AgHawkeye said:
New recommendation I don't think has been on here.
The Will of the Many. by Jason Islington
Book one of the Hierarchy Series.
It has a definite Red Rising feel in more of a Fantasy world than a SciFi world. In fact some of the criticism is that the main character is just Darrow. IMO more like Red Rising is OK with me and having just finished I get the comparison but this is definitely an original story. A bit too "convenient" at times but a very solid start to a series.
Read this after reading the above. Liked it a lot. There are similarities to RR, but I thought it was different enough and we'll done. Giving the licanus series a try now. Pretty sure I must have read some of the first one at some point. Seems familiar.
Tried the new Night Angel book, couldnt finish it. Worth a shot I guess if you really like the originals (my son love them and liked the new one,) but not on that level to me.
Sci/fi rec
The Chaos Quarter series by David Welch (think they are on unlimited but I buy his stuff to support because I have really liked most all of it.). Kind of a Firefly type space cowboy type feel to me. Well written, great characters and stories. Highly recommend fo a space story Fix.
Not sure if I saw it in this post, but JOHN Scalzi's old man's war (the first three) books are a definate easy recommendation. His stuff is either great or terrible to me, but the great ones are really really worth your time.