my 5 year old is obsessed with the movies from my childhood. I am a 90s kid. All the movies listed in that thread from the other day.
Over the break we watched Snowday and he loved it. Its actually a fantastic movie from that era/genre.
Anyways, I forgot all about it and how the kid in the movie ends up choosing the less attractive girl(a common plot for movies as we know)
Well this one is historically bad. First of all, the hot chick is very good looking. And she was 24 while playing the high school girl so its okay to think that!
The reason this decision was so bad is this wasnt the typical "hot, but such a b****, type girl". She actually seems like a great girl.
Anyways, theres your random movie take for the day. Below is photo evidence.

Over the break we watched Snowday and he loved it. Its actually a fantastic movie from that era/genre.
Anyways, I forgot all about it and how the kid in the movie ends up choosing the less attractive girl(a common plot for movies as we know)
Well this one is historically bad. First of all, the hot chick is very good looking. And she was 24 while playing the high school girl so its okay to think that!
The reason this decision was so bad is this wasnt the typical "hot, but such a b****, type girl". She actually seems like a great girl.
Anyways, theres your random movie take for the day. Below is photo evidence.