So on a scale of 1-10 how bad does "The Great Wall" look?

8,245 Views | 72 Replies | Last: 7 yr ago by CastleRock
$240 Worth of Pudding
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I'm thinking Gigli bad. Plus Matt Damon with that man bun is one of the most pathetically funny things I've ever seen.
Mort Rainey
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Every time I see that preview I'm completely flabbergasted. How the hell did he ever think that was a good idea? It's like Edward Norton being in that god awful Italian job remake
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I'm thinking worse than Eragon
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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Pretty bad. 2-3 ...
Definitely Not A Cop
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It's gonna be great. It's gonna be yuge and everyone is going to love it.
Definitely Not A Cop
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redline248 said:

I'm thinking worse than Eragon

So disappointed that movie sucked. Nickelodeon should be banned from touching movies.
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A amazingly, it has already done 203mm in China against a budget of 150 million.
Even if it just does 200mm in the rest of the world they are likely to break even on it. Becoming a new hollow wood paradigm - -make China happy and you have a large security deposit on your investment.
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Matt Damon has proven he'll take a big paycheck and make a big foreign-backed movie, which I assume this is. He did that anti-fracking propaganda movie that the Emirates made.
Mort Rainey
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Let's be honest: Damon is living off the reputation he created from 97-06. He had a decade of killer roles and films. But what exactly has he done since the Departed? He hasn't had a single great film since. (And before you all freak out, the Martian was fine: good not great.)
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oragator said:

A amazingly, it has already done 203mm in China against a budget of 150 million.
Even if it just does 200mm in the rest of the world they are likely to break even on it. Becoming a new hollow wood paradigm - -make China happy and you have a large security deposit on your investment.

Wasn't this kind of the case already with Pacific Rim?
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jabberwalkie09 said:

oragator said:

A amazingly, it has already done 203mm in China against a budget of 150 million.
Even if it just does 200mm in the rest of the world they are likely to break even on it. Becoming a new hollow wood paradigm - -make China happy and you have a large security deposit on your investment.

Wasn't this kind of the case already with Pacific Rim?
Unrelated to the topic, mostly, but I predict this Wall movie will be nowhere near as good as Pacific Rim.
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Will watch when it gets to Netflix
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Should clarify my post, about 167mm was china, it just opened in the last week in other markets.
Bruce Almighty
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GeorgePlimpton said:

Every time I see that preview I'm completely flabbergasted. How the hell did he ever think that was a good idea? It's like Edward Norton being in that god awful Italian job remake

I liked the Italian Job remake.
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I may be wrong, but this looks like a "fun bad" movie to me.
Bruce Almighty
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And The Martian was great.
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has matt damon in it.

automatic pass for me.

he is part of the cadre of Hollywood elite I will go out of my way to avoid their movies.

I still see the occasional one (the martian) but that is the exception.
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GeorgePlimpton said:

Every time I see that preview I'm completely flabbergasted. How the hell did he ever think that was a good idea? It's like Edward Norton being in that god awful Italian job remake
in lol fairness to Edward Norton, he never wanted to be in that was a part of an old contract he signed years ago and was going to be sued if he didn't star in that movie
double aught
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GeorgePlimpton said:

But what exactly has he done since the Departed? He hasn't had a single great film since. (And before you all freak out, the Martian was fine: good not great.)
You forgot the Martian. The Martian was great.
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This movie looks like complete sh*t, and you couldn't pay me to see it, but in my experience, the people who hem and haw about the "Hollywood elite" in this fashion are almost always just as insufferable as whoever it is they claim they can't stand. In terms of outrage and how easily you're offended by the opinions of others, you come across as no different than a feminist. Who gives a **** what Matt Damon thinks about anything? How could someone else's political opinions - on either side of the fence - affect your movie-going habits that much? It's like boycotting Samuel L. Jackson because you like American Express over Capital One. Sure, if someone was a known rapist, like Bill Cosby, or, you know, murdered someone, I get not wanting to support that person's work anymore. But these hissy fits over the political opinions of others just seem insane to me.
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I'm another that would rather avoid his flicks because of his politics. If the film looks great I'll see it, but otherwise I'm usually out. I'm totally ok with celebs making their thoughts known if they feel they must, but he just always seems especially sanctimonious and as if he's bought into his own "genius". All of that aside, the movie just looks dumb. Martian was good, though.
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TCTTS said:

This movie looks like complete sh*t, and you couldn't pay me to see it, but in my experience, the people who hem and haw about the "Hollywood elite" in this fashion are almost always just as insufferable as whoever it is they claim they can't stand. In terms of outrage and how easily you're offended by the opinions of others, you come p
across as no different than a feminist. Who gives a **** what Matt Damon thinks about anything? How could someone else's political opinions - on either side of the fence - affect your movie-going habits that much? It's like boycotting Samuel L. Jackson because you like American Express over Capital One. Sure, if someone was a known rapist, like Bill Cosby, or, you know, murdered someone, I get not wanting to support that person's work anymore. But these hissy fits over the political opinions of others just seem insane to me.

To be fair.. and excuse the political talk, but I can provide an answer as I am someone who TCTTS is speaking about in that I routinely boycott specific actors and directors..

It's not that I'm offended by opinions.. it's that the people I am boycotting use their public avenue to spout ignorance. Most of them fight to shout down opposition.. and some of them (George Clooney) throw massive fundraisers specifically catered to other elites to further support a political candidate who went out of his way to protect elites.

Take the celebrity YouTube videos we've been seeing ad nasuem lately. They can't understand that their political pull was completely rejected by the majority of the country.. they have to speak down to us about how awful we are for electing someone they disagree with.

It's the hypocrisy, the lack of diversity of thought in their elite circles, and their smugness that I protest. And I have every right to. If that makes me insufferable, then it's likely because you completely see eye to eye with them. And that's OK. What you need to understand is that I don't boycott all of them. Not counting how impossible that would be without removing myself from all technology and entertainment, I don't mind entertainers who speak up on their own time. Fight for what you believe. It's the ones who force their views down my throat through their form of art.. where my only option is to turn a blind eye and attempt to enjoy despite the over the top nature of their stance.. whether music or film or sport. That's what I refuse to pay my money for.

There are plenty who will support them regardless. I know I'm not making much of a difference. But I don't have to subject myself to propoganda because they think they are important. I'm more educated than 95% of them, and almost all of them couldn't balance their own checkbook. I don't to have to sit by on my own dime while they bloviate their overly inflated opinion of themselves. I'd rather support the ones who stand up with their free time and their wallets.. whether I agree or disagree with them.

I finally got around to watching the new Ghostbusters. I paid $3.99 to steam it. I wish I would have protested. Not only are the actresses a waste of breath when attempting to speak on anything that requires logic, but their acting was God awful and ruined the legacy of one of my favorite movies all time. Had the powers that be not caved to PC garbage and just hired a young cast of funny comedians.. or even funny female leads not hampered by a politically charged script, I and many others likely would have spent more than $4 on their film. Instead they chose to make a statement. And they paid dearly for it.
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It's not that I'm offended by opinions.. it's that the people I am boycotting use their public avenue to spout ignorance.
"Ignorance" according to your opinion. You state it as if you're opinion is fact/right, and it very well could be, but you're being just as stubborn in believing what you believe as they are. And I'm not saying that in a way to disagree with you politically or anything like that. But "ignorance" can go both ways.


They can't understand that their political pull was completely rejected by the majority of the country.. they have to speak down to us about how awful we are for electing someone they disagree with.
First of all, their "pull" was rejected by a majority of the electoral college, not a majority of the population. As to your second point, how are you not doing the exact same thing? You're speaking down to/ill of someone you feel is awful for endorsing someone/something you disagree with. No, you don't have the platform they do, but how are you not expressing literally the exact same sentiment, just on the other side of the fence?


It's the hypocrisy, the lack of diversity of thought in their elite circles, and their smugness that I protest. If that makes me insufferable, then it's likely because you completely see eye to eye with them.
And my whole point is that you're being just as hypocritical, just as lacking of diversity in your thought, and just as smug in your opinion by boycotting them. You're BOTH drawing lines in the sand and saying, "I'm right, you're wrong, and I'm going to do what I can to try and influence the situation (them by sanctimonious YouTube videos and you by boycotting). I know it's nothing new for people to believe that their own opinions are right, but I've just never understood this attitude of wanting to punish someone because they disagree with you.

And no, I don't see eye-to-eye with them. I'm just saying that you have a political opinion, they have a political opinion, and chances are neither of them are right - or wrong - so why boycott someone simply because their opinion is different? In the grand scheme of things, who cares? They're not raping anyone, they're not killing anyone, and they're not asking anyone to join ISIS. So if they happen to make a good movie, and you choose to see it, it's not like you're endorsing some heinous crime. Either way, your ticket isn't endorsing anything other than a two-hour experience. Because literally A THOUSAND other people worked on that very same movie, most of them blue-collar, working-class crewmen-types - who probably DO share your same political opinion. So **** them because their boss happens to be Matt Damon?


But I don't have to subject myself to propoganda because they think they are important.
Why is it always "propaganda" only when it's something you disagree with?


Not only are the actresses a waste of breath when attempting to speak on anything that requires logic, but their acting was God awful and ruined the legacy of one of my favorite movies all time.
I refuse to watch the Ghostbusters reboot, but either way, it unequivocally did not "ruin the legacy" of the first movie. The original is just as good, and just as important as it's always been. I'm half kidding, but that kind of thought process almost discredits every other point you tried to make. Besides, even if a legacy was ruinable by further installments, didn't the second movie already do that?

All things considered, it's just that people like Matt Damon and George Clooney are the good guys. On a personal level, they're nicer and more down to earth than 99% of Hollywood. They're the kind of guys who treat every one of their colleagues - down to the lowest guy on the totem pole - with the utmost respect. They give to charities, do their best to keep their families out of the spotlight, are incredibly humble in terms of deflecting the praise bestowed upon them, and go out of their way to try and make a difference, whether you agree with that difference or not. And so I just don't understand boycotting them simply because they have a differing opinion than you on taxes or health care or whatever, and choose to use their fame to fight for what they believe is right. Sure, there are plenty of Hollywood-elite *******s who have no idea what they're talking about. But lumping guys like Matt Damon and George Clooney in with them seems extreme.

And look, I truly do appreciate the tone and manner in which you replied. I probably shouldn't have been so aggressive in my initial post, and you addressed mine with a very thoughtful, level-headed response. So thank you for that. It just irks me when people essentially say, in regards to politics, "How dare you believe you're right! I'm right! And I refuse to tolerate just how intolerant you're being!" Especially when it comes to the political opinions of people who, by all accounts, are good people, and just trying to make a difference in the world, given their opportunity.
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Max Power
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Like it or not this is just the beginning. China only allows 34 foreign movies in per year. This is why so many studios are partnering with Chinese studios to produce films, including using Chinese stars and partial production in China. China was bound to start making their own movies using US stars to broaden their own financial net in the world market.

60 Minutes did a pretty interesting story on the emerging Chinese movie market. They have the largest studio property on earth and it's growing larger. Matt Damon has plenty of hits and misses, just take a stroll down his IMDB page, I don't know what he got paid for this but it has to be astronomical. This movie looks like junk so I won't see it, but it's going to do huge business internationally regardless of the US box office.
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ATM1876 said:

That 60 Minutes story was crazy, here's a link for those who are interested:

I'm curious if this is the movie that Damon passed on "Manchester by the Sea" for. I'm sure he got paid a ton of money for it and it might lead to more opportunities within the China market, but damn...
It was The Martian that made Damon drop out (he was even going to direct it).
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TCTTS said:

How could someone else's political opinions - on either side of the fence - affect your movie-going habits that much?
I generally don't. Seeing movies in the theaters is getting harder to coordinate with other commitments and family and all those things that, if I see movies that look good whenever I get a chance so I can't further limit my choices because of petty "boycotts."

Also, if a person makes films I enjoy, who gives a sh*t about their personal lives? Tom Cruise is a raving lunatic when it comes to Scientology. However, he makes some of the most thrilling popcorn entertainment out there and he's one that I make sure I see on the big screen.

This movie (The Great Wall) looks............interesting. Visually, at least. One thing is for sure, Asian cinema has no problem going over the deep end with batsh*t insanity. It may be worth watching just to see how crazy this movie is.
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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I pretty much agree with Mazag08 regarding boycotting certain performers. I see lots of movies featuring people that I know I do not agree with in a political sense. They are entitled to their opinions as each of us are. What aggravates me is the celebrity who comes across with the holier-than-thou, in-your-face attitude that they are right and everyone else is wrong.

This actually goes beyond mere politics for me. I am looking at someone who I just simply do not like. Political opinions may come in to this, but it could also be something like who they are as a person. I cannot stand Sean Penn and could not see me ever having a beer with him. Someone like Clooney or Damon seem like nice enough guys that I simply think are wrong in their political beliefs.
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Mort Rainey
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ATM1876 said:

GiveEmHellBill said:

It was The Martian that made Damon drop out (he was even going to direct it).
Thanks, in that case it all worked out perfectly for Damon and Casey Affleck.

That movie wouldn't have been nearly as good with Damon instead of Casey
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ATM1876 said:

9 edits has to be some kind of record!
Ha, I edit the sh*t out of nearly everything I post. Half the time it's simply to correct typos (which I do one at a time), and the other half are attempts to phrase something better. I'm kind of a freak when it comes to stuff like that. My least favorite feature on the "new" TexAgs is, hands down, the edit count. How on earth is that even a feature?
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