ people want to tear down the church. They don't. They want in.
PabloSerna said:
It will come down to our understanding of love. This is my opinion. There is room there. Nothing changes.
St Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the church goes into detail when it comes to papal authority and obedience. As the above poster mentioned, obedience to God must be absolute. However, the Pope's authority has limits which Bellarmine is very specific to point out. The quick answer is the Pope must be obeyed when speaking ex-cathedra specifically. The assumption is that as Vicar of Christ he is always doing God's will, and that is a mistake. There are a number of pope's who were saying heretical things or taking positions in opposition to the deposit of faith. If you really want to know the nuance, read Bellarmine. As for the ordained, they take a vow of obedience and for them obedience is much more strict.Captain Pablo said:
I did not say Francis commanded anyone to sin. I'm just asking if there are ANY CONCEIVABLE circumstances under which obedience would have limits
Archbishop Fernandez needs to read Genesis 19:15-29, “The Lord God rained down sulphurous fire upon Sodom & Gomorrah” and Romans 1. Pray that he returns to the Catholic faith.
— Bishop J. Strickland (@Bishopoftyler) July 6, 2023
PabloSerna said:
Everything I am reading is indicating the same sense that there is a distinction between the sacrament of holy matrimony and some other form (blessing?) recognizing same sex relationships that are free and exclusive.
What is coming into focus more and more is the nature of the homosexual person.
I would recommend folks read the whole of Archbishops's book on kissing. He is spot on.
PabloSerna said:
Everything I am reading is indicating the same sense that there is a distinction between the sacrament of holy matrimony and some other form (blessing?) recognizing same sex relationships that are free and exclusive.
What is coming into focus more and more is the nature of the homosexual person.
I would recommend folks read the whole of Archbishops's book on kissing. He is spot on.
Zobel said:
Are these same sex relationships sexual?