I think everyone already knows where I am going with this. Where do you think Jesus got his inspiration for his sermon on the mount? My view is Jesus read Second Temple literature and Jewish tradition and his OT to help form His sermon on the Mount. For example,
(1) the saying in Matthew 7:12 was already used in the letter of Aristeas.
(2) the idea that God if the father of individuals is found in pseudepigraph and apocrypha (See Jubilees 1:24, 28; 3 Maccabees 5:7; 7:6, Wisdom 11:10 etc)
(3) the "two ways" is mentioned in Jewish literature in Pre-Christian period (Testament of Asher 1; 2 Enoch 30:15; 2 Enoch 42:10)
(4) the saying in Matthew 7:2 with the measure you measure is found verbatim in the mouth of R. Meir who said "Whence can it be proved that a person is measured in turn with the measure with which he measures). R. Meir cited Isa 27:8 which said measure for measure, if you should violate it, you punished it. The Midrash interprets it as for each measure of sin there is a similar measure of punishment... "measure for measure" covers such pasages as Wis 11:15f; 12:24; 184, Jesus had already found this sating as a firmly formed maxim and used it.
(5) the beatitude Matthew 5:3 is based on Isaiah 61:1
(6) the third beatitude resembles Psalm 37:11
I could go on and on and on.
Now obviously, I do not think Jesus got the whole Sermon from Jewish sources. And obviously the burden of proof lies which each individual case. But think of it this way. In the ancient synagogue there was a spiritual power which no one who wanted to gain public influence could escape; a spiritual power to which Jesus was no less subject than the men of the learned schools. The power was the Torah, the religious-moral thought world of the OT. In this world Jesus breathed and lived up to his last words on the cross. This was the second temple world. Jesus was not reading the church fathers, they did not exist.
EDIT: let this record stand, for this post I am labelled "autistic" a "sinner" and "dishonest". My opponents, rather than engage in honest debate, have resorted to personal attacks against me. These opponents, largely followers of post-modernism, have no hope left, they are utterly in darkness. I have overcome them. 4/28/2023 codker92
(1) the saying in Matthew 7:12 was already used in the letter of Aristeas.
(2) the idea that God if the father of individuals is found in pseudepigraph and apocrypha (See Jubilees 1:24, 28; 3 Maccabees 5:7; 7:6, Wisdom 11:10 etc)
(3) the "two ways" is mentioned in Jewish literature in Pre-Christian period (Testament of Asher 1; 2 Enoch 30:15; 2 Enoch 42:10)
(4) the saying in Matthew 7:2 with the measure you measure is found verbatim in the mouth of R. Meir who said "Whence can it be proved that a person is measured in turn with the measure with which he measures). R. Meir cited Isa 27:8 which said measure for measure, if you should violate it, you punished it. The Midrash interprets it as for each measure of sin there is a similar measure of punishment... "measure for measure" covers such pasages as Wis 11:15f; 12:24; 184, Jesus had already found this sating as a firmly formed maxim and used it.
(5) the beatitude Matthew 5:3 is based on Isaiah 61:1
(6) the third beatitude resembles Psalm 37:11
I could go on and on and on.
Now obviously, I do not think Jesus got the whole Sermon from Jewish sources. And obviously the burden of proof lies which each individual case. But think of it this way. In the ancient synagogue there was a spiritual power which no one who wanted to gain public influence could escape; a spiritual power to which Jesus was no less subject than the men of the learned schools. The power was the Torah, the religious-moral thought world of the OT. In this world Jesus breathed and lived up to his last words on the cross. This was the second temple world. Jesus was not reading the church fathers, they did not exist.
EDIT: let this record stand, for this post I am labelled "autistic" a "sinner" and "dishonest". My opponents, rather than engage in honest debate, have resorted to personal attacks against me. These opponents, largely followers of post-modernism, have no hope left, they are utterly in darkness. I have overcome them. 4/28/2023 codker92