I saw part of a script from S7E3, where Bran reveals R+L=J to the world...
"Howdy, my name is Bran Stark" he said, "I have come from North of the Wall with great news!" The lords and ladies of the North King's court listened attentively. Bran took a deep breath as he lay on the floor where Meera dropped him. "Our King is not who you think he is, he is not the son of Eddard Stark."
Lord Manderly was the first to speak; "All here know Lord Stark claimed this boy as his own, what evidence do you have that it is not true?" Bran replied "I am the Three Eyed Raven..."
"You're a bird with an extra eye?", asked the Lady Sansa.
"No, that's just my job title. I touched a tree and was traveled back in time. I witnessed my father taking King Jon from his dying sister's arms..."
"Wait, what, are you saying King Jon is the product of Stark incest???", asked Lord Cerwyn.
"No, no, let me finish. King Jon is the son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and my Aunt Lyanna Stark, born in Dorne after Rhaegar was killed by King Robert at the Battle of the Trident"
Silence filled the court. Then, Lord Manderly spoke again. "Soooooo, if he isn't Jon Snow, is he a Sand or a Targaryen? I forgotten much as I aged, but I do recall that the Prince was married to a Dornish woman when he died. How do you know the father was Prince Rhaegar?"
"I don't know exactly, my Aunt was whispering. I think she said his name was Jahaerys, or Aerys, or something like that. I didn't see any rings or birth certficates. The Prince wasn't there, but Sir Arthur Dayne was, and Sir Oswell Whent! Meera's father stabbed one of them in the back!"
Lady Mormont spoke up; "I'm only a child, but even I realize a time traveler should gather a few more details. Perhaps you were unable to because you cannot move about on your own."
"I can walk when I time-travel", Bran eagerly replied.
Lord Giantsbane stepped forward; "Bran Stark, I lived most of my life North of the Wall and only once or twice did a tree give me a vision of past. Both times, I had recently eaten peyote." "By chance, did you eat anything before you touched the tree?"
"No, no, I'd had nothing to eat. My undead Uncle had just dropped us off..."
"Did you say undead uncle?", asked Lord Seaworth, Hand of the King. "I thought the undead were the bad guys?"
"My Uncle is the good kind of undead".
"Finally, the King spoke; "I am glad to see you alive, my brother. If I understand you correctly, an undead Uncle Benjen dropped you off by a tree, where you got a job as a bird and touch a tree and visited the past and saw my birth in Dorne to a woman our father never spoke much about? And, my father was a Dragon Prince? I fear that you have been too long out in the cold and need time to heal and regain your senses. We'll talk more then."