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Zombie Jon Snow
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Great Fathers Day episode......

I mean besides the great battle....which was 2 *******s.

Demonstrated power of

1. Dany and her dragons bail out Tyrions predicament
2. Yara making deals herself, raising her claim, while Theon stands by meekly
3. Sansa wheeling and dealing to save her brothers ass.

Happy Fathers Day...from 3 women none of whom are even Mothers.

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Great Fathers Day episode......

I mean besides the great battle....which was 2 *******s.

Demonstrated power of

1. Dany and her dragons bail out Tyrions predicament
2. Yara making deals herself, raising her claim, while Theon stands by reekly
3. Sansa wheeling and dealing to save her brothers ass.

Happy Fathers Day...from 3 women none of whom are even Mothers.

Swing Your Saber
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I think all the houses have big groups of male cousins, uncles, ect... that have not made the show but are down the line of succession. Although show might not include any of them.
Finn Maccumhail
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On the subject of House Bolton, there's a bunch of great houses on the ropes, right? Let's talk Conservation Status.

House Baratheon - Critically Endangered.Only one heir, Tommen, and he's not banging out Marjorie now that the faith militant is back. Plus, you know of know he's going to die terribly because he's Cersei's kid.

House Stark - Critically Endangered. Only legitimate male heir is paralyzed. Jon's still running around, and I still have hope for Robb's letter of legitimacy. Only reason they're not on the extinct list.

House Lannister - Near Threatened. Jamie is not banging anyone other than his sister, and I don't think that's going to make a child. Tyrion is around, but also killed his dad so not exactly sitting in the big chair at Casterly Rock. Kevan is around though. Probably a bunch of other one off relatives.

House Targaryen - Extinct. Dany is barren and also a female. Jon is running around amid rumors of his parentage, but he'd still be a *******. I suppose Dany could legitimize him if she makes queen, but there's nothing in the story to suggest that. No other relative crawling around in the show.

House Tyrell - Endangered. Do we know of any other male heirs other than Loras? He looks like he's about to meet his end as well. Mace could make another heir, though. And you have to think there are other Tyrells running around (similar to the Lannisters).

House Greyjoy - Critically Endangered. Theon can't reproduce, and Yara is a chick. That leaves Euron, and he's not long for this world with Dany backing Theon/Yara's play.

House Tully - Endangered. They are down to Edmure and his son, though Edmure is relatively young. Endangered because both Edmure and Edmure Jr. are in precarious situations.

House Frey - Least Concern. Dude is all about mugging stares and making heirs.
Baratheon- unless some future king grants legitimacy to at least some of Robert's many bastages (ex- Gendry) then they're already gone as Tommen is 100% Lannister. The books mention another of Robert's bastages, Edric Storm who is the illegitimate son of Robert and some relative of Stannis's wife.

Stark- down to Bran, Sansa, and perhaps Jon Snow if he's legitimized/not a Targaryen.

Lannister- via Tywin they're likely gone as Tommen ain't knocked up Margaery and isn't likely too. Jaime & Cersei ain't living long enough to breed another inbred bastage either. However, in the books I believe there are still other Lannister cousins.

Tyrell- the actual heir to Highgarden is Margaery and Loras's older brother. I forget his name, Willas or something like that. He's only spoken of in the books and never has a real part but he's Lord Mace Tyrell's oldest son but is lame due to a severe leg injury he received in a tourney joust. At one point the Queen of Thorns is discussing with Tyrion about marrying Sansa to him.

Frey- on the face, they're not endangered but the I think some combo of Arya Stark, Jaime Lannister and the Starks/Houses of the North and perhaps even the Knights of the Vale are gonna wreck shop on the Freys. They'll become the new version of Reynes of Castamere who were wiped out by the Lannisters.
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On the subject of House Bolton, there's a bunch of great houses on the ropes, right? Let's talk Conservation Status.

House Baratheon - Critically Endangered.Only one heir, Tommen, and he's not banging out Marjorie now that the faith militant is back. Plus, you know of know he's going to die terribly because he's Cersei's kid.
Line is already done. He's a Lannister.

House Stark - Critically Endangered. Only legitimate male heir is paralyzed. Jon's still running around, and I still have hope for Robb's letter of legitimacy. Only reason they're not on the extinct list.
IF Jon is really Ned's son. Otherwise the line is over.

House Lannister - Near Threatened. Jamie is not banging anyone other than his sister, and I don't think that's going to make a child. Tyrion is around, but also killed his dad so not exactly sitting in the big chair at Casterly Rock. Kevan is around though. Probably a bunch of other one off relatives.
A lot of males in this line could still be making babies.

House Targaryen - Extinct. Dany is barren and also a female. Jon is running around amid rumors of his parentage, but he'd still be a *******. I suppose Dany could legitimize him if she makes queen, but there's nothing in the story to suggest that. No other relative crawling around in the show.
Like you said, Jon is the only hope unless Aegon makes an appearance.

House Tyrell - Endangered. Do we know of any other male heirs other than Loras? He looks like he's about to meet his end as well. Mace could make another heir, though. And you have to think there are other Tyrells running around (similar to the Lannisters).
Loras has 2 older bros in the book, but I don't recall them ever being mentioned in the show.

House Greyjoy - Critically Endangered. Theon can't reproduce, and Yara is a chick. That leaves Euron, and he's not long for this world with Dany backing Theon/Yara's play.
No Victorian on the show so I guess that leaves only Euron & Aeron.

House Tully - Endangered. They are down to Edmure and his son, though Edmure is relatively young. Endangered because both Edmure and Edmure Jr. are in precarious situations.
Things may be getting better after being set free.

House Frey - Least Concern. Dude is all about mugging stares and making heirs.

Freys will soon rule the 7 kingdoms because everyone else will kill each other off.
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Baratheon line is dead, but the house is not, right? I mean the public might know that Tommen is a Lannister, but his name is still King Tommen Baratheon, right?

Speaking of, what happens to Tommen if the Septons decide that Cersei is guilty of making the sex with her brother? Isn't he immediately illegitimate as king in that scenario? Considering that he just made the faith and the crown the twin pillars of the world, would that make the High Septon king?
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I mean there's still technically Gendry out there somewhere that's a Baratheon and could be legitimized.
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Baratheon line is dead, but the house is not, right? I mean the public might know that Tommen is a Lannister, but his name is still King Tommen Baratheon, right?

Speaking of, what happens to Tommen if the Septons decide that Cersei is guilty of making the sex with her brother? Isn't he immediately illegitimate as king in that scenario? Considering that he just made the faith and the crown the twin pillars of the world, would that make the High Septon king?
That is the HS long game. Tommen and co are too stupid to realize.
Joseph Parrish
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Aren't you forgetting about Bran in the Stark line?
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From the other thread:

Pretty cool.

Also, it's kind of bull**** how much crap Jon has had to slog through compared to Dany, yet Dany gets all the really badass scenes and gets to be a Queen and all that crap.
Joseph Parrish
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From the other thread:

Pretty cool.

Also, it's kind of bull**** how much crap Jon has had to slog through compared to Dany, yet Dany gets all the really badass scenes and gets to be a Queen and all that crap.
She does have Dragons...
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Baratheon line is dead, but the house is not, right? I mean the public might know that Tommen is a Lannister, but his name is still King Tommen Baratheon, right?

Speaking of, what happens to Tommen if the Septons decide that Cersei is guilty of making the sex with her brother? Isn't he immediately illegitimate as king in that scenario? Considering that he just made the faith and the crown the twin pillars of the world, would that make the High Septon king?
I thought about this. Are they trying her on infidelity with Jamie or just with Lancel? If the faith renders Tommen a Lannister, all hell breaks loose.
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From the other thread:

Pretty cool.

Also, it's kind of bull**** how much crap Jon has had to slog through compared to Dany, yet Dany gets all the really badass scenes and gets to be a Queen and all that crap.
She does have Dragons...
Yes, of course. Makes everything easier. Just commenting on the fact that Jon has been beaten, murdered by his "friends", nearly suffocated, nearly killed numerous times, shot up with arrows, narrowly escaping slaughter at Hardhome, saved from the Wildlings by Stannis, etc, and he's still just a ******* who is seen as abandoning his watch at the Wall.

Whereas Dany just seems to breeze through everything. She's been stripped down and called some bad names, and her husband died, but other than that, she's had it pretty easy and has a hell of a lot more to show for it than Jon.

Even when Jon wins, such as the Battle of the *******s, it's with strings attached because somebody had to come to the rescue at the last minute. It would be nice to see Jon just flat-out kick some ass one time and win on his own merit and get his own moment of glory. I guess beating Ramsay was a little of that, but not nearly enough for my liking.

I feel like that picture kind of perfectly encapsulates the difference between the two character's journeys.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Great Fathers Day episode......

I mean besides the great battle....which was 2 *******s.

Demonstrated power of

1. Dany and her dragons bail out Tyrions predicament
2. Yara making deals herself, raising her claim, while Theon stands by reekly
3. Sansa wheeling and dealing to save her brothers ass.

Happy Fathers Day...from 3 women none of whom are even Mothers.

You made me waste 30 seconds for that?
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Honestly, at this point I wouldn't mind Jon getting in on the Dany action if they can make it believable. The sure do their best to show their similarities. Still would like him and the Starks to rule the north
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Great Fathers Day episode......

I mean besides the great battle....which was 2 *******s.

Demonstrated power of

1. Dany and her dragons bail out Tyrions predicament
2. Yara making deals herself, raising her claim, while Theon stands by reekly
3. Sansa wheeling and dealing to save her brothers ass.

Happy Fathers Day...from 3 women none of whom are even Mothers.

You made me waste 30 seconds for that?
yup. and next time I'll make you waste a full minute.
Deputy Travis Junior
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Major kudos to
1) the digital animators in charge of the dragons. They handled the dragons' growth well and the finished, adult dragons look completely bad ass.
2) Ramin Djawadi. He does good music but last night's score was particularly good in my opinion. The music during the Mereen attack was amazing.
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Sorry is this was already mentioned, but Tormund biting out the Small Jon's throat was the most badass moment in the entire series, IMO.
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Sorry is this was already mentioned, but Tormund biting out the Small Jon's throat was the most badass moment in the entire series, IMO.
Yeah that was pretty damn intense. Don't **** with Tormund
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Sorry is this was already mentioned, but Tormund biting out the Small Jon's throat was the most badass moment in the entire series, IMO.

Pulled a Rick Grimes right there
Brian Earl Spilner
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Great interview with the director.

Apparently the trample scene was improvised by him after he realized they couldn't finish on time, so he went off-script. Wow, says a lot about him, that is probably the most gut-wrenching part of the episode.

And the last question:
Without talking specifics, obviously, what in general excites you about next week's super-sized finale?

That it feels equally as epic as episode 9 but for completely different reasons.
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Tormund biting out the Small Jon's throat was the most badass moment in the entire series, IMO.
Yes, although Jon beating Ramsay down like the little beech he is was pretty nice too. No swords, just a worthless bully getting some of his own back.
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Also, given Jon's past actions and prior conversation with Sansa, does anyone really believe he would charge at Ramsay's army all by himself bc Rickon died? I thought he had come too far to fall for that.

He was trying to single handedly save Rickon. It was Ramsey's plan. Once he lured Jon out there, he killed Rickon, and got the cavalry to charge. Jon was caught and he knew it.

Jon didn't realize his men, out of loyalty for him, would see this and charge on them to save him. He was resigned to his fate.
McInnis 03
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Yeah, tough to lose another Stark, but this one didn't carry a lot of weight

Agreed. I don't like losing him but since he has barely been around it didn't sting as bad as the others.

Maybe there wasn't the personal connection, but his death carries the most weight. The show has effectively ended the Stark line. Bran will never have kids, and Jon is either a Targaryen, or still a bast.rd.
I wonder if Bran wouldn't get a wife, have someone get her with child, and continue the Stark line in name and in secret.
McInnis 03
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So weren't brienne and pod hung by LSH at the end of the last book? I'm hoping this doesn't happen somehow in the next episode. Where did Sansa send her? I can't remember. I didn't include them in my death pool and now I'm thinking I should've.
Brienne and Pod were hanged, but Brienne was able to mutter a word that got LSH to let her down. "Sword".

Brienne's current task in the books (at the end of book 5) is to find Jaime and kill him.
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How did Sansa & crew manage to tie Ramsay up to the chair, open up the dog pens slightly & then get out of the "common" area & lock the door without those dogs attacking them? /thisshowissounrealtistic
Zombie Jon Snow
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Tormund biting out the Small Jon's throat was the most badass moment in the entire series, IMO.
Yes, although Jon beating Ramsay down like the little beech he is was pretty nice too. No swords, just a worthless bully getting some of his own back.
But Ramsay wanted the beating. That is why Jon stopped and didn't kill him. He remembered Sansa telling him not to do what Ramsay wanted.

Granted he would have save a lot of his men if he had remembered that to begin with.

Disagree. Thats not why Jon stopped....and they said it in the behind the scenes thing. He simply thought it was her fight too and with everything she had been through she deserved to get her revenge. So then you see her later ask "where is he", and Jon obviously tells her because she goes there (or takes him from wherever he is) to the kennels.

If you notice by the way it is at least a while later. the battle started in the morning and presumably was over within hours...and it was daylight when Jon is beating Ramsay in the courtyard of WF. But later when she is in the kennels it is dark outside behind her - remember we've seen this place before when Ramsay brought people there including Fat Walda and you could see daylight in the area outside the kennels. In this case it was dark and torches were lit.

Jon let Sansa get the final revenge her way.
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Most likely to happen with Dany?

1) Dany actually sets sail for Westeros and the Iron Islands either in episode 6.10 or 7.1 and then confronts Euron on the Island Irons

2) confrontation with Euron will happen at sea and we get an epic sea battle

3) Dany counts the ships, realizes they still don't have enough, and we're still waiting in Meereen for Euron to show up


Feel like we will get a bunch of hard decisions from Jon next episode. Stick with Sansa and now LF? Also will he have to choose between Davos and Mel after their confrontation upcoming next week? He could go anywhere on the board now. He doesn't strike me as the type to stay at Winterfell. Maybe his next plot is to try and raise armies and support against the WW across Westeros?
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Idk about most likely but I want an epic sea battle next season. We haven't seen that and it would be awesome
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How did Sansa & crew manage to tie Ramsay up to the chair, open up the dog pens slightly & then get out of the "common" area & lock the door without those dogs attacking them? /thisshowissounrealtistic

My question as well
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Plus, you know of know he's going to die terribly because he's Cersei's kid.
I think Cersei herself will kill Tommen. She's realized he's weak.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Idk about most likely but I want an epic sea battle next season. We haven't seen that and it would be awesome


Would be interesting because the Dothraki are not seamen and what with their fear and their horses they are not equipped for that. But maybe Theon and Yara have enough experience and with their sailors...who knows.

Irony would be all of this prep and buildup and Dany and her entire army are drowned on the way to Westeros. lol.

Its GRRM....anything is possible.

Of course......dragons may intervene on their behalf again.

I have the feeling though that it will be more of a threat and negotiation and truce to also use Eurons ships.

Also I noticed Tyrion said with the ships they brought they might have enough. Could be that they sail across in 2 groups and one of them is wiped out cutting their army in half.
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Maybe all of the cage doors open on a sliding pin or something. Or they had him in a back room from the gates to the common area and could release then to get up to the common area. Or maybe they threw some food to them to get them away from the doors, etc. So many options.
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How did Sansa & crew manage to tie Ramsay up to the chair, open up the dog pens slightly & then get out of the "common" area & lock the door without those dogs attacking them? /thisshowissounrealtistic
Also, right before Ramsay died, Sansa told him, "You said it yourself, you hadn't fed your hounds in 7 days."

But when Ramsay had originally said that to Jon, Sansa had already ridden away on her horse.
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