843,557 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
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I wanted to go ahead and re-post some of the casting information from season 6 that others have already posted on the Season 5 thread:


"Father. Aged 50's to 60's, he's one of the greatest soldiers in Westeros- a humorless martinet, severe and intimidating. He demands martial discipline in the field and in his home. It's described as "a very good part" for next year and that he's "centrally involved" in a protagonist's storyline."

I'm sure this is Sam's dad, but I wish it was Howland Reed.
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I thought Howland Reed was the high sparrow.
Brian Earl Spilner
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There are much better characters and storylines to focus on, imo.

Sansa, for one. Maybe not a beloved character but I am intrigued to see what she does now. If you're gonna give the Starks any taste of vengeance, I say give it to Sansa.
Have you read the books? Its hard to really comment on what a character is without reading it.
Never miss a chance to flex your book reader muscles and feel superior.

I'm talking about the show. There are plently of characters and it's not necessary to bring back a character that we haven't seen in 2 seasons when you have a perfectly good Stark that can (and at this point, deserves to) take up the Stark vengeance mantle.
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There are much better characters and storylines to focus on, imo.

Sansa, for one. Maybe not a beloved character but I am intrigued to see what she does now. If you're gonna give the Starks any taste of vengeance, I say give it to Sansa.
Have you read the books? Its hard to really comment on what a character is without reading it.
Never miss a chance to flex your book reader muscles and feel superior.

I'm talking about the show. There are plently of characters and it's not necessary to bring back a character that we haven't seen in 2 seasons when you have a perfectly good Stark that can (and at this point, deserves to) take up the Stark vengeance mantle.
Trust me, I don't need to read any books to feel superior. You're making a comment about a character you only know about by reading some spoiler online. The Brotherhood without Banners / LSH storyline is one of the better parts of the books. Much better than Sansa IMO.
Dr. Not Yet Dr. Ag
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Well this thread is already starting off great
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Urban Ag
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Yeah, but it looks like at this point that Brienne and Pod are going to run in to Theon and Sansa. And if that is the case, what point would there be in LSH? The story arc is that she is supposedly going to kill Brienee, Jamie, or both for failing to keep their oaths. If Brienne is with Sansa she has kept her oath (not that Brienne ever broke her oath).

Regardless, if HBO is going to wrap this up in two more seasons I don't see how the hell they can start adding more characters and story arcs at this point. According to GRRM it's going to take him 3000 pages to finish it so that is still a hell of a lot of story that HBO has to condense just to get to the ending, in two seasons.
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The Brotherhood without Banners / LSH storyline is one of the better parts of the books. Much better than Sansa IMO.

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Sadly, the direction they've taken the show leaves no room for LSH.
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Disagree about LSH being a great part of the books. The brotherhood without banners was doing fine as a spoiler without her.
Brian Earl Spilner
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The Brotherhood without Banners / LSH storyline is one of the better parts of the books. Much better than Sansa IMO.
And this is the show thread.
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Brian Earl Spilner
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This thread is about the show, not about the books, correct?

Regardless of how great LSH may have been in the books, I'm discussing why I don't think she should be in the show. It's just too late in the game to bring back her character.
Urban Ag
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the thread is about the show, but open to book readers to discuss materials from the books that may spoil the show. Not that it really matters anymore.
Dr. Not Yet Dr. Ag
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It definitely still matters for at least 2 storylines (arya and Euron), and potentially another with Septon Meribold, and who knows what else they might decide to throw in there from the already published books.
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Urban Ag
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ok fine, it 90% doesn't matter
Dr. Not Yet Dr. Ag
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Even if it was 99%, you know how pissy those show-only people are.
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The Brotherhood without Banners / LSH storyline is one of the better parts of the books. Much better than Sansa IMO.
And this is the show thread.
If they used them more in the show, it'd be better too.
The Dog Lord
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Disagree about LSH being a great part of the books. The brotherhood without banners was doing fine as a spoiler without her.
I think that LHS is better than book-Sansa's story, but I agree that she definitely isn't one of the better storylines. It was shocking and decent, but I'm thinking it better to leave it out now. I did hope she would be included in previous seasons. Show-Sansa is entertaining and has potential to connect with both the Manderly and LHS story arcs. It could definitely be satisfying to see her deal with the Boltons and then focus on the Freys.
Brian Earl Spilner
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It could definitely be satisfying to see her deal with the Boltons and then focus on the Freys.
This is basically what I've been trying to say. Maybe I didn't do a good job of getting it across.

As show watchers, we've invested so much time in Sansa's story that I think it would be a lot more cathartic to see her take LSH's role.
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Disagree about LSH being a great part of the books. The brotherhood without banners was doing fine as a spoiler without her.
I think that LHS is better than book-Sansa's story, but I agree that she definitely isn't one of the better storylines. It was shocking and decent, but I'm thinking it better to leave it out now. I did hope she would be included in previous seasons. Show-Sansa is entertaining and has potential to connect with both the Manderly and LHS story arcs. It could definitely be satisfying to see her deal with the Boltons and then focus on the Freys.
All this LSH nonsense reminds me of the first Hobbit movie, where Jackson took an insignificant, one-sentence reference to "stone giants" and created a 30-minute CGI-fest.

LSH is less interesting dead than when she was alive ... and that IS saying something.
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Disagree about LSH being a great part of the books. The brotherhood without banners was doing fine as a spoiler without her.
I think that LHS is better than book-Sansa's story, but I agree that she definitely isn't one of the better storylines. It was shocking and decent, but I'm thinking it better to leave it out now. I did hope she would be included in previous seasons. Show-Sansa is entertaining and has potential to connect with both the Manderly and LHS story arcs. It could definitely be satisfying to see her deal with the Boltons and then focus on the Freys.
All this LSH nonsense reminds me of the first Hobbit movie, where Jackson took an insignificant, one-sentence reference to "stone giants" and created a 30-minute CGI-fest.

LSH is less interesting dead than when she was alive ... and that IS saying something.

GRRM writes a story in which the good guys continually die, and the bad guys tend to get away unmolested.

People complain.

Then he includes a plotline to finally add some vengeance against the Freys.

And people still complain.

Good grief.
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I don't know how anyone can say any character is pointless when you don't have their entire story yet. If Sansa ends up developing super powers because she hit her head on a rock in the fall (read a comic book, okay) and takes the iron throne with her laser eyes, then her story is definitely not pointless.
Urban Ag
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GRRM writes a story in which the good guys continually die, and the bad guys tend to get away unmolested.

People complain.

Tywin, Joffrey, Janos Slynt, Craster, Gregor Clegane, Pycelle, Viscerys, Vargo Hoat, Theon, King Greyjoy, Rattleshirt, the fat guy in Qarth, and possibly the Hound would like a word.
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LSH is hardly out getting some kind of vengeance. It seems more like she's just killing everybody including the one person who was actively helping her while alive plus unrelated innocents. I guess she killed a couple minor Freys, that one time.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Interesting photos with Mel.
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Sounds like we're finally getting more about the Greyjoys. That was a huge portion being cut out.

Now they just need to introduce Stoneheart, young Grif, & The Donish kids.

Also mentioned two boys of ages 7 and 12, with green and blue eyes, respectively. Talk is that it could be young Ned and young Robert. Perhaps getting a little more detailed into revealing Jon's parentage? Would those relative ages line up?
I dunno, was Lyanna or Benjen the youngest? Seems that she would likely only be a toddler at that time if she is indeed the youngest.
there was another large boy described - thats Robert...the 7 and 12 are likely young Benjen and Ned.

Sean Bean has green eyes, so it doesn't make sense that the blue-eyed 12 yr old would be Ned.

Ned is the 7 year old... Ned's older brother Brandon though...

Brandon was in appearance and character very different from Eddard.[2] He was rather hot-blooded, something their father, Lord Rickard, described as coming from "the wolf blood". Brandon shared this trait with his sister, Lyanna. Eddard believes this led them both to early deaths.[3] Brandon was tall and handsome, and was an excellent swordsman and jouster.


From Riverrun, Brandon left to join his father's wedding party, coming down from the north. They were on their way again back to Riverrun, so Brandon could wed Catelyn, when word reached Brandon of Lyanna's supposed abduction by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.[10] Brandon, along with his squire Ethan Glover, Kyle Royce, Elbert Arryn, and Jeffory Mallister, rode to King's Landing immediately, while Hoster Tully became incensed, thinking it a rash action. Upon entering the Red Keep, Brandon shouted for Rhaegar to "come out and die". Rhaegar was not there to answer the challenge; they were arrested by King Aerys II Targaryen and charged with plotting Rhaegar's murder. Their fathers were called to court to answer the charges. Brandon was forced to watch as his father was cooked alive in his own armor. He was bound with a leather cord around his neck and a longsword just out of reach, and he strangled himself trying to get to the sword to save his father. He was twenty years old at the time.[11][12]

Brandon was buried in the crypts beneath Winterfell. Bran Stark notes that only the kings and lords of Winterfell are supposed to have statues in their likeness, not their family members, but Eddard wished to honor his beloved siblings and had them made anyway.
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It's a TV show thread.
Urban Ag
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It's a TV show thread, you f'ing imbecile.


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It's a TV show thread.
With book spoilers, because the TV show is not ALL the way caught up... and there is alot of backstory that portends the TV show events.
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GRRM writes a story in which the good guys continually die, and the bad guys tend to get away unmolested. People complain.

Then he includes a plotline to finally add some vengeance against the Freys. And people still complain.

Good grief.
I have no problem with the way Martin writes the "bad guys." I have no problem with some Stark vengeance. Vengeful Arya rocks.

I just do not have any interest in LSH ... a minor character whose entire storyline consists of, what, 20 pages? Catelyn was dull when she was alive. She is dull dead, too.
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How pissed off are all of you going to be when in the season opener:
  • Jon gets burned by the NW, and nothing happens, he stays dead
  • Tyrion gets killed by the Sons of the Harpy
  • Sansa and Theon are miraculously uninjured from the jump, and meet up with Brienn and Pod, only to be caught and killed by Ramsey shortly after
  • Khaleesi gets sent to the Dothraki funeral home
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How pissed off are all of you going to be when in the season opener:
  • Jon gets burned by the NW, and nothing happens, he stays dead
  • Tyrion gets killed by the Sons of the Harpy
  • Sansa and Theon are miraculously uninjured from the jump, and meet up with Brienn and Pod, only to be caught and killed by Ramsey shortly after
  • Khaleesi gets sent to the Dothraki funeral home

that would be harsh. I always thought of the dosh khaleen as being more of a retirement village.
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LSH sucks. I'm not even sure it qualifies as a storyline - it all happens off-screen, aside from the Book 3 epilogue and the quick comeback with Brienne in Book 5, IIRC.

I'm also not so sure we'll ever get Manderly. Stannis has already lost (so no North support scenes), Sansa's wedding already happened (so no feast antics), and Rickon can reappear in any number of other ways. He doesn't strike me as a crucial season 6 addition.

Could be wrong. I just feel like this show has its hands full trying to adequately service Dany, Tyrion, Jon, Cersei, Sansa, Arya, Jaime, Brienne, Sam, Jorah... all of whom, now that I think of it, have been around since the very first season, with the exception of Brienne. First episode, for most.

It just seems like any new additions will either need to cross the paths of our Season 1/2 leads, and preferably tell a story in some part of the world that will shake things up (like Dorne, and perhaps now the Iron Islands). Manderly and LSH could show up, but the North outside of Winterfell and the Wall, and especially the Riverlands, are pretty far out of mind at this point.
Zombie Jon Snow
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How pissed off are all of you going to be when in the season opener:
  • Jon gets burned by the NW, and nothing happens, he stays dead
  • Tyrion gets killed by the Sons of the Harpy
  • Sansa and Theon are miraculously uninjured from the jump, and meet up with Brienn and Pod, only to be caught and killed by Ramsey shortly after
  • Khaleesi gets sent to the Dothraki funeral home

well......I'd be a lot more pissed if:

  • Brienne missed and Stannis gets up and they hug it out
  • LSH walks up and they all join hands and skip into the forest
  • Syrio comes outta nowhere and rescues Arya
  • Myrcella is saved by Bronn who tricked the sand sisters into giving him some antidote
  • The Hound apparently is healed of all his injuries without explanation and joins the Mountain guarding Cersei/Tommen
  • Jorah finds a miracle cure for the grayscale simply by peeing on his arm
  • in the finale the ghosts of Ned, Robb, Renly and Tywin are around Jon/Dany who are revealed to be brother/sister in a victory celebration fire (ala star wars)
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