*****Big Brother 20 - Spoilers*****

437,113 Views | 3547 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by redass89
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Lol at someone with the last name "Swindler" in BB
Bunk Moreland
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if the above leak is true, just be looking up a few of them on the google machine....they've once again gone the route of stacking it with people who just want to become D-list celebs. They'll put a couple in there that know the game and want to play it, then a few of the fame *****s will talk about how much they know about the game that will make the CBS edit, but when you watch the feeds they'll admit to having watched 1 or 2 seasons in sequester and that's it...but that they totally "know" the game and are "super fans"

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rhoswen said:

Based on a cursory Facebook search, Haleigh is at the very least from the Houston area. Couple tags at Museum of Natural Science and Astros games. Pretty gal, strikes me as one of the wants-to-be-famous BB houseguests.

Bunk Moreland
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images were too large.
Bunk Moreland
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Faysal Shafaat

Age: 26
Orlando, Fla.
Current City:
Orlando, Fla.
Substitute teacher
Three adjectives that describe you: Joker, hilarious, and confident.
Favorite activities: Music, food ,and working out/ playing sports.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? I guess missing and not having communication with family.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Victor Arroyo! He played every challenge like it was his last and won his way back in multiple times.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Finding a loyal person or two. Use my social game and let my physical game play show at the end more than beginning. Don't let the other houseguests know I'm a powerhouse from day one.
My life's motto is Everybody dies but not everybody lives. Live every day like its your last.
What would you take into the house and why?iPod.
My dog Cooper.
Stuffed crust cheese pizza.
Fun facts about yourself: I wet the bed until the age of 10, which helped me be skilled at laundry at an early age.
Secretly loves Taylor Swift. I'll listen to her while I work out and my favorite line is "It's a love story baby just say yessss."
I have a blue nose pit bull who's my world and I treat him like my child.

Bunk Moreland
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Sam Bledsoe

Age: 27
Stuarts Draft, Va.
Current City:
Stuarts Draft, Va.
Three adjectives that describe you: Multifaceted, charming and charismatic.
Favorite activities: Making, building, creating things, fishing, swimming, kayaking, and dancing.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Using the bathroom.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most?Daniele Donato. She's a smart girl who happens to be pretty. Not a pretty girl who happens to be smart.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I think I am starting off with many natural advantages. My personality is perfectly suited for this social experiment. My strategy is to draw on my experience working in small-town restaurants. I will come in and genuinely be myself, and just lay low until I have an exact reading on everyone. I am extremely perceptive and intuitive, a master of the "mirror" technique. I create a connection and genuine sense of security. As a hairdresser and bartender, I am an excellent listener, people just want to tell me everything for some reason, and I have a steel-trap memory. I don't forget. I will "lay low" at first and just have fun! As far as the competitions, I will do what I can to throw them but I want first HOH. I am a natural leader and I want to establish myself as such and, from there, influence the other houseguests by means of gentle persuasion and manipulation. Another terrible talent of mine. I will more than likely find several alliances but pick just one to take with me and I will inevitably have to abuse them in some way to hide our bond from others. As the game progresses, I will have to keep making decisions on the fly, so I can't say exactly how I am going to win, just that I am going to win.
My life's motto is Never give up.
What would you take into the house and why?My Rooster pooch. He is my cuddle buddy.
My wood burner and some wood. It's a hobby of mine and it's relaxing.
A picture of my family and loved ones because I'm going to miss my people.
Fun facts about yourself: Used to be a hair stylist before becoming a welder fabricator.
Raised honeybees.
I catch critters like snakes and raccoons with my bare hands.

Bunk Moreland
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Tyler Crispen

Age: 23
Rossford, Ohio
Current City:
Hilton Head, S.C.
Three adjectives that describe you: Resilient, charismatic, and questionable.
Favorite activities: Working out, going to the beach, and surfing.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Getting people to believe anything I say. When I'm lying, people think I'm telling the truth, but when I'm telling the truth people think I'm lying.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most?Victor Arroyo for his resilience, Zach Rance because he's hilarious, and Dan Gheesling for being a savage.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Get in tight with someone opposite of me, divide the house with them on one side and me on the other, get intel from their side from them while making sure they keep me safe by making them feel like I'm keeping them safe. Cut them in final four when the time is right and take credit for the whole thing.
My life's motto is Do whatever the hell you want.
What would you take into the house and why? My Spotify playlist to get me hyped for any situation.
Pre-workout supplement.
An unlimited amount of quinoa.
Fun facts about yourself: I fell in a muddy construction hole at 3 a.m. once and was stuck in there for 30 minutes.
I spent six months traveling Australia.
I got bit in the face by a fish at the Great Barrier Reef.
I fell off a pool slide when I was a kid and died, kinda.
I was a champion bowler.

Bunk Moreland
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Bayleigh Dayton

Age: 25
Lee's Summit, Mo.
Current City: Atlanta, Ga.
Flight attendant
Three adjectives that describe you: Engulfing, adventurous. and unpredictable.
Favorite activities: Yoga (I am a certified yoga instructor), binge watching random TV shows and Marvel movies (I'm a major Marvel girl), and traveling.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Not psyching myself out. It's obviously a game and I am a competitor hands down, but I have seen how quickly people turn on one another so it will be hard to trust anyone in there. Plus, I call people out in real life so keeping my thoughts to myself and not showing my reactions on my face is hard.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? I loveeeeeeee Donny. He is just the most fun loving and sweet man ever. You rarely run across genuine hearts but he was as real as it gets.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I want to be "Miss Congeniality" not be fake or too nice. Just be that girl that people feel comfortable around but still dominates in the competitions. I want to stay clear of the drama and let the bombs self-destruct. But I also want everyone to fear me just a little. My dad always said that defense wins games. So let's just say, my D is going to be full coverage.
My life's motto is Learn to walk with kings and queens but never lose the common touch. It's easy to start pumping your head up with nonsense when you feel like you've accomplished a little and I've seen a lot of people lose their head once they start succeeding. My goal is to always know where I come from and who I am supposed to be serving. A wise man once said BE HUMBLE. SIT DOWN.
What would you take into the house and why?My Bible because I need to stay close to God and keep my calm.
My yoga mat because I am absolutely sure that I will need to do some meditating in that house.
My camera! I want to capture the memories and, plus, I will need content for Instagram.
Fun facts about yourself: First-ever African American Miss Missouri.
I'm a closet "dweeb" who loves cartoons and Marvel comics.
Once was on a flight where the engine blew.
Gets hit on every day while being a flight attendant.

Bunk Moreland
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JC Monduix

Age: 28
Miami, Fla. via Spain
Current City:
West Hollywood, Calif.
Professional dancer
Three adjectives that describe you: Outgoing, honest, and eccentric.
Favorite activities: Going to the gym, watching movies, and going to theme parks.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? I am very good with people. It could be difficult to be liked by everyone but I will do my best.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Josh Martinez. Definitely. He represents the kind of people I grew up with. Made me feel at home. I am glad he won.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Yes, and I am already thinking about it. I am going to be the sweetest small guy that everyone would want to hug and kiss.
My life's motto is To enjoy the moment because you do not know about tomorrow.
What would you take into the house and why?My vitamins.
Fun facts about yourself: Has a very short fuse when it comes his height.
Was nearly fired in the middle of a dance performance.
I say I'm 5'0, but I'm only 4'8."
I was born in Cuba while my parents were living there for work (they're from Spain originally).

Bunk Moreland
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Haleigh Broucher

Age: 21
Village Mills, Texas
Current City:
College Station, Texas
College student
Three adjectives that describe you: Classic, cautious, and contagious.
Favorite activities: Working out, traveling, and taking a good long nap.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? I guess the lack of contact with my family. Family is a BIG part of my life, and I am in constant contact with them every day, (mostly my mom) so that will probably be the most difficult part.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? I really liked Derrick from season 16. I felt like he played an honest and goal-oriented game. There was never any move he made that made me question him AND he made it to the end without being nominated. Plus, he's the cutest person in the world and I just want to hug him.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I plan on using my school major, psychology, to analyze and deceive the houseguests. I know it is probably common for people to say they will use their careers or schooling, but I feel like mine will help, along with my social skills. I plan on feeling out the houseguests first, then pinpointing what makes them tick and rolling with it.
My life's motto is You get what you give.
What would you take into the house and why?iPod or something to play music on because there isn't a day that passes that I don't listen to at least one song.
My own bed because I'm kind of a bed critic and I'm not sure how the Big Brother ones will fare.
My cat Scarlett, of course, to keep me company and to give good snuggles.
Fun facts about yourself: In 4th grade I raised a goat named Ringo for FFA (Future Farmers of America). I never raised one again
I volunteer at St. Joe's hospital for the mentally ill because my father suffers from mental illness.
In 6th grade, I found out that I was adopted.
I have two fears that seem unreasonable: chainsaws and crossing the street.

Bunk Moreland
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Steve Arienta

Age: 40
Parsippany, N.J.
Current City:
Wanaque, N.J.
Former undercover cop
Three adjectives that describe you: Stubborn, competitive, and funny.
Favorite activities: Motorcycle riding, fishing, and playing golf.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Missing my family and missing work.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? I don't know all of them, but it would be Mike "Boogey." [Ed note: Boogie.] He made me laugh and was a strategist.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Honestly, no. I believe that anyone that goes into the game with a set strategy is set for failure. Too many twists and turns. It's hard to create one without knowing the players involved.
My life's motto is Rock on.
What would you take into the house and why?
A family picture to see my family.
My wedding ring to think about my wife.
A cellphone to call my family.
Fun facts about yourself: Ran for office for Passaic County Freeholder.
I MUST take baths at night.
I was called THE HAMMER in college.
I was my state wrestling champion in high school and also earned a football scholarship to Northwestern University.
After college, I put my muscle to use in the NYPD and became a lead in their OCID (Organized crime investigation division).

Bunk Moreland
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Kaycee Clark

Age: 30
San Diego, Calif.
Current City:
Tempe, Ariz.
Pro football player
Three adjectives that describe you: Fun, positive, and athletic.
Favorite activities: Playing sports, working out, and personal development.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? I would have to say learning to trust strangers and maybe knowing the fact that you will have people talking behind your back and try to be shady. Other than that, I adapt pretty well wherever I am.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? I liked Cody, just because he was different and such a badass. He went against the grain when everyone else in the house wanted to follow Paul because he was a previous cast member. Cody was a competition beast. I mean, the only thing I would say is he could have had a better social game.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? My strategy to win the game is to use my social skills to my advantage. I am a big time people person. I also want to be as honest as possible in the game. I am a loyal person in real life and I want to stick to that as much as i can. I also don't want to seem too much of a threat from the very beginning where then I become an immediate target. I'm also looking to align with some people where I feel the vibes are right and legit.
My life's motto is Think outside the box, take risks, and never give up.
What would you take into the house and why?Pictures of my family (which I already know is not allowed) because they are my motivation.
My Jordan sandals, because I don't like to walk around the house barefoot or with just socks on.
Pre-workout supplement so I can have that extra boost if needed!
Fun facts about yourself: My mother is Filipino and met my father in the Philippines while he was traveling in the Navy.
Was fiercely loyal to my first job in high school and worked at Smart & Final for 11 years.
Moved to Scottsdale for a girl, then broke up after a few months living there, but ended up staying there and made a new life for myself!
Big Brother is the only TV show I watch and it's my tradition with my dad.

Bunk Moreland
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Winston Hines

Age: 28
Somerset, Ky.
Current City:
Bowling Green, Ky.
Medical sales rep
Three adjectives that describe you: Active, ambitious, and passionate.
Favorite activities: Hiking, long walks or driving with my dog, working out, and watching movies.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? I've been living alone for two years now so isolation is somewhat normal for me, but that feeling of total cutoff from friends and family will be a struggle.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Paul Abrahamian. His mix of gaining other's trust while simultaneously screwing with them was iconic.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Yes, I hope to use my interpersonal skills to gain trust from key individuals identified early. But unlike Cody from last year, you cannot come in and split the house too early. It's a waiting game.
My life's motto is Give your all today, for what you keep you lose forever.
What would you take into the house and why?My dog. Duh.
My record player with some music because I have to have music.
Fun facts about yourself: Writes love notes to my dog before work.
Volunteered for Big Brothers and Big Sisters in 2016 and 2017.
I hold my high school record for the 40-yard dash for over a decade.
I've gotten mistaken for Justin Timberlake and Ryan Reynolds.

Bunk Moreland
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Rachel Swindler

Age: 29 (turns 30 on 7/15)
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Current City:
Las Vegas, Nev.
Vegas entertainer
Three adjectives that describe you: Sarcastic, loyal, and passionate.
Favorite activities: Live music, attending sporting events, and working out.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Having no contact with the outside world, Internet, and phone.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most?Britney Haynes, because she's hilarious! She had great balance between her social and physical game.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? My strategy for winning this game is to have a balance. A balance between my social and physical game. I already look physically threatening so I want to try and downplay that as much [as] possible, at least in the beginning. I'm not trying to go out there and win the first couple of HOHs. I want to be more behind the scenes building my social game and creating strong bonds. When necessary, I will win. I want to make sure I align myself with the right people from the beginning that I can stay loyal to until (hopefully) the end.
My life's motto is Tomorrow's happiness is today's bravery.
What would you take into the house and why?My Bible.
Pictures of friends and family.
A foam roller.
Fun facts about yourself: I can do a killer monkey impression.
I use my power over men to make huge tips on the job.
My friends call me "Craychel."

Bunk Moreland
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Scottie Salton

Age: 26
Shorewood, Ill.
Current City:
Chicago, Ill.
Shipping manager
Three adjectives that describe you: Energetic, odd, and persistent.
Favorite activities: Disc golf, CrossFit, and watching movies.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Whenever you walk into a room and people stop whatever they were whispering. The mix of friendliness and the potential backstabbing will probably get me a little shook.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most?Currently, Evel Dick. I like players who can win comps and can put their personality into their strategy. I also like players who can back up their talk. I also felt like he was genuinely himself, and I respect that.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I want to knock out the floaters and butterflies first. I feel the more competitive, big game players I keep in the house, the more people will be stressed out. I'd rather make it an upfront contest than a chess match.
My life's motto is When the shark is hungry, he eats!
What would you take into the house and why?
A disc golf.
Basket discs.
Fun facts about yourself: Got catcalled while working at AMC during Fifty Shades of Grey.
I'm a 26-year-old virgin who has never been kissed.
Got grounded when my brother threw up on me.
Got into argument with a customer at AMC.

Bunk Moreland
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Angie "Rockstar" Lantry

Age: 34 (turns 35 on 6/22)
Columbia, Md.
Current City:
Columbia, Md.
Stay-at-home mom
Three adjectives that describe you: Eclectic, entertaining, and magical.
Favorite activities: Reading, writing, and dancing under the moonlight around a fire to fierce drum beats.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? I never hear music on the show in the house, and I live for music to the point where I won't work at a place that does not play music.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? I really like Joey from season 16, but she did not last very long. She was super cute, and had the idea of female empowerment, but showed her cards way too soon. So I guess Frankie, from season 16. He was colorful, fun, everywhere in everyone's business, and he always had glitter.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Yes. You have to ride the middle for a few weeks, do well enough in competition to not be first out but don't win the HOH too soon and get blood on your hands. You have to be friendly to everyone but listen to everything said and pay attention. Also, spot potential allies early, but [don't] make [alliances] too quickly. Pull out tricks from Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People. Try and play an honest game, but be adaptable and if you have to stretch the truth in your favor, do it. There is a lot on the line.
My life's motto is No one makes it out of this life alive, so laugh, party, and try and make others feel good along the journey.
What would you take into the house and why? A statue of Ganesh, Elephant God remover of obstacles.
Some sage to burn, to remove the bad juju from all the shade thrown around the house.
A variety of crystals, to use for different power purposes.
Fun facts about yourself: Worked for a traveling petting zoo and performed with the animals.
Has a turtle that is 24 years old.
A unicorn walked me down the aisle during my wedding.
Gave natural birth to all of my kids.

Bunk Moreland
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Chris "Sw**** C" Williams

Age: 23
Bridgeport, Conn.
Current City:
Bridgeport, Conn.
Day trader
Three adjectives that describe you: Outspoken, rebellious, and analytical.
Favorite activities: Playing basketball, working out, traveling, and entertaining people on my Snapchat.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? No connection to the outside world for three months. Being on technology and getting information every single second to being in a house with a million cameras and no connection to the outside world is a big differencebut I'm prepared for it and that will be the only difficult part. Whatever happens INSIDE the house won't be difficult.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Paul, Paul, Paul. That man got robbed of a million dollars. He is a top 5 Big Brother player of all time and he didn't even WIN. He's better than EVERY SINGLE winner over the last 12 years aside from Derrick, Evel Dick, Dan, and Rachel, and I didn't even like Derrick's game.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Of course.
My life's motto is Be yourself and things will fall right into place. Be somebody else and things will fall right on your face. Yes, I made that up myself. But it's a real-life motto for me. At the end of the day, I tend to be SW**** and never try to imitate someone else.
What would you take into the house and why? A basketball so I can dribble even though there isn't a hoop.
Books to read. I don't care if I read them already, I'm addicted to reading self-help, life, finance, and business books. They help me stay educated and keep my mind working.
A notebook so I can write down how long I've been in the Big Brother house, and also how long certain competitions are, who got evicted on what day it was (Day 11, for example). I have a photographic memory so you really don't want to ask me: "How many seconds did the OTEV competition last for." If I knew it lasted for 45 minutes, I'd just multiple 45 and 60 in my head, which is obviously 2700 seconds. Don't ask someone with a photographic memory who excels at math (finance) those kind of questions. HOH tiebreakers would be too easy!
Fun facts about yourself: I have a photographic memory.
I'm taking swimming lessons.
I hate spending any time at the beach.

Bunk Moreland
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Angela Rummans

Age: 26
Hilton Head, S.C.
Current City:
Playa Vista, Calif.
Fitness model
Three adjectives that describe you: Spontaneous, scheming, and headstrong.
Favorite activities: Beach volleyball, spearfishing, and oil painting.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Lack of social media, not being able to talk to my mama, and having to release my roster of boy toys in L.A.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most?Rachel Reilly. I love how physical she was on the show. I see a lot myself in her. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm kind of a freak athlete and I LOVE to compete. I'm a fierce competitor and nothing brings me more joy than beating men at sports.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Of course I do. I think commonly I get underestimated because on the outside I come across as just a sweet Southern belle, [a] brainless model that probably isn't capable of much. But what you don't see is that I was a professional track and field athlete, trained at the Olympic training center with the Olympic team, and am the most headstrong iron-willed competitor. I'm also intelligent and run my own business with my assistant's help. I have a very witty sense of humor that people enjoy being around, and I can find common ground with anyone. The "networking queen" I like to call myself. I'm very lovable and not afraid to use my sexuality to get ahead. These are all things that I will keep to myself, but eventually during physical/ athletic challenges it may be obvious that there is more [to me] than meets the eye.
My life's motto is Man plans, God laughs. I'm really not that religious but this saying so perfectly describes my life.
What would you take into the house and why?
A canvas.
I love art and I love to paint. It's my creative outlet and helps me deal with life stresses.
Fun facts about yourself:
Gives 10% of my income to a different charity each month.
I love to pretend I'm not athletic when I'm on a date and then crush them in a game.
Tried out for my high school football team.

Bunk Moreland
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Brett Robinson

Age: 25
Oakdale, Conn.
Current City:
Charlestown, Mass.
Cyber security engineer
Three adjectives that describe you: Vehement, riveting, and trophy.
Favorite activities: Working out, home repair, and snowboarding.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Not being able to talk to my family or friends would be the difficult part for me.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? I like Derrick the best. He has a way of gaining control without upsetting people. He also has the ability to stay unnoticed enough so he does not come to mind during conversation or voting.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I plan to go in and establish a minor amount of control initially. Then immediately pull back from the spotlight. From there, I will rotate face time with every single person in the house. It will have to be handled tastefully. I also plan to lie about my current occupation and life. I want people to think I am just a dumb surfer/model guy. Then I will slowly plant my seeds of stories throughout the entire house causing chain reactions that I will have to dynamically calculate on the fly.
My life's motto is Those who think they can, and those who think they can't, are both usually right.
What would you take into the house and why? Gotta have a toothbrush, I have to have my teeth clean. Plus, I don't want the ladies to think I have stank breath.
I would select clothes/ shoes because I think it would assist me in challenges.
I would bring some reading material to keep me occupied between challenges.
Fun facts about yourself: I hack into friends' computers for fun.

Bunk Moreland
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Kaitlyn Herman

Age: 24
Plainview, N.Y.
Current City:
Encino, Calif.
Life coach
Three adjectives that describe you: Personable, intuitive, and dramatic.
Favorite activities: Taking Pure Barre classes, meditation, and watching reality television.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Not having my crystals, essential oils, yoga mat, BOOKS, or my journal. I have my daily rituals for self-love and I would have to come up with new ways to make time for myself.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? My favorite Big Brother houseguest was Victor Arroyo from BB18. I know that's kind of shocking, but I was just always routing for him. Especially when he got back in the house after winning the battle back. He was such a good competitor and had such a beautifully sweet side to him. I just loved his energy so much as a human being and genuinely enjoyed watching his journey. Plus, he and Nicole are literally a match made in heaven
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I do. I'm going to use my intuition, my sensitivity to energy, and my messages from my guides to help me direct which way to move throughout the house. I plan to be that person that creates a sense of calm in the house, instead of bad energy.
My life's motto is Everything is happening for the highest good of every person.
What would you take into the house and why?My crystal.
Essential oils/diffuser.
My journal.
All of these things have transformed my quality of life so much. I'm all about good vibes and positive energy and all three of those things help me feel zen.
Fun facts about yourself: I'm often caught sleeping with my eyes open, which is terrifying for those I live with.
Years ago, I went to a psychic medium with the hopes of connecting with my deceased grandfather, but the medium surprised me by revealing I would soon be one of the most influential self-help women in the world.
If I sense bad energy with family or friends, I will (without invitation) start to sage them until the negativity is cleared.
I have a blog called From Betches to Buddhas.

Sex Panther
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Bunk Moreland said:

Do you have a strategy for winning the game?

I plan on using my school major, psychology, to analyze and deceive the houseguests.

lol, what a shocker
Jimmy McNulty
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How about the chick whose occupation is "stay at home mom", yet leaves for an entire summer to be on a reality show. She needs to be fired from her job.
Sex Panther
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Jimmy McNulty said:

How about the chick whose occupation is "stay at home mom", yet leaves for an entire summer to be on a reality show. She needs to be fired from her job.

Her cats will be aight
Jimmy McNulty
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Based on the releases....

Rooting for:
- Haleigh (Aggie)
- Sam (Seems smart and normal)
- Kaycee (Likes Cody and is not going to follow around any vets just because they are vets)
- Brett (Likes Derrick, seems like he has a good plan)

Rooting Against:
- Kaitlyn (Possibly the worst BB bio I've ever seen)
- Winston (Paul is his favorite player)
- Angie (Frankie Grande is her favorite player, really wacky bio)
- JC (Josh is his favorite player)
- Chris (Goes by "Sw**** C", Paul is his favorite player)
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Haleigh is gonna be butter in Winston's hands calling it now
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Chris "Swa ggy C" got hit with the TexAgs filter
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Steve looks like he could be really interesting, but he's also likely to be one of the first to go. I hope i'm wrong.

Their bios are always so boring, and end up being nothing like the actual person we see.
Bunk Moreland
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Scottie is probably going to be better at the game than people will think.

Angie is going to be an alpha female, or at least try to.

Every time I try to make judgments off just these stupid bios they're always wrong so I'll wait till the show starts.
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Anyone find it interesting with the amount of Aggies in the last 4 seasons, including ott
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It's good thing Angela is hot bc she sounds like a total See You Next Tuesday in her bio.
Bunk Moreland
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jac4 said:

It's good thing Angela is hot bc she sounds like a total See You Next Tuesday in her bio.

well yeah. Grew up in Hilton Head, went to USC as a pole vaulter. Hot and athletic. she's been put on a pedestal her whole life most likely.

But she is hot...
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Angela sounds like Christmas V.2
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Not nearly as annoying and better on the eyes.

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Edit: Don't know how to embed imgur links on mobile
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