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Arya is headed back to KL to finish off her list.
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I like last night eps .. felt like it setup all the pieces very well. A few key words like "Brother without Banners".. reminded you that the Riverland is still being torn.. it also showed that the Riverland houses haven't forgiven the Frey's.

Arya remembers that she is a Stark... I expect her to take her training and return to finish her list.

By the end of this season, I hope that John, Sansa, LF, Araya w/ Vale, Riverland and loyal Northern army vs Bolton, Frey, and Lannister.. with Jamie being the pivot point. The funny part is that after all the army are massacre .. that when the wall comes down when Bran crosses the wall again... with no real army of men left.. they are owned by the dead who just get stronger. ( I wonder if there is a limit to how many undead can be controlled by the WW?)
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Was Jaime kicked out of the Kingsguard entirely or just removed as it's Lord Commander and put in command of the Crown's army?
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It looks like they removed him from his armor, and the new KGs were sporting a seven pointed star on the breast plate.

Also, found his:
Breakdown of Bran's history lesson...

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So now that Jamie is no longer in the Kingsguard, does he become Lord of Casterly Rock?
This is setting up well to my theory that Jamie will impregnate Brienne, later die, and ultimately Brienne will sit as Regent of Casterly Rock while her son from Jamie grows up. We shall see.

That sounds so bad that it might just actually happen.
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So now that Jamie is no longer in the Kingsguard, does he become Lord of Casterly Rock?
This is setting up well to my theory that Jamie will impregnate Brienne, later die, and ultimately Brienne will sit as Regent of Casterly Rock while her son from Jamie grows up. We shall see.

That sounds so bad that it might just actually happen.
Tormund kills Jaime in this scenario.
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I find it interesting that Cersei has now let Tommen be controlled by both the High Sparrow and Margaery. I don't get her angle. She's all "we'll take what's ours!" And then has an awko incest moment. I guess it's better than her flying off the handle in the previous seasons--or does she still believe her future = all kids are dead, so she's distancing herself?

Also... Heck yes Benjen!!!
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...Also, I figured Sam took that blade because it's Valyrian Steel, and they'll need all of that they can get for the white walkers... Plus it probably felt damn good to Sam to take something that is rightfully his. And wouldn't it be interesting if Tarly tracked down his sword (perhaps Sam took it down and will immediately send it to the Wall?) and they see White Walkers? Prob won't happen... But I'd love to see that stupid smirk get wiped off of ****on Tarly's face when he sees the Night's King roll up with his entourage.
Brock Sampson
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apologies if this is ridiculous, but a friend tonight mentioned a theory he read about bran. basically bran somehow tries to go back and warn the mad king to burn bodies to prevent them from turning to wights, but he misunderstands, thus "burn them all." granted this is a bit of a stretch, but its worth considering given what we saw tonight. just wanted to throw it out there for any opinions.

I've thought of something similar. Maybe we see another Hodor moment where Bran is in the past and hears somebody yelling "burn them all" talking about the wights. It might be Danaerys with her dragons? Interesting theories if anything else.
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So a fat guy slowed down with a woman and a baby steals a priceless Valyrian sword and is somehow going to get faster to the citadel than his pissed of warrior father, who will likely chase him to the ends of the earth to get such a valuable relic back? And when his father with a bunch of warriors at his bag catches up with him, how exactly is Ser Piggy going to stop him?

I do not mind the show going off on a tangent. I really object to half assed plot development.
Okay so it seems like you're a fairly level headed book reader, and I pretty much agree with much of what you have said after this comment, but this comment seems like complaining just to complain. I don't know what you wanted of this scene since its not in the books might not ever be.
Yes this scene will not happen in the books because Randall Tarly is in the Riverlands with said sword.

My guess they wanted Sam to take the sword to fight white walkers....my problem is that the show does not want to comprehend the consequences of his actions. He could have just left Horn Hill, and his father would not give a damn. But now he takes the sword with the macho line of him wanting to see his father (who he could not stand up to at dinner) take the sword back.

This is not the first time the show has done something illogical.

A couple of seasons ago the Hound has brought Arya all the way up to the Bloody Gate to meet her aunt (not in the books, but no matter). What they could have just done is have her find out her aunt is dead and break out into that hysterical laugh she does in the show. But noooo...they tell the knights of the Vale "This is Arya Stark". This is the daughter of one of the most prominent noblemen in the Seven Kingdoms with a blood claim to the North....and they evidently just let her walk away after apologizing that her aunt is dead. Seriously???

"A man without a belly is like a house without a balcony"
- Old Turkish saying
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This "theory" is ridiculous and should be completely disregarded, but wouldn't it be cool if Cersei took out Tommen herself? She "knows" he's going to die anyway because of Maggie the Frog's prophesy. She has a deep well of bitterness against the Faith and the High Sparrow, who Tommen has sided with over her.

Her love for her kids is her only redeeming quality, so that would mean she has sunk to a lower depth of hatred than we could have imagined. It would be one of those shocking moments GOT is known for.

Cersei's character is at her best when she's bat-s*** crazy. I'd like to see her go out like the Mad King. She gains power in Kings Landing with an enraged kill-them-all mentality until she's put down by the valanquar.
Streetfighter 02
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Daario seemed to be the only one not cheering for Dany. In each scene he is very reserved as opposed to the Dothraki. Is there a betrayal in the works here?
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Long been rumored that he is on of the major leaders of sons of the harpy.
Thomas Ford 91
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Sam taking the sword seems to be "rebellious mildly disturbed teen takes parent's prized possession". To us viewers, it makes no sense. But, it will somehow work out for Sam. We've all watched this become some sort of parent/child bonding experience, at least a thousand times.

It would make a lot of sense if he took it back to the Wall to force the Kingdom's most respected military leader to come take it back and perhaps witness the WW. But, that isn't what he's doing.

By the way, how is it that this society can design and build these fantastical palaces like Horn Hill (owned by a minor house), yet the road to this fantastical palace is two dirt ruts? Not even a proper dirt road. Just a wagon path.

Saw this on reddit, thought it was funny...
Your sword Heartsbane is in Winterfell
Come and see.
My wilding ******* plays with it on the floor
Come and see.
Samwell Tarly
True Lord of Horn Hill
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Re: Dany and Dario - I noticed that too. He pointed out that she's a conqueror - and left out the obvious point that she's an awful ruler. A general, not a king.

Her speech to the Dothraki was this perfectly illustrated. She wants to cross the sea to destroy Westeros, tear down their castles and armies. That's great - it's what conquerors do. But she's shown no capacity to lead a single city after upending their existing political structure. What in the world makes us think she can rule the 7 kingdoms effectively?
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Yes this scene will not happen in the books because Randall Tarly is in the Riverlands with said sword.

My guess they wanted Sam to take the sword to fight white walkers....my problem is that the show does not want to comprehend the consequences of his actions. He could have just left Horn Hill, and his father would not give a damn. But now he takes the sword with the macho line of him wanting to see his father (who he could not stand up to at dinner) take the sword back.

Sam tells Gilly right before he/they leave that he wasn't able to stand up for her because he didn't want his father to send her away. He was trying to get her and the baby a safer life and so he took the abuse from him at the table.

I did have similar thoughts regarding how Sam and Gilly would outrun or hide from his father though.
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How do you already know what the consequences of him taking the sword are? Did you screen future episodes?
Thomas Ford 91
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Your enemies build siege equipment locally, out of all those trees Sam describe.

Aggie Joe 93
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So are we going to get a born again Loras vs zombie mountain trial by combat for Cersie?
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No... Now that I think about it. I bet the Faith's champion is Tommen.
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No... Now that I think about it. I bet the Faith's champion is Tommen.

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The Champion has to agree to be Champion; I'll bet We still get Clegane-Bowl
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Trial by combat: Hound vs Mountain.
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Ya. Tommen as all in on the Faith right now. He feels like it is his duty to protect the faith.

Think about how this fulfills the prophecy...

Tommen is Faith's champion, mountain is cersi's. Mountain kills Tommen, (bingo all 3 of cersi's kids died before she does). Cersi's is grief stricken, etc... Jamie however is vengeful and angry.

Jamie ends up killing Cersiin anger, thus completely fulfilling the prophecy. Then he kills himself.
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So now that Jamie is no longer in the Kingsguard, does he become Lord of Casterly Rock?
This is setting up well to my theory that Jamie will impregnate Brienne, later die, and ultimately Brienne will sit as Regent of Casterly Rock while her son from Jamie grows up. We shall see.

So you'd break up Brimund just like that?

Cold hearted *******!
Thomas Ford 91
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Ya. Tommen as all in on the Faith right now. He feels like it is his duty to protect the faith.

Think about how this fulfills the prophecy...

Tommen is Faith's champion, mountain is cersi's. Mountain kills Tommen, (bingo all 3 of cersi's kids died before she does). Cersi's is grief stricken, etc... Jamie however is vengeful and angry.

Jamie ends up killing Cersiin anger, thus completely fulfilling the prophecy. Then he kills himself.
Although that would be awesome, it can't happen. The Mountain is Cersei's bodyguard, but he is also KingsGuard. He cannot fight the King. No one can strike the King, which is why Ned talked Robert out of the melee way back in Season 1.
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The king can do whatever he wants basically, and if he is so crazy about the faith now. I don't doubt that he could throw himself into the fray as Champion.

Cersi would have to be kept unaware of this though, otherwise she'd never let the mountain fight him.

Don't know what they overcome that wrinkle.
Thomas Ford 91
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Correct, the King can do whatever he wants. Everyone else is forbidden from striking the King.

Edit - This could work, if nobody knew it was Tommen. Like if he was wearing full armor and everyone assumed it was Lancel or somebody else. Jamie gets a little suspicious and demands the knight remove his helmet and identify himself. The HS replies that the Mountain must do the same. Jamie backs off. Thus, we get no identity.

There's some behind the scenes issues (The King not watching the fight, etc), but this could work.
I'm getting a little hyped.
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I don't think zombie mountain really knows what is going on... but we'll see.
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I don't think zombie mountain really knows what is going on... but we'll see.

Also he doesn't care about the rules in general; he is a weapon himself that simply fulfills whatever mission he has - he is pointed in a direction and destroys what needs destroying. Think about the opening jousting with Loras.

He wouldn't hesitate to kill Tommen; and if Cersei was the pointer and wound up killing Tommen she would take her life with grief; or murder-suicide the sparrow in the end.
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This idea is crazy. Tommen isn't going to fight as anyone's champion. He's a total wuss. Does he even know which end of the sword to hold? The only person Tommen could fight and it be interesting is Robin Arynn. That would make for excellent tv, so let's hope it happens!
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To completely fulfill the prophecy, a or her little brother must kill her.
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That's sort of the point. Tommen is going to be a pariah for the Faith (in his mind) expect that cannot happen.

Tommen is gonna die this season, this is a perfect way for it to happen.
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The prophecy is "the volanqar" not her volanqar ; so Tommen is the little brother (death through grief) The hound is the little brother (death by losing the trial by combat) .... Many possibilities.

Jon Snow is a little brother. Etc etc
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