The Pedo Agenda

15,062 Views | 230 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by MemorialTXAg
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Seamaster said:

"They hide behind the "love the sinner, but hate the sin" as a way to treat the sinner with nothing but hate and derision, as you repeatedly do here."

I don't see it that way.

I've never hated anybody.

What I have done is speak the truth and I've tried to do so patiently and respectfully. I could see how it can be offensive but sometimes truth is offensive.
Of course you don't see it that way. Those who hate typically don't see what they do as hateful. You've certainly not done it patiently or respectfully around here.

Speaking truth without love makes you a noisy gong, especially when your "truth" is mixed with misrepresentations and hysteria that isn't grounded in reality.

If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.

Beer Baron
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If their solution to the "gay problem" is to just heckle us with their "truth" on the internet I can live with that. It's much better than what people like them did in the past, and their numbers are shrinking anyway.
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Seamaster said:

"Gays hurt no one by acting on their attractions."

You mean, other than themselves.

We have proven psychological data that shows pedophiles who act on their desires, cause actual damage to those they act their desires out on.

Care to share any proven scientific data showing homosexuals hurt themselves by actively loving people of the same sex?
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"Those who hate typically don't see what they do as hateful. You've certainly not done it patiently or respectfully around here. "

Can you cite examples of my being disrespectful?

"Care to share any proven scientific data showing homosexuals hurt themselves by actively loving people of the same sex?"

Do you think having 1000 partners is healthy? What about 100?

Marco Esquandolas
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As dad o lot conceded, there is literally no amount of evidence that will generate any shred of critical reflection with these two.

They literally do not care. This is why trying to have a conversation with them is like jabbing a rusty nail in your eye. There can never be any learning or productive dialogue because they simply do not give a single fck about facts or the lived experiences of anyone but themselves. It's the unstated premise and motivation for every single seamaster thread.
Beer Baron
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True, but I'm not typically arguing with them as much as I'm putting my points out there for who may be reading along.
Marco Esquandolas
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Btw I'm still waiting on the explanation for why godless Germany which is presumably farther down the slippery slope than the U.S. is doing the most to develop effective treatment for pedophilia.
Solo Tetherball Champ
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Marco Esquandolas said:

Btw I'm still waiting on the explanation for why godless Germany which is presumably farther down the slippery slope than the U.S. is doing the most to develop effective treatment for pedophilia.

How effective is this treatment? Or can you provide more information with regards to this treatment?

Marco Esquandolas
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I posted the article I'm referring to a couple pages back.
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Speaking from my Christian worldview. I have "improper" sexual impulses and desires often. If these aren't squashed they can develop into a possible action. The absolute best way to prevent that from happening is confessing this to a trusted person. Jesus taught that simply thinking these things means our heart has already sinned.

I think encouraging people with those desires to seek treatment is fine.

But I will not remove my taboo on the subject. Child molestation is a terrible thing and I don't want people to ever think they are a victim. I want them to be horrified that they even had the thought so they seek to squash it from happening again.
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"But I will not remove my taboo on the subject. Child molestation is a terrible thing and I don't want people to ever think they are a victim. I want them to be horrified that they even had the thought so they seek to squash it from happening again."

100% agree. Hence why I started this thread. There is a small but growing movement to do exactly that.

If recent history is our guide, it's only going to get worse.

If I'd posted here 10 years ago that in 2018 that in America men would be able to use women's bathrooms and shower facilities whenever they wanted, I'd have been laughed at just as I am now.
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The only way they are a victim is by bad luck. No different than someone born without limbs or with disorders like Downs syndrome.
Beer Baron
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There is a small but growing movement to do exactly that.
No there's not. There's a very small group of people pushing it (apparently), and then there's another group of people like you giving them legitimacy, publicity, and a platform. I doubt anyone on this thread would have ever heard of these "activists" or whatever you want to call them if you hadn't brought them to our attention. And the fact that they've been uniformly denounced by everyone here - gay, straight, atheist, christian of all kinds - should only show that your dire 10-year prediction is absolutely ridiculous.

You're doing the exact same thing the Satanic Panic people did.
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If I'd posted here 10 years ago that in 2018 that in America men would be able to use women's bathrooms and shower facilities whenever they wanted, I'd have been laughed at just as I am now.
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If I'd posted here 10 years ago that in 2018 that in America men would be able to use women's bathrooms and shower facilities whenever they wanted, I'd have been laughed at just as I am now.
You wanted an example of how you're disrespectful, then you provided one yourself. You completely misrepresent what's actually happening, while also ignoring that trans persons have long used the restroom that corresponds with their gender identity. Also, people like you only seem to focus on trans women, but never say a word about trans men in the men's room.

If you want to oppose such bathroom policies, fine. But framing as you do is disrespectful and disregards the immense pain that trans persons go through, mostly due to the horrible treatment they receive in society.
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"You completely misrepresent what's actually happening....."

No. I don't. I speak truth.

Again, the truth can sometimes be offensive.

Men cannot become women.
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Let me illustrate your comparing of apples to oranges.

Imagine that at the protests for religious freedom after things such as bakers being forced to make gay wedding cakes there were also people there advocating the freedom to smoke pot because they consider it part of their religion as well as a couple people advocating for the freedom to sacrifice children to the gods because it is part of their religion to do so.

Let's say in a few years the government rules that the pot smoker religion can indeed legally own and use pot because it is considered their religion.

You jump in screaming, "this is all part of the child sacrificers religion and their agenda!"

People look at you like you are crazy...

You respond "imagine if I told you 10 years ago that people would be able to smoke pot as part of religious freedom. You know it would only be a matter of time before the government lets the child sacrificers legally sacrifice children".

People look at you like you are even more crazy.
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Thank you for proving my point. You're unable, or just unwilling, to look at it from a different perspective, and you frame the issue in the most dismissive way. So yeah, don't feed us this bs that you don't hate. It oozes from every obsessive post you have regarding the LGBT community. If it challenges your biases, then you dismiss it completely. The people, created in God's image, that you're talking about look and live their lives as the gender they identify with.

From a practical perspective, it blows my mind that you'd rather your son share a bathroom with a trans woman, and your daughter share a bathroom with a trans man.

FYI, recent studies have shown that the brain structure of those with gender dysphoria is similar to the gender that they identify with. Of course, I don't expect science to sway you, but I'd still suggest you read up on it.
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What you and basically everyone else is saying is that there is obviously a line at pedophila that we're not going to cross. If that's what you think, then great. Glad to have you as an ally.

However, I don't see that the sexual revolution is just going to stop at Trans acceptance.
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Again, the truth can sometimes be offensive.
Well, I wouldn't say you're really holding a position of "truth" here, especially since your position relies on distortions. That said, you're right. The truth can be offensive at times. That's not what is offensive about your obsession with LGBT persons. It's your delivery. Your delivery is offensive and does nothing to bring people to your position. You may sound great in an echo chamber, but anyone outside your echo chamber sees the hate at the core of your obsessive rantings.
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However, I don't see that the sexual revolution is just going to stop at Trans acceptance.
What do trans persons have to do with sex? You show your ignorance of the subject every time you post on it. Transgenderism isn't a sexual orientation issue. It's not about sex.
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"recent studies have shown that the brain structure of those with gender dysphoria is similar to the gender that they identify with. Of course, I don't expect science to sway you, but I'd still suggest you read up on it."

Every study ever made proves that biological sex is something we're born with and marked by our very chromosomes.

Also, studies show that people with all sorts of mental illnesses have different "brain structure." I think by that, you don't mean structure but rather chemical composition.

Gender dysphoria, just like other body dysphorias, is a mental illness.

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What is it that you imagine will happen if this slippery slope goes on as you think it will?

Will LGBT activists go after anyone that reports a child being molested as a bigot? Will they shame children who tattle on their abusers as bigots?
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Thank you for continuing to show your ignorance on the subject. I do find it ironic that the "being trans is a mental disorder" crowd shows such utter disdain for trans persons, yet you'd never find them treating other people with "mental illness" with such contempt.


Analysis of around 160 participants showed that biological males with gender dysphoria - the experience of discomfort or distress due to their biological sex - had a brain structure and neurological patterns similar to biological females, and vice versa.

The analysis revealed that the distinct neurological differences are detectable during childhood.

This thread, though, isn't about trans persons and your little understanding of them. I'd caution against lumping transgender persons in with your rants about sexual issues, because it will just reveal that lack of understanding since being trans has nothing to do with sex or sexual orientation.
Beer Baron
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I still want to know what society should have done with the gays to ensure this coming pedo-pocalypse stays at bay. What specific steps. Show your work.
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Beer Baron said:

I still want to know what society should have done with the gays to ensure this coming pedo-pocalypse stays at bay. What specific steps. Show your work.
I'm guessing he'd reverse Texas v. Lawrence to start with. Then maybe increase the penalties associated with sodomy (only the gay kind though. Not the husband/wife kind). Maybe protest at Pride harder. Or perhaps force them to wear something that identifies them as gay, like a rainbow star on their clothes.
Beer Baron
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They never actually put fingers to keyboard and type out what a disapproving American society would look like for gay people. I suspect because they know the things it would take to make that happen make them look objectively terrible.
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Beer Baron said:

They never actually put fingers to keyboard and type out what a disapproving American society would look like for gay people. I suspect because they know the things it would take to make that happen make them look objectively terrible.
Yeah. The sad thing is that we already know what it looks like because that's what it's been for the bulk of our history. It is not a good thing for LGBT persons. One doesn't need to approve of being gay in order to be kind, compassionate and respectful to them. That's something the seamasters of our society have yet to grasp. The frustrating part is the number of my fellow Christians who will hide behind their faith as a reason to treat the "other" with hatred.
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I am not a neuro scientist and I doubt you're a retired neuro scientist.

This article is illustrative of the problems of the conclusions the media reported of that study:


...experts say the study doesn't show whether the brain differences are innate or due to the choices and life experiences of those with gender dysphoria....

..."Despite the claims of this recent study, a single MRI scan cannot be used to diagnose 'transgenderism,'" said Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of American College of Pediatricians, in a recent interview with CP.

"The fundamental problem is that a brain 'difference' detected at a single point in time cannot establish causation because thinking and behavior are known to alter brain anatomy, activity and function. This process is known as neuroplasticity."...

..."To prove that there is a 'trans brain' scientists would need to take MRIs of a set of thousands of randomly selected, nationally representative infants at birth and then serially into young adulthood in order to identify an unchanging brain difference across the subjects' lifespan that is present ONLY in trans identifying young adults."...

Likewise, Dr. Martin Bednar, a neurosurgeon and neuroscientist shared his analysis with CP.

..."From my review of the abstract and various news releases, it is clear that this is an MRI cross-sectional study, i.e. one point in time rather than a longitudinal study (multiple MRIs over a period of time in the same individual) to determine if there are changes over time, e.g., from birth to the point where gender dysphoria was clearly expressed by an individual," Bednar wrote....

He elaborated further, using an example of taxicab drivers in London who have "the knowledge" an understanding of the spatial layout of the city. It turns out that these taxicab drivers exhibit a strong relationship between the volume of their posterior hippocampus (a critical brain region for memory) and the amount of time that they have been a taxicab driver.

..."Are we to assume that certain individuals were born to become taxicab drivers or is it much more logical to conclude that their brains continue to change over time as they accumulated more knowledge and experience of London's complicated grid?" Bednar asked....

By the way. Kind of funny that this study proves that men and women have different brain structures. Don't tell a feminist!

I recently listened to a pod cast from a gender neuro scientist named Dr Debra Soh. She talked about a recent rise in 'rapid transition transgenderism' that goes like this....

A teenage girl is gender typical her whole life and suddenly, one day, comes home and declares that she's a boy. This apparently happens a lot and what the data shows is that its very clear that these 'transitions' are largely socially constructed. E.G. The girl has a friend that did it and now she wants to etc.

Find the podcast and listen to it.

Furthermore, as I said, mental illness is often found in the brain - why would gender dysphoria be any different?



One doesn't need to approve of being gay in order to be kind, compassionate and respectful to them. That's something the seamasters of our society have yet to grasp.

You don't know me at all. You really don't know me. One thing I stress often to my children is compassion and respect for others. What offends you is that I don't follow the new orthodoxy. I believe in truth that is objective and the same today as it was 1,000 years ago. If you knew me - if I was your neighbor, for example - I am confident that you would find me to be compassionate and respectful.

Beer Baron
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Like I've said before, it is somewhat a sign of progress that these people "have gay friends" and talk about "loving" and "respecting" gay people while advocating for a return to a time when gay people were shunned and criminalized.
Beer Baron
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The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a socially conservative advocacy group of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States.[url=][1][/url] The group was founded in 2002 by a group of pediatricians, including Joseph Zanga, a past president of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), as a protest against the AAP's support for adoption by gay couples.[url=][2][/url][url=][3][/url] The group's membership as of 2016 is estimated at 500 members.[url=][4][/url][url=][5][/url]

Not to be confused with the actual trade association of pediatricians, the American Academy of Pediatricians, which apparently all the rest of the pediatricians besides those 500 belong to and wasn't founded strictly for the purpose of fighting gay rights with an official-sounding name:


The academy was founded in 1930 by 35 pediatricians to address pediatric healthcare standards.[url=][2][/url] It has 64,000 members in primary care and sub-specialist areas.[url=][3][/url]Qualified pediatricians can become fellows (FAAP).[url=][4][/url]

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Like I've said before, it is somewhat a sign of progress that these people "have gay friends" and talk about "loving" and "respecting" gay people while advocating for a return to a time when gay people were shunned and criminalized.

I've never said that.

Why do you have to put words in my mouth when arguing with me? I don't do that to you.

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Its not enough to ad hom the source.

You have to demonstrate how their science is wrong - e.g. neuro plasticity and how our lived experiences alter our brains.
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Seamaster said:


I am not a neuro scientist and I doubt you're a retired neuro scientist.

This article is illustrative of the problems of the conclusions the media reported of that study:


...experts say the study doesn't show whether the brain differences are innate or due to the choices and life experiences of those with gender dysphoria....

..."Despite the claims of this recent study, a single MRI scan cannot be used to diagnose 'transgenderism,'" said Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of American College of Pediatricians, in a recent interview with CP.

"The fundamental problem is that a brain 'difference' detected at a single point in time cannot establish causation because thinking and behavior are known to alter brain anatomy, activity and function. This process is known as neuroplasticity."...

..."To prove that there is a 'trans brain' scientists would need to take MRIs of a set of thousands of randomly selected, nationally representative infants at birth and then serially into young adulthood in order to identify an unchanging brain difference across the subjects' lifespan that is present ONLY in trans identifying young adults."...

Likewise, Dr. Martin Bednar, a neurosurgeon and neuroscientist shared his analysis with CP.

..."From my review of the abstract and various news releases, it is clear that this is an MRI cross-sectional study, i.e. one point in time rather than a longitudinal study (multiple MRIs over a period of time in the same individual) to determine if there are changes over time, e.g., from birth to the point where gender dysphoria was clearly expressed by an individual," Bednar wrote....

He elaborated further, using an example of taxicab drivers in London who have "the knowledge" an understanding of the spatial layout of the city. It turns out that these taxicab drivers exhibit a strong relationship between the volume of their posterior hippocampus (a critical brain region for memory) and the amount of time that they have been a taxicab driver.

..."Are we to assume that certain individuals were born to become taxicab drivers or is it much more logical to conclude that their brains continue to change over time as they accumulated more knowledge and experience of London's complicated grid?" Bednar asked....

By the way. Kind of funny that this study proves that men and women have different brain structures. Don't tell a feminist!

I recently listened to a pod cast from a gender neuro scientist named Dr Debra Soh. She talked about a recent rise in 'rapid transition transgenderism' that goes like this....

A teenage girl is gender typical her whole life and suddenly, one day, comes home and declares that she's a boy. This apparently happens a lot and what the data shows is that its very clear that these 'transitions' are largely socially constructed. E.G. The girl has a friend that did it and now she wants to etc.

Find the podcast and listen to it.

Furthermore, as I said, mental illness is often found in the brain - why would gender dysphoria be any different?
Of course men and women have different brain structures. I don't think I've ever heard a feminist say otherwise. But, that there appears to be a possible biological component is significant, but even if it is confirmed, I doubt you'll change your position.

Nobody said the brain structure study was some conclusive "end all-be all" study that settled the question. It shows a correlation, but of course more study is needed. What it does highlight is that our understanding of this is just now growing and to come into it with your mind made up on the subject is simply foolish.

Also, Dr. Soh isn't a "gender neuroscientist". She's a sexual neuroscientist focused on sexual behavior and sexuality. Again, transgenderism isn't a sexual issue.
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You don't know me at all. You really don't know me. One thing I stress often to my children is compassion and respect for others. What offends you is that I don't follow the new orthodoxy. I believe in truth that is objective and the same today as it was 1,000 years ago. If you knew me - if I was your neighbor, for example - I am confident that you would find me to be compassionate and respectful.
I know what I see of you here and how you discuss, and obsess over these issues. Telling your children to be compassionate and respectful falls on deaf ears when you don't actually practice it yourself. It has nothing to do with "following the new orthodoxy", whatever the heck that means. It's about engaging people with respect and not diminishing their perspective by framing it in a way that is meant to mock it.

BB knows my views on homosexual actions, but he also knows that I'm respectful and kind to him. You, on the other hand, are the classic "hate the sin, love the a cover for actually hating the sinner" person.
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