Alien invasion show Falling Skies returned for its final season tonight. Last season was mostly a trainwreck, with confusing plot lines, unexplained jumps in character, and lots of WTF moments. Still, I've watched from the beginning so why not.
Show pretty much gave us more of the same in the season premiere. Tom is on a spaceship, then back in hi old house with his wifey, then in the ocean, then wanders through the woods back to camp with no idea how he got there. All he does know is that rage will win the war against the bad aliens. To that end, he's kind of awesome, especially at the end of the episode when he plugs the Overlord. Son Hal remains the most unlikable character in TV history, switching assignments to get his girlfriend away from his brother and unable to understand why said girlfriend isn't satisfied with him saying "I care about you."
Show pretty much gave us more of the same in the season premiere. Tom is on a spaceship, then back in hi old house with his wifey, then in the ocean, then wanders through the woods back to camp with no idea how he got there. All he does know is that rage will win the war against the bad aliens. To that end, he's kind of awesome, especially at the end of the episode when he plugs the Overlord. Son Hal remains the most unlikable character in TV history, switching assignments to get his girlfriend away from his brother and unable to understand why said girlfriend isn't satisfied with him saying "I care about you."