Does not follow that the entirety of the creation account is, as you say, literal.JJMt said:
... a literal Adam and original sin.
Does not follow that the entirety of the creation account is, as you say, literal.JJMt said:
... a literal Adam and original sin.
JJMt said:
Agreed that Jesus never said "I believe that the first 11 chapters of Genesis are literally true." However, that belief certainly is assumed in and forms the basis for his statements, and any contrary belief makes his statements head scratchers.
And I don't know many folks who don't take the first chapters literally, but nevertheless believe in a literal Adam, original sin, and the fall and its consequences (forgot to put that in my earlier post). An ancient earth necessitates death before the fall.
One has to do mental and theological gymnastics to try to believe the Bible but not take the first 11 chapters literally. I didn't take them literally for the first 45 years of my life, and thus couldn't find a way to take any other part of the Bible literally and retain my intellectual honesty.
It's not a strained interpretation, the word has a meaning. The fact that you don't understand the words, which by themselves are perfectly clear, doesn't mean that it's a strained interpretation. Go read the Strong's entries for those words. Here, I'll link them for you.Win At Life said:
You are working very hard to make a non-obvious distinction that forces Yeshua out to be a sinner and Torah breaker. I believe Yeshau was the only one to ever keep the Law perfectly and not sin. If there is a plausible interpretation of what Yeshua said that is in keeping with His Torah keeping, then why would you choose a strained interpretation that also makes our LORD our to be a sinner and violator of His own Words? Odd.
Win At Life said:
You are working very hard to make a non-obvious distinction that forces Yeshua out to be a sinner and Torah breaker. I believe Yeshau was the only one to ever keep the Law perfectly and not sin. If there is a plausible interpretation of what Yeshua said that is in keeping with His Torah keeping, then why would you choose a strained interpretation that also makes our LORD our to be a sinner and violator of His own Words? Odd.
I'm not limiting God.swimmerbabe11 said:
Christ, who is 100% God and 100% Man, can't create a substance that is 100% body and 100% bread?
Wisdom? If that wine is somehow, literally/truly blood, he is telling people to violate his own original covenant. I would list references, but I'm sure you can google "I will not violate my covenant".Quote:
if anything, its an illustration of how beautifully consistent God is in His divine wisdom.
The word that you're looking for his "evidence". We accept the gospels as evidence that he is both God and Man, God because of what he did (signs and wonders) and taught, but also Man because he also ate, slept, grew weary, bled, and died.Quote:
I think this is way less difficult a teaching than Christ as fully God and fully man. Weird how both are received by consensus tradition from the Church, but on is rejected because it's "gymnastics".
You sure about that? You do realise that Luther and the reformation was the first group to question tradition and dogma and survive, whereas other people before them were simply excommunicated, killed, or otherwise silenced, right?Quote:
No one argued against this tradition of the Church until Zwingli, excepting the gnostics who denied the physical aspect of Christ as well, as we've discussed.
There were heresies that denied Christ being both God and man, heresies that denied he was God at all, heresies that said the Spirit wasn't God...TONS of them. You just never thought to question that because it's been an explicit orthodox teaching for so long.Quote:
They [gnostics] abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they confess not the Eucharist to be the flesh of our Saviour Jesus Christ, which suffered for our sins, and which the Father, of His goodness, raised up again. Those, therefore, who speak against this gift of God, incur death in the midst of their disputes. But it were better for them to treat it with respect, that they also might rise again. It is fitting, therefore, that you should keep aloof from such persons, and not to speak of them either in private or in public, but to give heed to the prophets, and above all, to the Gospel, in which the passion [of Christ] has been revealed to us, and the resurrection has been fully proved. But avoid all divisions, as the beginning of evils.
yet we do have Him saying "my flesh is ACTUAL food and my blood is ACTUAL drink
I'm on a hunt for original Christianity. As I've stated before, I earnestly believe that any biblical figure would be just as lost in an Orthodox service as they would in Creflo Dollars church. What we do today seems to have very little in common with what they practiced in the bible. I find myself more drawn towards what Ramblin and others do.Quote:
As for the Reformation vs other earlier heretics. You're on unsteady ground here, because you're back to supposing that actual Christianity was lost or defeated by evil heretical teaching. That's a real shame, because that means Christ was wrong, the gates of Hell prevailed, and basically everything -- including the scriptures themselves -- are unreliable.