Jon could still show his stab wounds for at least some support for the story that he died.
quote:Or the entire Nights Watch members who witnessed his lifeless body.
Jon could still show his stab wounds for at least some support for the story that he died.
quote:Well, them and every man of the Watch who was present at Castle Black. They all saw his body, didn't they?
Jon has a real problem here. Nobody will believe he was resurrected. He is going to have a hard time keeping his head off the chopping block, because everybody in the North knows he is LC of the NW, and everybody knows what to do with NW who go AWOL. The only people who can vouch for him are a red-haired witch and former pirate.
quote:I think that this obligation extends to the Lord of every House. If they catch a deserter in Dorne, I rather doubt that they ship him all the way to Winterfell for execution.
Who executes deserters from the NW? Judging by the pilot episode, it's the Lord of Winterfell
quote:quote:Or the entire Nights Watch members who witnessed his lifeless body.
Jon could still show his stab wounds for at least some support for the story that he died.
quote:I don't think anybody does. I mean, it's hardly going to matter to the Lannisters, Tyrells, Greyjoys, Martells, Sand Dnakes (barf) Little Finger or Varys that the LC of the Watch just deserted, dead or not. Who cares about the Watch? If any of them actually cared about what was going on at the Wall then this would be a very different story.
i don't think Jon gives a flying **** right now.
The Three Rangers
Link is to a Reddit theory I've never seen before. It's long but very good. TLDR version: Like Melisandre, the Others can see the future. They have known Jon Snow is their nemesis. Terminator-style, they ambushed Waymar Royce with six Others and ten wights because he matched the description of the SuperBad future Others Annihilator Jon Snow. They knew to set up the ambush because Craster thought he was a Stark and called it in on the Others 911.
quote:south for a day or so.....must fetch my young true born heir from his schooling at the citadel.
Welcome back! Where art thou going now Jon Snow?
quote:You know the Night's King looked like he recognized the Longclaw as Valyrian and took an interest in Jon at Hardhome.
The Three Rangers
Link is to a Reddit theory I've never seen before. It's long but very good. TLDR version: Like Melisandre, the Others can see the future. They have known Jon Snow is their nemesis. Terminator-style, they ambushed Waymar Royce with six Others and ten wights because he matched the description of the SuperBad future Others Annihilator Jon Snow. They knew to set up the ambush because Craster thought he was a Stark and called it in on the Others 911.
quote:He's got Tormund which means he has literally the majority of the wildlings south of the wall at his back. Add in Davos, Ghost, and the hottest 400 year old crazy priestess in the realm, and it's mutha fuqin party time beeotches.
Yeah, I don't think the veracity of his resurrection will come into play. He has dozens of witnesses (both Wildling & NW) plus a dozen or so dagger scars on his torso.
quote:Seriously though. If Sh****dog is dead, we need to see a direwolf **** some people up. They continue to get screwed throughout the series. **** the dragons. I wanna see the wolves.
Now that Olly is out of the way I can't wait to see Ramsay get torn apart by Ghost
quote:We need more teeth
Or ghost alphas Ramsay's dogs and they turn on him
Or ghost alphas Ramsay's dogs and they turn on him
Or ghost alphas Ramsay's dogs and they turn on him
If the camera pans over to Chris Pratt (randomly in the shot and not in period dress) who totally over-delivers the line "That thing is part dog," I will donate money to the GOT budget.
Or ghost alphas Ramsay's dogs and they turn on him
If the camera pans over to Chris Pratt (randomly in the shot and not in period dress) who totally over-delivers the line "That thing is part dog," I will donate money to the GOT budget.
And ideally in character as Andy from parks and rec, delivering his Jurassic World line whilst wearing Skylords helmet.