Thats because you weren't there when it was there. So, you can't make a comparision.
I was, I guess that means I can make the comparison. But I am curious, that if you never worked on it when it was on campus, how you can even offer to make the comparison. It seems that your logic is slightly flawed there.
I've worked on Bonfire in 96, 97, 02-08. And no, I'm not still at A&M, but I go down there every year for at least one cut (this year I was fortunate enough to make it down to several).
Yes, it's not on campus/polo fields, does that make it not real? I don't believe it was on campus in 1909, and it definitely hasn't always been on the polo fields. We do hope though, that it does get brought back on campus in a student involved effort.
Yes, it's not sanctioned by the university. It wasn't sanctioned when they tore down the farmer's barn to build one either.
Yes, the band/yell leaders/coach/football team aren't there... in their uniforms. Is this the determining factor for you?
Yes, it's not as massive as it was. But it's a safer design that has been approved by a PE, which is more than can ever be said about any stack pre-99.
Yes, it's built by students.
Yes, it's organized by students.
Yes, it's student's time, effort and energy that goes into building something that is greater than themselves.
Yes, it's the comraderie that is built between people as you each learn the true mettle of the Ag next to you.
Yes, it's the culminating night of burn that is the final piece of all you have worked for.
Yes, it's not just a fire to you, it's so much more, and it will always hold a special place in your heart.
So, is this Bonfire? To me, yes. It still represents everything that I hold dear with this University.
Now, as to your comments and brush offs...
You had the opportunity as a student. It was up to you to decide. You made your decision, so don't slight the efforts of others because you missed out from your own inactions.
The beauty of it though, is that as of right now, it's not to late to learn what it really is like. None of us know what Murano's actions will be, so take the opportunity while it still exists and go down there. If you can't make it out for stack, then at least go for burn. But whatever you do, to a chance to experience it before you are so quick to pass judgement on it.