The greatest trick this show has pulled is casting Tim Robbins against type, basically turning him into the warden from Shawshank, and making me hate his character nearly as much (in a great way).
Solid episode tonight, but I'm at the point where I just fundamentally dislike the primary conceit of the season, with Juliet separated from everyone else. I realize that's the nature of the story, and that they're literally going by the book, but what's turning out to be an entire season with her stuck in the other silo, and cutting to her for what feels like only a minute if not sometime seconds at a time, has simply gotten so incredibly old IMO. I'm glad some other characters have finally joined her, though, and we're hopefully finally moving forward in that regard (as opposed to Juliet merely needing to complete task after task and literally tread water), I just wish that would have happened three or four episodes ago.
Oh, well.
Two episodes to go, and at least we have some legit momentum now.