*** Q: INTO THE STORM *** (HBO Docuseries)

61,898 Views | 790 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by St Hedwig Aggie
Another Doug
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tysker said:

Another Doug said:

TCTTS said:

Almost immediately, this thread basically crashed and burned, redeemed itself for a brief shining moment with some truly incredible laughs, soon turned into pure sh*t again, some random cantankerous dude showed up 10 pages in to scold me in truly bizarre fashion, the sh*t got even deeper, then an argument literally about water broke out... and now people are posting 10-year-old pics of bananas from their photo rolls from some reason and I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on anymore. I think maybe this thread is winning again? But like in a deranged Charlie Sheen kind of way?
I think the NY doesn't hand out food and water thread and end now...


or maybe Rudy and Sydney Powell can present evidence from the Holland tunnel dudes and get NY flipped red #stopthesteal #2dollarwater
Voting in NYC was a frigging nightmare compared to TX. Hated every second of the process in NYC - long lines, old fashioned and confusing machines, strange ballots and sometimes no place to sit while in line. Nice that people allowed others back in line to get food during this election cycle. Not sure they've always been so pleasant.
Not living in Texas is your problem Yankee
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Another Doug said:

tysker said:

Another Doug said:

TCTTS said:

Almost immediately, this thread basically crashed and burned, redeemed itself for a brief shining moment with some truly incredible laughs, soon turned into pure sh*t again, some random cantankerous dude showed up 10 pages in to scold me in truly bizarre fashion, the sh*t got even deeper, then an argument literally about water broke out... and now people are posting 10-year-old pics of bananas from their photo rolls from some reason and I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on anymore. I think maybe this thread is winning again? But like in a deranged Charlie Sheen kind of way?
I think the NY doesn't hand out food and water thread and end now...


or maybe Rudy and Sydney Powell can present evidence from the Holland tunnel dudes and get NY flipped red #stopthesteal #2dollarwater
Voting in NYC was a frigging nightmare compared to TX. Hated every second of the process in NYC - long lines, old fashioned and confusing machines, strange ballots and sometimes no place to sit while in line. Nice that people allowed others back in line to get food during this election cycle. Not sure they've always been so pleasant.
Not living in Texas is your problem Yankee
But where else can you be lucky enough to purchase a bottle water for $2.50 and a single banana for $1.50? Luckily back in TX now
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WES2006AG said:

Assuming the documentary came to the right conclusion, and they made a pretty convincing argument that they did, this has to be a hard day for the Q people.

I just can't imagine how crushing it is to know that some random internet troll just took years of your life for something that anyone with half a brain knew was BS from square one.

Or they will just double down on the crazy, which of course seems the more likely outcome.
Definitely just a false flag pushed by the deep state to discredit a true patriot who's trying to expose them for what they are.
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AgfromHOU said:

I didn't bring up racism in my claims at all.

I'm also at a loss as to why more voting locations is a bad thing. More locations means shorter lines which means more votes and people can check IDs better. More early voting also does this.

Zuckerberg also allowed a right wing echo chamber to occur on Facebook to drive more traffic to it. Little bit of playing both sides there in my opinion.
I think you should reread the articles that you linked. The early voting location cuts were done in specific counties by county officials. I'm not going to waste my time doing the research, but since they are high population counties in urban areas, chances are the counties are run by Democrats. These closures are not at the hands of Georgia Republican legislature. There's a good chance there is a reason for doing so that isn't to reduce voter turnout.

This is just more misinformation being spread that is easily dismissed when even an ounce of scrutiny is applied. You may not be claiming racism, but that siren song has seen no shortage in reference to the Georgia laws.

They do reduce the number of drop box locations and move the existing one's to more secure locations. Anyone that claims that is about racism and not security is not arguing in good faith.

Zuckerburg pouring money into areas to change vote outcomes is about as sleazy as it gets. You can rest assured that much of that money went to ballot harvesting operations. Here's a nice article explaining how it was doled out:


He basically bypassed campaign contribution laws to effectively purchase the election.

Zuckerburg allowed a right wing echo chamber? Please tell me you want to walk this statement back? Would you have preferred him to suppress their speech? Do you think there is some sort of undersupply of left wing speech on Facebook? Facebook is only slightly better about not suppressing conservative speech than Twitter. Have you seen any twitter or facebook warnings on the videos of Joe Biden blatantly lying?

God forbid there be a place on the internet where people can discuss ideas don't conform to "the party" official new speak. We've come to a point where the left is so arrogant that they think their views are the standard for truth and anything outside of that is whack job conspiracy theory. The condescension is thick and based on a false sense of superiority if there ever was one. The only thing left wing ideology is good at is creating propaganda, racial division, and systems of government that fail miserably.

Bad ideas should be spoken and then debated into obscurity instead of suppressed. The left has a hard time winning those debates so they prefer to suppress.
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Lol the second article I linked specifically said Greg Abbott. I know y'all don't like him and think he's a lib, but he's a Republican.

And no I'm not walking back anything. I said what I said. I gave my proof. You disagreed. I disagreed with your disagreement, to which you disagreed again. There's no longer productive conversation to be had between us. We had a mostly civil discourse, which I appreciate, but neither of us are budging.

I placed the blame on both parties for closing voting locations and never once cried racism. The MSM and Dems have called it that, but I never did.

I hope you have a good rest of your day and that you had a great Easter weekend with your family.
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once again, did any information ever even appear on this show about the origins or identity of Q?
BCG Disciple
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WES2006AG said:

Assuming the documentary came to the right conclusion, and they made a pretty convincing argument that they did, this has to be a hard day for the Q people.

I just can't imagine how crushing it is to know that some random internet troll just took years of your life for something that anyone with half a brain knew was BS from square one.

Or they will just double down on the crazy, which of course seems the more likely outcome.

Most likely. Wish they would have spent more time in the weeds of why this was concluded. Specifically the before and after split from Reddit, 4 Chan and 8 Chan. Maybe I need to go back and watch it again (it was late last night that I was watching).

My understanding is that q was on 4chan, then in the early days of the movement in 2017, after Baruch the Scribe and pamphlet anon reached out to Diaz, Diaz gaslit q tubers and moved to reddit. Not sure when Reddit to 8chan happened. But based on my understanding, April of 2018 is when there was a clear style change (would have been on the sub Reddit) and a short time later Baruch claims IP issues and that q was hijacked. I thought this happened on 8chan, as code monkey was the one to "confirm" q was not hijacked. Timeline on 8chan on codemonkey confirming would have been Aug/Sep 2018. Was codemonkey one of many (along with Baruch) in the early days and for whatever reason Ron gave him the boot when he had complete control on 8chan? I feel like I'm missing something in a story with a bunch of moving parts / disinformation.
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cbr said:

once again, did any information ever even appear on this show about the origins or identity of Q?

The final two episodes, #5 and #6, boiled it down. Worth watching so I don't want to spoil it.
BCG Disciple
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cbr said:

once again, did any information ever even appear on this show about the origins or identity of Q?

Maybe? It started with Baruch and Pamphlet on a small 4 Chan board. They took it to the Diaz qtuber who gas lit the movement and they basically agreed (amongst each other) to move it to a more user friendly platform, Reddit. Not sure when Ron came along, but it looks like he seized control shortly after the Watkinses took over 8chan. Baruch was probably still posting as q and Ron took it over. Baruch cried foul, and then Ron/Q announced 8chan would be the only place where q drops would happen, thereby undercutting Baruch's ability to take his creation elsewhere??
BCG Disciple
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I can enter spoiler tags if needed? I have never posted spoilers on this board, so not sure how to do it and I'm mobile
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As anyone who read our dearly departed Q on 16 thread, where I was a major contributor, knows -
the "proofs" were quite good, and the evidence is strong Scavino was an insider to it.

At the same time, and I wrote repeatedly there:

- very likely a base engagement tool (in fact, a massively successful one through October or so)
- pretty obvious a Watkins was "one of the few" with the keys

All "followers" have recognize, IMO - yes, the Deep State exists and is a useful explanatory concept of politics.

And this very impressive psy op was CodeMonkeyZ, not MI / NSA "white hats."
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Ron was the most successful and impressive troll in Internet history.

I think the case is now solved.
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tk for tu juan
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Was Ron at 8chan during the same time they convinced people that the OK handsign was a white power symbol?
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I'm not going to argue personnel, but consider:

Ron was posting on social media as THE most important "Q guy" AFTER early Nov., and it's reasonable he carry the main credit / blame.

And the most important aggregator - IMO, Neon Revolt - was a major booster for Ron.

As an aside, I like Neon and don't really want to post negative things about him.

What a ride.
Duncan Idaho
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Redstone said:

Ron was the most successful and impressive troll in Internet history.

I think the case is now solved.

Game recognizes game.
Another Doug
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Duncan Idaho said:

Redstone said:

Ron was the most successful and impressive troll in Internet history.

I think the case is now solved.

Game recognizes game.

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third coast.. said:

Redstone said:

Ron was the most successful and impressive troll in Internet history.

I think the case is now solved.

Ken M

Ken M.
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any great troll requires significant kernels of truth to succeed.

there is no denying some of the facts that are now associated with q. epstein, clinton, etc., for instance.
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AgfromHOU said:

Lol the second article I linked specifically said Greg Abbott. I know y'all don't like him and think he's a lib, but he's a Republican.

And no I'm not walking back anything. I said what I said. I gave my proof. You disagreed. I disagreed with your disagreement, to which you disagreed again. There's no longer productive conversation to be had between us. We had a mostly civil discourse, which I appreciate, but neither of us are budging.

I placed the blame on both parties for closing voting locations and never once cried racism. The MSM and Dems have called it that, but I never did.

I hope you have a good rest of your day and that you had a great Easter weekend with your family.

You as well!
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Duncan Idaho said:

Redstone said:

Ron was the most successful and impressive troll in Internet history.

I think the case is now solved.

Game recognizes game.

*Chef's kiss*
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I wanted to believe. But always follow the evidence and be willing to change your mind.

Credit to these filmmakers.
Duncan Idaho
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Duncan Idaho
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I was more taking about the comparing the documentary maker to Nazis and qanon to jews post
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Duncan Idaho
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I thought everyone knew that ballerstaff and buck turgidson were the same poster.
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Duncan Idaho said:

I thought everyone knew that ballerstaff and buck turgidson were the same poster.

Back about 2005 on this site, Buck got clucked. Some real "dewy" PMs exchanged.
Another Doug
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Duncan Idaho said:


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That reminds me, I had you down for 2 cheese pizzas and TCTTS wanted a supreme. Let me know if that is correct before I make a trip to the basement.

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Baby's blood tomato sauce for me, thanks.
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As a series review, ep5 as an "escape from manilla" bottle episode was well done but could've been 10 minutes instead of a whole episode. Shoulda been 5, stretched into 6. The unwind of these is never as satisfying as the initial rush of the first few but it was still pretty good.
Code monkey seems like a clown. I would watch more backstory on his dad, though. 2+ decades of porn site hosting.
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Just finished episode six, and I'll leave it at this...

What many here sometimes interpret as my defense of the left is really more of a "look in the mirror" position; an acknowledgement that the left absolutely sucks in ways that are fair and valid and at times legitimately concerning - but with that acknowledgement, for me, comes a frustration that places like 16chan and Fox News throw their stones from what they refuse to acknowledge is a glass house. In other words, there's is cult-like insistence that their own sh*t don't stink, when, what this documentary proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, better than just about anything I've ever seen, is that their sh*t not only stinks, but clearly stinks just as bad if not worse than anything on the left. This entire Q debacle, and Trump & co's eventual embracing of it, ultimately leading to a literal insurrection on the Capitol, is one of the biggest blights on any presidency and its followers we have ever seen.

Again, that doesn't mean that the left doesn't also have a sh*t ton of issues. That doesn't mean that there aren't massive blights on certain Democratic presidencies as well.

Instead, it simply means that BOTH SIDES SUCK.

And that swearing loyalty to ANY of these parties, ideologies, or personalities - in the way many 16channers do on the right, but also in the way those do on the left - is legitimately unhealthy and insane. We can argue 'til we're blue in the face which side sucks more, or who eroded the country more, BLM or Q, but that's not the point. We're never ever going to agree on that. So, instead, I'm simply looking for some kind of acknowledgement from the die hards on the right that, after watching this, you can at least admit to your side having many, many deep-seeded issues as well.

My sh*t stinks. Your sh*t stinks. So can our sh*t at least stink together?
BCG Disciple
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Undoubtedly. I went in wanting to poke holes at whatever looking down their nose at the right documentary I was going to get. What I instead saw was weaponized polarization, albeit squarely on the right in this examination. I cannot express enough how we also see this on the left, in ways that don't want to be fully admitted. The weaponized fear of Trump for years has been unreal, and unfortunately the Q movement and the "insurrection", no matter how much I want to downplay it as a protest gone awry because of dipsh**s involved, gave them every bit of the ammo to beat their chests that they were always right about it. They have their Q proof that he was always a tyrant hell bent on forming a dictatorship. Now to continue using that fear to shoot down any dissenter who touched that movement, as 10k National Guardsman stay in DC for optics. It is 100% about weaponizing this incident and movement for political gain. It is an effective tactic as my opinion can be disregarded a q level point a view.

Again, the referenced algorithms on every platform steer us down a path of polarization. Shock and fear is what gets us to engage on the platforms longer. The left can say all day that "yeah, but the right is more prone to the crazy", but it is not. These algorithms weren't designed to only engage the right for longer periods of time. The left wing polarization is more subtle and takes more effort to take a step back and say "that's dumb", which is easier to do with some of the right wing craziness.

Filmmaker earned a pretty substantial level of trust. Being there from close to the ground floor without leaking anything made these guys (particularly Ron) trust them like he would not trust any one else, especially those that came along as the movement gained steam and the participants were used to defending themselves from media attacks. It was a very unique perspective.
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