This is the worst season yet.
quote:I feel like it will be tied to Ned maybe hearing Bran when he yelled. Maybe the Night King becomes aware of his presence and it threatens Bran's life back in the present.
Don't doeget Ep5 preview showed Bran with the Nights King
quote:The way Meera was trying to wake him, could possibly be the present.quote:was he standing?
I need to watch it again but it looked like it was a flashback.
edit - just watched and yeah he was.
could be in the past or present or future...but definitely a vision. actually looked like it might havebeen just prior to Hardhome. perhaps he was just seeing the threat of the white walkers, etc.
so if that is Brans only vision in this episode then that means we don't get the rest of the TOJ reveal. damn from the description i assumed this was the episode. if thats the case they are saving it....for closer to or even after the battle of the *******s.
quote:quote:I feel like it will be tied to Ned maybe hearing Bran when he yelled. Maybe the Night King becomes aware of his presence and it threatens Bran's life back in the present.
Don't doeget Ep5 preview showed Bran with the Nights King
quote:yeah and he has had a lot going on....not just sitting in his castle and having playtime with Reek any more...
Ramsay is taking the loss of reek quite well.
In the books they made him into someone who hates losing his toys. I suppose becoming lord makes petty things less important
we certainly did not know Dany could do that again....
GRRM had said it was a one time thing - did we digress from the books or....did he lie (like "Jon Snow is really dead" kind of lie....to protect the narrative)
and since we know she can do it again (and without the dragon eggs)....kinda brings up the point why she hasn't done that to everyone that thwarts her efforts. would have made the intervening 4 seasons go quicker i think as people seem to fall inline when she walks out of fires.
just kinda funny. feels like they were just biding time until they (the writers/GRRM) were ready for her to come to Westeros.
But alas....I don't care. I'm happy about it. Let's roll.
Totally agree. I really have a problem with a lot of gay tv characters for that reason, and it's because they are portrayed as being gay is their number one identifier. So they become nothing more than a prop for the writer's social agenda, and the character becomes a shallow trope.
quote:A la Edward ll?
You don't know to the extent the faith militant tortured loras. Hot poker to the prostate seems fairly "medieval on his ass"
quote:Hey knife in the throat is way better than fed to dogs or flayed alive. She won out in all honesty.
And I really ****ing hate Ramsay.