From the other thread:
Pretty cool.
Also, it's kind of bull**** how much crap Jon has had to slog through compared to Dany, yet Dany gets all the really badass scenes and gets to be a Queen and all that crap.
She does have Dragons...
Yes, of course. Makes everything easier. Just commenting on the fact that Jon has been beaten, murdered by his "friends", nearly suffocated, nearly killed numerous times, shot up with arrows, narrowly escaping slaughter at Hardhome, saved from the Wildlings by Stannis, etc, and he's still just a ******* who is seen as abandoning his watch at the Wall.
Whereas Dany just seems to breeze through everything. She's been stripped down and called some bad names, and her husband died, but other than that, she's had it pretty easy and has a hell of a lot more to show for it than Jon.
Even when Jon wins, such as the Battle of the *******s, it's with strings attached because somebody had to come to the rescue at the last minute. It would be nice to see Jon just flat-out kick some ass one time and win on his own merit and get his own moment of glory. I guess beating Ramsay was a little of that, but not nearly enough for my liking.
I feel like that picture kind of perfectly encapsulates the difference between the two character's journeys.