841,368 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
Zombie Jon Snow
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Didn't Dany say that other houses could ask for independence when the Greyjoys were asking for the salt throne?
Jon - hey Dany we jay took out the walkers together, mind if I stay the king in the north?
Dany - totally cool, you are not a **** like most of the other people in westeros
That would be really short sighted on her part.

Sure jon may be cool but who's to say his heir wont be brandon stark the cruel or whatever.

You are misinterpreting that: she said "they can ask."....the implication being that she has no intention of granting it.

She liked Yara's approach and also she needed something from them at the moment. that doesn't mean she is likely to do it again.

But also it is impossible to rule such a vast empire without someone running things in each district or whatever you want to call them. She will need someone running the north and each of the other kingdoms as well. they just have to be loyal to her as ruler of them all. So Jon or Sansa or someone would be in charge of the north and Riverlands and Dorne, etc.

So she made an exception for the Iron Islands as long as they comply with her directives. I don't think anyone really wants the Iron Islands anyway they just want them to be civil and not cause problems.
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You missed the point. She shouldn't give up the north. There's no reason too especially if the only reason you can come up with is "jon's cool."

You think that is the only reason, but that quote was directly pulled from one of the preview chapters that grrm accidentally released.

Zombie Jon Snow
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Except Septa Unella is not dead....yet. Cersei made it clear she was not dying that day. She wanted to torture her a while and left Gregor/Mountain to do that and/or rape her repeatedly. She may die soon and maybe even offscreen though so it is the end for her one way or another.
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Think it's already been laid out on show. Dany wants to leave the world a better place, Starks are good.....and she says she will marry to allegiance, Jon is only suitable Bachelor both strategically and morally.

Dany and Jon unite and fight back the WW. Everyone else bows.
they had another line foreshadowing Dany's turn to villain when she told Tyrion that she was frightened how easy it was to abandon Daario - not caring at all how someone who loves her is hurting.

Strongly disagree that was what they were foreshadowing. Think the only point of that line was that Dario as not the man for her.
Al Bula
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I really wanna know how Qyburn was able to bring Gregor back from the dead. We know that Benjen was brought back to life from being stabbed by a White Walker by one of the CotF. We know that WWs can bring the dead back to life as wights. So what magic did Qyburn use to bring Gregor back or keep him from totally dying?
The Dog Lord
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So Jon is a Targ. Ned's father and brother were killed by a Targ and the North fought against the Targs during Robert's rebellion, right? So what happens if/when the North finds out about Jon being a Targ?
I imagine if Jon makes a play (or others urge him to) for the Iron Throne, that it would mean that Sansa would become Lady of Winterfell after all. They might be able to get behind that.

Why would Jon go south for the iron throne? He has been prepping for the WW and going south to battle for the iron throne makes no sense.

Once Danaerys lands, she'll destroy all southern competition and come north. About this time we'll see the wall fall and instead of fighting North vs South they square off against WW army. I'm thinking something similar to the Battle of the 5 armies.
Sorry I didn't mean to imply he would go south or even want to pursue the Iron Throne. I was really speaking more in the context of him being the leader that others want if he is indeed one of the heroes that makes it through this. It could also come from the form of marrying Dany in a political way (brings the North back into the fold if Dany requires that, links their armies for the final battle, etc.).
The Dog Lord
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I really wanna know how Qyburn was able to bring Gregor back from the dead. We know that Benjen was brought back to life from being stabbed by a White Walker by one of the CotF. We know that WWs can bring the dead back to life as wights. So what magic did Qyburn use to bring Gregor back?
I don't think Gregor ever died. I think he more or less sustained his life, but it had costs associated with it.
Al Bula
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I really wanna know how Qyburn was able to bring Gregor back from the dead. We know that Benjen was brought back to life from being stabbed by a White Walker by one of the CotF. We know that WWs can bring the dead back to life as wights. So what magic did Qyburn use to bring Gregor back?
I don't think Gregor ever died. I think he more or less sustained his life, but it had costs associated with it.
OK better question is, what magic was used to keep Gregor from dying?
Roger Kint
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I really wanna know how Qyburn was able to bring Gregor back from the dead. We know that Benjen was brought back to life from being stabbed by a White Walker by one of the CotF. We know that WWs can bring the dead back to life as wights. So what magic did Qyburn use to bring Gregor back?
I don't think Gregor ever died. I think he more or less sustained his life, but it had costs associated with it.
In the books they send his head to Dorne as "justice" for the murders of the former queen and her children. It is implied that Qyburn uses the heads of the dwarfs being murdered by people looking for Tyrion to revive the body. Qyburn was excommunicated by the Citadel for his experiments, so I would say it's more "scientific" than magic. Think Frankenstein.
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Science (mad science but science none the less).
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Qyburn is a mix of sci-fi and magic. More Dr Frankenstein than CotF.
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Im curious what Melisandre's role will now be. I think she was sent South for a narrative reason. She'll maybe hook up with Dany's crew and meet the red witch we saw in Mereen. They'll hash out who is Azor Ahai. Guess maybe Mel will explain Jon's whole dying and returning, too. Tyrion is going to want an explanation of why Jon is no longer on the Wall as a Crow.
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Maybe I misunderstood, but it came across to me that Dany was not giving full authority of the Iron Islands to Asha. She had some line about "all of them" directly to Asha.

I'll have to watch again.
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My how quickly little birds who tell rumors in exchange for sweets turn into murderous sycophants.
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My how quickly little birds who tell rumors in exchange for sweets turn into murderous sycophants.

I'm guessing there was something in the sweets he is giving them. Varys is going to be pissed
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If you're "nitpicking" this, then somebody should kick you in the nutts. And yes, that includes Varys on the Dany's ship.

Well it's a good thing I don't have "nutts" and I will nitpick, because when you have as huge of a budget as this show does--with over a year of filming/writing/editing, you can absolutely find a way to balance and manage storylines better. Sorry that I hold this show to such a high standard... That when the show ended, and my friends and I were sitting around coming up with better ways to manage said timelines... There's no excuse. And to be fair, I haven't once complained about the storyline stuff as others have all season--but in the finale, it was glaring. You're telling me we're supposed to be ok with Varys going from Dorne to Meereen in less than 20 minutes (or meeting them in the middle... Or Dany meeting them at Dorne, whatever)... But it took Sam all damn season to get from the Wall to Old Town? This isn't a complaint about the finale... It was absolutely one of the best episodes of the series... I'm complaining about the season as a whole, now that we can look back and see how the entire puzzle fits. But sure, go ahead and want to kick me in my said "nutts" for wanting higher standards. I blame that on GRRM, honestly.
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Cersei's scenes had a very Godfather vibe to them. Especially with the music going along to it. She is an easy character to hate, but she looked like a royal badass in this episode.

Unfortunately for her, a bigger badass is on the way.
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My how quickly little birds who tell rumors in exchange for sweets turn into murderous sycophants.
Pycelle's death was like the elves turning on Santa.
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Show is definitely setting up for Jaime to break his vow and kill the ruler (and sister) he is sworn to protect in order to save lives, just like he did the Mad King
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Fast-travel only bothers me when you consider than Brienne hasn't made it back to Winterfell, but Varys made it from Mereen to Dorne and back in less time.
Someone with skills needs to photoshop Brienne/Pod and Gendry into Dany's armada.
Brian Earl Spilner
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The music during the King's Landing segment was obviously fantastic, but this was amazing as well. That transition from the baby to Jon's face, and the Stark theme swells. Just fantastic.

Tree Hugger
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But Jaime was dismissed from the Kingsguard, so his vow probably no longer applies
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Show is definitely setting up for Jaime to break his vow and kill the ruler (and sister) he is sworn to protect in order to save lives, just like he did the Mad King
Well, he's not of the kingsguard anymore so he wouldn't be breaking any oaths now.
Roger Kint
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My how quickly little birds who tell rumors in exchange for sweets turn into murderous sycophants.
Pycelle's death was like the elves turning on Santa.
So, what was the strategic advantage of killing Pycelle? I know Cercei hates him, but he's essentially useless.
Roger Kint
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Cersei's scenes had a very Godfather vibe to them. Especially with the music going along to it. She is an easy character to hate, but she looked like a royal badass in this episode.

Unfortunately for her, a bigger badass is on the way.
"Queen you shall be . . . until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear."
M.C. Swag
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My how quickly little birds who tell rumors in exchange for sweets turn into murderous sycophants.
Pycelle's death was like the elves turning on Santa.
So, what was the strategic advantage of killing Pycelle? I know Cercei hates him, but he's essentially useless.
1 less paycheck to cut
M.C. Swag
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Seriously doe, there is no strategic reason. Qyburn and Pycelle never liked each other. He did it 'because it felt good.'

There can only be one Maester!
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I think Bran will be forced to go south of the wall for safety and that will allow WW to pass. Unless the touch from Nights King "marking" him has an expiration date.
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The strategic reason is that Pycelle is the official grand maester of King's Landing and he wouldn't have supported Cersei being named queen.
M.C. Swag
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The strategic reason is that Pycelle is the official grand maester of King's Landing and he wouldn't have supported Cersei being named queen.
Right, but Pycelle's support or not means nothing. He has no power. Kicking him to the curb or killing him...his removal was about hate, not strategy.
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Sam's story didn't need as much screen time as Varys did. I personally think that the show is better for not dragging on plots because of travel. We as intelligent viewers know that time is passing and plots aren't parallel time wise. We don't need the show to show us Varys traveling back and forth.
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I think the Maesters are appointed by the Citadel, not the King/Queen. So Pycelle was not aligned with Cersei's interests. She had him removed so she could put her guy into the Maester seat.
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Or maybe I'm wrong, since Sam was carrying a note from Jon appointing him Maester in training for the Night's Watch.
Definitely Not A Cop
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If you're "nitpicking" this, then somebody should kick you in the nutts. And yes, that includes Varys on the Dany's ship.

Well it's a good thing I don't have "nutts" and I will nitpick, because when you have as huge of a budget as this show does--with over a year of filming/writing/editing, you can absolutely find a way to balance and manage storylines better. Sorry that I hold this show to such a high standard... That when the show ended, and my friends and I were sitting around coming up with better ways to manage said timelines... There's no excuse. And to be fair, I haven't once complained about the storyline stuff as others have all season--but in the finale, it was glaring. You're telling me we're supposed to be ok with Varys going from Dorne to Meereen in less than 20 minutes (or meeting them in the middle... Or Dany meeting them at Dorne, whatever)... But it took Sam all damn season to get from the Wall to Old Town? This isn't a complaint about the finale... It was absolutely one of the best episodes of the series... I'm complaining about the season as a whole, now that we can look back and see how the entire puzzle fits. But sure, go ahead and want to kick me in my said "nutts" for wanting higher standards. I blame that on GRRM, honestly.
The reason Sam took the whole season is because they wanted to have his storyline integrated throughout the season, and not a whole lot of interesting stuff happened to him. Same thing with Arya, it looks like the beginning of her training takes place over the span in a month or two, and then she spends months and months training with the waif while blind. Yet the beginning of the training spans several seasons, and the training with the waif all takes place in one episode.

Pacing is important. If they didn't do it that way, you would have scenarios where you watch most of Jon's story arc in episode 1-3 in the season, and then his arc for the season is over and you don't see him until episode 10.
M.C. Swag
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I think the Maesters are appointed by the Citadel, not the King/Queen. So Pycelle was not aligned with Cersei's interests. She had him removed so she could put her guy into the Maester seat.

1) Maester's are simply given their chains by the Citadel. A house can appoint whoever they want as their educated counsel, but only the citadel can grant the title of Maester.

2) Cersei, nor Qyburn, needed to fear Pycelle. They could just have easily packed his bags and told him to take a hike. Killing him was a personal desire of Qyburn, a former Maester who had his chains revoked for practicing dark arts. Pycelle looked down at Qyburn. So Qyburn killed him.
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