Oh, and they can several Traffic songs though. C'mon, the fact that Rush is not in is joke. I don't like Skynerd, but they were very infuential throughout the south to many bands. And you want to talk influence, where's Van Halen. You think there were a few guitarist infulenced by EVH? Any frontmen influenced by DLR?
The whole thing is basically ran by Jann Wenner, who is a music snob. Van Halen and Rush have several Platinum albums to their credit, but when was the last time you saw them on the cover of Rolling Stone, much less an inside article? And don't even get me started on Sabbath. I guess they didn't have any influence either. But guess what...Jefferson Airplane must have, because they got in back in '96. And doesn't everybody luuuvve the Airplane. You hear them all the time, dont'cha?