maroon barchetta said:
I bought an electric guitar today!
Can't pick it up until Saturday but pics will follow.
What did you buy or are you gonna leave us hanging til Saturday?
maroon barchetta said:
I bought an electric guitar today!
Can't pick it up until Saturday but pics will follow.
I'm going to order one of these Italian-made TapPick thumbpicks & try it. This is exactly what I was looking for...a thumb pick that feels like a real pick. 5000 said:
Yeah I became a convert to the jazz sized picks several years ago as well. Took me a bit to get used to it but I'm now a fan.
I'd never thought much of it until I read a Kirk Hammett interview where he noted that switching to that pick size was ~the biggest game changer~ he'd found in recent years.
I need to look at Dunlop fingerpicks in-person again. I had one years ago w/the tortoiseshell look but it was a matte finish. Couldn't find them again with satin/matte so I bought some national's online that the image appeared not shiny. They suck. Super glossy finish and I don't like that for a thumb pick. Dunlop's online images look matte though so maybe I'll give them another look next time I'm in a shop. I may also try fine grain sandpaper on the National's.
Along self-mod lines, you could probably cut one of those thumb/flat pic combos down to a jazz pick size. Dunlop has them as well. Order heavy gauge so you have plenty of thickness to file an edge maybe?
DallasTeleAg said:
Quincey P. Morris said:
I have yet to do finish work myself, but my understanding is that it can be tricky doing in a place like Texas. Humidity can be a big factor with the spray on finishes.
DallasTeleAg said:
Those tuners won't be swapped with decent ones unless you drill holes in the headstock.
That's not the problem. It's fitting everything through the F hole, not getting things tangled up, and flipping it all around once their inside the guitar.TequilaMockingbird said:
I've never done it but I once saw a video where the guy used surgical tubing to attach to the pots to pull them through the various holes. It seemed to work.
DallasTeleAg said:
Bah! More hot pickups! You people and your hot pickups. I do not understand why you would get hot pickups unless you only play metal or hard rock.
Also, getting a pre-wired pickguard completely defeats the purpose of learning to do this yourself. Get all the components separately, then put it all together yourself. This teaches you the basic circuit, and then you can add things like treble bleed circuits and such.