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Joseph Parrish
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But Ramsay wanted the beating. That is why Jon stopped and didn't kill him. He remembered Sansa telling him not to do what Ramsay wanted.

Granted he would have save a lot of his men if he had remembered that to begin with.
Ramsey didn't want the beating. He only opted for 1 v 1 when he was surrounded. Jon stopped because he was leaving Ramsey for Sansa to finish.

And by the way he didn't even opt for 1 v 1 combat really....he tried to shoot him with an arrow from a distance 4 times before he could get close enough.
He never said hand to hand combat. It was a 1 v 1 though.
Brian Earl Spilner
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That's what I'm curious about as well. I suppose it could be as simple as Bran being able to revisit these events now without the restrictions of the 3ER, but something has to make him go back to that particular event. Maybe he remembers that he wanted to go back there and he is able to somehow. I don't think Jon will learn this until next season though.

Edit: Is there any reason to believe the Lord of Light is tied in any way to the Children of the Forest? Because if Jon really is Azor Ahai, I assume the children might know of Jon's importance and true lineage, which they might've shared with Benjen.
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And I just dont see Jon's character becoming an overt badass. I think him pummeling Ramsey's face will be the height of it.
You don't think him personally killing at least 50 people in battle was badass?

I said overt. As in owning it. He will stay humble and meek, etc. He will be the Tim Duncan of warriors.
Tim Duncan plays for the Spurs, dummy.
Zombie Jon Snow
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But Ramsay wanted the beating. That is why Jon stopped and didn't kill him. He remembered Sansa telling him not to do what Ramsay wanted.

Granted he would have save a lot of his men if he had remembered that to begin with.
Ramsey didn't want the beating. He only opted for 1 v 1 when he was surrounded. Jon stopped because he was leaving Ramsey for Sansa to finish.

And by the way he didn't even opt for 1 v 1 combat really....he tried to shoot him with an arrow from a distance 4 times before he could get close enough.
He never said hand to hand combat. It was a 1 v 1 though.

well it was implied....remember when Jon challenged him initially he said he had heard of Jon's reputation as a swordsman and fighter so no he would rather battle armies. jon basically called him a coward.

He knew he couldn't fight him one on one (hand to hand)...so like a chicken S* he tried to shoot him from afar.

It's also NOT 1 v 1 if one is shooting an arrow and the other has a shield which he just picked up. Thats 1 v 0 actually as he has nothing to fight back with until he gets close enough.

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My prediction for finale -

something happens at King's Landing to put the realm into complete chaos - Most likely Cersei torching the place. Only question is, why? I don't think there's anyway she kills Tommen unless she feels she is saving him from a worse death. I think ultimately, Dany is going to take the Southern portion of the kingdom rather quickly and easily, and that means something has to happen to completely destabilize the ruling class in the South - so Lannisters and Tyrels get somehow removed or incapacitated. Varys will do something to help destabilize the area in preparation for Dany's coming. Maybe what he did in the books? Maybe something more fitting to what we have seen in the show (maybe he assassinates Tommen?)

In the North - White Walkers attack the Wall. Maybe even breach it and start marching on Winterfell. Whatever happens, there will be no doubt Winter has arrived by the end of this show.

Dany sets sail for Westeros. Perhaps has confrontation with Euron Greyjoy. Could possible make landfall before conclusion of show.

TOJ reveal.
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Seems like way too much for one episode.
Zombie Jon Snow
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That's what I'm curious about as well. I suppose it could be as simple as Bran being able to revisit these events now without the restrictions of the 3ER, but something has to make him go back to that particular event. Maybe he remembers that he wanted to go back there and he is able to somehow. I don't think Jon will learn this until next season though.

Edit: Is there any reason to believe the Lord of Light is tied in any way to the Children of the Forest? Because if Jon really is Azor Ahai, I assume the children might know of Jon's importance and true lineage, which they might've shared with Benjen.

Yes I'm curious of the impetus for this as well. I mean he has been preoccupied and in a coma state for a while.

Maybe he tells Benjen about it and Benjen tells him to revisit it. Something along the lines of I've always wondered about that, tell me more.....

I agree though about the reveal....I think Bran and we the audience find out more or less (at least heavily implied).....in fact that as a season cliffhanger would not surprise me (showing the baby, thereby confirming it was not Eddards ******* but not outright saying it is Jon).

But I really doubt Jon finds out. Unless Bran were with Jon but currently they are a long way apart with a big damn wall between them.

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That's what I'm curious about as well. I suppose it could be as simple as Bran being able to revisit these events now without the restrictions of the 3ER, but something has to make him go back to that particular event. Maybe he remembers that he wanted to go back there and he is able to somehow. I don't think Jon will learn this until next season though.

Edit: Is there any reason to believe the Lord of Light is tied in any way to the Children of the Forest? Because if Jon really is Azor Ahai, I assume the children might know of Jon's importance and true lineage, which they might've shared with Benjen.

Yes I'm curious of the impetus for this as well. I mean he has been preoccupied and in a coma state for a while.

Maybe he tells Benjen about it and Benjen tells him to revisit it. Something along the lines of I've always wondered about that, tell me more.....

I agree though about the reveal....I think Bran and we the audience find out more or less (at least heavily implied).....in fact that as a season cliffhanger would not surprise me (showing the baby, thereby confirming it was not Eddards ******* but not outright saying it is Jon).

But I really doubt Jon finds out. Unless Bran were with Jon but currently they are a long way apart with a big damn wall between them.

I like that. Bran talks to his uncle about his father lying about the battle with the kingsguard, and his Uncle says something about Ned that leads Bran to revisit the dream. I think whenever they do the reveal they will make sure everyone knows it's Jon. Can't really see any reason to not reveal that. It can be easily sussed out without them saying it, and by not saying you are depriving a lot of more casual viewers of that "Oh ****" moment.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Seems like way too much for one episode.

well it's the longest episode ever...1:09

Season 6, Episode 10: "The Winds of Winter" - 69 minutes
Season 4, Episode 10: "The Children" - 65 minutes
Season 2, Episode 10: "Valar Morghulis" - 64 minutes
Season 3, Episode 10: "Mhysa" - 62 minutes
Season 5, Episode 10: "Mother's Mercy" - 61 minutes
Season 1, Episode 1: "Winter is Coming" - 61 minutes

PS - with the title beings "The Winds of Winter" I don't see how it can be WF and Dany and KL only related which we saw in the previews.

It has to involve WW and/or Bran at the wall imho.

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PS - with the title beings "The Winds of Winter" I don't see how it can be WF and Dany and KL only related which we saw in the previews.

It has to involve WW and/or Bran at the wall imho.

Agreed. I think Dany is a story line, but I doubt she gets a ton of screen time.
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As long as it's a good solid episode and we get the TOJ reveal I'll be happy
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I agree with aggie1906... too much.

Dany will have some sort of epic speech to the mix of Dothraki, Unsullied, 2nd sons & Ironborn. She will say her goodbyes to whomever she leaves in charge of Mereen. Troops will start to get on ships. Drogon will belch flame. That's it.

In the North, perhaps the WW horde will be seen by Dolorous Ed in the distance & ravens will be sent out. No wall attack.
The North is re-united, but the Riverlands are still in Lannister hands. No idea what is going to happen here, but I think the Frey's days are numbered.

I am completely lost in the South as well. Dorne has to re-enter the fight at some point, maybe on the side of Dany. The Tyrells & Lannisters don't appear to be on their way to any real alliance (at least not between the Queen of Thorns & Cersei) and the Faith Militant still has King's Landing in its grip.

We also have Arya coming back to Westeros, Brienne on a river cruise & Sam Tarly headed to Oldtown to do who-knows-what.

There are a ton of plot lines converging fast... 'dis gon be good! Can't wait for next season.

Zombie Jon Snow
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OK last week I picked out a snippet from the preview (guessing it was Davos at the pyre of Shireen).....

But there is this quick shot this week and I have no clue who this is.....anyone????

It comes during the Meereen scenes when Tyrion is telling Dany it is good if she is afraid because she is in the great game now....so presumably it is someone in Meereen...

but it's definitely not Tyrion (too tall), not Daario wrong hair,etc. and not Jorah or Grey Worm.

Possibly Theon but walking too confidently I think.......my only guess is Euron????

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Kind of looks like the master guy that grey worm didn't slice? No clue
Definitely Not A Cop
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OK last week I picked out a snippet from the preview (guessing it was Davos at the pyre of Shireen).....

But there is this quick shot this week and I have no clue who this is.....anyone????

It comes during the Meereen scenes when Tyrion is telling Dany it is good if she is afraid because she is in the great game now....so presumably it is someone in Meereen...

but it's definitely not Tyrion (too tall), not Daario wrong hair,etc. and not Jorah or Grey Worm.

Possibly Theon but walking too confidently I think.......my only guess is Euron????

Might be the Master they let live?
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OK last week I picked out a snippet from the preview (guessing it was Davos at the pyre of Shireen).....

But there is this quick shot this week and I have no clue who this is.....anyone????

It comes during the Meereen scenes when Tyrion is telling Dany it is good if she is afraid because she is in the great game now....so presumably it is someone in Meereen...

but it's definitely not Tyrion (too tall), not Daario wrong hair,etc. and not Jorah or Grey Worm.

Possibly Theon but walking too confidently I think.......my only guess is Euron????

While we're at it, who is the guy on his knees that you can see the HS hands on his cheeks making him look up at him at the very beginning of the trailer? I don't recognize him, but it makes it seem like he's on trial.

As far as this pic, I think it could be the master who was spared. I also think it could just be some extra walking through the streets who is about to get knifed and/or attend a secret meeting. I don't think it's anybody that important.
Joseph Parrish
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But Ramsay wanted the beating. That is why Jon stopped and didn't kill him. He remembered Sansa telling him not to do what Ramsay wanted.

Granted he would have save a lot of his men if he had remembered that to begin with.
Ramsey didn't want the beating. He only opted for 1 v 1 when he was surrounded. Jon stopped because he was leaving Ramsey for Sansa to finish.

And by the way he didn't even opt for 1 v 1 combat really....he tried to shoot him with an arrow from a distance 4 times before he could get close enough.
He never said hand to hand combat. It was a 1 v 1 though.

well it was implied....remember when Jon challenged him initially he said he had heard of Jon's reputation as a swordsman and fighter so no he would rather battle armies. jon basically called him a coward.

He knew he couldn't fight him one on one (hand to hand)...so like a chicken S* he tried to shoot him from afar.

It's also NOT 1 v 1 if one is shooting an arrow and the other has a shield which he just picked up. Thats 1 v 0 actually as he has nothing to fight back with until he gets close enough.

Yes, it is still 1 v 1! Come on now. Archer vs Swordsman. Is it chicken sh*t? Yes, but that's part of what makes Ramsey a great villain. He doesn't care about honor.
Definitely Not A Cop
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I was assuming the guy on his knees was Loras.

There is a joke to be made there.
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Lancel Lannister?
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Yeah, that's definitely Lancel. You can see the bunching gray robe and the chain he wears across his chest.

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Agree it's Lancel, and Loras.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Kind of looks like the master guy that grey worm didn't slice? No clue
perhaps I had not thought of him.
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No, it's Lancel. Classic misdirection by showing him while Tyrion and Dany are talking. The architecture doesn't match Mereen.
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Lancel is who I assumed it would be, but didn't look like him to me. Lora's is a good guess, too.
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As long as it's a good solid episode and we get the TOJ reveal I'll be happy
We should get it. Either through Benjen or Bran.

Might be that Eddard told Benjen about Jon Snow. Then Benjen could tell Bran as they head south.

The Three Eyed-Raven/Bloodraven was a Targaryen so he has an interest in seeing the family continue. He seemed to have visited that scene at the Tower before he showed it to Bran. Did he download the Matrix into Bran?
Brian Earl Spilner
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So who has the Dreadfort now?
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So who has the Dreadfort now?
Davos or Tormund?
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Plus, you know of know he's going to die terribly because he's Cersei's kid.
I think Cersei herself will kill Tommen. She's realized he's weak.

Not sure if serious. If so this is the LEAST likely thing to have happen. Ever.
Brian Earl Spilner
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So who has the Dreadfort now?
Davos or Tormund?
Ooh, that'd be awesome. Give it to Tormund and the remaining wildlings.
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Plus, you know of know he's going to die terribly because he's Cersei's kid.
I think Cersei herself will kill Tommen. She's realized he's weak.

Not sure if serious. If so this is the LEAST likely thing to have happen. Ever.

We will see. She was going to kill him to keep him from being captured seasons ago. The look on her face when he sided with the Sparrows and then kept her away from him is why I think that. She's lost all control of him and knows it.

She realized he will never be a strong king, the king they and she deserve in her mind, and she knows about the prophecy of her kids dying. I know she's fiercely defended them until now, but I think it's very plausible given where her life is now. Even more so if Margaery is pregnant to carry on the line.

We know he dies, I just think it's Cersi that does it, but out of a warped sense of loyalty to Kings Landing and saving him from a possible worse death.

But we will see.
marble rye
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The Three Eyed-Raven/Bloodraven was a Targaryen so he has an interest in seeing the family continue. He seemed to have visited that scene at the Tower before he showed it to Bran. Did he download the Matrix into Bran?

Where is this said/stated? If in the books I've long forgotten.
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So who has the Dreadfort now?
Davos or Tormund?
Lady Bolton

"A man without a belly is like a house without a balcony"
- Old Turkish saying
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So who has the Dreadfort now?
Davos or Tormund?
Ooh, that'd be awesome. Give it to Tormund and the remaining wildlings.
Tormund probably gets the Last Hearth.

Karhold is available to be handed out too.

"A man without a belly is like a house without a balcony"
- Old Turkish saying
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Is Sansa not now Lady of the Dreadfort?
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