843,336 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
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I don't think they're talking about Sansa's letter. They're talking about Grandma Tyrell's letter that she was writing when she was talking to Cersei.
Al Bula
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Wow, that is probably the most idiotic theory out there yet. I've said it before and I will say it again: These basement dwelling retarts who dream up this stuff have been exacerbated by a writer who can't finish the damn story in less than 20 years.

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Wow, that is probably the most idiotic theory out there yet. I've said it before and I will say it again: These basement dwelling retarts who dream up this stuff have been exacerbated by a writer who can't finish the damn story in less than 20 years.

You haven't read the most idiotic theory until you've read this one that circulated around a while back


Please GRRM. Finish the books. For the sanity of your fans.
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That's the dumbest theory I've ever read
Zombie Jon Snow
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Interesting. Why? Are they said to have magical properties?

Down the rabbit hole of ASOIAF boards that incorporate all of the history and Dunk and Egg books...

It is said that he morphed into the rubies before dying and his magic lives in them...king's blood. Idk. It's crazy.

And I was mistaken. Rubies from his breast plate not his shield. There were 7 of them. There's that number tho...7...of the faith and also how many Targs:

"We have found silver cups and iron pots, sacks of wool and bolts of silk, rusted helms and shining swords... aye, and rubies."
That interested Ser Hyle. "Rhaegar's rubies?"
"It may be. Who can say? The battle was long leagues from here, but the river is tireless and patient. Six have been found. We are all waiting for the seventh."

If you recall the woods witch prophecy about the PtwP, she claimed it would come from the line of Aerys II and Rhaella. Well, it turns out that there have been six products of that union that are known in-story:
The seventh is Jon Snow.


I find these threads interesting but boggles my mind how much detail some have. Where do they find the time??

Well the Aerys II and Rhaella offspring list there does not include a few:

Shaena - a girl who was stillborn
Daeron - a buy who lived half a year
Unnamed - another stillborn child
Jaehaerys - another boy lived less than a year

and there were 2 Aegons but only 1 is listed
Aegon - son of Rhaella and Aerys II
Aegon - son of Rhaegar and Elia Martell (like Rhaenys who is listed above)

Rhaego - is listed above but was also stillborn, so why would he be listed and not the others, or the ones who lived briefly.

And for that matter you are not listing 2 that died of natural causes before they were 1, but you are listing 2 that died at 3 and 2 years old respectively (Rhaenys and Aegon killed during the sack of KL).

So only IF you are just listing the non stillborn and those who lived past 1 year old do you come up with 6 and the 6 are actually in order

Children of Aerys II and Rhaella
Children of Rhaegar and Elia

There are 5 not counted that way who were stillborn or died as babies - Shaena, Daeron, Unnnamed, Jaehaerys, Rhaego.

Thats a lot of convenient counting to come up with 6. I count 11, or 8 that were live birth anyway.

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Well that's 2 minutes I'll never get back...
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They only had found 6 rubies so far, there werent only 6 or 7 total
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I kept expecting Olenna to get a sword across her neck with the mountain backing Cercei up in that scene. I think Olenna meets her demise soon.
Holy ****, no ****.

I was writing her off right then and there. What a pair of stones she has.

I can't imagine she gets out of KL alive/unarrested by the HS.
I mean, Cerci has ZERO friends left in KL. She comes crawling to Olenna begging her to stay around and team up with her. I didn't really expect her to turn around and kill the ONE person she was trying to get/keep on her side.

Cersei looked worse than the Hound after those burns Olenna was issuing. Olenna could apply for the CEO of the Alchemist's Guild after dishing out the "I wonder if you're the worst person I've ever met...then again you live long enough you remember the truly vile ones" scorcher.

I was fully expecting her to turn to Zombie mountain and ask him to take the bloom off her wrinkled, sizzling ass. No one has thrown it in her face that she was the reason for her own, as well as her family's demise quite as brazenly as the Queen of Thorns did in that scene. Just brutal.

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I kept expecting Olenna to get a sword across her neck with the mountain backing Cercei up in that scene. I think Olenna meets her demise soon.
Holy ****, no ****.

I was writing her off right then and there. What a pair of stones she has.

I can't imagine she gets out of KL alive/unarrested by the HS.
I mean, Cerci has ZERO friends left in KL. She comes crawling to Olenna begging her to stay around and team up with her. I didn't really expect her to turn around and kill the ONE person she was trying to get/keep on her side.

Cersei looked worse than the Hound after those burns Olenna was issuing. Olenna could apply for the CEO of the Alchemist's Guild after dishing out the "I wonder if you're the worst person I've ever met...then again you live long enough you remember the truly vile ones" scorcher.

I was fully expecting her to turn to Zombie mountain and ask him to take the bloom off her wrinkled, sizzling ass. No one has thrown it in her face that she was the reason for her own, as well as her family's demise quite as brazenly as the Queen of Thorns did in that scene. Just brutal.

I really enjoyed this scene.
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I really enjoyed this scene.

Between that one and the Blackfish totally undressing a dapper-as-**** Jamie Lannister, the golden twins took one on the diplomacy chin this episode. Spectacular diction writing.
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You haven't read the most idiotic theory until you've read this one that circulated around a while back


Please GRRM. Finish the books. For the sanity of your fans.
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I was trying to think of whom Lady Crane might work for. It is too late to introduce a mysterious new faction, but I think two possibilities are already out there, the Lord of Light and the Iron Bank.

R'hllor's only interest would be the fact that she is a Stark. I think R'hllor likes Starks. But, I don't think Jaqen and R'hllor are feuding, so that probably isn't it. And, I don't think R'hllor is in the market for FM-trained assassins.

The Iron Bank is a whole different matter. The IB wants somebody in charge who will start making payments on the money loaned to Robert, Joff, Stannis, and Jon. A Westerosi highborn girl with FM training could certainly help clear the way. They can't afford FM, but they can steal them. And, if Lady Crane is an IB operative who recruits FM to switch employers, then Jaqen would certainly want her dead.

Amongst the Braavosi powerbrokers, it can't be that big of a secret that the FM have recruited a highborn Westerosi girl. Did Lady Crane take the part in the play knowing the subject matter might draw out her target? Arya shows up at the play 3 times, Lady Crane recognizes what she is, flips her, "kills" her for identity protection, and ships her to Westeros.

Partially disagree with the bolded statement. If the Iron Bank can't afford a FM, who can? If the FM were actually hired by the backup actress to kill Lady Crane, you'd think that the IB could afford to do so as well. Unless, the backup actress (understudy?) pledged her life after a certain time period or something like that.
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I really enjoyed this scene.

Between that one and the Blackfish totally undressing a dapper-as-**** Jamie Lannister, the golden twins took one on the diplomacy chin this episode. Spectacular diction writing.
Urban Ag
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Enjoyed the last episode but it's weeks like this that I am glad that I don't give a crap about the Arya story arc, didn't when reading it, and don't in the show. Arya is the ultimate GOT example of GRRM writing himself in to a corner. It's Quentyn times five books and six seasons. I like the character and I think Maisey is outstanding at capturing Arya on screen, but the story has gone nowhere and IMO, ultimately will offer nothing of substance, at least not at the level of carrying it through so many chapters and episodes.

And the Arya/Hound "gonna hook up" discussion may in fact be "discussion" but it's weapons grade stupid discussion.
Thomas Ford 91
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If the Iron Bank can't afford a FM, who can?

The FM standard fee appears to be 66-75% of your assets or something very valuable to you. The fee system is set up to avoid serving the rich and powerful. So, the IB is actually one of the few entities that cannot afford to hire FM.
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Then I guess you are grateful for the very basic scroll feature on your computer!
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Enjoyed the last episode but it's weeks like this that I am glad that I don't give a crap about the Arya story arc, didn't when reading it, and don't in the show. Arya is the ultimate GOT example of GRRM writing himself in to a corner. It's Quentyn times five books and six seasons. I like the character and I think Maisey is outstanding at capturing Arya on screen, but the story has gone nowhere and IMO, ultimately will offer nothing of substance, at least not at the level of carrying it through so many chapters and episodes.
The thing is, we all said this for years with the Bran stuff but then it gave us an INCREDIBLE addition to the storyline. We were suddenly able to go back in time, see things that happened in the past, and interact with the present day in ways we hadn't expected. The jury is still out on Arya's storyline, but I'd be careful dismissing it as useless when we saw how useful Bran's storyline eventually turned out to be.

Also, you can't just blame Arya's storyline for the first few seasons of her travelling with the Hound because that was character development for the HOUND as well, and that's paying off right now as we see the Hound making a return.
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If the Iron Bank can't afford a FM, who can?

The FM standard fee appears to be 66-75% of your assets or something very valuable to you. The fee system is set up to avoid serving the rich and powerful. So, the IB is actually one of the few entities that cannot afford to hire FM.
My take from the Books is that the Iron Bank and the Faceless Men worked hand in hand to found or develop Braavos. If you don't pay your debts to the Iron Bank, they fund your enemies and/or a Faceless Man takes you out. The Faceless Men also do assassinations for profit, but you're right, they take pretty much everything you value in order to do it.
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If the Iron Bank can't afford a FM, who can?

The FM standard fee appears to be 66-75% of your assets or something very valuable to you. The fee system is set up to avoid serving the rich and powerful. So, the IB is actually one of the few entities that cannot afford to hire FM.
Ah. Did not know that. Thanks for the information.
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Not to add to the Arya tin foil that has been beat to death...but..


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Why on earth does everyone care so much about Syrio? He wasn't that interesting and was so minor it doesn't matter.
Brian Earl Spilner
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The same could be said about Benjen.
Tree Hugger
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I thought he was(is) a great character
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Why on earth does everyone care so much about Syrio? He wasn't that interesting and was so minor it doesn't matter.
Because we don't like loose ends. We did not see him die and no one ever mentioned his death on the show in any follow up episodes. Did he die or not?
Company I-1, Ord-Ords '85 -12thFan and Websider-
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Not to add to the Arya tin foil that has been beat to death...but..


God dammit...
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The show has too many loose ends already. Reintrodcing a character who has nothing to do with moving the plot forward is simply not going to happen.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Have to admit the ruby thing from Rhaegar's armor thing sounds kind of cool. But it also seems extremely random.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Dat cape tho.
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CAN NOT WAIT for "I choose violence"

Mountain is gonna bring the pain on those zealots.
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Have to admit the ruby thing from Rhaegar's armor thing sounds kind of cool. But it also seems extremely random.
Given that Melisandre is revealed to be old af, I'm guessing she had her ruby for a lot longer than Rhaegar has been dead. I doubt very much any of the rubies on Rhaegar's armor are magical or important.
Thomas Ford 91
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Not to add to the Arya tin foil that has been beat to death...but..


God dammit...
"Syrio Forel" is an anagram for "I Ferry Solo".
Who do we know that is alone in a boat?
Syrio Forel is also an anagram for "Sir Foolery".
The Faceless Men change their faces to fool people into believing they are someone they are not.
Syrio is a Faceless Man who took the face of Gendry before leaving Kings Landing with the Nights Watch recruits, and then rowed his way back to Braavos to save Arya confirmed.
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Sir Foolery...so awesome
Urban Ag
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Syrio is just a guy that Eddard hired to teach his daughter swordsmanship because she was driving him crazy in King's Landing causing trouble while he was trying to do his day job. That's it. The Lannister's killed the summer break tennis coach.
Thomas Ford 91
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"Syrio's" leg is bent at an angle that suggests he is walking in the opposite direction from the Waif. Which is exactly what I'd do if I turned a corner and nearly ran into a girl with a dagger in her hand standing in the archway. I'd take the next archway.
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