Wow! Kind of how the end of this episode felt.
Chekhov's gun strikes again. I know several of us called Lalo being killed and buried under the lab, but I will say some of the character's abilities of foresight border on superhuman at times. (Gus figuring out Lalo's plan and knowing he was at the lab even though he claims he didn't, Lalo knowing he'd send Kim and she'd be caught, etc.)
But, with writing this good, it's hard to fault them for that.
The thing that's crazy to me is they've tied up Lalo with so many episodes left to go. I'm left wondering where they go from here. It's gotta be about to jump to the Gene timeline right?
This felt like an Ozymandias type game-changer for the show and I think we get major time jumps in the next episode.