842,504 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
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I think it comes down to how the only scenes loras has been in the last few years has either been him crying in a cell or rolling around with a naked boy. I honestly can't remember the last scene he's been in while wearing clothes before today's episode. How's that for character development...?
Urban Ag
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First, great episode. Awesome.

Second, never thought I would say this but props to HBO because they are finally moving the story forward. I gave up hope that GRRM would do it a couple of years ago. I really like where HBO is taking it, minus the Dorne fiasco.

I will eat crow now to Aggie Hank for my opinion that the Dany/Dothraki storyline was pure "filler" BS. It's getting good, yeah I admit I was wrong.

Finally sh** is happening. The Vale finally stepping in, hell yeah. The North about to explode, hell yeah. KL about to explode, hell yeah. Now all we need is the WW to march on the Wall. Good sh**.

Finally sh** is getting real.

And for baller - all the gayness is the books was purely speculation. Sans Cercei fingering Lady Merryweather, it was all speculation in the books. So blame HBO if the gay characters are all ****ed up and impotent. Gayness in HBO GTO has always been on their call. They have pushed it way over the limits of what the books provided,
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Great episode.

Lannisters are setting up Tyrells. They'll let Tyrell army take down the sparrow, then they'll have the king and his army take down the Tyrells to appease the mob that will form on the attack on the Faith.

They weaken or destroy Tyrells and they get rid of Sparrow. Win/win.
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I liked the part with boobs.
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Ok so something about Game of Thrones has been bugging me for a while, and it boiled over for me tonight. I need to vent about Loras Tyrell.

In the books, Loras is one of the strongest knights in the seven kingdoms. He's in love with Renly Baratheon, and gets very depressed when Renly dies. After his death, Loras goes celebate to avenge his love, determined to kill Stannis Baratheon. His face gets disfigured by fire during a battle at dragon stone.

In the show, Loras' sexuality defines him, and is plagued by gay stereotypes. Renly dies, and Loras can't stop hanging around the male ***** house to cope with his loss. His promiscuity is so strong, that he gets arrested by religious zealots over his unnatural behavior. This past episode, his tortire and imprisonment has driven him insane, and he's unable to take the punishment anymore.

Why did the show have to make him so weak, so promiscuous, and so shallow? I want Loras from the books, where being gay was a small part of a warriors life. Not a bar fly on cedar springs looking for his next *****.

Agree with this, it's pathetic that the show defines the character by his orientation but everybody has an agenda

As reference for who Loras was while the show was still following the books.

The man freaking brought down the Mountain in jousting and now he's broken and begging his sister to yield to the high sparrow. This is definitely not the Loras from the books.

On a side note it's funny to see how far Sansa has come from this scene. She goes from, "Daddy don't let the mean Mountain hurt Loras." to "The North is ours and we have to win it back and save Rickon because we're the Starks."
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Also Unburnt boobs continue to be the pinnacle of the show in terms of epicness. She really is more powerful than the great warriors of the world because like in the episode she can always light them on fire. It is super-human and she has used it quite effectively in terms of shock and awe to get followers.

Does anyone think this scene will happen in the books? We know it's more than the bs that GRRM said about it being a one time incident because she was unharmed in 3 different incidents in the books. Two of which were in season one with the first being the dragon eggs.
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Also the last Stark Sansa has seen was her father's beheading. It's been almost 5 seasons since she's been with family.
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The last we saw of book Dany was her and Drogon chowing down on a freshly roasted horse when a Khal and his riders found her. So I'm thinking the dragons will be hold more sway over the Dothraki than her being unburned. I don't think the original bonfire would have been as effective if she had emerged without the dragons.

Also, what happened to the show thread to get it locked?
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She has done away with their entire system of government. Just like in mereen, dany gets people to change their ways.

Of course, it's not easy and she gets lots of blowback from forcing the change, but it has happened all the same.
The Dothraki aren't the people living in the cities, and don't follow that "government".

You misunderstand me. Dany toppled the mereenese government. Now she just toppled the Dothraki 'government' by killing all of the Khal's at once and burning the temple of the Dosh Khaleen.
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What's the deal with Dany's hair not burning?
G Martin 87
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Judging by the last dozen or so posts, my guess is black_hat_ag got tired of being called out and killed the thread on purpose.
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What's the deal with Dany's hair not burning?


I was just thinking about Rickon, and I'm betting none of that is going to happen in the books. Rickon is taking the place of Mance, and allowed for the show to finally send Ramsay's letter.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Probably don't want two of the beautiful women on the show with their hair gone.

Also, it didn't burn the first time right?
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No, it didn't.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Judging by the last dozen or so posts, my guess is black_hat_ag got tired of being called out and killed the thread on purpose.
no clue. thats weird. i went to bed and it was fine then. had even "sort of" convinced him the show was not bad at that point, he just literally does not know anyones names.

but maybe there has been some stuff deleted that got it locked.

all i know is.... WASN'T ME this time
Zombie Jon Snow
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No, it didn't.
yeah they never burned her hair off in the show.

this was after the dragons birth in seasons 1

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We have not mentioned the show version of the Pink Letter.

Ho. Lee. CHIT.

That was awesome.

Ol Jock 99
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Judging by the last dozen or so posts, my guess is black_hat_ag got tired of being called out and killed the thread on purpose.

What happened this time?
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I was awake through all the posts listed and never thought any of it was deemed to get the thread locked. Just people calling others idiots and such
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More like Bran visits the first war with the WWs. And the NK, unlike Ned, is a magical being centuries old and knows the old gods are there and talks with bran.

**if you believe Ned heard Bran, or a wisp in the wind that was caused by Bran, then logically Bran's actions today occurred in the distant past. Meaning his convo or presence with the NK occurred 1000 years ago.**

What becomes more crazy, is that we know Ned spent hours a week at the weirwoods, at the very least feeling his future sons presence, hearing the wind....
Interesting analysis. One fine point ... the last war with the White Walkers was not 1,000 years ago. It was 10,000 years ago.
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What's the deal with Dany's hair not burning?

It's her conditioner....
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Why did the show have to make (Loras) so weak, so promiscuous, and so shallow? I want Loras from the books, where being gay was a small part of a warriors life. Not a bar fly on cedar springs looking for his next *****.
His character was much more interesting in the books, though book Loras has his faults as well. He is perhaps the most self-absorbed major character in the books.
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No, it didn't.

Ah i thought it had. It did burn in the books, right? Or am i just crazy
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It did burn in the books. Twice
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Judging by the last dozen or so posts, my guess is black_hat_ag got tired of being called out and killed the thread on purpose.
Huh? Background?
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What's the deal with Dany's hair not burning?
Replacing the wig is too expensive
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Judging by the last dozen or so posts, my guess is black_hat_ag got tired of being called out and killed the thread on purpose.
Huh? Background?

Short story: troll gonna troll
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Being physically strong and the ability to keep mental health under torture are two different things. The human mind has limits under extreme duress.
McInnis 03
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A song of ice and fire, we seem to think we know what the fire part is. Perhaps the white walkers are about to play a much larger role than suspected.
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And I really ****ing hate Ramsay.
Hey knife in the throat is way better than fed to dogs or flayed alive. She won out in all honesty.
I wasn't even talking about that, it was obvious he was going to kill her. Minor character, no biggie although I had come to like her.

I'm just talking about him in general. That arrogant letter he wrote. And good for Sansa becoming a badass.
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Judging by the last dozen or so posts, my guess is black_hat_ag got tired of being called out and killed the thread on purpose.
Huh? Background?
Short story: troll gonna troll
So, are the "show only" people going to come to this thread and complain when we discuss things that they do not understand?
Zombie Jon Snow
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we certainly did not know Dany could do that again....

GRRM had said it was a one time thing - did we digress from the books or....did he lie (like "Jon Snow is really dead" kind of lie....to protect the narrative)

and since we know she can do it again (and without the dragon eggs)....kinda brings up the point why she hasn't done that to everyone that thwarts her efforts. would have made the intervening 4 seasons go quicker i think as people seem to fall inline when she walks out of fires.

just kinda funny. feels like they were just biding time until they (the writers/GRRM) were ready for her to come to Westeros.

But alas....I don't care. I'm happy about it. Let's roll.

In my opinion, we knew she could. I don't know the timeframe of when Martin said that relative to the books, but in ADWD she walks among the fire Drogon is breathing and loses all her hair again, without any burns to her skin.

OK I may be braindead but I do not recall this at all from the books.....so I'm gonna look it up......

I'm assuming you mean in ADWD in the fighting pits when Drogon comes. I find no evidence of her walking through fire OR losing her hair....

here are mentions of heat/flames/fire/etc. after Drogon shows up...

Dany felt the wash of heat thirty feet away. The beast's dying scream sounded almost human. Drogon landed on the carcass and sank his claws into the smoking flesh. As he began to feed, he made no distinction between Barsena and the boar.

Just heat....Dany still being restrained at this point, some dude plays hero and stabs Drogon, Drogon rips his arm off......

Dany rips free and jumps into the pit running toward Drogon.....

His head turned. Smoke rose between his teeth. His blood was smoking too, where it dripped upon the ground. He beat his wings again, sending up a choking storm of scarlet sand. Dany stumbled into the hot red cloud, coughing. He snapped.
that was SMOKE and SAND dust, not fire.


Drogon roared. The sound filled the pit. A furnace wind engulfed her. The dragon's long scaled neck stretched toward her. When his mouth opened, she could see bits of broken bone and charred flesh between his black teeth. His eyes were molten. I am looking into hell, but I dare not look away. She had never been so certain of anything. If I run from him, he will burn me and devour me. In Westeros the septons spoke of seven hells and seven heavens, but the Seven Kingdoms and their gods were far away. If she died here, Dany wondered, would the horse god of the Dothraki part the grass and claim her for his starry khalasar, so she might ride the nightlands beside her sun-and-stars? Or would the angry gods of Ghis send their harpies to seize her soul and drag her down to torment? Drogon roared full in her face, his breath hot enough to blister skin. Off to her right Dany heard Barristan Selmy shouting, "Me! Try me. Over here. Me! "

More wind...and notice also Dany was worried he was going to burn her. The breath thing might have been something...but also might have been hot enough to blister skin but she wasn't that close, perhaps?

So Dany now grabs a whip and starts lashing him....


With a hisssssss, he spat black fire down at her. Dany darted underneath the flames, swinging the whip and shouting, "No, no, no. Get DOWN! " His answering roar was full of fear and fury, full of pain. His wings beat once, twice

and folded. The dragon gave one last hiss and stretched out flat upon his belly. Black blood was flowing from the wound where the spear had pierced him, smoking where it dripped onto the scorched sands. He is fire made flesh, she thought, and so am I.

So he shot fire AT her but she ducked it.

Then she mounts him and flies off. No mention of her ever being engulfed in flames (just smoke, heat, etc.) and her hair is never mentioned at all.


Next in a Queensguard chapter Barristan Selmy dreams this. Could have been attributed to a dream and maybe it wasn't really aflame????


Her hair was aflame. She had the whip in her hand and she was shouting, then she was on the dragon' s back, flying.

In the last Dany chapter she is walking in the Dothraki sea along a stream having left Drogon....and she is remembering back to Drogo and that time when it says....

The fire burned away my hair, but elsewise it did not touch me. It had been the same in Daznak's Pit. That much she could recall, though much of what followed was a haze.

OK so evidence here that it DID burn her hair again but from the descriptions above in that chapter, it never indicated that happened. Weird.

The sun grew hotter as it rose, and before long her head was pounding. Dany's hair was growing out again, but slowly. "I need a hat," she said aloud.

So yes it appears it was burnt.

Dany, starved, slid off his back and ate with him, ripping chunks of smoking meat from the dead horse with bare, burned hands.

Her hands are burned???

Ok so this is weird and I did not recall the hair part in the last chapter at all.....but the chapter in the fighting pits NEVER mentions anything about her in flames at any point nor about her hair.

Strange. But I guess I believe you.

GRRM said that AFTER season 1 aired as I recall. Certainly before ADWD. Really I never remembered her being burned again. I must have misread that last chapter thinking her hair being burned was referring only back to the time with the dragon eggs, but apparently it referred to in the fighting pits as well. Seems like GRRM was not very specific in the fighting pits chapter though.

Brian Earl Spilner
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On a side note it's funny to see how far Sansa has come from this scene. She goes from, "Daddy don't let the mean Mountain hurt Loras." to "The North is ours and we have to win it back and save Rickon because we're the Starks."
I loved this. Sansa finally growing some balls, or maybe getting the ones that Jon seems to have lost.
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Judging by the last dozen or so posts, my guess is black_hat_ag got tired of being called out and killed the thread on purpose.
Huh? Background?
I read most of it. I didn't see any reason to lock that thread. Black_hat basically said he didn't like this season compared to the previous. A few people called him an idiot. From what I can remember Blackhat never attacked anyone.

Very strange that staph would lock an entire thread. Very sensitive I guess.

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I think it comes down to how the only scenes loras has been in the last few years has either been him crying in a cell or rolling around with a naked boy. I honestly can't remember the last scene he's been in while wearing clothes before today's episode. How's that for character development...?
He's a minor character, why would he have huge storylines? Just cause maybe he did in the book? Well, this isn't the book, it's the show. He's broken just like Theon was broken, didn't see a lot of beotching there. He's been in a cell unable to fight back and systemically broken physically and mentally. it's not really that surprising. Many women aren't treated great in this show but I don't have an issue, it's a story. And it doesn't matter what some of these characters were in the book.

Let's quit with the gays are always victims and portrayed badly comments, alright? Never seem to be happy in any show these days. If you look at them as any other characters and don't define them by being gay you'll realize that he's just another character in an ensemble show. Wouldn't even have an issue, but have make it one, I guess to be outraged and or the 'poor me, I'm gay' syndrome that's sweeping the nation these days. Want to be treated the same? Or want to be treated different and play the victim? Just stop and enjoy the damn show.

He's not a gay brother who has been tortured. He's a brother who's been tortured and responds the same way a straight person would. He's just a person, btw. And I think to endure what he has and still be sane says a lot for him.

And I'm sure here come the well you're represented, you don't understand comments, but enough is enough. If you constantly see injustice and want to be a victim, you will be.

Now, back to the show comments.
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