841,647 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
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Yes, Lyanna's body is in the crypts of winterfell. Remember back in season 1, as soon as Robert got to Winterfell--he went to see Lyanna, pissing Cersei off in the process. And then told Ned she belonged in a beautiful sunny field or something to that effect.
marble rye
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So can Howland Reed. When is his ass going to show up?

Dammit!! I wanted him to be the HS. How does the guy that's so clever for so long, completely become an idiot even with Margery yelling the truth at him???
The Dog Lord
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Varys left for Dorne several episodes ago, making it seem like it'll take awhile for him to get there. Then he went from being in Dorne chatting it up with the god awful sand sisters, and Olenna (which she saved that scene!!) and suddenly was on the ships. All the while Olenna was in black, knowing her family was wiped out and Cersei wore the same outfit the entire episode--sept blowing up, Tommen dying, and being crowned queen. Sorry, the timeline of this episode was extremely mucky. Still made for a great episode--but the timeline, for me, made it not as perfect of an episode.

Also, did it not bother anyone else that Jon and Sansa were talking, he tells her she's the lady in charge of everything because she basically saved Winterfell... Then as soon as everyone proclaims king of the north, he just totally forgot about that whole scene with Sansa? I thought it'd make for an amazing episode if she was proclaimed queen of the north... And then we'd have 3 queens playing the game of thrones.

That and where the heck is Ghost??

Overall, amazing episode. The KL thing was predictable but still utterly suspenseful! The wildfire in Lancel's eyes was so. Damn. Cool. But looking back on this season... There could have been much better maintenance on many of the plot lines. We could have finished the Arya/Braavos storyline in the first 4 episodes... She proclaims her Stark name and goes to Westeros, and then showing up in the finale? Would have had a lot more badassness behind it. But that's just me being nit picky

All valid points. I thought the same thing about Jon/Sansa especially although I'm definitely psyched about Jon and prefer it to be honest. I'm really torn between whether Sansa's look at the end meant that she will reconsider LF's offer (and maybe head south to pursue a story arc closer to that of the books) or whether she is scared about what LF might do to Jon now that the north has slipped away from him.
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Seriously when will Howland show up?!? I thought he would have at least showed up with all the other lords of the North that forgot to honor his pledge.

In the book and show, they explain his initial absence as he was responsible for protecting the neck from invaders.. however, where has the Reed been since. I think that is why everyone wanted HS = HR .. but now that the HS is gone.. that theory is not really desired.

I guess they are saving HR for something else.. but what I don't know. Also don't forget that Targaryens in the pass had multiple wives. Aegon the Conqueror married both his sisters.
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Yes, Lyanna's body is in the crypts of winterfell. Remember back in season 1, as soon as Robert got to Winterfell--he went to see Lyanna, pissing Cersei off in the process. And then told Ned she belonged in a beautiful sunny field or something to that effect.
Edited this out. Her body is there. You're right.

So we have Howland Reed, the mid-wives, and kinda-sorta Bran to confirm Jon's Parentage. Question is where are they?

marble rye
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Yes, Lyanna's body is in the crypts of winterfell. Remember back in season 1, as soon as Robert got to Winterfell--he went to see Lyanna, pissing Cersei off in the process. And then told Ned she belonged in a beautiful sunny field or something to that effect.
Well he went to go see her crypt. Don't actually know if her body is there. I bet it is though.

So we have Howland Reed, the mid-wives, and kinda-sorta Bran to confirm Jon's Parentage. Question is where are they?

Theory was that the midwives were the septas taking delight in Cersei's treatment. Dammit.
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Where was the Targaryens home base? Harrenhal?
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I wanted Sanda to stand up and declare Jon to be a true stark and declare him to be the king of the north.
I wanted this too, but I also kind of wanted Jon to declare Sansa the Queen in the North.

Let's hope they can work together and amicably too. Petyr is gonna try and **** stuff up.
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Where was the Targaryens home base? Harrenhal?
The Dog Lord
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I hope that part of next season for Jon is figuring out his lineage, including finally bringing in HR. I have to think that most things need to be wrapped up next season to prepare for the final season that will undoubtedly have to be about the WW finale. We might get the breach of the Wall toward the end of next season I'm guessing.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Yes, Lyanna's body is in the crypts of winterfell. Remember back in season 1, as soon as Robert got to Winterfell--he went to see Lyanna, pissing Cersei off in the process. And then told Ned she belonged in a beautiful sunny field or something to that effect.
Well he went to go see her crypt. Don't actually know if her body is there. I bet it is though.

So we have Howland Reed, the mid-wives, and kinda-sorta Bran to confirm Jon's Parentage. Question is where are they?

Theory was that the midwives were the septas taking delight in Cersei's treatment. Dammit.

could still be Septa Unella I suppose...she is still alive...and about the right age?
marble rye
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At least the theory that Lyanna had twins has been disproven. Meera a Targ. Bah
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YES to ending the damn Meera/Jon twin thing!!!
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There was a swelling of emotion when everyone proclaimed Jon King in the North--and I was also very confused on Sansa's look at the end to LF. Perhaps this will have a good payoff in the next season.
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YES to ending the damn Meera/Jon twin thing!!!
I didn't even know that was a theory. . .

Weird though. Terrible one. At least its debunked in the show. Gotta wait till books all finish and come out.
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Hot take: this is going to come down to Varys vs Littlefinger in the end. Everyone else is just pawns in their game. They've been at the center of everything so far, beginning in King's Landing on the council, and now they have control of Dany and the South (Varys) vs the North and the Vale (Littlefinger). They are the only ones that can tie all the houses together -- Varys now has Dany, Dorne and Highgarden. Littlefinger after tonight can manipulate all of the houses in the North with the King of the North via Sansa (my thought is he can and will still unknowingly manipulate her) as well as the Vale.

Also I thought it was significant that Coldhands told Bran about the magic in the wall. That's the first time I think they've talked about it in the show. I expect the Wall coming down to be how Season 7 ends.
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There was a swelling of emotion when everyone proclaimed Jon King in the North--and I was also very confused on Sansa's look at the end to LF. Perhaps this will have a good payoff in the next season.
I was worried about that myself. I really took that in as her kind of believing what Petyr told her. Another poster explained it like this:

Nah. Their relationship is solid, Sansa was perfectly fine with Jon being hailed as King of the North, and she is fed up with untrustworthy people like Littlefinger. In fact, she was clearly concerned at the end of the episode about what he might do to usurp Jon.
I like to think that she see's a bad future with Petyr around not that she is unsure about Jon's succession to King of the North.
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Nah. Their relationship is solid, Sansa was perfectly fine with Jon being hailed as King of the North, and she is fed up with untrustworthy people like Littlefinger. In fact, she was clearly concerned at the end of the episode about what he might do to usurp Jon.I like to think that she see's a bad future with Petyr around not that she is unsure about Jon's succession to King of the North.

I would hope Sansa is still that way... But she also just let someone get eaten by dogs. And has been burned by everyone. Could Sansa be turning into a villainess?
Zombie Jon Snow
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There was a swelling of emotion when everyone proclaimed Jon King in the North--and I was also very confused on Sansa's look at the end to LF. Perhaps this will have a good payoff in the next season.
I was worried about that myself. I really took that in as her kind of believing what Petyr told her. Another poster explained it like this:

Nah. Their relationship is solid, Sansa was perfectly fine with Jon being hailed as King of the North, and she is fed up with untrustworthy people like Littlefinger. In fact, she was clearly concerned at the end of the episode about what he might do to usurp Jon.
I like to think that she see's a bad future with Petyr around not that she is unsure about Jon's succession to King of the North.

I rewatched it and Sansa was very happy and smiling as they proclaimed Jon King in the North. she had no issue with that. then they cut to LF sitting silently and back to Sansa. Her expression changed when she looked at him.

I think it was clear she was caught up in the excitement and happy for Jon - then she noticed LF wasn't proclaiming anything (not that he would anyway the Vale is not in the North) but also she remembered a. LF wants the Iron Throne b. he will do anything to get it and c. you can't trust LF.

she was just worried - and it's just foreshadowing an eventual showdown.

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Nah. Their relationship is solid, Sansa was perfectly fine with Jon being hailed as King of the North, and she is fed up with untrustworthy people like Littlefinger. In fact, she was clearly concerned at the end of the episode about what he might do to usurp Jon.I like to think that she see's a bad future with Petyr around not that she is unsure about Jon's succession to King of the North.

I would hope Sansa is still that way... But she also just let someone get eaten by dogs. And has been burned by everyone. Could Sansa be turning into a villainess?
I think so, but only in a way that would work against Petyr, not for him. She'll definitely be an Ice Queen though
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Where is Melissandre headed?
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Count me in the group that thinks Sansa was happy about Jon, and then worried about what LF might do. Regarding the LF vs Varys line of thinking, perhaps once Jon/Sansa learn about Dany and her dragons they will try to ally with her. Especially if by some miracle Bran makes it back south and to Winterfell to be like "Jon, my cuz, you's a damn Targaryen royal boy!"

The only thing that I didn't predict this episode was Arya. Frey pie was pretty awesome, but not as much old Walder getting his throat slit. So, when she was eyeing Jaime, she was probably thinking about killing him, too, eh?

I still think Jaime is going to kill Cersei.

I also wonder how it's going to go down in the books, with Loras actually holding Dragonstone, even though he's apparently badly injured.
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There was a swelling of emotion when everyone proclaimed Jon King in the North--and I was also very confused on Sansa's look at the end to LF. Perhaps this will have a good payoff in the next season.
I was worried about that myself. I really took that in as her kind of believing what Petyr told her. Another poster explained it like this:

Nah. Their relationship is solid, Sansa was perfectly fine with Jon being hailed as King of the North, and she is fed up with untrustworthy people like Littlefinger. In fact, she was clearly concerned at the end of the episode about what he might do to usurp Jon.
I like to think that she see's a bad future with Petyr around not that she is unsure about Jon's succession to King of the North.

I rewatched it and Sansa was very happy and smiling as they proclaimed Jon King in the North. she had no issue with that. then they cut to LF sitting silently and back to Sansa. Her expression changed when she looked at him.

I think it was clear she was caught up in the excitement and happy for Jon - then she noticed LF wasn't proclaiming anything (not that he would anyway the Vale is not in the North) but also she remembered a. LF wants the Iron Throne b. he will do anything to get it and c. you can't trust LF.

she was just worried - and it's just foreshadowing an eventual showdown.

Remember that LF seems to hint at knowing Jon's true parentage when in the crypts with Sansa. Is he going to play the card or continue to keep it hidden? If he truly wants the Iron Throne for himself, I suspect he will move against anyone who might know the truth and/or continue to sow chaos.
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Brotherhood without banners probably.
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The scene with Benjen and Brann...I thought was an easy out by the show writers for the WW to cut down the tree.
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The scene with Benjen and Brann...I thought was an easy out by the show writers for the WW to cut down the tree.
What do you mean, the weirwood? Why would they do that? They haven't cut down any of the other ones north of the wall.
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Where is Melissandre headed?

To meet arya
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Also GRRM's personal connection to this series is Sam Tarly...
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Count me in the group that thinks Sansa was happy about Jon, and then worried about what LF might do. Regarding the LF vs Varys line of thinking, perhaps once Jon/Sansa learn about Dany and her dragons they will try to ally with her. Especially if by some miracle Bran makes it back south and to Winterfell to be like "Jon, my cuz, you's a damn Targaryen royal boy!"

The only thing that I didn't predict this episode was Arya. Frey pie was pretty awesome, but not as much old Walder getting his throat slit. So, when she was eyeing Jaime, she was probably thinking about killing him, too, eh?

I still think Jaime is going to kill Cersei.

I also wonder how it's going to go down in the books, with Loras actually holding Dragonstone, even though he's apparently badly injured.
How awesome would that be if he killed Cersei? I mean. . . Wow.

But really though. I hope the Starks work together. No split between Sansa and Jon. Jon's right, they really need one another right now.
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For all his preaching about sin, he thought too highly of himself and thought he had outsmarted Cersei. Didn't understand the monster he was dealing with.
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For all his preaching about sin, he thought too highly of himself and thought he had outsmarted Cersei. Didn't understand the monster he was dealing with.
I was wondering what that look on his face was for. This makes it all make sense.
marble rye
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"Only a fool would trust Littlefinger."

Sansa to Jon

She is wary of him.
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"Only a fool would trust Littlefinger."

Sansa to Jon

She is wary of him.
I'm seeing that now too. Especially with her smiles.

Just wish she proclaimed the same as the others.
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So Jon is a Targ. Ned's father and brother were killed by a Targ and the North fought against the Targs during Robert's rebellion, right? So what happens if/when the North finds out about Jon being a Targ?
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