no idea. Can't tell if it's partly strategy to try and throw Haleigh off because Sam would be an obvious target for Haleigh given that Sam put her up and made it personal when she did.
But Sam the mope is annoying as ***** Scottie playing the dead center of the house well right now.
if a L6 person wins hacker, my guess is Rockstar goes up because she's awful at comps. Then a L6 person gets added to POV and Tyler uses cloud before POV.
So basically they could rig it to where one L6 is up against Rockstar if they win hacker comp. Then eliminate Fessy's vote at the eviction night and you'd have Rockstar vs Kaycee(example).
Voting: JC, Scottie, Tyler, Angela, Brett, Sam. Hayleigh could break a tie at worst, but she'd have to secure JC, Scottie & Sam and I just dont' see that happening.
Again, it makes more sense for Haleigh to pivot and try to create a smaller alliance with non RS/Fessy but she just doesn't seem nearly smart enough to understand that.