Teacher_Ag said:
Late to Breaking Bad, making my way through the seasons. Great show overall but these Salamanca brothers are gimmicky. Why not just have two brothers who work for the cartel who act...normal. Every scene they're in feels very inauthethic and takes me out of the intrigue of the plot.
What are some characters from other shows you wish hadn't been written the way they were.
I think the twins in BB are genius writing. The portray the cartels as scary without having to show all the twisted and disturbing things the cartels really do. Real life cartels killed kids with axes in front of their parents and forced busloads of innocent people to gladiator fight to the death with hammers and knives (and I'm leaving the more disturbing details out). If BB showed any of that, then it would have required a lot more unnecessary story, and people would have tuned out instantly.
Compare BB to FX's The Bridge. The Bridge was more realistic on the Cartels, but only barely, and even that was too dark and unpleasant to enjoy. Sure enough, it got canceled.
So Breaking Bad made the twins silent Terminator types that kill without mercy or compassion, but aren't shown to be too gruesome. Usually they just shoot people. The worse killing was using a machete on Tortuga, but even that was framed to not show anything too bad.
They provided the aura that Walt was over his head danger-wise. And they served that purpose perfectly.