Is it possible to believe in Evolution and in God?

18,174 Views | 258 Replies | Last: 7 yr ago by John Maplethorpe
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Exactly. That has been my biggest issue w/ him, along w/ his lies about the CoC, but that's a different issue.
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If God has given up on these cast of characters, the same ones he blessed with knowledge and in return, they rejected his love and joined the other side, my loving them would be as of a hypocrite.

I side with my God, praying for evil is a waste of time as my prayers to God are well thought out. I pray for the needy, the ones searching for truth, not the ones spreading lies about the word of God, ones that have purposely rejected the truth.

You continue to side with these fellows that have an agenda, you are either extremely nave or part of that agenda.

Research God's plans for the wicked, not my place to question his knowledge. The gathering is near completion.

I should and will stop replying to the ones with an agenda, like throwing rocks at animals in a slaughterhouse.

Sapper Redux
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You reap what you sew. And you have sewn nothing but hate.
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Nonbelievers quoting the bible, maybe a start

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If God has given up on these cast of characters, the same ones he blessed with knowledge and in return, they rejected his love and joined the other side, my loving them would be as of a hypocrite.
And you operating under the assumption that you know God's given up on anyone here is anti-Christ. Just as the father welcomed back his prodigal son after the son had rejected him, so too will God welcome His children. God hasn't given up on "these cast of characters". His Son died for "these cast of characters". Heck, Paul actively persecuted His church and he was still forgiven.

Christ showed His murderers love and compassion on the cross, but you claim loving nonbelievers would make you a hypocrite? No, what makes you a hypocrite is claiming to follow Christ, yet treating others with such hate and venom.

The garbage you spew here is anti-Christ. It's not the positions you take necessarily, it's the means with which you convey them. You can engage others without immature name-calling. You can engage, even those that you falsely claim God has given up on, without such bitterness and immaturity.
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But, WinaGs, you once again didn't answer the question. Do you believe others, whether on here or in your real life, would say you are known for your love of others? Or do you believe Christ was lying when He said it's by our love for one another that we'll be known as His disciples.
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You play with fire, I speak of the fire that these folks are marching toward.

Don't like my writings, don't read them.

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Are the dinosaurs in the fire?
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You play with fire, I speak of the fire that these folks are marching toward.

Don't like my writings, don't read them.
When you claim Christ, yet write what you do, then I'm going to say something because you give an absolutely horrible witness to the world.

And I'm not playing with fire at all. I am secure in my faith...the faith in the One who says we are to even love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. The faith that says we are all broken and that God desires that all turn to Him. The faith that says it is through our love of others that the world will know we are His disciples.

Since you clearly won't answer the question, for obvious reasons, I'll end with this. Please reconsider how you engage others with hate and venom here. Engaging the way you do, while claiming Christ, is bearing a false witness to the world.
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Clearly stated people that know the truth and reject the truth are a waste of time, God has plans for them.

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Why do you waste so much space in threads by hitting enter a whole bunch of times before hitting post?
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Clearly stated people that know the truth and reject the truth are a waste of time, God has plans for them.
Even if you believe that it's a waste of time (it's not, but you seem very fundamentalist in your thinking so no point in delving into this), please show me where we can then be complete *******s to these people? Like I said, you are bearing false witness to the world with how you treat others while claiming Christ. You are rejecting love, and considering God is love, one could argue you too are rejecting God.
Joseph Parrish
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So do you add the 10 extra spaces to appear more over the top and dramatic than you already are?
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Joseph Parrish
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Clearly stated people that know the truth and reject the truth are a waste of time, God has plans for them.
So let's get back on topic here. Since you talk about rejecting the truth, do you think evolution is a lie? Do you think fossils are a farce? If so, why do you think that and what evidence do you have that they have been planted?
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Simple terms

I don't love the enemies of God

kurt vonnegut
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Are the dinosaurs in the fire?

God hadn't revealed himself yet, so they all go to Heaven where the righteous will have dominion over them:

Joseph Parrish
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WinAg, why are you so afraid to answer the questions that are asked? If you're not going to be useful or add to the conversation, then please stop posting on this thread. You're only adding hate. Not everybody here has to think exactly the way you do. Please get over yourself.
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Simple terms

I don't love the enemies of God

Well, all I can say is I'm beyond glad that Christ didn't share that view.

For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.
Romans 5:10 NASB
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I am speaking of ones that have rejected Christ and taken up with Satan, u r speaking of ones that never knew Christ.
I am speaking of all sinners, as we were all enemies of God. Yet Christ still hung on the cross for all of us.

Satan and his followers are hell bound, u don't believe it.

You actually don't seem to know what I believe. I lean towards the annihilationist view of hell and conditional immortality. I don't believe in the ECT view, but that doesn't make me a universalist.

Ones on this thread have access to the same info I have and have made a choice. God rules not me.
You are right. God rules, not you. Which is why it is beyond presumptuous for you to claim you know whom God has given up on. You don't know hearts. You don't know how the Spirit may be working in their lives. But, you are bearing false witness to the world. You are presenting a picture of Christ that is not the Christ revealed to us in Jesus. Nothing about how you engage others speaks to love.

You are one of the biggest hypocrites I have ever encountered.
How so? Where am I being hypocritical? You are the one who claims to follow a Christ that commanded that we even love our enemies. You are the one who claims to follow a Christ that said it is by our love of others that we will be known as His disciples. You claim this, yet you certainly do not exhibit it here. Which leads me back to my original you believe that you are known for your love of others? Or do you wish to continue dodging that question because we all know the answer?

I simply do not understand how you find such great offense in a fellow Christian telling you that perhaps you shouldn't spew nothing but hate and venom at others, especially nonbelievers. But you don't seem to care about nonbelievers, as you gloat about not praying for them.
kurt vonnegut
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While I take your side, Retired, every time you respond makes me think of this:

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While I take your side, Retired, every time you respond makes me think of this:

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Known for love? Words only I am sure, I doubt your good deed list amounts to anything any other than insignificant gestures, no real sacrifices.
Your religion has no consequences for bad actors therefore it is false teachings.
I am done with you
Joseph Parrish
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Winag. Your posts are the equivalent of a hit and run. You can't argue your position, so you take a jab at somebody and then bail out.
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Why create a universe that appears billions of years old and provide a fossil record that supports evolution if Genesis is literally true?

My best guess is that God was making a place for humanity to thrive and to fulfill the purposes given. Think about what it would look like if nothing on the day of human creation had the appearance of age. What would mankind eat? What foundation would he walk on?

I also don't believe God created the fossils in the ground. I believe He created the dinosaurs and they lived and died. I believe they were all buried alive which is why their bones were held in tact vs being scattered by animals and why there are at times found in contorted positions.

It's often said, that God would be deceptive in creating a place with such an appearance of age. I believe it would only be deceptive if He didn't leave us with a record telling us otherwise. In His record He tells us He did it all in 6 days.
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Known for love? Words only I am sure, I doubt your good deed list amounts to anything any other than insignificant gestures, no real sacrifices.
Your religion has no consequences for bad actors therefore it is false teachings.
I am done with you
So, you are calling me a hypocrite because you don't believe I actually "love" and I don't "sacrifice", even though you don't know me at all? I'd repeat the question, but you clearly don't want to answer it.

Also, no consequences for bad actors? Not receiving the gift of eternal life isn't a "consequence"? You aren't making any sense.
Joseph Parrish
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Why create a universe that appears billions of years old and provide a fossil record that supports evolution if Genesis is literally true?

My best guess is that God was making a place for humanity to thrive and to fulfill the purposes given. Think about what it would look like if nothing on the day of human creation had the appearance of age. What would mankind eat? What foundation would he walk on?

I also don't believe God created the fossils in the ground. I believe He created the dinosaurs and they lived and died. I believe they were all buried alive which is why their bones were held in tact vs being scattered by animals and why there are at times found in contorted positions.

It's often said, that God would be deceptive in creating a place with such an appearance of age. I believe it would only be deceptive if He didn't leave us with a record telling us otherwise. In His record He tells us He did it all in 6 days.
Fossils are a record as well. So he created two different records. Both of which contradict each other.
kurt vonnegut
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Why create a universe that appears billions of years old and provide a fossil record that supports evolution if Genesis is literally true?

My best guess is that God was making a place for humanity to thrive and to fulfill the purposes given. Think about what it would look like if nothing on the day of human creation had the appearance of age. What would mankind eat? What foundation would he walk on?

I also don't believe God created the fossils in the ground. I believe He created the dinosaurs and they lived and died. I believe they were all buried alive which is why their bones were held in tact vs being scattered by animals and why there are at times found in contorted positions.

It's often said, that God would be deceptive in creating a place with such an appearance of age. I believe it would only be deceptive if He didn't leave us with a record telling us otherwise. In His record He tells us He did it all in 6 days.

We could eat all the animals he had spend the previous two days making and we could walk on the foundation of the Earth that he made a couple days before that.

. . . but I get what you are saying. It just isn't necessary that human creation appeared on Earth to observe a 13.7 Billion year old Earth. That level of timescale that we actually observe is wholly incompatible with your argument.
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Fossils are a record as well. So he created two different records. Both of which contradict each other.

Unless in His book He details the best explanation of what could have killed dinosaurs in such away that they would be buried in sedimentary rock layers over the entire planet. A world wide flood would provide the rapid burial, the needed pressure requirements, and maybe under these circumstances fossils can be created faster than scientists realize.

Fossils are the direct evidence of past life. They are the tools around which geologists and paleontologists reconstruct the history of the earth. They are found in sedimentary rocks. This type of rock is the result of the consolidation of sediment that has accumulated in layers. These depositional environments come from lake bottoms, river bottoms, river sandbars, beaches, and oceans. Some sediments result from weathering rocks, others originate from tissues and bones of plants and animals. It is within the depositional environment that plants and animals may become fossilized. There are three prerequisites that must be met before organic material can be preserved: (1) Organisms must contain hard parts such as bones, teeth, cartilage, or shells. (2) The organic material must be buried quickly in an oxygen-free environment protected from scavengers. (3) Conditions after burial must be favorable as the effects of heat and pressure that produce sedimentary rock may alter the composition and appearance of a potential fossil.

Hickory High
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WinAgs, Do you always come here to post immediately after returning from condemning people to hell at your friendly neighborhood Target? Your theology is WAY off in so many ways.
Joseph Parrish
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Fossils are a record as well. So he created two different records. Both of which contradict each other.

Unless in His book He details the best explanation of what could have killed dinosaurs in such away that they would be buried in sedimentary rock layers over the entire planet. A world wide flood would provide the rapid burial, the needed pressure requirements, and maybe under these circumstances fossils can be created faster than scientists realize.

Fossils are the direct evidence of past life. They are the tools around which geologists and paleontologists reconstruct the history of the earth. They are found in sedimentary rocks. This type of rock is the result of the consolidation of sediment that has accumulated in layers. These depositional environments come from lake bottoms, river bottoms, river sandbars, beaches, and oceans. Some sediments result from weathering rocks, others originate from tissues and bones of plants and animals. It is within the depositional environment that plants and animals may become fossilized. There are three prerequisites that must be met before organic material can be preserved: (1) Organisms must contain hard parts such as bones, teeth, cartilage, or shells. (2) The organic material must be buried quickly in an oxygen-free environment protected from scavengers. (3) Conditions after burial must be favorable as the effects of heat and pressure that produce sedimentary rock may alter the composition and appearance of a potential fossil.

You do realize that a flood of that magnitude would leave visible evidence as well right?
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Fossils are a record as well. So he created two different records. Both of which contradict each other.

Unless in His book He details the best explanation of what could have killed dinosaurs in such away that they would be buried in sedimentary rock layers over the entire planet. A world wide flood would provide the rapid burial, the needed pressure requirements, and maybe under these circumstances fossils can be created faster than scientists realize.

Fossils are the direct evidence of past life. They are the tools around which geologists and paleontologists reconstruct the history of the earth. They are found in sedimentary rocks. This type of rock is the result of the consolidation of sediment that has accumulated in layers. These depositional environments come from lake bottoms, river bottoms, river sandbars, beaches, and oceans. Some sediments result from weathering rocks, others originate from tissues and bones of plants and animals. It is within the depositional environment that plants and animals may become fossilized. There are three prerequisites that must be met before organic material can be preserved: (1) Organisms must contain hard parts such as bones, teeth, cartilage, or shells. (2) The organic material must be buried quickly in an oxygen-free environment protected from scavengers. (3) Conditions after burial must be favorable as the effects of heat and pressure that produce sedimentary rock may alter the composition and appearance of a potential fossil.

You do realize that a flood of that magnitude would leave visible evidence as well right?

Uh, grand canyon, hello?
Joseph Parrish
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WinAgs, Do you always come here to post immediately after returning from condemning people to hell at your friendly neighborhood Target? Your theology is WAY off in so many ways.
Can you add 10 spaces to the end of this to add emphasis?
Hickory High
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WinAgs, Do you always come here to post immediately after returning from condemning people to hell at your friendly neighborhood Target? Your theology is WAY off in so many ways.
Can you add 10 spaces to the end of this to add emphasis?


I'll add 9.
Hickory High
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And to answer the OP:
Assuming we are talking about the Christian God, it is being willfully ignorant to no believe in micro evolution. Macro evolution, on the other hand, is science mixed with worldview, so God and macro evolution are not compatible.
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