Of course this will backfire on Cersei. I'm not sure exactly how things play out, but all hell is about to break loose in KL.
I think the following people are most likely to die:
Lady Olenna
Ser Loras
Mace Tyrell
Hell, the whole Small Council could end up wiped out, and just when Cersei thinks they're back on top, Tommen is killed.
Don't forget that we know that the little birds get Kevan in the books and that Maggie told Cersei that it will be her younger brother that kills her. Obviously it could be either Tyrion or Jaime.
I know Cersei hates the Tyrells but she may be honest on this one. Forcing a Queen into captivity and then making her walk through the city naked will shift perspective. I think the high sparrow is number 1 on her sh*t list by far now, that or the Septa.