Throat/tongue, if it was far enough back on his tongue it was prolly in his throat too right?
I must admit to being fairly disappointed when I saw him light up. But, again, I only saw him take maybe two or three drags off each butt. He had one stuck in the neck of his guitar during sound check that just burned. He lit it, took one drag, tucked it in to the fret and forgot about it.
I fully expected the drinking, as I had heard that was the reason for him and Valerie splitting. He was still wearing his wedding ring though. My wife picked up on that real quick!
Smoking is STUPID STUPID STUPID! I say this as a former smoker. I watched my Grandfather unzip himself from his oxygen tent, practically crawl to a wheelchair so he could go outside and smoke. Then he'd come back up to his room for a breathing treatment, hack up part of his diseased lung and then go back down for another smoke.
I don't get it. I must not have been "addicted" cuz I was able to quit cold turkey and never looked back. Yet there are people like those at MDA and my grandfather who won't quit even on pain of death.
BTW, Ed's treatment was at MDA in Houston!
[This message has been edited by Ragnar The Pirate (edited 3/24/2005 3:55p).]