842,166 Views | 6639 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by hunter2012
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Of course this will backfire on Cersei. I'm not sure exactly how things play out, but all hell is about to break loose in KL.

I think the following people are most likely to die:
Lady Olenna
Ser Loras
Mace Tyrell

Hell, the whole Small Council could end up wiped out, and just when Cersei thinks they're back on top, Tommen is killed.

Don't forget that we know that the little birds get Kevan in the books and that Maggie told Cersei that it will be her younger brother that kills her. Obviously it could be either Tyrion or Jaime.

I know Cersei hates the Tyrells but she may be honest on this one. Forcing a Queen into captivity and then making her walk through the city naked will shift perspective. I think the high sparrow is number 1 on her sh*t list by far now, that or the Septa.
Brian Earl Spilner
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I thought Jonathan Pryce was amazing last night. That monologue to Margaery was nails. Terrific actor.
Urban Ag
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The entry of the Vale into the war is a huge development and will swing the balance of power of the north to the Starks (albeit with Littlefinger pulling the strings)

What is his motivation for doing so? Kill off SweetRobin, become king of the Vale, try and marry Sansa?

I also wonder when/if Jamie will be going to the Riverlands.
I am sure that the Knights of the Vale will be a welcome site but I don't see Sansa ever trusting LF again. She probably bloody hates his ass for giving her to Ramsay. And the Lords of the Vale already dislike/distrust LF and only suffer him because they have to. Hard to say how this might tun out. LF has to some other trick up his sleeve other than the obvious one of coming to the Stark's aid.

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I think things are definitely setting up Varys and his little birds murdering Kevan and Pycelle, especially with the new found alliance between the Tyrells and Lannisters. Would thoroughly enjoy the season ending on that note, along with the "arrival" of winter
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The entry of the Vale into the war is a huge development and will swing the balance of power of the north to the Starks (albeit with Littlefinger pulling the strings)

What is his motivation for doing so? Kill off SweetRobin, become king of the Vale, try and marry Sansa?

I also wonder when/if Jamie will be going to the Riverlands.
I am sure that the Knights of the Vale will be a welcome site but I don't see Sansa ever trusting LF again. She probably bloody hates his ass for giving her to Ramsay. And the Lords of the Vale already dislike/distrust LF and only suffer him because they have to. Hard to say how this might tun out. LF has to some other trick up his sleeve other than the obvious one of coming to the Stark's aid.

IMO LF's play is to help Jon and Sansa root out the Boltons, then force Sansa to marry him taking over the North. That would give him the North and control of the Vale as well.
Boiling Denim
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Count me in the group that doesn't understand how the Dothraki are going to not fall back to their Mongol-esque ways if/when they get to Westros.

I get that the fear of being burned alive is strong, but I still think that is a hurdle difficult to cross.
I don't think there will be much time between when they arrive in Westeros and when they'll be fighting the WW in the final battle.

There really aren't too many episodes left. I'd say by the time Dany is in control of Kings Landing we'll have maybe 8-10 episodes left. Half of that will probably be conflict between her group and Jon's group. The last half will be everyone fighting the WW imo
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then force Sansa to marry him taking over the North.
Good luck with that. Granted he may require the marriage for the troops of the Vale. But if they are already in the North, I could see the Lords of the Vale rendering aid regardless of what LF says
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The entry of the Vale into the war is a huge development and will swing the balance of power of the north to the Starks (albeit with Littlefinger pulling the strings)

What is his motivation for doing so? Kill off SweetRobin, become king of the Vale, try and marry Sansa?

I also wonder when/if Jamie will be going to the Riverlands.
I am sure that the Knights of the Vale will be a welcome site but I don't see Sansa ever trusting LF again. She probably bloody hates his ass for giving her to Ramsay. And the Lords of the Vale already dislike/distrust LF and only suffer him because they have to. Hard to say how this might tun out. LF has to some other trick up his sleeve other than the obvious one of coming to the Stark's aid.

If he shows up with an army to help them take back winterfell it will be extremely difficult to turn him down.

I also thought it was said in the books that the Vale has one of the best army in Westeros. It also helps that they are the only region in the North that is at full strength.
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So do we think the season concludes with the White Walkers assailing the Wall?
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Did anyone else get the vibe last night that Cersei put the final nail in Tommen's coffin?

When he confided in Cersei that Margery is going to take the walk of atonement, she wasn't supposed to tell anyone. She immediately tells the council, and they are bringing an army that will play directly into the high sparrow's hands.

she keeps trying to keep the prophecy from happening, but her arrogance and ignorance causes her to continuously speed up the process.

Anyone agree? Any other thoughts/

100% agree with this. High Sparrow is playing the game better than the Lannisters and Tyrells.

Parallel this with Tyrion's conversation with Missandai and Grey Worm where he says the slaver's arrogance causes them to underestimate Tyrion and co., and they will use his arrogance against them. High Sparrow is doing the same thing with the Lannisters and Tyrells.
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It's very interesting that the North will be at war, KL will be at war, and Slaver's Bay will perhaps also be at war... Meanwhile the wights are chillin (literally) and are probably biding their time to strike at Westeros' weakest moment. Only the Wall is aware... And no one seems to care about their opinions because they now have a reputation of society's lowest class goes there to live out the rest of their lives in a frozen hell. That's a super scary prospect for all our Westerosi friends.

With all of this chaos, I just can't see a very happy ending when GoT sings its swan song.
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6 episodes left - I dunno.
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Because of her arrogance, temper, and inability to think things through, she simply cannot figure out that she's the reason the prophecy happens.

Her actions will kill Tommen. I predict the city will go into complete upheaval and the citizens storm the castle.
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Is it possible the Iron Bank hires the faceless men to kill Davos, and Arya is sent?

-Davos convinced the Iron Bank to loan money to Stannis, Stannis is now dead
-Mel told Arya they would meet again, and so far Mel is still hanging around Davos. Davos and Mel probably both follow Jon when he leaves the Wall.
Trident 88
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I know Cersei hates the Tyrells but she may be honest on this one. Forcing a Queen into captivity and then making her walk through the city naked will shift perspective. I think the high sparrow is number 1 on her sh*t list by far now, that or the Septa.
I'm looking forward to Cersei getting her revenge on the Septa. I hope Cersei yells "Shame! Shame! Shame!" right in her ear as the Septa bleeds out.

(Damn... What is this show doing to my humanity?)
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Is this for sure the last season then?
Thomas Ford 91
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This is my prediction. Grey Worm and Missandei kept telling Tyrion the only way to get the Slavers to stop is by force and not diplomacy. Now, Dany has the perfect army for to keep the cities of Slaver's Bay in check. Once she has that, she can sail to Westeros with the Unsullied and start conquering there.
The Dothraki was NOT going to sit around as garrison troops on Slaver's Bay.

I don't think a garrison will be necessary. I think the Masters will decline Tyrions offer by killing the women he left them with and come back with soldiers. This can tie in to the book story where the Masters show up to siege Mereen. In both book and show, Dany shows up with her Dothraki and dragon and annihilate them.

Then, she will burn every city in Slavers Bay to the ground and salt the earth. I dont think Dany believes in second chances for slavers.

Then we go to Westeros.
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Is this for sure the last season then?
No they said there will be 8 seasons
Boiling Denim
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Is this for sure the last season then?
They said ~13 episodes left after this season split up into a Season 7 and Season 8.
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Is this for sure the last season then?
They said ~13 episodes left after this season split up into a Season 7 and Season 8.

I think I'd rather have one 13 episode season than two broken up into 7 and 6 or whatever that would look like
Wrec86 Ag
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Nobody said that gays get shafted once.
Really...... you guys were just going to let this slide?

I must be losing my maturity with age.
Definitely Not A Cop
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Nobody said that gays get shafted once.
Really...... you guys were just going to let this slide?

I must be losing my maturity with age.

There is a lube joke somewhere in this.
marble rye
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Her first season I was like another babe, albeit plain looking, still not shabby.

Now the actress has definitely let herself go a little.

Do you really think HBO would keep her on or allow her to gain weight like that unless it played into the role? I thought she was pregnant when I saw her. Actors have contracts to stay a certain size UNLESS something like a baby happens. LOL she is Elizabeth Keen of Pyke.

In the books, she had a temptress' figure and Theon even wanted to **** her before he realized she was his sister. I wish they would have stuck with that.
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Don't forget that we know that the little birds get Kevan in the books and that Maggie told Cersei that it will be her younger brother that kills her. Obviously it could be either Tyrion or Jaime.

I know Cersei hates the Tyrells but she may be honest on this one. Forcing a Queen into captivity and then making her walk through the city naked will shift perspective. I think the high sparrow is number 1 on her sh*t list by far now, that or the Septa.
Nope, she said "the valonqar" (High Valyrian for "little brother"), not "YOUR valonqar."

I think that those who assume it must be either Jaime or Tyrion are assuming too much.
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I think things are definitely setting up Varys and his little birds murdering Kevan and Pycelle, especially with the new found alliance between the Tyrells and Lannisters.
Are we even sure that they are still HIS little birds? Qyburn seemed to have them well in hand. They probably haven't heard from Varys in at least a year.
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I think things are definitely setting up Varys and his little birds murdering Kevan and Pycelle, especially with the new found alliance between the Tyrells and Lannisters.
Are we even sure that they are still HIS little birds? Qyburn seemed to have them well in hand. They probably haven't heard from Varys in at least a year.
knowing Varys I would highly doubt that he would just cut all ties to these "little birds", considering they would be very valuable to him by getting him information while he is not in Westeros anymore
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I think things are definitely setting up Varys and his little birds murdering Kevan and Pycelle, especially with the new found alliance between the Tyrells and Lannisters.
Are we even sure that they are still HIS little birds? Qyburn seemed to have them well in hand. They probably haven't heard from Varys in at least a year.
knowing Varys I would highly doubt that he would just cut all ties to these "little birds", considering they would be very valuable to him by getting him information while he is not in Westeros anymore
I doubt it too, but the practicality of him still having a way to stay in touch seems like a stretch. In the books, he apparently never leaves KL
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I think things are definitely setting up Varys and his little birds murdering Kevan and Pycelle, especially with the new found alliance between the Tyrells and Lannisters.
Are we even sure that they are still HIS little birds? Qyburn seemed to have them well in hand. They probably haven't heard from Varys in at least a year.
is it presumed the children were Varys' little birds? Varys seemed pretty appalled that people would use children, which is why there was the juxtaposition of Qyburn handing out candied plums to the kids, all the while Varys' is lamenting the blameless children...

or least that is how i viewed it.
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I think things are definitely setting up Varys and his little birds murdering Kevan and Pycelle, especially with the new found alliance between the Tyrells and Lannisters.
Are we even sure that they are still HIS little birds? Qyburn seemed to have them well in hand. They probably haven't heard from Varys in at least a year.
is it presumed the children were Varys' little birds? Varys seemed pretty appalled that people would use children, which is why there was the juxtaposition of Qyburn handing out candied plums to the kids, all the while Varys' is lamenting the blameless children...

or least that is how i viewed it.

I took it as him using them for intelligence gathering or sending if messages being their uses. He was clearly against using them as bargaining chips if I understood him correctly.
Urban Ag
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The entry of the Vale into the war is a huge development and will swing the balance of power of the north to the Starks (albeit with Littlefinger pulling the strings)

What is his motivation for doing so? Kill off SweetRobin, become king of the Vale, try and marry Sansa?

I also wonder when/if Jamie will be going to the Riverlands.
I am sure that the Knights of the Vale will be a welcome site but I don't see Sansa ever trusting LF again. She probably bloody hates his ass for giving her to Ramsay. And the Lords of the Vale already dislike/distrust LF and only suffer him because they have to. Hard to say how this might tun out. LF has to some other trick up his sleeve other than the obvious one of coming to the Stark's aid.

If he shows up with an army to help them take back winterfell it will be extremely difficult to turn him down.

I also thought it was said in the books that the Vale has one of the best army in Westeros. It also helps that they are the only region in the North that is at full strength.
I get that it makes sense and aligns with what we think LF would attempt to do but I can not see a scenario where Sansa would agree to marry him. She knows exactly what he is. Besides, couldn't she just tell Robert and Lord Royce the truth and that would pretty much be the end of it for LF.
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They dont have the best army, just the only unscathed one currently. Their big reputation is no one being able to get through the Moon Gate or whatever the name is. I'm sure they are on par with the other armies, but not sure of their size.
G Martin 87
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The approach to the Eyrie is guarded by the Bloody Gate. You'd need a company of Naboo Palace Guards equipped with grappling hook pistols and a couple of Jedi knights to take the Eyrie.
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The approach to the Eyrie is guarded by the Bloody Gate. You'd need a company of Naboo Palace Guards equipped with grappling hook pistols and a couple of Jedi knights to take the Eyrie.
The Bloody Gate guards one entrance to the Vale. The Eyrie is the castle which serves as the principal seat of House Arryn, and it is miles and miles away from the Bloody Gate.
Brian Earl Spilner
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I noticed LF's choice of words when he said it's time for the Army of the Vale to join the fray. What if meant Frey?

Maybe Freys will join them on the battlefield? Do they have an army?
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