843,300 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
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This picture was supposedly in the show?
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It's one of the released photos for Sunday's episode. Each week HBO releases some photos (for media I assume) and this is one of them for "No one."
Zombie Jon Snow
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This picture was supposedly in the show?

As someone else said they are HBO released still promo photos.


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Looking at the geography of North of the Wall, the WW are certainly wandering around from Hardhome to the Fist of Men.
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Well, apparently they don't go into water or else they would have chased after Jon and his ships. But he only knows Jon got in boats and left the coast. They don't know which direction Jon went or if he's on a different continent. Also, I understand the original WW actor being the same actor as the current Night King, but to the casual fan, I don't think it was spelled out in exact words that this was the same WW and he has been in many battles with the humans spanning thousands of years.

Look, I'm not saying that I know the Night King is oblivious to people being on the other side of the wall, I'm just saying THE SHOW hasn't told us otherwise, thus far. And IF the Night King IS the same as the one who fought the humans thousands of years ago, before the wall, then he of all people knows how difficult it is to defeat the humans (since they lost last time and were fought back to hiding in the north). He's probably being extra cautious this time around and making sure to wait until the dead winter when it is most advantageous.
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Well right now only a few people actually believe the white walkers are real. If they wait too much longer that number is going to continue to grow and the people are going to be way more prepared, especially if Jon Snow takes power in the north.

I do wonder if they're waiting for winter to continue to arrive, but I was under the impression that their presence sort of causes the cold. Maybe not causes it, but at least contributes to it.
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One thing that I've been curious about: in the episode where the WW attack the cave with Meera, Bran, and the Three-Eyed Raven, Bran makes contact with the Night's King, then wakes up from his vision and within a couple of minutes the WW and their army of wights are standing right outside.

Did they just happen to be nearby? Can they teleport somehow? Or was time distorted while Bran was in the vision and days or weeks passed before he woke up after the Night's King touched him?

I haven't gone back to rewatch the episode so maybe I am just not remembering the sequence of events correctly.
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One thing that I've been curious about: in the episode where the WW attack the cave with Meera, Bran, and the Three-Eyed Raven, Bran makes contact with the Night's King, then wakes up from his vision and within a couple of minutes the WW and their army of wights are standing right outside.

Did they just happen to be nearby? Can they teleport somehow? Or was time distorted while Bran was in the vision and days or weeks passed before he woke up after the Night's King touched him?

I haven't gone back to rewatch the episode so maybe I am just not remembering the sequence of events correctly.
It wasn't a couple of minutes. Bran had the Night King vision earlier in the episode/day and later on the WW arrived at the cave.
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No one has mentioned it but I'm pretty sure the tree with the circular stones aminating from it is the tree they were in with the TER.

I think they were already near by
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One thing that I've been curious about: in the episode where the WW attack the cave with Meera, Bran, and the Three-Eyed Raven, Bran makes contact with the Night's King, then wakes up from his vision and within a couple of minutes the WW and their army of wights are standing right outside.

Did they just happen to be nearby? Can they teleport somehow? Or was time distorted while Bran was in the vision and days or weeks passed before he woke up after the Night's King touched him?

I haven't gone back to rewatch the episode so maybe I am just not remembering the sequence of events correctly.
I re-watched it with this in mind and there is a break in time between Bran waking up and the Night King making it to the door. They wake up Hodor and Meera and say "you must go, now" and then Bran and 3ER go back under. Then it cuts to Meera finishing packing things and talking to Hodor pretty casually about things they miss down south and that's when Meera notices it getting substantially colder, signaling that the WWs have arrived.
Urban Ag
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There has to be something about the wall on the show or else the WW are just taking their sweet ass time.
Hey, we're in the dark too. It's boring as hell and colder than sh** up here. Finish the f***ing book George!

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No one has mentioned it but I'm pretty sure the tree with the circular stones aminating from it is the tree they were in with the TER.

I think they were already near by
Different trees, I looked at this as well and during the attack, it shows an overhead view of the tree the TER is under. It is kind of on the side of a cliff (hence the network of caves). Definitely a different tree than the one in the open field with the stones around it. Maybe someone has a map showing the distance between the two, but definitely different trees.
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Ya that makes a lot more sense.
marble rye
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Pam, few days late but I apologize for going off on you. Must've been having a bad day.

Same here. Bygones. TGIF
Urban Ag
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One thing that I've been curious about: in the episode where the WW attack the cave with Meera, Bran, and the Three-Eyed Raven, Bran makes contact with the Night's King, then wakes up from his vision and within a couple of minutes the WW and their army of wights are standing right outside.

Did they just happen to be nearby? Can they teleport somehow? Or was time distorted while Bran was in the vision and days or weeks passed before he woke up after the Night's King touched him?

I haven't gone back to rewatch the episode so maybe I am just not remembering the sequence of events correctly.
I re-watched it with this in mind and there is a break in time between Bran waking up and the Night King making it to the door. They wake up Hodor and Meera and say "you must go, now" and then Bran and 3ER go back under. Then it cuts to Meera finishing packing things and talking to Hodor pretty casually about things they miss down south and that's when Meera notices it getting substantially colder, signaling that the WWs have arrived.
My guess is that they were close by.
The WW seem to already know that the tree/cave is where they are as they had wights posted there waiting to attack Bran and Co showed up in the first place. They knew the COTF and the Three Eyed Raven were there and Bran was coming.
It seems like the Night's King has the ability to lure Bran in with his visions.

I think it was a trap/Ackbar! They knew where Bran was, massed close by, then the Night's King lured Bran in to a vision.
marble rye
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I thought it was day in the vision where TNK touches him, and then night when they arrived. At least some time passed?
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Close by, most definitely. But still different trees. A specific trap though? No way.

Those wights that were at the cave when Bran and crew showed up were old ass skeletons. They had been wights for a long time and were probably put on patrol of the cave long ago. I agree that the Night King saw Bran and immediately knew he was in cahoots with the TER, so that's why he grabbed him (knew that would break the spell and let them into the cave) then he immediately knew to march to the TER tree. But I think that was incidental. He didn't know Bran was headed to the cave before or he would have had a full army there instead of 4-5 old ass sentry wights. Also, when Bran showed up to look at the army, they were just sitting there, not moving at all. Like they were waiting in their holding place until they had a mission to move on. The Night King saw Bran (still not sure how) and suddenly they all had a mission to accomplish.
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I thought it was day in the vision where TNK touches him, and then night when they arrived. At least some time passed?
This is actually a good point. I hadn't looked to see the time of day in the different scenes. That is, if you could even tell with it being in a cave and constantly cloudy and cold there. It is POSSIBLE that Bran went back 3-4 days into the past when the Night King touched him, thus leaving the army 3-4 days of marching time before reaching the cave. Not likely, but it is POSSIBLE considering they didn't really fill us in on the details.
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Someone asked for crazy ass theories earlier, so here's one. Littlefinger, the rat, knows the white walkers are real. He is in cahoots with them, and is giving them feedback about they political/warring chaos in the lands south of the wall. That's why they are waiting. Let a few more major houses get themselves obliterated and then waltz in with the dead of winter and finishing bending the world over. Littlefinger just wants to see it all burn, anyway. He probably has a deal with them like Craster.

By the way, in the books, at this point, it's already snowing in Kings landing. Practically still summer there in the show.
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The shadowy figure also looks like it's digitally inserted into the photo or else the lighting is really bizarre. It's not just a shadow because it has some details you can see.

They've done digital edits to promo material before. Last season Tyrian was edited out of previews showing everyone in the fighting pits as the harpys attacked
Swing Your Saber
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33% It's her wearing armor & prosthetic X to make it seem she's injured.
33% It's not her but someone wearing her face
33% Something else entirely (probably not listed on this board)
.9% It's actually her & she is seriously injured
>.1% "Fight Club"

Swing Your Saber
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No reason to think this is on tap but I hope Sansa or LF write an aggressive letter to Ramsey drawing him out. Winterfell is a fortress & Ramsey has a significant numerical advantage. Play to his major character flaws inciting him to leave his defensive position & attack potentially dug in defenders in what Davos called "an ideal defensive position."

I think this would be cool, I don't think it's happening just that's how I would write it.
Swing Your Saber
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There could have been a week or more between Bran getting touched by the NK & the attack on the tree. The show producers & writers have repeatedly said episode time lines don't align. This past Bravos storyline covered a day, while the North covered weeks. There was a break of indeterminate time between Bran getting touched & the attack. That said I think it was probably 1-10 days. Not terribly long but enough to gain some crucial guidance.
Swing Your Saber
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GRRM is an old anti war super feminist liberal hippy & has consistently & repeatedly used "other" to refer to a cultures or protagonists misunderstood enemies. The "others" are always either: the good guys & our POV has a skewed perception; or equally complicated & at fault organisms who are morally neither worse nor better than the protagonist. I'm not sure the show fully delves in to the backstory but I doubt they leave them as just this great evil force. I expect us to learn they have some legitimate & understandable motivations which will play in to the resolution & explain there behavior.
Swing Your Saber
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I do think the three guys who rode up on the Hounds group & demanded protection money were members of the Brotherhood Without Banners; however I hope the raid was conducted by another band of outlaws. Possibly the ones the Brotherhood warned against. Nothing in the show really suggests this. This board even pointed out the Deadwood Septon was hung per LSH's MO. Maybe he was a Frey? Either way I disliked LSH in the books & liked the Robin Hood element of the BWB, so hope the show keeps out LSH & keeps the BWB good; however, I expect the BWB have gone bad.
Swing Your Saber
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I'm as in the dark as you about the Nights King's personal knowledge; however, from a story telling perspective I think he knows. I imagine he is biding his time for the best time to attack, or has some completely different motivation we don't know/understand yet.

Also, even if it's a new "young" NK &/or WWs don't have legends/memories about what's south of the wall, he probably knows Nights Watch are on top of the Wall & come out of the wall. He may think they live in the wall, but I imagine he would believe they reside south. Ultimately either due to long lives/memory, cultural memory, or other magical means I think the WWs know there is stuff beyond the wall.
Swing Your Saber
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I agree 100%.

It's three years to late to be introducing LSH. I also think what works* in the books does not always work in the show. They need to consolidate & simplify a lot.

* I am in the minority but I disliked LSH in the books. Mostly because I liked the BWB as good guys & disliked the transformation. It makes for compelling drama, but I don't like it.
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Wrong thread.
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Sources close to the Warriors say they are absolutely planning to return the entire team and if that means matching a crazy offer sheet, the Warriors a prepared to do that.
I hope we plan on making them to do it.

Do the Westorosi have B-Ball teams?? Dibs on The Dreadfort Doublecrossers
Brian Earl Spilner
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Westeros All-Stars:
Jon Snow
Davos Seaworth
Zombie Mountain
Jamie Lannister & Bronn (They really go hand in hand, don't they?)
The Hound


Essos All-Stars:
Danaerys Targaryen
Daario Naharis
Jorah Mormont
Tyrion Lannister
Jaqen H'ghar

Who you got?
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Gray Worm got snubbed.
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Gray Worm got snubbed.

Grey Worm is first off the bench.
Company I-1, Ord-Ords '85 -12thFan and Websider-
Zombie Jon Snow
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Westeros All-Stars:
Jon Snow
Davos Seaworth
Zombie Mountain
Jamie Lannister & Bronn (They really go hand in hand, don't they?)
The Hound


Essos All-Stars:
Danaerys Targaryen
Daario Naharis
Jorah Mormont
Tyrion Lannister
Jaqen H'ghar

Who you got?
if they are playing bball....essos has a serious height issue, the west is huge.

if it's war/battle then give me Dany and her dragons. don't care who "starts"!!!!!!

Brian Earl Spilner
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No dragons of course. That just wouldn't be fair.
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What are the rules of face swapping again? Did we decide if you get their physical stature? If not, Zombie Mountain is dominating the paint like 2000 Shaq.
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