875,041 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
The Dog Lord
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Man, a lot happened in that one. Euron's scene did more than half a book to make me care about the Iron Born.

Also, Dany is a 10. It is known.

Fake Sansa was worth the price of seeing the dong.

I actually thought the Euron scene was pretty ****ty compared to the books. So much more happens than a little speech. The character is also much more intriguing in the book.
Definitely Not A Cop
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I posted this over in the other thread, but I think it's more like the Terminator version of time travel. It's all one big loop that becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Not a Butterfly Effect version of time travel, where they can constantly go back and change things. All IMO of course.
Definitely Not A Cop
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And the whole time I was expecting him to start doing the mighty ducks chant.

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What an episode.

Pour one out for Hodor and Summer. Winter's here.
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My guess would be b/c he has knowledge of how to stop them.

In regard to the lord of light and Mel's belief that the white walkers serve the great other, I wonder more about what the old golds are that the CotF follow. Also, where in the north do you think it used to be that green, assuming it's the same tree seen in both Bran's visions?
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Right after the episode, the producers talked about how they met with GRRM to discuss details of the show and GRRM told them how Hodor "got his name" and died. So blame GRRM if you hate how Hodor went down.

Now I'm wondering if the butterfly effect with Hodor is/was just a one-time thing or if it will/has happened again?

I actually like the irony of the COTF creating the first WW to defend them (and the land?) against man, but in the end, man has to defeat the WW to save the land. It also gives the WW a history and doesn't just make them "pure evil". My question though is why did the WW care so much about killing the Three-Eyed Raven? Just because he was the leader of the COTF and the WW hated the COTF for turning them into WW? So now the WW are just a brutal force attacking everything, not just man?

Lastly, what did Varys hear in the flames?

If 3ER could change the past but just didn't have the power too currently, they might have feared he would stop the children from creating them if he ever regained strength. That power was now passed to Bran. That is if you believe they can change the past to fix the future.

As too what the flame said, we don't know. It was just described as a voice he heard from his box/crate/cell thing.
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This is from HBO's website:
Outside the door of the cave, Meera pulls the sledge into the blizzard, yelling for Hodor to "hold the door" against the relentless wights. As he does so, his past-self, Wylis - linked to him through Bran's powers - begins to repeat Meera's command. The dead grasp at Hodor, tearing at him, but he refuses to let them through, sacrificing himself to save his friends. In the past, Bran watches the convulsing young Wylis fuse "Hold the door" into one word: "Hodor." The only word he'll ever speak again
Pretty crazy how Bran could warg into present Hodor while seeing the past. That's Inception level stuff.
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I'm torn on Bran's ability to change the past vs fulfill the past. I think it would be a cop out for Bran to travel back and "fix everything". But somehow he has to fulfill a piece of the past now in the present, just like he did with Hodor, except on a much bigger scale. Maybe it's as simple as helping someone realize who they are or fulfill their own destiny.
Definitely Not A Cop
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On second thought, it's probably more like back to the future.

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On second thought, it's probably more like back to the future.

Where is Futurama?
Definitely Not A Cop
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I think it's just movies. I have no idea, was never a big fan of futurama.
Francis Macomber
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Alright, what the hell? They make such a big deal out of the direwolves early but they just die off in meaningless fashion.

No, they really didn't. Cracks me up everyone getting pissed about it. Summer had like maybe fifteen minutes of screen time in six seasons. Most people who didn't read the books (see more people than did) probably don't even remember the damn things name. Yet everyone's complaining it didn't get a good enough send off.

I doubt hardly any non-book readers care about Summer. They're all #holdthedoor after that episode, as they should be. That **** was powerful.
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Alright, what the hell? They make such a big deal out of the direwolves early but they just die off in meaningless fashion.

No, they really didn't. Cracks me up everyone getting pissed about. Summer had like maybe fifteen minutes of screen time. Most people who didn't read the books (see more people than did) probably don't even remember the damn things name. Yet everyone's complaining it didn't get a good enough send off.
I think the thing people are frustrated with is that they were supposed to be symbolic of the Starks and also powerful beasts.

Think about how they've died.

Lady - executed
Grey Wind - Shot while trapped in a cage
Sh****dog - Put down offscreen by the Umbers/mostly liked betrayed
Summer - Diving into a pile of wrights (granted this was a sacrifice to save Bran)

You don't see the show killing one of those damn dragons off. **** dragons. I want to see the wolves win some ****.
Francis Macomber
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So is Sansa pregnant? She said something to Littlefinger that made it seem that way to me. I'll need to rewatch to be sure.

Think she was talking butt secs and probably sticking things that don't belong in her nethers. Really hope he didn't disfigure her. Thought she was going to say he flayed her boobs or show she was missing a few fingers or something.
marble rye
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Direwolves are things of lore in ASOFAI world. Supposed to be big as horses. They are vastly underplayed by the show and most people just don't like seeing the "good dog friend" die.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Francis Macomber
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Direwolves are things of lore in ASOFAI world. Supposed to be big as horses. They are vastly underplayed by the show and most people just don't like seeing the "good dog friend" die.

I know that they are, I have read the books. Just accepted long ago that the show was going to down play the hell out of them.

I'm fairly certain Jon is going to warg into Ghost and that is going to play a big role in his resurrection in the books, but have they even shown Jon warging into Ghost at this point?

It is obvious they determined Dragons more important and probably more iconographic than direwolves and they've decided to spend budget on them rather than wolves.
Ol Jock 99
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Biggest thing I'm struggling with is Arya's motivation to become a Faceless Man. Give up all she has, including her list, to become a "no one" servant to some foreign death cult?
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This double posting is happening a bunch tonight.
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Biggest thing I'm struggling with is Arya's motivation to become a Faceless Man. Give up all she has, including her list, to become a "no one" servant to some foreign death cult?

I would say power. When she has the abilities to kill as a faceless man, she can enact revenge for her family. The way she portrays her training and answers, to me she is only playing them on to gain their abilities.
Brian Earl Spilner
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I think Arya went there because she was driven purely by revenge, and now she has to convince herself to believe she is no one in order to actually complete the training. I fully believe she doesn't truly buy into leaving her past behind.
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Direwolves are things of lore in ASOFAI world. Supposed to be big as horses. They are vastly underplayed by the show and most people just don't like seeing the "good dog friend" die.

This. The show has completely underestimated people's love for dogs. Spending the money on badass dire wolves would have gone a long way. Their f up of the wolves is really my only complaint. To have that take away from a "mind blown" amazing twist that was Hodor, is a shame.
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Normal WW can be killed with normal weapons, at least until they are revived again. Think back to the north battle of WW vs Wildlings. The dragon glass or a valyrian steel is only needed for the leaders. Which it looks like we are down to 3 maby?

Thanks, I had forgotten. Three sounds right. Because Ice was melted down for Oathkeeper and the other one that Joffrey had, and Jon's sword. That's all I can think of right now.
List of known Valyrian steel blades
Blades known to still exist:
Blades with known fates:
Blades with unknown fates:
Francis Macomber
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Btw, just want to tip the cap, the Hodor = Hold the door is just really great writing by Martin. Big time props for that.
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If Jorah live long enough to get back to Westros he gets Longclaw back.
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Speaking of Jorah, would they give him the burnt hand like Victarion? That's the only "cure" I could think of to keep him around, cause otherwise that was a lame end for him
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How long does it take to gather the forces of the Vale and march to Moat Cailin then to Mole's Hill or whatever? Maybe they should have had that Littlefinger scene in the Vale last season instead of last week?

Do they have to pass through the Twins to get to Riverrun and will we get a scene with the Freys this season?

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Speaking of Jorah, would they give him the burnt hand like Victarion? That's the only "cure" I could think of to keep him around, cause otherwise that was a lame end for him
Supposed to treat it in Vinegar. Which is sort of what Jon Connington is trying to do. I assume Ser Friendzone is done with the show.

"A man without a belly is like a house without a balcony"
- Old Turkish saying
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Alright, what the hell? They make such a big deal out of the direwolves early but they just die off in meaningless fashion.

No, they really didn't. Cracks me up everyone getting pissed about it. Summer had like maybe fifteen minutes of screen time in six seasons. Most people who didn't read the books (see more people than did) probably don't even remember the damn things name. Yet everyone's complaining it didn't get a good enough send off.

I doubt hardly any non-book readers care about Summer. They're all #holdthedoor after that episode, as they should be. That **** was powerful.
This is the book thread, jackass. In this thread, we love the direwolves, and they were made out to be a big deal with their connection to the Stark children.
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How long does it take to gather the forces of the Vale and march to Moat Cailin then to Mole's Hill or whatever? Maybe they should have had that Littlefinger scene in the Vale last season instead of last week?

Do they have to pass through the Twins to get to Riverrun and will we get a scene with the Freys this season?

They have westerosi transporters..so Brienne will be in Riverrun in two episodes. And the Iron Fleet will reach Mereen by the last episode of the season.
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Btw, just want to tip the cap, the Hodor = Hold the door is just really great writing by Martin. Big time props for that.

Exactly my thought. That was a plot bomb that completely changes the character for me. I love a truth that is out in the open but reveals something new when all the details are revealed. We all knew who Hodor was, but the why is a full paradigm shift. Excellent writing, I'm glad he was able to keep it ambiguous enough to have this massive reveal. I'd say this was as powerful a scene as any in the series, minor plot wise but still extremely powerful.

Also it's pathetic how much people get worked up over animals. In the show they are little more than fodder because they've taken the Stark children's collective warging ability. On Bran has it as the new 3er. So yeah I could care less with one of the wolves dies, so long as the wolf served a purpose(like holding off a horde of wights for a few seconds was good enough for me). The books I hold to a higher standard.

I like where Bran's story is going, I wonder where he will setup shop as the new 3er. Isle of faces anyone?

Also the Mereen Red Priestess, hot hot hot.
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Btw, just want to tip the cap, the Hodor = Hold the door is just really great writing by Martin. Big time props for that.

Exactly my thought. That was a plot bomb that completely changes the character for me. I love a truth that is out in the open but reveals something new when all the details are revealed. We all knew who Hodor was, but the why is a full paradigm shift. Excellent writing, I'm glad he was able to keep it ambiguous enough to have this massive reveal. I'd say this was as powerful a scene as any in the series, minor plot wise but still extremely powerful.

Also it's pathetic how much people get worked up over animals. In the show they are little more than fodder because they've taken the Stark children's collective warging ability. On Bran has it as the new 3er. So yeah I could care less with one of the wolves dies, so long as the wolf served a purpose(like holding off a horde of wights for a few seconds was good enough for me). The books I hold to a higher standard.

I like where Bran's story is going, I wonder where he will setup shop as the new 3er. Isle of faces anyone?

Also the Mereen Red Priestess, hot hot hot.
It's pathetic? Did you torture animals as a child?
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Btw, just want to tip the cap, the Hodor = Hold the door is just really great writing by Martin. Big time props for that.

Exactly my thought. That was a plot bomb that completely changes the character for me. I love a truth that is out in the open but reveals something new when all the details are revealed. We all knew who Hodor was, but the why is a full paradigm shift. Excellent writing, I'm glad he was able to keep it ambiguous enough to have this massive reveal. I'd say this was as powerful a scene as any in the series, minor plot wise but still extremely powerful.

Also it's pathetic how much people get worked up over animals. In the show they are little more than fodder because they've taken the Stark children's collective warging ability. On Bran has it as the new 3er. So yeah I could care less with one of the wolves dies, so long as the wolf served a purpose(like holding off a horde of wights for a few seconds was good enough for me). The books I hold to a higher standard.

I like where Bran's story is going, I wonder where he will setup shop as the new 3er. Isle of faces anyone?

Also the Mereen Red Priestess, hot hot hot.
It's pathetic? Did you torture animals as a child?
Exactly my point, being defensive over a very minor animal character dying while ignoring all the commentary over a human character prove my point. To put it simply I never got emotionally attached to my pets and other animals, nor do I understand why others do so. I just think it's sad/funny how so many people elevate animals over actual people, whether that be real life or fiction. Tonight was one of the coolest revelations about the ASOIAF universe and many are torn up because Bran's direwolf did what it was supposed to, it protected it's master to the bitter end. I honestly had the same reaction to that as I did to Leaf blowing up, a "that sucks", followed by "what's going to happen?".

...and no I didn't torture animals as a child. Just for the record.
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Btw, just want to tip the cap, the Hodor = Hold the door is just really great writing by Martin. Big time props for that.

Exactly my thought. That was a plot bomb that completely changes the character for me. I love a truth that is out in the open but reveals something new when all the details are revealed. We all knew who Hodor was, but the why is a full paradigm shift. Excellent writing, I'm glad he was able to keep it ambiguous enough to have this massive reveal. I'd say this was as powerful a scene as any in the series, minor plot wise but still extremely powerful.

Also it's pathetic how much people get worked up over animals. In the show they are little more than fodder because they've taken the Stark children's collective warging ability. On Bran has it as the new 3er. So yeah I could care less with one of the wolves dies, so long as the wolf served a purpose(like holding off a horde of wights for a few seconds was good enough for me). The books I hold to a higher standard.

I like where Bran's story is going, I wonder where he will setup shop as the new 3er. Isle of faces anyone?

Also the Mereen Red Priestess, hot hot hot.
It's pathetic? Did you torture animals as a child?
Exactly my point, being defensive over a very minor animal character dying while ignoring all the commentary over a human character prove my point. To put it simply I never got emotionally attached to my pets and other animals, nor do I understand why others do so. I just think it's sad/funny how so many people elevate animals over actual people, whether that be real life or fiction. Tonight was one of the coolest revelations about the ASOIAF universe and many are torn up because Bran's direwolf did what it was supposed to, it protected it's master to the bitter end. I honestly had the same reaction to that as I did to Leaf blowing up, a "that sucks", followed by "what's going to happen?".

...and no I didn't torture animals as a child. Just for the record.
I think that's why most people are pissed. Including myself. Storytelling wise I think GRRM missed a HUGE opportunity with the direwolves. A pack of near mythical baby creatures that have not been seen in hundreds of years and symbolically linked to each one of the Stark children.....only to have one minor story progression(attack on Joffrey), they are just being killed off for pretty much nothing. There is no meaning or story advancement for them dying. They could have been the dragons of the North. From a writing standpoint it is just kinda pointless fluff. Even tonight where Summer attacked the wights....it really was pointless. I promise they could have just as easily not have had that happen and still got the point across. Honestly, GRRM could have just not even created them and nobody would miss them. It just puzzles me tis all. GRRM has created one of the most amazing stories I could even imagine.....but looking at the direwolves specifically and objectively....that part is just lazy writing to me.

And the whole animals thing in general is purely subjective of course. I always get emotionally attached to my pets and other animals, and don't understand why others don't. I pretty much always elevate animals over people. In real life and fiction.

I also prefer mustard on my fries over ketchup.

Just saying...
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You've hit on the exact point though. This is a deconstruction of the fantasy genre that constantly turns the tropes and cliches of the genre on its head.

The wolves are symbols for the Starks, and like the Starks they often die/suffer for no greater meaning than there was a crappy situation they got into.

Most of the character deaths serve no cosmic purpose. There is rarely a greater nobility. Rather people die because that's what reality is like instead of the realm of fantasy.

Life is brutal and harsh. Horrible things happen to good people. Monstrous people succeed. Death often strikes the noble because the world is not concerned with balance and justice. We find such systems unfair, but the world does not owe us fairness.
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