Not to ruin a good argument between aggies, but if you look at the pic with the 3 men standing in front of the unlit fire, you can determine by measuring that the height is probably the height of 5 men, thus about 30 feet.
I don't think the height should matter, it looked like a great stack and the burn looks awesome. My country mom on Thanksgiving '99 was heartsick about the loss of lives and said "I don't know why they can't just make a big pile of wood like a teepee and burn it. That is the kind we always did for our high school bonfire." The last time I hugged her was that Thanksiving evening as my family left her rural home so we could get back to Austin. We had tickets to the game in College Station. She passed away in her sleep on Dec. 6, 1999 just a few days later.
Edit: I didn't count the center pole and outhouse, that would put it at about 40 feet
[This message has been edited by Texas_Fan (edited 11/22/2006 2:13p).]